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In what ways could Thaidakar use Connection to get off Scadrial?



Could Kelsier/Thaidakar use Connection in some form (for example: medallions or whatever Ishar is doing in his experiments) to get off Scadrial?

I would think the medallions could help Kelsier stay on another planet if he reached one (by Connecting his soul to that planet), but would there be a way to use one to get off Scadrial in the first place? Could you use a medallion to Connect your soul to the Cognitive Realm as a whole, allowing you to travel through it to different planets?

Ishar's experiments are really weird and disturbing, but could a bondsmith or someone else with access to the surge of Connection pull Kelsier into the Physical Realm or to a different system? Create a body similarly to how Ishar created bodies for the spren he pulled into the physical (except one that doesn't kill the cognitive shadow/spren)?

Just thoughts...

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2 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

for a second there I thought you were talking about me :P what if Ishar and Thaidakar are in league?

Sorry, not you :) 

That would be interesting... I don't know that I could picture Kelsier trusting Ishar that much or Ishar working with Kelsier. Ishar would want to be in charge of Kelsier, and wouldn't settle for just a partner in crime. Idk, maybe we'll see in SA5.

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Just now, HippoPhileus said:

Sorry, not you :) 

That would be interesting... I don't know that I could picture Kelsier trusting Ishar that much or Ishar working with Kelsier. Ishar would want to be in charge of Kelsier, and wouldn't settle for just a partner in crime. Idk, maybe we'll see in SA5.

that is true. I think they would be working together buuuuu.... *widens eyes* I THINK THEY HAVE ALLIED. do the medallion thingies have writing on them???

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2 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

that is true. I think they would be working together buuuuu.... *widens eyes* I THINK THEY HAVE ALLIED. do the medallion thingies have writing on them???

I don't remember, let me check the Coppermind...

It doesn't say. I would say it makes sense that they would, especially considering (SP#4 spoiler:


The scadrian technology Nomad comes in contact with in SP#4 preview chapters.


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1 minute ago, HippoPhileus said:

I don't remember, let me check the Coppermind...

It doesn't say. I would say it makes sense that they would, especially considering (SP#4 spoiler:

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The scadrian technology Nomad comes in contact with in SP#4 preview chapters.


mhm. because maybe Ishar and Kelsier are trying to manipulate eachother.

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2 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

mhm. because maybe Ishar and Kelsier are trying to manipulate eachother.

that would make more sense on Kelsier's side of the equation. We don't know much about Madman Ishar though... Maybe he is manipulative in his madness??

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Just now, HippoPhileus said:

that would make more sense on Kelsier's side of the equation. We don't know much about Madman Ishar though... Maybe he is manipulative in his madness??

hmm, maybe. though he could be seeing it as possible to manipulate Kelsier, but then again Kelsier could just be manipulating Ishar outright, maybe Kelsier has implanted a bunch of agents in Ishar's inner circle, Kelsier would then feed in information to make Ishar want to ally with him.

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2 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

hmm, maybe. though he could be seeing it as possible to manipulate Kelsier, but then again Kelsier could just be manipulating Ishar outright, maybe Kelsier has implanted a bunch of agents in Ishar's inner circle, Kelsier would then feed in information to make Ishar want to ally with him.

I like that more. Also I made a character for the Alleyverse. I hope he gets approved:



Name: Arington Peras (nickname: Ari)

Physical Characteristics: Male, human, of average strength.

Investiture: The seon Sao (means intelligence, learning: for communication, information, and spying +15-20??)

Skills: Ari has average (+35) skill in melee weapons. An intelligent (+20) human, he is skilled (+25) at healing, and has dabbled in the hemalurgic arts (the theoretical, not the physical) and creation of fabrials. To help him in his studies, Ari is skilled (+30) at analysis and has studied investiture for the past ten years (in an attempt to discover the secret of changing the type of investiture from one Shard’s investiture to another).

Equipment: Shardblade (+30), knife, a satchel used for notes and research, some tent stakes (lacking any sort of investiture…)

Weakness: Ari’s attention is often caught by interesting things (a weakness in combat or while focusing), but more importantly he is afraid of himself. He fears that he will strike out in anger and hurt someone he loves (see psyche). His intermittent explosive disorder is also a weakness.

Family: Ari’s father and mother (now shades) were from Scadrial, and came to Threnody before the system became a mess. He had one sister (now a shade) and no brothers. Ari is not aware of any other relations in the Alleyverse.

Home Planet: Ari is from Threnody. According to him, it is “not a vacation home.”

Backstory: Ari was born on Threnody to Shari and Kalidran Peras, near the Forests of Hell. His parents came from Scadrial and settled there before Ambition, Mercy, and Odium’s fight. Before the shades, Ari would sit in the Forests for hours studying all kinds of plant and animal life. Tragedy struck when, several years later in a bout of rage, he accidentally killed his parents. Traumatized, it took Ari a long time to recover. To distract himself from his past, Ari began researching investiture. This search for information led him to the wider universe at the age of 17. While visiting Roshar, Ari accidently killed a shardbearer (never lean your back against a large boulder on a cliff, it might hit someone. Would you call this luck? For Ari, maybe, but not for the shardbearer) and bonded the Blade. Ari continues to travel the Alleyverse researching investiture where and when he can.

