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Hello you all,

i am a big Sanderson fan since i picked up The Way of Kings 6 years ago.
Back than i didn't know about the Cosmere or any other books of Brandon. But WoK quickly became one one of my favorite books of all time.
I then lost track of the books mostly because i assumed it would take a long time for the next books to release (Yes, i am looking at you Rothfuss).
When i came back to Stormlight i realised that there are two more books for me to read! (Keep in mind that in Germany (where i live) the original books are often split into two when released in german).
Soon after that i found the coppermind wiki (and therefore this forum) and got a first glimpes into the cosmere... And boy, i was hooked.
I (of course) had to read all cosmere books that were out there.

With this forum and the Shardcasts i became part of the fandom (but more like an quiete bystander).
And then the kickstarter campaign launched and i realised that i want to take a more active part in it.

And so there we are. Me signing up on this website.
I am looking forward to a lot of discussions about Brandons books.
(Not just the cosmere ones, i am currently enjoying my time with Reckoners, Skyward and Legion)

Until than, don't let the airsick lowlanders question your food!

- Nasax

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10 minutes ago, Morningtide said:

Welcome to the shard! What's your favorite cosmere novel and character?

I guess Rhytm of War is one of my favorites. (Even if Elantris and The Hero of Ages are not far behind).
Explaining why that ist would turn into a discussion with lot of spoilers, so i just leave that statement as it is.

For my favorite character i would pick Rysn or Szeth (depends on my mood :D). But in my opinion you can't list your favorite Cosmere characters without mantioning Jasnah. It's just so easy to root for her.

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6 minutes ago, Nasax said:

I guess Rhytm of War is one of my favorites. (Even if Elantris and The Hero of Ages are not far behind).
Explaining why that ist would turn into a discussion with lot of spoilers, so i just leave that statement as it is.

For my favorite character i would pick Rysn or Szeth (depends on my mood :D). But in my opinion you can't list your favorite Cosmere characters without mantioning Jasnah. It's just so easy to root for her.

I love Rhythm of War! Rysn and Jasnah are both two of my favorites as well!

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13 minutes ago, Morningtide said:

I love Rhythm of War! Rysn and Jasnah are both two of my favorites as well!

It's always a pleassure to meet a fellow Rysn-Fan :D

So what's your favorite cosmere novel then?

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