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I'm reading The Stormlight Archive for the first time


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SA3 chapter 26, Dalinar's past: I think the Thrill is some part of Odium or something created by him, and somehow also connected to the rhythm of war that the listeners hear, but it's weird that a human (Dalinar) can also hear this rhythm. I'm guessing it's all also connected to the listeners' gods, who are maybe servants of Odium kind of like the Heralds seem to be servants of Honor? I hope I get answers soon! But I won't be too surprised if I only get proper answers in the next book, since it's titled Rhythm of War.

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14 minutes ago, Amira said:

SA3 chapter 26, Dalinar's past: I think the Thrill is some part of Odium or something created by him, and somehow also connected to the rhythm of war that the listeners hear, but it's weird that a human (Dalinar) can also hear this rhythm. I'm guessing it's all also connected to the listeners' gods, who are maybe servants of Odium kind of like the Heralds seem to be servants of Honor? I hope I get answers soon! But I won't be too surprised if I only get proper answers in the next book, since it's titled Rhythm of War.

You will start getting some answers this book. It also connects to the comments a few pages back (pg27) in this post.

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2 hours ago, Amira said:

SA3 chapter 26, Dalinar's past: I think the Thrill is some part of Odium or something created by him, and somehow also connected to the rhythm of war that the listeners hear, but it's weird that a human (Dalinar) can also hear this rhythm. I'm guessing it's all also connected to the listeners' gods, who are maybe servants of Odium kind of like the Heralds seem to be servants of Honor? I hope I get answers soon! But I won't be too surprised if I only get proper answers in the next book, since it's titled Rhythm of War.

So…… close…… to…. answers…..

“There’s always another secret.”

you will get some answers soon, and then later you’ll get deeper ones, and you’ll realize that what you’ve got is still not the end of it.

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2 hours ago, Amira said:

SA3 chapter 26, Dalinar's past: I think the Thrill is some part of Odium or something created by him, and somehow also connected to the rhythm of war that the listeners hear, but it's weird that a human (Dalinar) can also hear this rhythm. I'm guessing it's all also connected to the listeners' gods, who are maybe servants of Odium kind of like the Heralds seem to be servants of Honor? I hope I get answers soon! But I won't be too surprised if I only get proper answers in the next book, since it's titled Rhythm of War.

Every time you speculate or ask questions like that you make me grin :D 

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1 hour ago, king of nowhere said:

 unless you go look in the coppermind

Or the Arcanum. Or ask one of us to do so for you so that you can continue avoiding spoilers (as long as we edit the post to only relevant non-spoiler material).

e.g.: If after the end of OB you still have questions on the Thrill, we could post explanatory WoB fragments that don't spoil Dawnshard, RoW or SA5. . .

Edited by Treamayne
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On 8/16/2023 at 3:05 PM, Treamayne said:

You will start getting some answers this book.

On 8/16/2023 at 4:59 PM, Elder said:

So…… close…… to…. answers…..


On 8/16/2023 at 5:09 PM, alder24 said:

Every time you speculate or ask questions like that you make me grin :D 

Yay :)

SA3 chapter 27: Shallan finally finds out that Kaladin killed Helaran, yikes! Then she finds these drawings that she doesn't remember making... is she losing her mind, or did someone or something else draw those, kind of like the spren imitating the killings? Seeing as Pattern doesn't remember her sketching those, I tend to believe she's not actually losing her mind, and that something else is responsible, but who knows...

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3 hours ago, Lego Mistborn said:

I think every single person should do one of these for SA5

Totally! I love reading this and it would be so funny to have everyone doing it at the same time. It would totally like, flood the stormlight forums though.

3 hours ago, Amira said:

Shallan finally finds out that Kaladin killed Helaran, yikes!

Yikes! honestly I feel that this didn't get enough attention yet.

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I'll make a petition for a separate forum category for them. If enough people like the idea I'll share it with Chaos.

3 hours ago, Amira said:


Yay :)

SA3 chapter 27: Shallan finally finds out that Kaladin killed Helaran, yikes! Then she finds these drawings that she doesn't remember making... is she losing her mind, or did someone or something else draw those, kind of like the spren imitating the killings? Seeing as Pattern doesn't remember her sketching those, I tend to believe she's not actually losing her mind, and that something else is responsible, but who knows...

