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I'm reading The Stormlight Archive for the first time


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14 hours ago, Amira said:

SA2½, chapter 2: So Lift ditched her spheres, gosh, this girl is something. I'm still trying to figure out how she's going to fit into the general SA story.

Don't worry, me too!

14 hours ago, Amira said:

Also, those pancakes do sound pretty yummy.

Yes, Lift has the most relatable motivation - food! :P 

14 hours ago, Amira said:

In case you all wanna gaze at my exposed safehand, Tress came in the mail:

Scandalous! But I'm jealous of Tress. It's beautiful.

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On 2/15/2023 at 6:10 PM, Treamayne said:

It's a great story and done in such a way that you won't spoil other books before you read them. You'll likely come away with a number of questions, but not spoilers for the Cosmere books you have not yet read.

This is true, although you'd probably have to go back for a reread once you are all caught up on the the other books. There's some juicy secrets hidden away in Tress that you won't be able to fully appreciate without prior cosmere awareness.

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On 2/15/2023 at 7:10 PM, Treamayne said:

Has your opinion on Lift changed at all since the interlude?

Not yet.

On 2/16/2023 at 5:32 AM, BinarySecond said:

That book cover is actually amazing

I actually liked the mockup more :/

SA2½, chapter 3: That scene with the cart was fun. Lift can just run rings around all the adults with her surgebinding. Seriously, this book should come with pancake recipes.

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18 hours ago, Amira said:

Not yet.

I actually liked the mockup more :/

SA2½, chapter 3: That scene with the cart was fun. Lift can just run rings around all the adults with her surgebinding. Seriously, this book should come with pancake recipes.

I’m not sure if the pancakes are more like what we in the U.S. call pancakes (or flapjacks, what-have-you), or if they’re like Korean pancakes, which are more of a savory affair involving onion (quite delicious).

and yes, Dragonsteel should put out a Cosmere cookbook.  I own cookbooks based on Azeroth (Warcraft), Skyrim (Elder Scrolls) and a Galaxy Far Far Away.  I need one from the Cosmere.


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6 hours ago, Elder said:

I’m not sure if the pancakes are more like what we in the U.S. call pancakes (or flapjacks, what-have-you), or if they’re like Korean pancakes, which are more of a savory affair involving onion (quite delicious).

2 hours ago, Marabout said:

Onions are gross

This may (or may not) affect your opinion, but Pajeon are the Korean Pancakes - and they are Green Onion (and/or chive) - not what the Koreans call "western onion."

6 hours ago, Elder said:

Dragonsteel should put out a Cosmere cookbook.

We could work one in the forums. I have recipes for at least 3-4 of the pancakes as they are described in the story (slight spoilers Amira):

  1. Tuk-cake, a tasty pancake eaten for prosperity in the year to come
  2. a salty pancake with chopped-up vegetables
  3. a sweet-tasting pancake
  4. an airy, fluffy pancake served with a dipping sauce
  5. a dense pancake with salty, sticky paste in the center
  6. a pancake covered in small, crunchy seeds
  7. a pancake with sugar in the center
  8. an unknown relatively tasty pancake
  9. a pancake with a thick, mealy texture


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51 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

This may (or may not) affect your opinion, but Pajeon are the Korean Pancakes - and they are Green Onion (and/or chive) - not what the Koreans call "western onion."

We could work one in the forums. I have recipes for at least 3-4 of the pancakes as they are described in the story (slight spoilers Amira):

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  1. Tuk-cake, a tasty pancake eaten for prosperity in the year to come
  2. a salty pancake with chopped-up vegetables
  3. a sweet-tasting pancake
  4. an airy, fluffy pancake served with a dipping sauce
  5. a dense pancake with salty, sticky paste in the center
  6. a pancake covered in small, crunchy seeds
  7. a pancake with sugar in the center
  8. an unknown relatively tasty pancake
  9. a pancake with a thick, mealy texture


Pajeon are freaking delicious.  맛있는 음식.  Also eaten at the new year traditionally.  Also a good basis for that 2nd one.

I feel like paste in the center could also be a Korean thing. Not necessarily for pancakes.

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1 minute ago, Elder said:

I feel like paste in the center could also be a Korean thing. Not necessarily for pancakes

Yeah, I was thinking of a "pancake" version of 찹쌀떡. Especially since we know that Aebleskiver isn't flat but is considered a pancake ball - so shape might not be a factor. Also, we know (slight spoilers)


In the last chapter we learn that some are baked, so cooking method is also ambiguous enough to say that the definition of "pancake" is looser in Roshar.


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15 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Yeah, I was thinking of a "pancake" version of 찹쌀떡. Especially since we know that Aebleskiver isn't flat but is considered a pancake ball - so shape might not be a factor. Also, we know (slight spoilers)

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In the last chapter we learn that some are baked, so cooking method is also ambiguous enough to say that the definition of "pancake" is looser in Roshar.


네, 쩝쌀떡 맞아요.  They should do nicely.

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SA2½ chapter 5: I like how Lift runs away from places and doesn't want anyone to get to know her too well. I can sadly identify with her on that. My guess is that by the end of her novella this will change; she'll find a place where she won't mind staying, and people whom she'll want to stay around.

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So much of your first time through reminds me of my first time through! I also was constantly waiting for the next Kaladin chapter. But! When I reread the books in advance of Book 4's release, going back over Shallan's chapters with the new perspectives on her character and secrets made her a very interesting reread. 

I love the image of Wyndle moving around & talking. That's something I'd love to see animated or CGI'd one day. 

