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I'm reading The Stormlight Archive for the first time


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12 hours ago, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 82: The battle in the rain continues, and now Kaladin has to fight two full Shardbearers while he's injured without Stormlight - and one of them is Moash! This is going to be a mess! Maybe Syl will come to him in the last minute.

Chapter 83: Now it's Adolin's turn to fight Eshonai. Shallan gets closer to finding the gate, and Dalinar gets called Son of Honor like Kaladin. Moash and Kaladin fail to convince one another, and now it looks like they're going to fight.

84: The Shardblade fit into the keyhole that Shallan found! OMG Szeth is on the Shattered Plains among the battling characters, aaaahhh!!!! A good thing, though, because there aren't that many chapters left! As expected, Syl returned to Kaladin in the nick of time after he said the Third Ideal, and... turned into a Shardblade?? But I thought she hated Shards! Turns out Graves is on Taravangian's team. In fact, my theory is that he and his little group are actually the Ghostbloods! Maybe? Anyway, now Kaladin had better put Elhokar somewhere safe real quick and head toward Dalinar at terminal velocity if you know what I mean...

There is a reason why Syl hates Shardblades. I it's going to be explained soon. Kal swearing 3rd Ideal is one of the most satisfying and exciting moments in this book. 

8 hours ago, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 85: This bit from the Diagram: But who is the wanderer, the wild piece [...] - is that about Hoid?? This cracked me up: "Rats had a better chance fighting a chasmfiend." Dalinar, Adolin, and the bridgemen fight Szeth! I liked the part where Dalinar realizes he couldn't have saved Gavilar even if he hadn't been drunk. And then Kaladin shows up! Yay Kaladin! And now for the rematch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, you got what you've wanted!

And this chapter also revealed who was writing the numbers after Dalinar's visions and why. 

7 hours ago, Amira said:

It is past midnight; happy birthday. I am 32 in case you were wondering. I need to sleep badly so I will read about Kaladin vs Szeth in the morning, or, you know, later in the day. Nice birthday gift :lol:

Happy Birthday! You left yourself an amazing gift! I admire you, I wouldn't be able to stop reading in the middle of the climax. Few times I slept less than 2 hours because I was reading till 4 in the morning.

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Thank you everyone!

19 hours ago, Treamayne said:

In my Spoiler above, I mentioned four Societies - two of which are the Diagram and the Ghostboods.

Amaram is part of a third and Heleran was associated with the Fourth.

There are four?! Oh my.

13 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Though, I thought it was the eleventh anniversary of being 21?

Oh, storms, no. My 20s were so torturous that I don't even want to pretend I'm still in them. I hope all of you will have/had/are having much better 20s than mine.

11 hours ago, alder24 said:

And this chapter also revealed who was writing the numbers after Dalinar's visions and why.

It's Renarin, but I'm very confused on the why.

SA2, chapter 86: Wow, a lot happened in this chapter! A bunch of people ended up finding out about Shallan, including Adolin! Those scenes were so much fun! I loved when Adolin asked her if she could fly and Shallan was very confused. So wait, all the Shardblades besides Kaladin's and Shallan's are dead spren?? It sounds like Shallan was bonded with Pattern way before she started seeing the cryptics in book 1 and seeing Pattern himself at the beginning of book 2. I'm so confused about this, which seems unfair, considering this was the book with Shallan's flashbacks. Kaladin and Szeth had an epic fight over the clouds! In the end Szeth lost his Lashing ability, fell from great height, into a highstorm, and Kaladin still isn't sure Szeth is dead? Personally, I'm very curious to find out how he survives that, because I totally cannot see it. Szeth claims he was never truly Truthless and could have avoided all the murders... I'm still not sure what this means, so I hope we find out a lot more in the coming books.

Things seemed to have really shifted in this book. The war with the Parshendi is over? Szeth is no longer killing... What's book 3 going to be about??? I bet Kaladin will become the leader of the new Knights Radiant.