It's amazing the things I just don't notice in my readthroughs. Wowza.

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On 8/22/2023 at 6:11 PM, Lego Mistborn said:

I think every single person should do one of these for SA5

OMG, that would be so cool!

On 8/22/2023 at 9:11 PM, Lego Mistborn said:

It's amazing the things I just don't notice in my readthroughs. Wowza.

Are you saying there's something I noticed that you haven't noticed when you first read Oathbringer?

SA3 chapter 28: Oathbringer the Shardblade has been found! We get that masterpiece quote from Dalinar, "Sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more than a person who is in the process of changing." which I've definitely seen before, but can't remember where. Was it in one of those excerpts from Oathbringer the in-world book at the top of chapters? Anyway, the chapter ends with Dalinar finding out the Stormfather can create shared visions, and he can go meet the reluctant world leaders that way. I definitely look forward to reading about that! Meanwhile, Taravangian continues to be creepy, and of course, even though Dalinar notices Taravangian is different than before, he assumes he just misjudged him before, and doesn't realize Taravangian is actually different on this given day. So when do we get back to Kaladin? Also, I'm getting increasingly nervous for Adolin for when his dad finds out he killed Sadeas...

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2 hours ago, Amira said:

SA3 chapter 28: Oathbringer the Shardblade has been found! We get that masterpiece quote from Dalinar, "Sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more than a person who is in the process of changing." which I've definitely seen before, but can't remember where.

I don't think it is in any of the epigraphs. The quote appears in chapters 28 and 103.

You may have heard it referenced elsewhere though - or may have seen it on Dalinar's Coppermind page if you ever looked at that.

2 hours ago, Amira said:

 Also, I'm getting increasingly nervous for Adolin for when his dad finds out he killed Sadeas...

Minor spoiler that may (or may not) assuade some of the nerves. Up to you if you want to peek:


Dalinar won't find out until near the end of the book (slightly more spoiler):


Adolin tells him.



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18 hours ago, Amira said:

OMG, that would be so cool!

Are you saying there's something I noticed that you haven't noticed when you first read Oathbringer?

SA3 chapter 28: Oathbringer the Shardblade has been found! We get that masterpiece quote from Dalinar, "Sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more than a person who is in the process of changing." which I've definitely seen before, but can't remember where. Was it in one of those excerpts from Oathbringer the in-world book at the top of chapters? Anyway, the chapter ends with Dalinar finding out the Stormfather can create shared visions, and he can go meet the reluctant world leaders that way. I definitely look forward to reading about that! Meanwhile, Taravangian continues to be creepy, and of course, even though Dalinar notices Taravangian is different than before, he assumes he just misjudged him before, and doesn't realize Taravangian is actually different on this given day. So when do we get back to Kaladin? Also, I'm getting increasingly nervous for Adolin for when his dad finds out he killed Sadeas...

I'm saying there a lot of things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SA3 chapter 29: We're stopping the chapter there??? Wow, this was weird to read right after reading a certain section of Yumi. There seem to be lots of Cosmere connections, and I understand none of them :lol:. Anyway, Shallan goes chasing the spren killer, and when she finds a Dark Pit with a Spiral Staircase (TM), she sends for Adolin and Bridge Four. At one point they reach a locked door and Adolin cuts it down with his Blade, but can't Pattern open locks? Also, Renarin was wearing Plate - does Plane not make Radiants hear screams like Blade, or did Renarin actually get this Plate through being a Radiant? So, is this midnight monster one of the nine shadows? What are they going to do about it? They have to somehow stop it from killing people, but I don't know if it can be killed or contained. I'm trying to come up with theories of what will happen next, but drawing a blank. I'll just have to RAFO.

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3 hours ago, Amira said:

SA3 chapter 29: We're stopping the chapter there???

Glad you are enjoying it. I won't say more, but I will remind you of these posts.