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On 3/3/2023 at 3:19 AM, Amira said:

SA2½ chapter 5: I like how Lift runs away from places and doesn't want anyone to get to know her too well. I can sadly identify with her on that. My guess is that by the end of her novella this will change;

yeah, thids book changed my perspective on lift. when she appeared in the interlude, i saw her as an irresponsible brat whom i had no reason to care for. edgedancer matured her a bit and gave her depth, now she's pretty high in the "fictional character I'd like to have as little sister" ranking.

when she reappears in oathbringer, her character development would be confusing without edgedancer too.

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SA2½ chapter 6: My guess is that Lift will end up using her powers to heal that boy who stares into space whom she saw dropped off at the orphanage.

By the way, I want to keep you updated on all my cosmere reading. I've mentioned before that I'd gotten 70% through TFE. Turns out I was wrong and it was only 50%. Either way, I'll have to reread that at some point. I'm currently 80% through Tress, reading along with @Trutharchivist's SP reading group (you all should join too!).

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10 hours ago, Amira said:

I'm currently 80% through Tress, reading along with @Trutharchivist's SP reading group (you all should join too!).

Glad to see you don't like the easy road. How are you enjoying Tress? Are the references oblique enough to not affect your enjoyment, or do you feel you are "missing things" going into such a reference heavy story only having completed WoK and WoR?


By the way, I want to keep you updated on all my cosmere reading. I've mentioned before that I'd gotten 70% through TFE. Turns out I was wrong and it was only 50%. Either way, I'll have to reread that at some point.

Do you recall why you didn't finish the first time? I really hope you do get back to them (and enjoy them). The First Mistborn Trilogy is a fan favorite for a reason.


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26 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

The First Mistborn Trilogy is a fan favorite for a reason.

'Tis true. I actually somewhat prefer it to SA (please don't kill me). Maybe you can start a thread for it, too! I'll probably follow.

Also, Amira, thanks for the free publicity! Everyone is invited to join SPORG (my reading group's name) - I have a link to the thread in my signature, it currently occurs in a PM but you can sign in on the thread. (Also, yeah, promoting my own reading group here. Sorry.)

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12 hours ago, Amira said:

By the way, I want to keep you updated on all my cosmere reading. I've mentioned before that I'd gotten 70% through TFE. Turns out I was wrong and it was only 50%. Either way, I'll have to reread that at some point.

The Mistborn series is very good. I reread it a few months ago and I'm still living in this world. It's just so good. Do you remember why you stopped? And are you planning on starting a thread like this one for Mistborn too?

12 hours ago, Amira said:

I'm currently 80% through Tress, reading along with @Trutharchivist's SP reading group (you all should join too!).

So jealous. I have to wait 10 more days until it gets released in my country. 10 days, so close yet so far. I probably consume whole it in one night :D 


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11 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Glad to see you don't like the easy road. How are you enjoying Tress? Are the references oblique enough to not affect your enjoyment, or do you feel you are "missing things" going into such a reference heavy story only having completed WoK and WoR?

Do you recall why you didn't finish the first time? I really hope you do get back to them (and enjoy them). The First Mistborn Trilogy is a fan favorite for a reason.

Which easy road are you referring to?
The references seem minor and if anything make the book more intriguing.
I ditched TFE because the middle was dragging a little and bored me, but I intend to pick it up again after I finish SA4 (or 5 if it's out by then).

11 hours ago, Trutharchivist said:

Maybe you can start a thread for it, too! I'll probably follow.

9 hours ago, alder24 said:

are you planning on starting a thread like this one for Mistborn too?

Unless my life magically becomes too busy all of a sudden, I'm totally planning on doing that.

SA2½ chapter 7: Ah, we finally find out what this novella is going to be about. Before this chapter it was all just seemingly random scenes of Lift running around. I hope she can defeat Darkness once and for all. It seems like perhaps Darkness is starting to catch on to the fact that Lift doesn't need Stomrlight to surgebind. I'm looking forward to Lift finding out that she can use Stormlight. (More options are always good, right?)

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1 hour ago, Amira said:

Which easy road are you referring to?
The references seem minor and if anything make the book more intriguing.
I ditched TFE because the middle was dragging a little and bored me, but I intend to pick it up again after I finish SA4 (or 5 if it's out by then).

Unless my life magically becomes too busy all of a sudden, I'm totally planning on doing that.

A thread like this for Mistborn Era 1? Even if life does get too busy, we'll wait (like back in WOK Ch 18ish).

Since you are doubling Tress with Edgedancer, are there any other Cosmere works you plan to read before Rhythm of War?


SA2½ chapter 7: Ah, we finally find out what this novella is going to be about. Before this chapter it was all just seemingly random scenes of Lift running around. I hope she can defeat Darkness once and for all. It seems like perhaps Darkness is starting to catch on to the fact that Lift doesn't need Stormlight to surgebind.

Good thing Lift is so predictable. . .


I'm looking forward to Lift finding out that she can use Stormlight. (More options are always good, right?)

Can she?

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2 hours ago, Amira said:

I ditched TFE because the middle was dragging a little and bored me, but I intend to pick it up again after I finish SA4 (or 5 if it's out by then).

funny, because stormlight archive is even slower. perhaps your tastes are changing, or perhaps you simply accepted to go through the slow parts as necessary preparation for the grand finale.


SA2½ chapter 7: Ah, we finally find out what this novella is going to be about. Before this chapter it was all just seemingly random scenes of Lift running around. I hope she can defeat Darkness once and for all. It seems like perhaps Darkness is starting to catch on to the fact that Lift doesn't need Stomrlight to surgebind. I'm looking forward to Lift finding out that she can use Stormlight. (More options are always good, right?)

I would like so much to comment on any of this, but I really can't think of anything to say that would not be spoiler.

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I have to admit that I was a fan of Lift from the start, but this chapter is what really solidified it for me.

She’s not running away from home, she’s not looking for pancakes, she’s deliberately hunting Darkness because she knows he’s hunting somebody like her.

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