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I'm reading The Stormlight Archive for the first time


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Listen here. One of the options I listed was basically "anything else," so it can't very well not be "one of those"

That's why my comment was funny. . . 

On 6/5/2023 at 1:15 PM, Amira said:

SA3, chapter 10: I wonder if he's going to meet Elhokar's horrid wife and discover why she hasn't been responding to spanreeds. 

The resolution of that subplot is in this book (minor spoiler)


but not Part 1.


Do we get to meet his spren at some point?

This will be discussed over the course of the book (layered spoiler-ish-ness)


Short answer - yes. Eventually


There is something more going on with Glys, and the characters will start noticing that soon


Also, earlier when you asked:

On 6/1/2023 at 3:27 PM, Amira said:

Something is up with Renarin...

This is the section we referenced. Renarin has been weird around Adolin because he was embarrassed about the Shardblade from WoR:


“Adolin,” he said softly. “I … um … I have to give you back the Shardblade you won for me.”

“Why?” Adolin said.

“It hurts to hold,” Renarin said. “It always has, to be honest. I thought it was just me, being strange. But it’s all of us.”

“Radiants, you mean.”

He nodded. “We can’t use the dead Blades.


“You mink!” Adolin said. “You’ve managed to create a Radiant Blade? Why didn’t you tell us?”

“It just happened. Glys wasn’t certain he could do it … but we need more people to work the Oathgate … so…”

He took a deep breath, then stretched his hand to the side and summoned a long glowing Shardblade. Thin, with almost no crossguard, it had waving folds to the metal, like it had been forged.

“Gorgeous,” Adolin said. “Renarin, it’s fantastic!”


“So why are you embarrassed?”

“I’m … not?”

Adolin gave him a flat stare.

Well, unfortunately The Rift is next - but at least you have Ch 13 to look forward to - Pattern's Best Quote Ever!


Are you sure you want to peek?  It really only makes sense in context


Very well: (ch 13)






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On 6/5/2023 at 0:25 PM, Treamayne said:


That's why my comment was funny. . . 

The resolution of that subplot is in this book (minor spoiler)

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but not Part 1.

This will be discussed over the course of the book (layered spoiler-ish-ness)

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Short answer - yes. Eventually

  Reveal hidden contents

There is something more going on with Glys, and the characters will start noticing that soon


Also, earlier when you asked:

This is the section we referenced. Renarin has been weird around Adolin because he was embarrassed about the Shardblade from WoR:

  Reveal hidden contents

“Adolin,” he said softly. “I … um … I have to give you back the Shardblade you won for me.”

“Why?” Adolin said.

“It hurts to hold,” Renarin said. “It always has, to be honest. I thought it was just me, being strange. But it’s all of us.”

“Radiants, you mean.”

He nodded. “We can’t use the dead Blades.


“You mink!” Adolin said. “You’ve managed to create a Radiant Blade? Why didn’t you tell us?”

“It just happened. Glys wasn’t certain he could do it … but we need more people to work the Oathgate … so…”

He took a deep breath, then stretched his hand to the side and summoned a long glowing Shardblade. Thin, with almost no crossguard, it had waving folds to the metal, like it had been forged.

“Gorgeous,” Adolin said. “Renarin, it’s fantastic!”


“So why are you embarrassed?”

“I’m … not?”

Adolin gave him a flat stare.

Well, unfortunately The Rift is next - but at least you have Ch 13 to look forward to - Pattern's Best Quote Ever!

  Reveal hidden contents

Are you sure you want to peek?  It really only makes sense in context

  Reveal hidden contents

Very well: (ch 13)

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Couldn’t resist that one… could you.  lol

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SA3, chapter 11: Another Dalinar flashback. We see Dalinar now has Shardplate, though we don't see how he got it. Then in this chapter he gets his Shardblade... by killing a kid, one could say. Plus, you know, tons of other people. I liked that Teleb the archer made an appearance. Still not sure where these Dalinar flashbacks are going, though I guess we're still kinda setting the scene. I'm guessing the plot of these will be what happens as Dalinar has to adjust to running a kingdom instead of conquering one.

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Nice new avatar.

On 6/11/2023 at 7:19 PM, Amira said:

SA3, chapter 11: Another Dalinar flashback. We see Dalinar now has Shardplate, though we don't see how he got it. Then in this chapter he gets his Shardblade... by killing a kid, one could say.