Yumi and Tress Spoilers


There is likely a connection of some kind between what you saw in this chapter, the Midnight Spores and the Nightmares. We do not yet have definitive answers, but Brandon has said that, in some cases, magic that works on similar fundamental principals can be called by the same terms (especially if that term is the only one the person knows to describe that effect).

For example - back in Way of Kings, during the story of the Wandersail (Ch 57), you see Wit using Lightweaving - which is not the same as the Lightweaving used by Shallan - but can be called by the same term because it uses the same principals. The version of Lightweaving Wit used comes from a different source than the Rosharan Surges.

3 hours ago, Amira said:

does Plate not make Radiants hear screams like Blade, or did Renarin actually get this Plate through being a Radiant?

I'll answer in a spoiler tag in case you want to skip, but it is not a spoiler for anything defiitive to the books so far.


Plate does not scream - this scene was one of the foreshadowings showing that; so the fans would ask the same questions you are asking. . . why?


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SA3 chapter 30: That was a bizarre chapter, but it seems like the problematic spren ran away, so that's good, I guess. I don't like the idea of it coming back at some point, but ah well. Next they find the the column is covered in large gemstones. I wonder what its purpose is...

By the way, I finished Yumi.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/10/2023 at 3:43 PM, Amira said:

SA3 chapter 30: That was a bizarre chapter, but it seems like the problematic spren ran away, so that's good, I guess. I don't like the idea of it coming back at some point, but ah well. Next they find the the column is covered in large gemstones. I wonder what its purpose is...

By the way, I finished Yumi.

I thoroughly loved Yumi.  

and…… more….. answers…… coming!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, just started rythm of war , and have a question (spoiler):


I've stumbled upon Kaladin hoping to stumble upon Leshwi in the battle , as he has killed her once already, now that tells me that he knows who she is and knows about her manipulation on Moash , but when did all that happened? the only book i missed so far was the Dawnshard novella , did their encounter happen there? or is this will be explained later with a flashback or something? 


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[There was a quote here, too lazy to edit it in any other way.]

Ahem. Just, please hide your text in a spoiler box real quick, the OP of this thread is still on Oathbringer.

There should be an eye button for that. I'll edit my post with an answer to you question in a moment.

Spoilers for Row:


I... Don't think he did. Honestly? I think they just battled enough time and this kind of information just slipped. I think they talk once or twice during the fight? Maybe? You'll see when you get there.


Edited by Trutharchivist
Thanks, alder! My bad.
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44 minutes ago, Trutharchivist said:

Ahem. Just, please hide your text in a spoiler box real quick, the OP of this thread is still on Oathbringer.

Now hide his quote in your post in a spoiler box! 

55 minutes ago, Yzar said:

Hi guys, just started rythm of war , and have a question (spoiler):

If you have a question you should always start your own topic, instead of asking in Amira's thread -  she is currently reading OB and any discussion about future events risks spoiling the book for her. Just start a new topic in the SA section or Cosmere Q&A (best place for a quick question). The answer to your question is, RoW spoilers:


He didn't know that, he just was excited to fight with someone so skillful as her, because he could test the limits of his own skill and improve himself. It was a challenge and he liked that.


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Thanks for the clarification guys , I'll know better next time!
Just to wrap up this discussion , I had my doubts due to this quote in ROW:


Three flights would mean fifty-four members. Would Leshwi be among them? He hoped she would, as they needed a rematch. He wasn’t certain he’d be able to recognize her, as she’d died last time. He couldn’t claim credit; Rock’s daughter Cord had done the deed with a wellplaced arrow from her Shardbow.

Now as far as I know, the only book so far where Cord is mentioned is the novella I mentioned before, but you're saying that events described above, were not part of any previous book/novella right?


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1 minute ago, Yzar said:

Thanks for the clarification guys , I'll know better next time!
Just to wrap up this discussion , I had my doubts due to this quote in ROW:

  Reveal hidden contents

Now as far as I know, the only book so far where Cord is mentioned is the novella I mentioned before, but you're saying that events described above, were not part of any previous book/novella right?


That's correct. That character is better described in Dawnshard, but what you're referring to happens offscreen in between DS and RoW, and it only described after the fact.

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