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Yesterday I died in a campaign. Our table has a pretty sensible rule that once you die that you have to make a new character of different race and class, does anyone have suggestions (I have the all clear to use parentage rules from an Elf and an Orc have a Little Baby)?

Edited by The last Fae in the Woods
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4 minutes ago, The last Fae in the Woods said:

Yesterday I had a snapping moment against an army of enemies each of which would be a medium encounter! I was going out against the evil army solo to try to help the town, assuming these enemies: were slow (30ft. or less), weren't ranged, were dumb. All three were wrong, I went out used my hawk dealt about 25 damage to one (I was level 3 at the time), horseback the hawk was two shot by eight enemies and died instantly, I went crazy and rode out to the side and blasted them with my 300ft. AB (Agonizing blast) and was moving over 60ft. a turn, one group split off of 9 enemies with increasing speed, I was caught up by them in under 2 minutes died that turn. This is the first character that died in a normal campaign (not a one-shot) in all of our DnD experience outside of the DM's (I think).

Our table has a pretty sensible rule that once you die that you have to make a new character of different race and class, does anyone have suggestions (I have the all clear to use parentage rules from an Elf and an Orc have a Little Baby)?

Well you can either go for a character that will last for any length of campaign, but if the campaign goes is gonna go on for a while, then doing a class that gets really powerful as you collect things (like an artificer or a wizard) is fun in my opinion 

But do what character you’ll have the most FUN with. 

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On 2/22/2023 at 10:17 AM, Cash67 said:

But do what character you’ll have the most FUN with. 

New character: Half satyr Unicorn Half vampire Bard Raised by witches


Does anyone think this a good boss design: Danger on the Dance Floor: the arena has two levels, the first is a room that locks on entry and opens once the boss is dead, it is 35ft by 35ft with 5 by 5 ceramic tiles covering the floor, in the middle is The Dancer. The second floor is the balcony where 5 NPCs focus a light down on The Dancer, they don't join the fight but if attacked will fight on their own use the Guard stat block. The whole arena is in dim light apart for the areas where light is focused on by the guards. 

The Dancer has 157 HP, 30ft. of movement, 15 AC (Leather Armor)

14 str, 18 dex, 12 con, 15 wis, 13 int, 16 cha 

between 140 - 157 HP they spin moving 15ft. in a continues direction, any creature that moves within 5ft or starts its turn within 5ft takes 10 (4d4) slashing damage making a DC 15 dex save for half damage. While spinning they have +2 AC

At 100 - 139 HP they occasionally stop and throw daggers Multiattack, attack twice, range 40/90 +7 to hit 7 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.

The rest of the time they rain down spells, 

Cantrips: Lullaby, Green Flame Blade, Blade Ward

1st level (4 slots): Shield, Magic Missile, Faerie Fire

2nd level (3 slots): Misty Step, Pyrotechnics, Silence

3rd level (3 slots): Lightning bolt, Bestow Curse

4th level (1 slot): Compulsion

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Hello DND aficionados. I was invited to play DND with a group at school and I really want to and it sounds AWESOME. The only problem is I know absolutely nothing about how playing dungeons and dragons works or how to go about filling in a character sheet. All my “experience” comes from watching a couple of videos that were simple introductions to the premise of DND. I was wondering if you guys could grace me with some of your knowledge or hot tips?

Some info about my situation. The campaign has already started and I don’t actually know what it is. The DM suggested playing a Cleric, Druid or Bard and I’m fairly certain it’s 5e.

soooo yeah… help?

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52 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

Hello DND aficionados. I was invited to play DND with a group at school and I really want to and it sounds AWESOME. The only problem is I know absolutely nothing about how playing dungeons and dragons works or how to go about filling in a character sheet. All my “experience” comes from watching a couple of videos that were simple introductions to the premise of DND. I was wondering if you guys could grace me with some of your knowledge or hot tips?

Some info about my situation. The campaign has already started and I don’t actually know what it is. The DM suggested playing a Cleric, Druid or Bard and I’m fairly certain it’s 5e.

soooo yeah… help?

theres this website called DnDBeyond

You can build a character there without knowing much about character building, and you can also learn about DnD 5e there

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7 minutes ago, Tani said:

theres this website called DnDBeyond

You can build a character there without knowing much about character building, and you can also learn about DnD 5e there



Ugh my school blocked it :( I’ll check it out later :D


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2 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

Hello DND aficionados. I was invited to play DND with a group at school and I really want to and it sounds AWESOME. The only problem is I know absolutely nothing about how playing dungeons and dragons works or how to go about filling in a character sheet. All my “experience” comes from watching a couple of videos that were simple introductions to the premise of DND. I was wondering if you guys could grace me with some of your knowledge or hot tips?