One could say that. . .


Still not sure where these Dalinar flashbacks are going,

One part comparing Dalinar now to the Blackthorn then, one part ties into the current story.


I'm guessing the plot of these will be what happens as Dalinar has to adjust to running a kingdom instead of conquering one.

Is it a kingdom, if it is just Urithiru?

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9 hours ago, Amira said:

SA3, chapter 11: Another Dalinar flashback. We see Dalinar now has Shardplate, though we don't see how he got it. Then in this chapter he gets his Shardblade... by killing a kid, one could say. Plus, you know, tons of other people. I liked that Teleb the archer made an appearance. Still not sure where these Dalinar flashbacks are going, though I guess we're still kinda setting the scene. I'm guessing the plot of these will be what happens as Dalinar has to adjust to running a kingdom instead of conquering one.

well, the kid was waving a weapon at him. a weapon that was plenty lethal even in the hands of a kid. the problem is not much the kid, but dalinar being there in the first place.


as for where it's going, you see how dalinar became what he is. you'll notice that young dalinar was a lot different from present dalinar. so much that it was a shock for me reading his first flashback. and you also already know that dainar got his memory wiped in some places. well, you're going to see all that led there. which will also answer a few questions that will be raised later in the book.

the last chapter of dalinar's flashbacks ends with him having become what he is at the beginning of way of kings. finally recognizable.

dalinar's flashbacks are very compelling. they are the only ones I do not skip on rereads.

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On 6/11/2023 at 9:19 PM, Treamayne said:

Nice new avatar.

Thanks. As I was animating my series for YouTube, one of the side characters looked like me, so I adopted her as my avatar.

On 6/11/2023 at 9:19 PM, Treamayne said:

Is it a kingdom, if it is just Urithiru?

I was talking about past Dalinar, not present day Dalinar.

On 6/12/2023 at 5:02 AM, king of nowhere said:

dalinar's flashbacks are very compelling. they are the only ones I do not skip on rereads.

Glad to hear it, because I haven't liked the flashbacks in the previous books too much.

On 6/14/2023 at 2:03 AM, d3249 said:

Ok, I'm new at the forum, but after two days I've cathed up with this fantastic thread (kind of, I admit I skipped some of the answers)

Please keep going

Thank you for calling my thread 'fantastic'! I definitely intend to keep going, although you all will have to bear with my slowness.

SA3, chapter 12: Dalinar talks to other world leaders via spanreed, and they generally don't want to go along with his plan. Then Elhokar walks in and it seems he's trying to take Kaladin's advice, at least partly, and step down, in a way. He also wants to take Kaladin with him to Kholinar, which will be amusing, since Kaladin hates Elhokar. Finally Taravangian of all people agrees to work with Dalinar. What's that guy plotting now? This should be interesting... Ever since the reveal about Taravangian in book 2, I've been curious to see more of him.

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1 minute ago, Amira said:

Thank you for calling my thread 'fantastic'! I definitely intend to keep going, although you all will have to bear with my slowness.

It's worth the wait(s).

Though I am also really looking forward to your take on some of the non-Stormlight material - especially Emperor's Soul.


SA3, chapter 12: Dalinar talks to other world leaders via spanreed, and they generally don't want to go along with his plan. Then Elhokar walks in and it seems he's trying to take Kaladin's advice, at least partly, and step down, in a way. He also wants to take Kaladin with him to Kholinar, which will be amusing, since Kaladin hates Elhokar.

Must. .  not . . . say. . . . anything. . . . .


Finally Taravangian of all people agrees to work with Dalinar. What's that guy plotting now? This should be interesting... Ever since the reveal about Taravangian in book 2, I've been curious to see more of him.

Though, based on the information you have so far, you may be able to speculate on why Taravangian agreed so quickly and easily.

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1 hour ago, Amira said:

Thanks. As I was animating my series for YouTube, one of the side characters looked like me, so I adopted her as my avatar.

I was talking about past Dalinar, not present day Dalinar.

Glad to hear it, because I haven't liked the flashbacks in the previous books too much.

Thank you for calling my thread 'fantastic'! I definitely intend to keep going, although you all will have to bear with my slowness.

