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Monks: Idk i have one monk character, no one else i know has a monk, so ima just list attributes of my monk Evalyn. Gay, chaotic af but still good, and head over heels for another member of the party.

Wizard: *pew pew magic missile/chromatic orb*

Cleric: sassy, yet useful

(these are from my own experiences)

Edited by Doomslug The Destroyer
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Tonight I was a victim of the "Never taunt the master" trope. He introduced a new enemy which turned out to be reasonably weak and bad at hitting us. So I was like "Ok, they're easy, we probably don't have to worry about them". 

A little later he pulls 20+ of those from all directions armed and ready (literally), the tank is completely surrounded and loses over half his health, and then the session ended. The future seems bright. 

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9 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

Tonight I was a victim of the "Never taunt the master" trope. He introduced a new enemy which turned out to be reasonably weak and bad at hitting us. So I was like "Ok, they're easy, we probably don't have to worry about them". 

A little later he pulls 20+ of those from all directions armed and ready (literally), the tank is completely surrounded and loses over half his health, and then the session ended. The future seems bright. 

LOL never mess with the DM

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I think it is. :D

And having grown up with GURPS, with it's one-second fighting turns, I thought I had an overly fast speed at first, then was told that D&D has six-second fighting turns and realized my speed was about normal for GURPS. :P It was an experience, and quite interesting.

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My warlock’s familiar just 1. Steals stuff, and 2. Spies on people, 3. Flies around annoyingly, or 4. Gathers weapons. In case you haven’t guessed, they’re an imp.

For me the stereotypical warlock is someone who insults. A lot. Actually all my characters do... I made a Druid who insulted people so much my DM allowed me to get Vicious Mockery as a cantrip ;)

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On 19/8/2022 at 7:01 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

I get to learn how to play DnD after school today!

Good luck! Hope it went well. Remember, if they tell you the session will be 3 hours long, you should spare another 3 just in case. 

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On 8/20/2022 at 2:29 PM, Eluvianii said:

Good luck! Hope it went well. Remember, if they tell you the session will be 3 hours long, you should spare another 3 just in case. 

It did. I learned the basics of D&D and made a basic character. I really enjoyed it and I can't wait to do more when I can. Probably when I can convince a group of friends to let me DM an adventure for them.

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wizard i've been playing dnd for almost a year and a half. (i think)

do not, do NOT attempt to DM.

I have not yet attempted. It is hard and it scares me. You're barely knowledgeable. Trust me, just enjoy the game bruh.


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2 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

I have not yet attempted. It is hard and it scares me. You're barely knowledgeable. Trust me, just enjoy the game bruh.

I would be the most knowledgeable about D&D in the group and I enjoy telling stories and it doesn't scare me, it excites me.

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