My rep says I'm Wyrn the King. I wonder who that is...:huh:

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27 minutes ago, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 86: Wow, a lot happened in this chapter! A bunch of people ended up finding out about Shallan, including Adolin! Those scenes were so much fun! I loved when Adolin asked her if she could fly and Shallan was very confused. So wait, all the Shardblades besides Kaladin's and Shallan's are dead spren?? It sounds like Shallan was bonded with Pattern way before she started seeing the cryptics in book 1 and seeing Pattern himself at the beginning of book 2. I'm so confused about this, which seems unfair, considering this was the book with Shallan's flashbacks. Kaladin and Szeth had an epic fight over the clouds! In the end Szeth lost his Lashing ability, fell from great height, into a highstorm, and Kaladin still isn't sure Szeth is dead? Personally, I'm very curious to find out how he survives that, because I totally cannot see it. Szeth claims he was never truly Truthless and could have avoided all the murders... I'm still not sure what this means, so I hope we find out a lot more in the coming books.

Things seemed to have really shifted in this book. The war with the Parshendi is over? Szeth is no longer killing... What's book 3 going to be about??? I bet Kaladin will become the leader of the new Knights Radiant.

My rep says I'm Wyrn the King. I wonder who that is...:huh:

The only way to find out is to read the next book. :D

Edit: I don’t know who Wyrn the King is. I’m pretty sure I’ve read all the cosmere books (all the canon ones, anyway), but I’m drawing a blank. I’d guess he’s a king in Elantris, Warbreaker, or Whitesands, though, since those are the ones I’m the least familiar with.

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29 minutes ago, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 86:

 Kaladin and Szeth had an epic fight over the clouds! In the end Szeth lost his Lashing ability, fell from great height, into a highstorm, and Kaladin still isn't sure Szeth is dead? Personally, I'm very curious to find out how he survives that, because I totally cannot see it.

And the Epics scenes are not over. . .<cough>Adolin<cough>


So wait, all the Shardblades besides Kaladin's and Shallan's are dead spren?? It sounds like Shallan was bonded with Pattern way before she started seeing the cryptics in book 1 and seeing Pattern himself at the beginning of book 2.


It's Renarin, but I'm very confused on the why.

Both of these should be confusing at this point. You will get more information on them over time.

But yes, the current Shardblades are "dead" spren (though dead is a bit different for beings of sapient magic), which is also why Kaladin could hear the blades screaming way back in the disadvantaged duel. . .


Szeth claims he was never truly Truthless and could have avoided all the murders... I'm still not sure what this means, so I hope we find out a lot more in the coming books.

There are lots of theories, with solid evidence - but we expect to get this answer in Book five with Szeth's flashbacks.


Things seemed to have really shifted in this book. The war with the Parshendi is over? Szeth is no longer killing... What's book 3 going to be about??? I bet Kaladin will become the leader of the new Knights Radiant.

Well, the Everstorm has come. I'm sure they'll find something to do.


My rep says I'm Wyrn the King. I wonder who that is...

Wyrn is mentioned in Elantris.


Oh, storms, no. My 20s were so torturous that I don't even want to pretend I'm still in them. I hope all of you will have/had/are having much better 20s than mine

My 20s weren't torturous, but also not some of my fondest memories. Here's to a better decade ahead.

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13 hours ago, Amira said:

There are four?! Oh my.

Four? Brandon told us there are 9 secret organisations on Roshar, and we still don't know all of them!


SA2, chapter 86: Wow, a lot happened in this chapter! A bunch of people ended up finding out about Shallan, including Adolin! Those scenes were so much fun! I loved when Adolin asked her if she could fly and Shallan was very confused. So wait, all the Shardblades besides Kaladin's and Shallan's are dead spren?? It sounds like Shallan was bonded with Pattern way before she started seeing the cryptics in book 1 and seeing Pattern himself at the beginning of book 2. I'm so confused about this, which seems unfair, considering this was the book with Shallan's flashbacks. Kaladin and Szeth had an epic fight over the clouds! In the end Szeth lost his Lashing ability, fell from great height, into a highstorm, and Kaladin still isn't sure Szeth is dead? Personally, I'm very curious to find out how he survives that, because I totally cannot see it. Szeth claims he was never truly Truthless and could have avoided all the murders... I'm still not sure what this means, so I hope we find out a lot more in the coming books.

