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I'm reading The Stormlight Archive for the first time


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35 minutes ago, Amira said:

I can't imagine anything happening in the future that could make me feel like this chapter works the way it is.

I can't speak for others, but I would not expect you to. I was refraining from being negative myself because I did not want to influence your opinion. So, I'll just say this in a tag, and you can decide if you want to check it out (spoiler-free biased opinion):


Shallan's storyline for Oathbringer made this book my least favorite of the series so far. As much as I love Dalinar's arc in Oathbringer, and I find the flashback chapters to be my favorite in the series - and none of that off-sets the pain I feel reading Shallan's chapters.

That's was why I said "Thus starts the Shallan shuffle" earlier - it was my attempt at a diplomatic foreshadowing that Shallan's chapters tend to be very polarizing. Those that like her, really like these sections. Others, like me, do not feel that way.

(The Shallan complaints thread did go on for four pages before being closed by mods- It has spoilers for all four books though, which is why I did not link it.) - Excerpt from my post there (only discusses sections you have already finished):


 I also find Shallan to be my least favorite main character(*) in Roshar.

 I prefer Shallan's chapters from TWoK and WoR. I dislike the Shallan chapters in OB. For me it basically it comes down to:

  • Early in TWoK, Shallan really evokes the type of people I knew in the Military - first time away from home (especially an oppressive/abusive home) and really just a bit unpredictable and weird; mostly because they are in the process of trying to find how they interact with others when not under the (real or perceived) social pressures of home.
  • The "Theft" subplot seems much more far fetched on the first read-through than it does on a second (and subsequent) readings after having seen the flashbacks in WoR.
    • If she had the strength to poison and strangle her father to protect Balat, then I can believe she would design such a long-shot plan to protect her family
  • In the first two books, you can almost feel the tug inside Shallan between her instinctual reactions and the learned/supressed reactions
  • When Veil is introduced, it's just an illusion and "role"

Then we get to Oathbringer - supposedly only a week (or less) after the end of WoR. Suddenly, Veil is a competing identity, then adds Radiant for, uh, why? The DID and Shallan in OB, just never felt like a logical progression from the Shallan of WoR. I actually re-read her first few OB chapters (the first read-through for OB) because I was convinced I missed something somewhere.

Basically, I find it difficult to suspend disbelief for her situation. Dissociative identity disorder is rare, and DID where all the personalities are aware of all other personalities are even more rare; so without black-outs and missing time or a personality that is cut off from the others, all of her chapters feel to me like somebody trying to pretend they have DID rather than somebody actually struggling with this illness.

Besides, BS missed the chance at a great hook of giving us a chapter or two from one of Shallan's personalities without revealing it was Shallan right away (and having "Shallan" experience the fallout from blackouts and missing time).

*Note: I say main character because I dislike Jasnah and Lirin more, but neither are main characters (yet)



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17 hours ago, Treamayne said:

I can't speak for others, but I would not expect you to. I was refraining from being negative myself because I did not want to influence your opinion. So, I'll just say this in a tag, and you can decide if you want to check it out (spoiler-free biased opinion):

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Shallan's storyline for Oathbringer made this book my least favorite of the series so far. As much as I love Dalinar's arc in Oathbringer, and I find the flashback chapters to be my favorite in the series - and none of that off-sets the pain I feel reading Shallan's chapters.

That's was why I said "Thus starts the Shallan shuffle" earlier - it was my attempt at a diplomatic foreshadowing that Shallan's chapters tend to be very polarizing. Those that like her, really like these sections. Others, like me, do not feel that way.

(The Shallan complaints thread did go on for four pages before being closed by mods- It has spoilers for all four books though, which is why I did not link it.) - Excerpt from my post there (only discusses sections you have already finished):

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 I also find Shallan to be my least favorite main character(*) in Roshar.

 I prefer Shallan's chapters from TWoK and WoR. I dislike the Shallan chapters in OB. For me it basically it comes down to:

  • Early in TWoK, Shallan really evokes the type of people I knew in the Military - first time away from home (especially an oppressive/abusive home) and really just a bit unpredictable and weird; mostly because they are in the process of trying to find how they interact with others when not under the (real or perceived) social pressures of home.
  • The "Theft" subplot seems much more far fetched on the first read-through than it does on a second (and subsequent) readings after having seen the flashbacks in WoR.
    • If she had the strength to poison and strangle her father to protect Balat, then I can believe she would design such a long-shot plan to protect her family
  • In the first two books, you can almost feel the tug inside Shallan between her instinctual reactions and the learned/supressed reactions
  • When Veil is introduced, it's just an illusion and "role"

Then we get to Oathbringer - supposedly only a week (or less) after the end of WoR. Suddenly, Veil is a competing identity, then adds Radiant for, uh, why? The DID and Shallan in OB, just never felt like a logical progression from the Shallan of WoR. I actually re-read her first few OB chapters (the first read-through for OB) because I was convinced I missed something somewhere.

Basically, I find it difficult to suspend disbelief for her situation. Dissociative identity disorder is rare, and DID where all the personalities are aware of all other personalities are even more rare; so without black-outs and missing time or a personality that is cut off from the others, all of her chapters feel to me like somebody trying to pretend they have DID rather than somebody actually struggling with this illness.

Besides, BS missed the chance at a great hook of giving us a chapter or two from one of Shallan's personalities without revealing it was Shallan right away (and having "Shallan" experience the fallout from blackouts and missing time).

*Note: I say main character because I dislike Jasnah and Lirin more, but neither are main characters (yet)



I would have to agree with you,


Oathbringer was my least favorite of Stormlight for the same reason. I have a hard time relating to Shallan, but I understand why those who do relate to her enjoy her journey. Chaotic as it is 😅

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On 12/9/2023 at 6:25 PM, Amira said:

Okay, all of you are saying stuff kind of like this, so clearly I need to be patient and find out more as I read, but I have to say I'm skeptical. I can't imagine anything happening in the future that could make me feel like this chapter works the way it is.

