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Hi All,

Obligatory "Long time cosmere fan, lurker, but first-time caller" type opener. I follow the 17th shard podcast videos and have read all the Cosmere novels, some multiple times.

A big fan of theory-crafting and sifting Brandon's works for key details and clues that point to the next "other secret". Looking forward to discussing with you all.


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*laughs* Welcome to the shard! I see you like the ghostbloods! whenever I see someone using that as their profile pic I am reminded of when I did. hah, it is kind of an inside joke with myself. anyways, Welcome to the shard! who's your favorite character?

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Well Hello Thaidakar, or maybe I should just start calling you Boss? lol.

Yeah, big fan of the GBs in general, so had to show my support, its obligatory after all.

As for favorite character, that is truly such a difficult question with so many good ones to choose from. The obvious fanboy answer would be Kelsier. The secondary, more "deep cut" would be Lightsong. But Vasher is right up there too, as is Nightblood.

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1 hour ago, Leonpaintbrush said:

Hi All,

Obligatory "Long time cosmere fan, lurker, but first-time caller" type opener. I follow the 17th shard podcast videos and have read all the Cosmere novels, some multiple times.

A big fan of theory-crafting and sifting Brandon's works for key details and clues that point to the next "other secret". Looking forward to discussing with you all.

Welcome to the Shard! I hope you enjoy your time here!

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Hey guys and gals!

Thanks for the warm welcome.

@Morningtide As for favorite book--I think I'll have to go with Rhythm of War for now, at least until Stormlight 5. Mainly because of the nature of Roshar being this big hub for so many characters we know and love. Its always interesting to see greater Cosmere puzzle pieces come into play.

Outside of Stormlight, I really enjoyed Warbreaker--the magic system and the focus on color was just utterly fascinating.

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1 hour ago, Leonpaintbrush said:

Hey guys and gals!

Thanks for the warm welcome.

@Morningtide As for favorite book--I think I'll have to go with Rhythm of War for now, at least until Stormlight 5. Mainly because of the nature of Roshar being this big hub for so many characters we know and love. Its always interesting to see greater Cosmere puzzle pieces come into play.

Outside of Stormlight, I really enjoyed Warbreaker--the magic system and the focus on color was just utterly fascinating.

I love Rhythm of War! Warbreaker is really good too. The magic system is one of my favorites

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