Yes, all Shardblades are dead sprens. That's why they scream in Kal's head. You've already seen in WoK Dalinar's vision (ch 52, Feverstone Keep) the moment those sprens were killed. Now Shallan and Kaladin both have living Shardblades, but not every order gets their at the same time, for Windruners it's 3rd Ideal, for others it might be earlier. Yet it still should be confusing with Shallan. The book is still not over yet.

Kaladin and Szeth fight was sooo epic. I love it. Did it satisfy your expectations? Was it worth waiting?

We will have to wait to know why Szeth was Truthless for book 5. There are some hints in the books, but no full picture yet.


Things seemed to have really shifted in this book. The war with the Parshendi is over? Szeth is no longer killing... What's book 3 going to be about??? I bet Kaladin will become the leader of the new Knights Radiant.

Everstorm has come. Voidbringers are back. Desolation has started. There is plenty of problems waiting for them to solve in book 3!
Remember the first ever Death Rattle in the prologue of WoK? "It is but a thousand days, and the Everstorm comes." It was already predicted, and Death Rattle was collected around 1000 days before the finale of WoR. 


My rep says I'm Wyrn the King. I wonder who that is...:huh:

Something from Elantris. 

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14 hours ago, Amira said:

There are four?! Oh my.

Sure..... four.



Aradel (paraphrased)

I asked Brandon just how many secret societies were on Roshar.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

There are nine currently working.

Words of Radiance release party (March 3, 2014)


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9 hours ago, Trutharchivist said:

Yeah, true. You forgot the 17th Shard though - not a Rosharan organization, but members were seen on Roshar.

I kinda assumed they were something else, since they were after Hoid.

9 hours ago, alder24 said:

Kaladin and Szeth fight was sooo epic. I love it. Did it satisfy your expectations? Was it worth waiting?

Kaladin and Szeth's fight was fun. I have to say I wasn't blown away by it, because everything about the climax so far has been so expected, I've practically been waiting for it the entire book. So yes, it was very satisfying to finally get it, but I also wasn't as excited as I might have been.

9 hours ago, alder24 said:

Everstorm has come. Voidbringers are back. Desolation has started.

I always thought Everstorm would mean a perpetual storm that never ends/passes. I'm confused as to why this storm blowing eastward is called an everstorm. Voidbringers are back? Who are they? Dalinar thought they were the Parshendi in stormform. Shallan and Jasnah thought they were parshmen. Which is it? And what is a desolation exactly?

5 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

Please don't reveal the answers too quickly. The actual reveal happens at the end of the fight anyway. I feel @Amira is only transcribing her current thoughts and theories, they are not meant to be answered.

It's okay, Kaladin basically asks Syl about the Shardblades being dead spren in the next chapter.

SA2, chapter 87:
So wait, if Blades are dead spren, what does that make Plate?
Let's talk about Rlain. I really like that Bridge Four has a Parshendi member, but when I thought he was a parshman, I was getting excited to see his development, thinking we would learn something about the parshmen. Turns out he was parshendi all along...
The parshendi that fled into the chasms are the other loose thread I want to hear about, but that might only come in book 3.
Now absolutely everyone knows about Shallan being a surgebinder, and Kaladin straight out flew in front of everyone, and not during the confusion of battle, either. It's official then, he's done hiding, yay!! This is what I was waiting for.
I loved how upset he was at the prospect of becoming a Lighteyes. Deal with it, Kaladin!
I wonder if it's Kaladin saying the 3rd ideal that prompted all of Bridge Four to suddenly become surgebinders. It doesn't look like they have spren either (unless the spren are just about to show themselves?) I wonder if rather than bonding with spren, Kaladin's powers somehow extend to them.
Lopen is going to grow his arm back using Stormlight? Nice!!!! This only makes me more confused as to why Kaladin's brand hasn't disappeared.
Why is Lopen referred to as "the Lopen" repeatedly by the narrator?

