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As I mentioned earlier, I am a big homebrew creator. I am looking for someone to help me out with a big project that I am undertaking; namely, that of creating a full Cosmere homebrew. I am looking for a partner to help me with this. I am looking for someone interested in writing story-focused content and adventures. I am more of a technical rules writer. If anyone is interested in this, please reply. This is only for fun, I will not be going into any legal stuff and I will not be paying anybody. I do intend to eventually sell this (provided I can get permission from Brandon Sanderson and Wizards of the Coast to publish it), and I will give a share in the profits, but I am not going go into such details yet.

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10 minutes ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

provided I can get permission from…Wizards of the Coast

I will say, I am fairly certain that you don't need WotC permission to publish homebrew content as long as you're not using trademarked terms. If you just market it as 'for 5e systems' then I don't think it'll be a problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I based my character off of Adolin while naming him Aredor. Then I made him a human fighter with a weapon-bonded magic sword. So basically my DM has to deal with an Action surge, extra attack warrior who can't lose his sword. It's fun. I've become the one who befriends the NPCs that we aren't supposed to befriend - instead of the level 20 Ranger npc, I've become great friends with his chef. And a random pixie instead of the queen that everyone else became friends with. It's been fun. 

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22 minutes ago, Aredor said:

I based my character off of Adolin while naming him Aredor. Then I made him a human fighter with a weapon-bonded magic sword. So basically my DM has to deal with an Action surge, extra attack warrior who can't lose his sword. It's fun. I've become the one who befriends the NPCs that we aren't supposed to befriend - instead of the level 20 Ranger npc, I've become great friends with his chef. And a random pixie instead of the queen that everyone else became friends with. It's been fun. 

Is the weapon-bonding from Eldritch Knight? That's one of their abilities, iirc. It's been a while since I've played/ran one.

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Just now, The cheeseman said:

Is the weapon-bonding from Eldritch Knight? That's one of their abilities, iirc. It's been a while since I've played/ran one.

Yeah, I took that path after level 3 because one of my friends' characters had just died. The reasoning was that my character felt bad about the demise of his friend and wanted to better protect others in his party. I've done some pretty fun stunts with weapon bond, too.

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On 2/6/2024 at 1:00 PM, Aredor said:

Yeah, I took that path after level 3 because one of my friends' characters had just died. The reasoning was that my character felt bad about the demise of his friend and wanted to better protect others in his party. I've done some pretty fun stunts with weapon bond, too.

There should be more subclasses like EK. It's one of the best-balanced things in 5e. Unless you multiclass.  But then, all balance throws itself out of a tower when multiclassing comes into play.

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working on a Paw patrol x Tpp campaign. Hyper beam only needs to recharge if it fails to ko SOMETHING. (it's based on the gen 1 version of the move.)

"'the opponent uses hyper beam. make a dex save.


the chair behind you auto fails and is ohko'd. 

*the next round*

they should be recharging, right, it doesn't have the skip recharging item.

well yes, but actually nah."

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Sent my table's group chat this picture, jokingly asking for the item's price, as "I heard it gives +2 to int". 


The GM proceeds to inform me that this is just a headband of vast intelligence, and that it's a wondrous item. And that with wondrous items, the player can decide what it looks like, so this is, in fact, possible.

This is forbidden knowledge for me. Imagine all the stupid looking characters you could create, and all by using a mechanic that doesn't even affect the gameplay. This is amazing!

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/3/2024 at 11:20 AM, Edema Rue said:


My GM just sent me this…

We had a Fallout-based campaign and found a Sentry bot that we overrode, named “Puppy” and adopted. On the last session the DM killed puppy and everybody in the party was crying. (We play various songs during our sessions, and he was playing “Il Mare Eterno Nella Mia Anima” from JoJo when Puppy died so that contributed to it.) We now know that whenever that song comes on, someone’s about to die.

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I came up with a new backstory for one of my characters. (for reference, they are a tabaxi reskinned as a quokka. right now they're a circle of dreams druid but I'm thinking about switching to arcane trickster.)

old backstory: grew up in feywild.

new backstory: was a good supernatural detective, then his home city was nuked after it's citizens became unruly degenerates, (him excluded), now he has a folk-hero's enchanted jacket-coat and said hero's second best friend's hat, and is lost in a world that feels ancient to him, ft. memory problems. also: he has fought the folk-hero's sidekick, and won.


mostly due to him having found a boomstick and loaded flares in it.


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I was wondering if I could get some advice on spell preparation...

My current campaign is my first time playing a spellcaster and I am struggling with balancing prepared spells. We ended our last session with a long rest so my dm gave me a week to prepare my spells hehe. We leveled up to level 9 and so I now get 5th level spells as an aarakocra cleric.

My questions are probably pretty simple: How many spells should I prepare at each level if I have 14 slots? Should the number of prepared spells match the number of spell slots at each level? (4 first level, 3 second level, 3 third level, 3 fourth level, and 1 fifth level)

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21 minutes ago, Glorfs Tresses said:

My questions are probably pretty simple: How many spells should I prepare at each level if I have 14 slots? Should the number of prepared spells match the number of spell slots at each level? (4 first level, 3 second level, 3 third level, 3 fourth level, and 1 fifth level)

The answer to the second is no (kind of. You can prepare whatever spells you want, as long as they match your caster level). The answer to the first is a little more complex.

According to the PHB, as a Cleric, you can prepare a number of spells equal to your Wis modifier+9, your Cleric level. Extra slots can be used to upcast prepared spells or to cast the same spell more than once. So, if you have a Wisdom modifier of +5, you can prepare 14 spells. If it is +4, you can prepare 13 spells. If it is +3, you can prepare 12 spells. If it is +2, you can prepare 11 spells. If it is +1, you can prepare 10 spells.

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53 minutes ago, Glorfs Tresses said:

aarakocra cleric

My owlin fighter w/ magic initiate (cleric, or paladin, tbd. follows cleanliness): "we can be friends until we encounter something foul.

loads crossbow with a bolt tipped with every stackable biohazard

after that, things get rough."

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Unless it's an evil campaign and the GM complains that we're too good. 

Speaking of GMs, ours decided to start nullifying his own crits during a fight, because even he recognized it was a bit too much to roll 4 crits in a row against the same character. All the while half our hits don't connect.

At this point we have a joke that he has some kind of hack to roll high rolls and make us roll low, a passive ability as a professional GM of sorts, because this sort of thing happens quite often. We never finish a campaign of his with a single character. All part of the fun though. 

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I've been digging around for other TTRPGs to play besides 5e (don't get me wrong, I love it, but I also like variety), and I've stumbled across Free League Publishing and the 6th Ed. of Pendragon, Chaosium's flagship tabletop. These look amazing, and I am definitely going to give them a try, eventually.

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