Some info about my situation. The campaign has already started and I don’t actually know what it is. The DM suggested playing a Cleric, Druid or Bard and I’m fairly certain it’s 5e.

soooo yeah… help?

Also, don't be afraid to ask the group itself for help. I think after a while experienced players just sort of assume without realizing it that anyone can fill a character sheet, but I know the first time is really daunting. 

My experience was that they just told me to make a character, I didn't know how to do that, was very afraid to ask but after I did one of the players walked me through the process. Then from the second time on it's way easier.

As for tips, well, I'd say splitting the process into bits makes things easier. 

- Rolling stats (can't be specific because there's several ways to do it and I don't know which your group is using) 

- Choosing race and class. 

- Filling in attributes using the stats you rolled and applying race bonuses.

- Choose feats. 

- Buy gear.

I've personally only played Pathfinder but I think at least these bits are done in dnd too. Still take it with a grain of salt though. 

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3 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

Hello DND aficionados. I was invited to play DND with a group at school and I really want to and it sounds AWESOME. The only problem is I know absolutely nothing about how playing dungeons and dragons works or how to go about filling in a character sheet. All my “experience” comes from watching a couple of videos that were simple introductions to the premise of DND. I was wondering if you guys could grace me with some of your knowledge or hot tips?

Some info about my situation. The campaign has already started and I don’t actually know what it is. The DM suggested playing a Cleric, Druid or Bard and I’m fairly certain it’s 5e.

soooo yeah… help?

There is also a YouTube series called “A crap guide to Dungeons and Dragons” and it helped me get the hang of what D&Ds all about



Also if you got invited then I’m sure someone in the group would be happy to help make your character. Stay simple for the first one, and after that if you don’t like your character just make a new one and have the old one leave/die heroically!! We are gonna need campaign updates…

Edited by Cash67
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34 minutes ago, Eluvianii said:

Also, don't be afraid to ask the group itself for help. I think after a while experienced players just sort of assume without realizing it that anyone can fill a character sheet, but I know the first time is really daunting. 

My experience was that they just told me to make a character, I didn't know how to do that, was very afraid to ask but after I did one of the players walked me through the process. Then from the second time on it's way easier.

As for tips, well, I'd say splitting the process into bits makes things easier. 

- Rolling stats (can't be specific because there's several ways to do it and I don't know which your group is using) 

- Choosing race and class. 

- Filling in attributes using the stats you rolled and applying race bonuses.

- Choose feats. 

- Buy gear.

I've personally only played Pathfinder but I think at least these bits are done in dnd too. Still take it with a grain of salt though. 


19 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

There is also a YouTube series called “A crap guide to Dungeons and Dragons” and it helped me get the hang of what D&Ds all about



Also if you got invited then I’m sure someone in the group would be happy to help make your character. Stay simple for the first one, and after that if you don’t like your character just make a new one and have the old one leave/die heroically!! We are gonna need campaign updates…

Thank you for your advice. I shall update you on how it goes and what ends up happening. The next session isn’t until Thursday so I shall do some more research in that time and hopefully have enough of a grasp on what is meant to happen that I can stumble through!

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Some potential questions to ask your DM:
 1. What is the system? Presumably D&D 5e but always best to make sure.
 2. How are they doing stats? Some DMs prefer the standard array over rolling.
 3. What level will you need to make the character?
 4. Are there any races/classes that would not suit the campaign?
 5. Some details about the setting, I always always always suggest learning about the setting before making a character. You are much more likely to be able to create character who will fit in well and have an appropriate story of their own that can align with the main plot. They might even be running a hardcover and there is a lot of guidance for creating characters for those, some even have players guides that include suggested options and possible backstories (Though I don't think 5e does this as much as Pathfinder does).
 6. On a similar note, do they know how they'll be introducing your character? Talk to them about that so you can make sure you're across what's expected of you and if there is any knowledge that your character should know that might be relevant.

It may also be worth asking who the other characters are and if it's possible your character might know any of them. From the DMs suggestions it sounds like they're probably looking for a healer, in which case a Paladin may also fill the role quite nicely, or possibly a Ranger. Warlocks and Sorcerers also have some options for healing. I would probably advise against a Druid as first character as they're probably the most complex class in terms of how much you need to keep track of. But they're also one of my favourite classes so I definitely get the appeal :P

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50 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Some potential questions to ask your DM:
 1. What is the system? Presumably D&D 5e but always best to make sure.
 2. How are they doing stats? Some DMs prefer the standard array over rolling.
 3. What level will you need to make the character?
 4. Are there any races/classes that would not suit the campaign?
 5. Some details about the setting, I always always always suggest learning about the setting before making a character. You are much more likely to be able to create character who will fit in well and have an appropriate story of their own that can align with the main plot. They might even be running a hardcover and there is a lot of guidance for creating characters for those, some even have players guides that include suggested options and possible backstories (Though I don't think 5e does this as much as Pathfinder does).
 6. On a similar note, do they know how they'll be introducing your character? Talk to them about that so you can make sure you're across what's expected of you and if there is any knowledge that your character should know that might be relevant.