SA3, chapter 12: Dalinar talks to other world leaders via spanreed, and they generally don't want to go along with his plan. Then Elhokar walks in and it seems he's trying to take Kaladin's advice, at least partly, and step down, in a way. He also wants to take Kaladin with him to Kholinar, which will be amusing, since Kaladin hates Elhokar. Finally Taravangian of all people agrees to work with Dalinar. What's that guy plotting now? This should be interesting... Ever since the reveal about Taravangian in book 2, I've been curious to see more of him.

Dalinar the Diplomat is always interesting to see.  

Elhokar is in an interesting place after WoR. I think he maybe has finally realized he has room to grow, and that he can change.  And that’s a difficult but good place to be.

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8 hours ago, Amira said:

Thank you for calling my thread 'fantastic'! I definitely intend to keep going, although you all will have to bear with my slowness.

It's the best thread on this forum! I simply love it.

8 hours ago, Amira said:

Finally Taravangian of all people agrees to work with Dalinar. What's that guy plotting now? This should be interesting... Ever since the reveal about Taravangian in book 2, I've been curious to see more of him.

Yeees. The Diagram in WoR has clues. It's so hard not to say too much.

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On 6/18/2023 at 9:57 PM, Treamayne said:

Though I am also really looking forward to your take on some of the non-Stormlight material - especially Emperor's Soul.

Yikes, I suppose I've inadvertently sighed up to book blog the entire cosmere!

On 6/19/2023 at 6:28 AM, alder24 said:

It's the best thread on this forum! I simply love it.

Awww, thank you!!

SA3, chapter 13: I like Pattern. He's so funny. I want Shallan to find out Adolin killed Sadeas. If anyone can help him get out of that mess, it's Shallan.

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3 hours ago, Amira said:

Yikes, I suppose I've inadvertently signed up to book blog the entire cosmere!

Not necessarily. Emperor's Soul is short enough that just a "I finished this and here's my thoughts" would be more than enough (for me at least). Similar to the Tress Reaction threads in that forum. I can't really see a chapter-by-chapter really working with most of the Cosmere works, since they are not only much shorter works individually, but also average chapter length is shorter. Even if you don't blog anything but Stormlight, I think most of us would at least like to hear your thoughts on the other books though. 

3 hours ago, Amira said:

SA3, chapter 13: I like Pattern. He's so funny.

Ah, so you found the best quote ever?

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On 6/22/2023 at 1:01 PM, Treamayne said:

Ah, so you found the best quote ever?

Pattern is adorable.

SA3, chapter 14: Back to Kaladin. Finding that the parshmen didn't transform into the parshendi stormform, and are in fact just trying to survive and escape their slavery. He decides to let them capture him, and now I can't wait to see what happens next and am rather annoyed we're going back to Shallan next chapter!

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1 minute ago, Amira said:

am rather annoyed we're going back to Shallan next chapter!

That sounds like a valid sentiment for many Shallan chapters.

2 minutes ago, Amira said:

He decides to let them capture him,

Now consider what you have seen of Kaldin's interactions with groups, and you may be able to predict some aspects of the next few Kaladin chapters.

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55 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Now consider what you have seen of Kaldin's interactions with groups, and you may be able to predict some aspects of the next few Kaladin chapters.

Dude, no spoilers!

SA3, chapter 15: Adolin teaches Shallan to wield her Shardblade, and Shallan creates another persona for herself. Adolin thought it weird that she called him "Brightlord Kholin", but at one point she referred to Shallan in third person while talking to him, and he didn't react to that at all. Are we supposed to assume that she actually said "I" but "Shallan" was what Radiant "heard"? It is also mentioned at one point that Adolin left his Shardblade summoned, and it again feels inconsistent with that one part in book 2 where he was struggling to even throw his Blade a few feat without it puffing into smoke. Sadly, next chapter looks to be about Dalinar; I want back to Kaladin!

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1 hour ago, Amira said:

Dude, no spoilers!

My apologies, I didn't intend any spoilers - I was only curious on what you thought might happen based upon how you saw him interact with the bridge crew(s) and Cobalt Guard in books 1 and 2...


SA3, chapter 15:

It is also mentioned at one point that Adolin left his Shardblade summoned, and it again feels inconsistent with that one part in book 2 where he was struggling to even throw his Blade a few feat without it puffing into smoke.