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52 minutes ago, Amira said:

 I'm confused as to why this storm blowing eastward is called an everstorm.

it will be explained before the epilogue. not important anyway, and not a spoiler.



Voidbringers are back? Who are they? Dalinar thought they were the Parshendi in stormform. Shallan and Jasnah thought they were parshmen. Which is it? And what is a desolation exactly?


wasn't it explained, or at least made clear, already? parshmen are parshendi. the parshmen are just another form, one with little intellect. and the voidbringers are also parshendi, in different forms. as for a desolation... it will be clarified in book 3.


So wait, if Blades are dead spren, what does that make Plate?

you'll see in book 4. with a strong hint already in book 3


The parshendi that fled into the chasms are the other loose thread I want to hear about, but that might only come in book 3.

you will hear about them, but it will take a while


I wonder if it's Kaladin saying the 3rd ideal that prompted all of Bridge Four to suddenly become surgebinders. It doesn't look like they have spren either (unless the spren are just about to show themselves?) I wonder if rather than bonding with spren, Kaladin's powers somehow extend to them.

they are his squires. they get some power from him. it will be explained soon enough, but it's not really a spoiler.


Lopen is going to grow his arm back using Stormlight? Nice!!!! This only makes me more confused as to why Kaladin's brand hasn't disappeared.

magical healing in the cosmere resets you to your cognitive identity; roughly speaking, the way you think of yourself. so it's very much a case of "your mind - with a generous helping of investiture - makes it real"

lopen lost an arm, but he never really accepted the loss; his idea of himself healty includes having two arms, and so his missing arm is regrowing.

on the other hand, kaladin feels the scars as part of himself, so they stay.

it really depends a lot on an individual, whether an old wound gets magically healed or not.

it can get even more strange; a transsexual character (a very minor one, only appears in a couple chapters) changes sex by tapping healing - without meaning to, completely by accident - because deep down she always felt her original body was wrong, and it should have been different.

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SA2, chapter 88: After all of Shallan's efforts to infiltrate the Ghostbloods, they figured her out. Shallan killed her mother too?! Or was it really Pattern, appearing in her hand to save her? Finally we see the man who hunted Lift resurrecting Szeth/saving Szeth from the brink of death. So... was Szeth just given a spren sword?

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27 minutes ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

Have you read Warbreaker?


You might want to check out the first post of this thread. This is her @Amira's first Cosmere series (except an aborted attempt to read the first Mistborn - TFE). Please spoiler your response.

2 hours ago, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 87:

  1. So wait, if Blades are dead spren, what does that make Plate?
  2. Let's talk about Rlain. I really like that Bridge Four has a Parshendi member, but when I thought he was a parshman, I was getting excited to see his development, thinking we would learn something about the parshmen. Turns out he was parshendi all along...
  3. The parshendi that fled into the chasms are the other loose thread I want to hear about, but that might only come in book 3.
  4. Now absolutely everyone knows about Shallan being a surgebinder, and Kaladin straight out flew in front of everyone, and not during the confusion of battle, either. It's official then, he's done hiding, yay!! This is what I was waiting for.
  5. I loved how upset he was at the prospect of becoming a Lighteyes. Deal with it, Kaladin!
  6. I wonder if it's Kaladin saying the 3rd ideal that prompted all of Bridge Four to suddenly become surgebinders. It doesn't look like they have spren either (unless the spren are just about to show themselves?) I wonder if rather than bonding with spren, Kaladin's powers somehow extend to them.
  7. Lopen is going to grow his arm back using Stormlight? Nice!!!! This only makes me more confused as to why Kaladin's brand hasn't disappeared.
  8. Why is Lopen referred to as "the Lopen" repeatedly by the narrator?
  1. If you recall the beginning of the Way of Kings and some of Kaladin's assumptions about Syl, that's a  clue
  2. This will be explained soon (ish)
  3. Not book 3, but will be forthcoming
  4. Done Hiding, solves some problems, makes new ones
  5. Kaladin dealing with his trauma induced biases will continue
  6. Check out the Epigraph back on WoR ch 54
    1. it is related to the Third Ideal
  7. See spoiler below. The information isn't really a spoiler for any of the stories specifically but does relate to some Cosmere "big picture" concepts
  8. The narrator is Lopen - that is how he refers to himself (because he's the only Lopen he knows)