It may also be worth asking who the other characters are and if it's possible your character might know any of them. From the DMs suggestions it sounds like they're probably looking for a healer, in which case a Paladin may also fill the role quite nicely, or possibly a Ranger. Warlocks and Sorcerers also have some options for healing. I would probably advise against a Druid as first character as they're probably the most complex class in terms of how much you need to keep track of. But they're also one of my favourite classes so I definitely get the appeal :P



:O. did Voidus just give me advice? The Voidus? The only Aussie Mod Voidus?? I'm honoured by your presence especially as I come from the land down under myself .


Thank you so much everybody! I have just sent an email to my DM with these questions and yeah, they do want a healer because apparently every person in the campaign currently is playing an offensive character and it is "a miracle [they] haven't all died yet" :P I think I'm going to play as a Paladin Half-Elf. But we'll see what my DM and friends say. wish me luck :D

Oh and Cash and Tani your resources really helped. I feel like I know a little bit more what to expect. I suppose now I just need to give it a go!

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It happens from time to time :P

And I am a prolific RPer, so I stop by a lot of RP threads and TTRPG discussions. Always glad to meet a fellow Aussie as well, good to have people in similar time zones to talk to. Though actually my sleep cycle tends to put me often more in US hours than ours.

Best of luck! I hope you enjoy playing, it's a great game and with the right group can lead to years of enjoyment.


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Random question which may have already been asked, what is your favorite spell? Is there any particular reason? 

Secondarily I made a great or horrible choice, so I am in a group (firm) of players we each are rule lawyers, I mean we have stat blocks memorized, we don't really need the PHB we know everything we need, if there is a dispute we check with the DM or forums somewhere to see how people have settled it. We aren't the bad stereotype players, we just know what we need. I've been watching Fool's Gold and it sparked the want to play 3.5e or too much homebrew... So I decided to pull out that campaign that I have been building and then put it on an Alderson Disk (I am a Discworld fan so...), the ruleset is DnD, definitely DnD, very DnD. The edition is... 5.3.5e, 8.5e, 4.25e, 5e+3.5e, plus homebrew... I mean HOMEBREW, no more races we use An Elf and an Orc, classes, go wild then merge 3.5e rules and 5e rules for it. The first session might be coming up and I hope this doesn't kill anyone. Rules will merge and blend, numbers will rise and fall. 

Edited by The last Fae in the Woods
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10 hours ago, The last Fae in the Woods said:

Random question which may have already been asked, what is your favorite spell? Is there any particular reason? 

Secondarily I made a great or horrible choice, so I am in a group (firm) of players we each are rule lawyers, I mean we have stat blocks memorized, we don't really need the PHB we know everything we need, if there is a dispute we check with the DM or forums somewhere to see how people have settled it. We aren't the bad stereotype players, we just know what we need. I've been watching Fool's Gold and it sparked the want to play 3.5e or too much homebrew... So I decided to pull out that campaign that I have been building and then put it on an Alderson Disk (I am a Discworld fan so...), the ruleset is DnD, definitely DnD, very DnD. The edition is... 5.3.5e, 8.5e, 4.25e, 5e+3.5e, plus homebrew... I mean HOMEBREW, no more races we use An Elf and an Orc, classes, go wild then merge 3.5e rules and 5e rules for it. The first session might be coming up and I hope this doesn't kill anyone. Rules will merge and blend, numbers will rise and fall. 

Boring answer is Wish because it's the all spells spell.
Mechanical answer is True Polymorph because it's broken.
Honest answer is prestidigitation, because fun name and so very useful and versatile.

I don't know that I've ever used a creature statblock without changing it so those kinds of players usually get quite frustrated at my tables :P But that is their fault for assuming I would use RAW content. I homebrew everything and proudly. Though I've really begun moving away from D&D towards other systems recently. Not sure that I'll run another game of 5e ever once my current campaigns finish up.

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1 minute ago, Voidus said:

Boring answer is Wish because it's the all spells spell.
Mechanical answer is True Polymorph because it's broken.
Honest answer is prestidigitation, because fun name and so very useful and versatile.

True Polymorph is very broken, but fun, top it off with Nystul's magic aura... easy way to hide victims.

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