Back in WoR Ch 35 (the chapter you are referencing) Adolin explained how he learned this when he was young (and Dalinar both discusses it and shows it in WoK) Adolin was just having problems applying the concept to throwing the Shardblade (rather than just having it stay when laid down or stuck in the ground). It was also shown by the lighteyes training with the Kings Blades when Kal and crew were at the lighteyes sparring grounds in a few WoR Chapters.

The implication was that you had to "command" the blade as it lost contact with your hand - easy when just "letting go;" but more difficult when he was trying to aim, and throw, and command the blade at the instant it lost contact - 1 second too early or too late and it went poof.

Adolin (showing how it normally works to command a Shardblade to not dissolve) in the Sadeas Warcamp - WoK Ch 46:


The door slammed, leaving the roadway eerily silent. Kaladin was the only one on the street besides the soldiers in blue and the fallen courtesan. The Shardbearer gave Kaladin a glance, but obviously judged him no threat. He thrust his sword into the stones; the blade sank in easily and stood with its hilt toward the sky.

The young Shardbearer then gave his hand to the fallen <courtesan>. “What did you do to him, out of curiosity?”


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/23/2023 at 9:30 PM, Treamayne said:

I was only curious on what you thought might happen based upon how you saw him interact with the bridge crew(s) and Cobalt Guard in books 1 and 2...

I didn't think in that direction, but now you made me want to read it even more.

On 7/6/2023 at 7:02 AM, BinarySecond said:

Ok I'm back and I'm caught up.

Welcome back.

Look what finally showed up:



A little frustrating to only have it show up after I already finished reading it. Hopefully SP3 will show up sooner. Also, guess what DIDN'T show up in the same box? The cosmere pin! :o (I submitted a ticket.)

Thank you everyone for 1000 rep! I only have 244 posts, so that's an average of 4 rep per post! If anyone has a better ratio than that, speak up. Otherwise, I will wear the crown of #1 in the forum.

But 'nough chatter.

SA3, chapter 16: Dalinar wonders what to do with Szeth's honorblade, then goes sparring, where all the ardents treat him like that one kid in school that everyone hates because he has opinions differing from the norm. VERY relatable for me personally, as someone who always has opinions differing from the norm. I was a little confused by his debate of whether to tap out. In martial arts, you tap when your opponent is about to snap a part of your body. There's no debate any more than there can be a debate of whether to pull your hand back when you accidentally stick it in a flame. But maybe it's different for wrestling. Anyway, Navani shows up and Dalinar fails to win over yet another ruler, this time the Iriali queen. And finally... Dalinar can suddenly hear his wife's name?? What the what? What brought this about all of a sudden?

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25 minutes ago, Amira said:

Dalinar can suddenly hear his wife's name?? What the what? What brought this about all of a sudden?

That reaction is priceless (of course we can only say RAFO - answers are coming)!

25 minutes ago, Amira said:

VERY relatable for me personally, as someone who always has opinions differing from the norm.

Don't seem so different here - and even if you decided you hate the Cosmere we would still like you here and follow your thread

(though, I guess, if you started hating the Cosmere you might not be here much anymore - but you get the point I hope)

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But Dalinar can snap a limb or put his hand in a flame and be fine with a little Stormlight.  That may be why he debated tapping out.  I think his internal debate is more whether he should behave like a wrestler who Can’t heal themself would (trying deliberately to make the match fair in other words).

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Welcome to the forums

3 hours ago, Doug said:

Reading book 4 currently

Thank you for using the spoiler tag correctly.

If that is a legitimate question, please open a new topic for it in either the Stormlight or Cosmere Discussion forums. Let's please try to respect Amira's thread and not discuss book 4 until she gets that far. Thank you.

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15 hours ago, Treamayne said:

If that is a legitimate question, please open a new topic for it in either the Stormlight or Cosmere Discussion forums. Let's please try to respect Amira's thread and not discuss book 4 until she gets that far. Thank you.

Sure, sorry about that. I also finished it today, and Wow!

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Dragonsteel said they would send me a replacement pin, yay!

SA3, chapter 17: Yay, back to Kaladin. Kaladin is starting to make friends with the parshmen after realizing they're not evil voidbringers. And next we're going back to Shallan, why? I want to keep hearing about Kaladin!

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