Why doesn't the Stormlight heal Kaladin's slave brands?

Brandon Sanderson

Because, in the cosmere, most healing works by how you perceive yourself.

You will get more information on the Realms (Spiritual, Cognitive and Physical) though this and other stories, but the nutshell is:


Healing in the Cosmere (Stormlight and other versions) is that the Investiture is trying to heal your Physical self to match your Spiritual Self - as filtered through how you think of yourself (Cognitive Self) - Kaladin's brands have not healed because on a fundamantal level he still views himself as a (former) slave.



57 minutes ago, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 88: After all of Shallan's efforts to infiltrate the Ghostbloods, they figured her out. Shallan killed her mother too?! Or was it really Pattern, appearing in her hand to save her? Finally we see the man who hunted Lift resurrecting Szeth/saving Szeth from the brink of death. So... was Szeth just given a spren sword?

You will get more on Szeth and that sword in the Edgedancer Novella (coming next).

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2 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

Have you read Warbreaker?

I haven't.

SA2, chapter 89, last chapter: WTF... Alodin just randomly killed Sadeas. Like, that was the most random murder ever... I'm still laughing when I think about it. Dang.
Dalinar bonded with the Stormfather!! Another WTF. Now we have Windrunner (Kaladin), Lightweaver (Shallan), Bondsmith (Dalinar), Truthwatcher (Renarin), Skybreaker (Szeth), and Edgedancer (Lift). Four more left I guess. Now Kaladin is going home to his parents! Ah! Exciting! Except he also has to tell them how he failed to protect Tien...
Next up is the epilogue.

Gosh, I waited the entire book for Syl and Pattern to meet and it never happened.

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7 hours ago, Amira said:

Gosh, I waited the entire book for Syl and Pattern to meet and it never happened.

Well, not directly at least. There was this from Ch 62:


He heard Syl humming nearby, but couldn’t find where she’d gone. “Syl?” he asked. She kept hiding from him.

“There was a Cryptic at the fight,” her voice said softly.

“You mentioned those before, didn’t you? A type of spren?”

“A revolting type.” She paused. “But not evil, I don’t think.” She sounded begrudging. “I was going to follow it, as it fled, but you needed me. When I went back to look, it had hidden from me.”

“What does it mean?” Kaladin asked, frowning.

“Cryptics like to plan,” Syl said slowly, as if recalling something long lost. “Yes . . . I remember. They debate and watch and never do anything. But . . .”

“What?” Kaladin asked, rising.

“They’re looking for someone,” Syl said. “I’ve seen the signs. Soon, you might not be alone, Kaladin.”

Also - Epilogue! Final reveal that you may or may not have seen coming.

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11 hours ago, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 88: After all of Shallan's efforts to infiltrate the Ghostbloods, they figured her out. Shallan killed her mother too?! Or was it really Pattern, appearing in her hand to save her?

Does it make much difference?

Shallan killed her mother, her father, and her second mentor (tyn). all three of them for legitimate self-defence. her first love interest was an assassin, willing to kill her as collateral in another assassination attempt.

poor girl, what a life she had.

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19 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

Please don't reveal the answers too quickly. The actual reveal happens at the end of the fight anyway. I feel @Amira is only transcribing her current thoughts and theories, they are not meant to be answered.