Anything is a big word. That said, you may still feel the same once you're all caught up. I doubt it, but it's completely valid if you do.

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SA3, chapter 35, Sigzil: I have 2 things to say:
1) That was a very strange chapter to read right after reading the first eleven chapters of The Sunlint Man, and
2) That chapter title, "first into the sky" was clickbait if ever I've seen one.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 1/2/2024 at 3:58 PM, Pineap-spider said:

I love this Idea! I'll definitely be keeping up with this thread. Keep going!

Ahh, thank you!!

SA3, chapter 36, Dalinar's past: I don't like Evi so much. Okay, good, it turns out Dalinar spared that one kid. This makes way more sense, honestly. Killing the kid didn't feel like him.

Chapter 37, Rock: Lopen cracked me up with his joke about skyeels being ugly and stupid and bridgemen being only one of those. Then he got stuck to the ground and switched to humor I didn't care for. The moment with Renarin and Rlain was great. I feel like we don't know much about either of them. They could both use more screen time and character development. It's really awesome that Hobber was healed. What about Dabbid? Why can't he be healed too? Then Rock's family arrives. As someone who came from a country where common words are often used as names, it's strange that Rock translates all their names instead of introducing himself as Lunamor, his wife as Tuaka, and so on. You guys wanna start calling me Statement?🤣
Finally, there's that really interesting detail about Rock lying about him being a cook because that's the role of the third child. Hm...

Edited by Amira
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On 1/6/2024 at 2:21 PM, Amira said:

Ahh, thank you!!

SA3, chapter 36, Dalinar's past: I don't like Evi so much. Okay, good, it turns out Dalinar spared that one kid. This makes way more sense, honestly. Killing the kid didn't feel like him.

I agree, I was horrified when I thought he had killed the kid. I mean, I know he was a warlord, but that just felt too far.

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On 1/6/2024 at 4:21 PM, Amira said:

It's really awesome that Hobber was healed. What about Dabbid? Why can't he be healed too?

You will get this answer - (Slight Spoilers)


but not until Book 4. . .

Glad to see you made it back to the book and hope things are going well for you.

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Hey guys,

As you may have noticed, I haven't been reading much lately. I think it's finally time to admit this book in no longer working for me. I'm sorry to let you all down. It's been a lot of fun, and maybe someday I'll still change my mind, but for now this is the end. 😔

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4 hours ago, Amira said:

As you may have noticed, I haven't been reading much lately. I think it's finally time to admit this book in no longer working for me. I'm sorry to let you all down. It's been a lot of fun, and maybe someday I'll still change my mind, but for now this is the end. 

You are not letting me down, and you should feel no obligaton or guilt for not continuing if you are not enjoying yourself.

We are sorry to hear that and we hope things go well for you. Will you try any other Cosmere books in the mean time (you did seem to enjoy the Secret Projects)?

Maybe some of the books that are generally recommended to read before Stormlight Archive? 

If you have questions you want answered or want recommendations, please let us know.

For example: Warbreaker is available free on the website, if you want to try a few or all chapters without monetary investment. 

Edited by Treamayne
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1 hour ago, Treamayne said:

Will you try any other Cosmere books in the mean time (you did seem to enjoy the Secret Projects)?

I still plan on finishing The Sunlit Man.

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I get what you are saying.

A lot of people loved OB but I wasn’t a huge fan on my first read (I’ve grown more fond of it ove4 time)

I think there is quite a shift from the first two books where you have a team of likeable characters to cheer for (Bridge 4!) and no matter how uninterested you are in a chapter or two, you always have a Bridge 4 / Kaladin chapter to look forward to (or a Shallan chapter if you are a freak like me).

OB is setting the stage for coming books so you go from two action packed books to a much more ponderous pace.  I was curious to see how you liked the next Act as it was my least favourite but the next setting and final Act I found very satisfying.

if you’re bored someday try speed-reading through the middle bits haha.

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14 hours ago, Amira said:

As you may have noticed, I haven't been reading much lately. I think it's finally time to admit this book in no longer working for me. I'm sorry to let you all down. It's been a lot of fun, and maybe someday I'll still change my mind, but for now this is the end. 😔

It's sad to hear that, I really enjoy your thread, but the most important thing is that you enjoy it as well. If it doesn't work for you then it's fine.

I had a mixed experience with OB myself when I first read it. The first 2 parts were slow, different and while there are some fantastic chapters there, overall I expected a bit more than this. But later it picked up momentum and OB turned out fantastic. It includes some of my favorite scenes in the entire SA.

Still, it doesn't have to appeal to everybody. I'll see you in TSM thread :) 

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If ever you feel like it, I would like you to know that Oathbringer is a harder book to read for a lot of people and they usually enjoy RoW more. It was that way for me. It's definitely a more Cosmere-aware novel though, so if you don't like that, it might not be the best. Don't force yourself though!!!

And hey, @ me in the TSM thread.

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While I am sorry there won't be more updates I wish to leave some words of support. I started Way of Kings twice before I got through it.

Same with Dune and Wheel of Time. Sometimes books just don't work for you. 

I've grown fond of saying "Not everything is for everyone"

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On 1/13/2024 at 2:30 PM, Amira said:

Hey guys,

As you may have noticed, I haven't been reading much lately. I think it's finally time to admit this book in no longer working for me. I'm sorry to let you all down. It's been a lot of fun, and maybe someday I'll still change my mind, but for now this is the end. 😔

That makes sense. I tried 3 times before i made it through TWoK, I understand needing a break. Really hope you revisit it though! 

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