Guild: currently unaffiliated

Psyche: Ari has intermittent explosive disorder (a real thing), where he has repeated, sudden episodes of impulsive, aggressive, violent behavior or angry verbal outbursts in which he can react grossly out of proportion to the situation. Other than that he’s fine. He tries to be nice (when he’s not striking out in anger).

Personality: Ari is friendly and kind most of the time. Bothering or surprising him runs the risk of triggering intense bouts of anger. Frequently distracted by interesting things, Ari loves to research and does scientific research about investiture when he can.

Appearance: He is 5ft 8in, 34 years old. Not skinny but not large, Ari has a good build, is muscular but does not appear so. Dirty blond hair, caucasian, with a more elliptical face shape than square or round. He lacks facial hair, but that all the more emphasizes his blue eyes. Ari wears glasses, a thin wire frame around lenses an eighth of an inch thick (he’s nearsighted).

Fighting Style: Ari will avoid confrontation whenever possible due to his trauma from childhood and as it triggers his disorder. When he must fight, his extreme anger causes him to be more reckless than he should, but it also makes him more dangerous. Ari prefers the use of swords over knives, but is good with a knife when necessary. The quarterstaff is his favorite weapon, since it does the least harm.


(note: if my weaknesses subtract more points than I thought, I will up my melee skills)


The Aon Sao:





Edited by HippoPhileus
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Just now, HippoPhileus said:

I like that more. Also I made a character for the Alleyverse. I hope he gets approved:

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Name: Arington Peras (nickname: Ari)

Physical Characteristics: Male, human, of average strength.

Investiture: The seon Sao (means intelligence, learning: for communication, information, and spying +15-20??)

Skills: Ari has average (+35) skill in melee weapons. An intelligent (+20) human, he is skilled (+25) at healing, and has dabbled in the hemalurgic arts (the theoretical, not the physical) and creation of fabrials. To help him in his studies, Ari is skilled (+30) at analysis and has studied investiture for the past ten years (in an attempt to discover the secret of changing the type of investiture from one Shard’s investiture to another).

Equipment: Shardblade (+30), knife, a satchel used for notes and research, some tent stakes (lacking any sort of investiture…)


Weakness: Ari’s attention is often caught by interesting things (a weakness in combat or while focusing), but more importantly he is afraid of himself. He fears that he will strike out in anger and hurt someone he loves (see psyche). His intermittent explosive disorder is also a weakness.


Family: Ari’s father and mother (now shades) were from Scadrial, and came to Threnody before the system became a mess. He had one sister (now a shade) and no brothers. Ari is not aware of any other relations in the Alleyverse.


Home Planet: Ari is from Threnody. According to him, it is “not a vacation home.”


Backstory: Ari was born on Threnody to Shari and Kalidran Peras, near the Forests of Hell. His parents came from Scadrial and settled there before Ambition, Mercy, and Odium’s fight. Before the shades, Ari would sit in the Forests for hours studying all kinds of plant and animal life. Tragedy struck when, several years later in a bout of rage, he accidentally killed his parents. Traumatized, it took Ari a long time to recover. To distract himself from his past, Ari began researching investiture. This search for information led him to the wider universe at the age of 17. While visiting Roshar, Ari accidently killed a shardbearer (never lean your back against a large boulder on a cliff, it might hit someone. Would you call this luck? For Ari, maybe, but not for the shardbearer) and bonded the Blade. Ari continues to travel the Alleyverse researching investiture where and when he can.


Guild: currently unaffiliated


Psyche: Ari has intermittent explosive disorder (a real thing), where he has repeated, sudden episodes of impulsive, aggressive, violent behavior or angry verbal outbursts in which he can react grossly out of proportion to the situation. Other than that he’s fine. He tries to be nice (when he’s not striking out in anger).


Personality: Ari is friendly and kind most of the time. Bothering or surprising him runs the risk of triggering intense bouts of anger. Frequently distracted by interesting things, Ari loves to research and does scientific research about investiture when he can.


Appearance: He is 5ft 8in, 34 years old. Not skinny but not large, Ari has a good build, is muscular but does not appear so. Dirty blond hair, caucasian, with a more elliptical face shape than square or round. He lacks facial hair, but that all the more emphasizes his blue eyes. Ari wears glasses, a thin wire frame around lenses an eighth of an inch thick (he’s nearsighted).


Fighting Style: Ari will avoid confrontation whenever possible due to his trauma from childhood and as it triggers his disorder. When he must fight, his extreme anger causes him to be more reckless than he should, but it also makes him more dangerous. Ari prefers the use of swords over knives, but is good with a knife when necessary. The quarterstaff is his favorite weapon, since it does the least harm.


(note: if my weaknesses subtract more points than I thought, I will up my melee skills)


The Aon Sao:





yeah! I saw it! though maybe this thread isn't the place to talk about it.

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