I don't want to spoil anything as well. I checked the chapter when I was writing that post, in it Kal asked Syl why there is no delay when he summons her as a blade, she answered that delay is only with dead ones. I took it as a confirmation. But If you guys think I revealed too much, please send me a private message and I will edit spoilers out.

13 hours ago, Amira said:

I always thought Everstorm would mean a perpetual storm that never ends/passes. I'm confused as to why this storm blowing eastward is called an everstorm. Voidbringers are back? Who are they? Dalinar thought they were the Parshendi in stormform. Shallan and Jasnah thought they were parshmen. Which is it? And what is a desolation exactly?

Dalinar's speech in ch 81 tells you they were fighting Voidbringers there. Stormform is a form of Voidbringers. Red eyes are their recognisable feature. Pash can take many forms, some of them, forms of powers like Stormform, are forms of Voidbringers, and when they take those forms, they become Voidbringers. Desolation is the time when Voidbringers Return. It was already all said in different parts of the books, Dalinar's visions and epigraphs.

11 hours ago, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 88: After all of Shallan's efforts to infiltrate the Ghostbloods, they figured her out. Shallan killed her mother too?! Or was it really Pattern, appearing in her hand to save her?

This reveal puts into a different perspective all of Shallan's flashback chapters and her father's actions. Her own mother tried to kill har, and Shallan had to defend herself. Her father took the blame and tried to hide it. He wanted to be a good father and protect her child, yet it ultimately destroyed their family and she had to kill him too to protect her brothers. Shallan went through so much trauma.

11 hours ago, Amira said:

Finally we see the man who hunted Lift resurrecting Szeth/saving Szeth from the brink of death. So... was Szeth just given a spren sword?

Remebrer when you said 

On 11.01.2023 at 1:40 AM, Amira said:

it's pretty clear Szeth isn't going to die in book 2

Well, he died, and was resurrected! :P  That sword is a very fun character.
Here you also got explained a little why he was named Truthless, and that's basically all we know so far.

9 hours ago, Amira said:

SA2, chapter 89, last chapter: WTF... Alodin just randomly killed Sadeas. Like, that was the most random murder ever... I'm still laughing when I think about it. Dang.

Yeah, that was unexpected. So, what do you think? Was it the right thing to do? Was it morally justified? Do you agree with Adolin?

9 hours ago, Amira said:

Next up is the epilogue.

I can't wait to read your reaction to it.

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11 hours ago, alder24 said:

Yeah, that was unexpected. So, what do you think? Was it the right thing to do? Was it morally justified? Do you agree with Adolin?

Honestly, I'm just happy I won't have to read about Sadeas anymore in future books.

On 9/17/2022 at 9:18 PM, Amira said:

Jasnah is apparently dead, but here's the problem. Jasnah is on the cover of book 3. So she can't be dead.

SA2, epilogue: Surprise surprise, the character on the cover of book 3 is not dead! Guess now we also have an Elsecaller, whatever that is. I don't like Wit. Unpopular preference I guess. Or maybe he's more fun in other books.

That's it! Finished Words of Radiance! I will write overall impressions probably tomorrow.

My rep says I'm a Spinner. I wonder what I spin...

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1 hour ago, Amira said:

My rep says I'm a Spinner. I wonder what I spin...

Coins, maybe Dice. It's a title from Mistborn Era 2. Similar to the way Windrunner means you have access to the Surges of Gravitation and Adhesion. Or, if you may recall from starting Mistborn before, where "Thug" was the nickname for person with Hammond's ability.

Spinner is the "nickname" for a user of s specific ability. Slight non-story spoiler:


Nicknames usually indicate one ability, some indicate two abilities**

Era 1:

Thug (Pewterarm)

Era 2 (all of above, plus):



** most of those are still unknown because there is supposedly a different name for any combination of two.

So if you see these terms you'll know it's likely a Mistborn reference.

BTW - you can cheat and see the list here, thought it unfortunately doesn't show the reference for each.

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