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Anywaaaaayyyyy (pay no attention to the tags)

I write some short little scenes when I get bored so uh ima post them here. One of them I've already posted, but I'm putting it here for easier access. 

NOTE: This is seperate from my Verdur Trilogy post, and these scenes are seperate from the Trilogy.

Now for the three scenes I've written in the past 10 days.

Scene #1: 

Short sad, poetic scene (already posted this one)


The child slept soundly in his cradle.

The boy watched with wonder and amazement as his brother slept.

The mother watched her sons, and smiled.

The mother reached forwards, and rested her hand on the boy’s shoulder.

“Will, do you know what this is?”

The boy looked up inquisitively at his mother.

“My brother?”

The mother smiled at her son's innocence.

“Yes. It is also more than that.”

“Your son…?”

“It is my Genesis. My creation. My great work.”

The child shifted.

The boy wondered.

The mother’s smile dwindled.


The boy looked up at his mother, eyes alight with childish wonder and curiosity.

“Will, I need you to promise me something. When the time is right, tell him why his mother wasn’t around. Tell him why he dreamed of a woman in black. Tell him why the woman in his dreams seemed so familiar.”

The boy cocked his head, confused.

“Tell him why his mother became a goddess.”

“You’re not a goddess, Mother.”

“Not yet. But I’m fading.”

“What do you mean?” Asked the boy.

“It means,” Said the mother, “I’m dying.”

The wonder vanished from the boy's eyes, blinked away, replaced by wordless questions. The confusion and fear in the boy’s eyes was… it was…


The mother reached out, and hugged the boy.

The boy began to cry, although he did not know why.

The child slept on.


The boy looked up at his mother, sad and hurt and afraid.

“Your father has discovered a way for me to live past death.”

The boy sniffed, tears falling gently down his face, like a trickling stream.

“I will not die, I will become Death.”

“Will you be coming back?” The boy asked.

“I will try to come and see you. Your brother will be very scared and confused, but you remember what I told you, right?”


“I love you, Will. I love you forever. I love you forever.”

“I love you too, Mom.”

The boy cried.

The mother cried.

The child slept on.

Scene #2:

Short, angsty first person scene. It is sad be warned VERY traumatic.


I’m screaming.

Why am I screaming?

Correction, it isn’t screaming.

It’s sobbing. Loud, agonizing, painful sobbing.

Why am I sobbing?

I don’t think I should be sobbing.

But, I am. And it’s because the body in my arms is growing cold.

Maybe it is screaming.

There’s a gash on my arm, but the physical pain is nothing compared to the empty, gaping hole in my heart.

A space that was once filled with joy, laughter, and love.

Now it’s just a void.

A void filled with sorrow, and grief, and regret, and longing.

The longing is the worst. Because now she’s gone, and there’s nothing to be done. 

Her light has been snuffed out, and I’m the only one who cares. I’m the only one who knows what’s truly been lost.

I can still hear her laugh on the wind, her voice, alive and full of energy, in my mind's eye. I can still see her smile, radiant as the sun.

But those are just memories now.

And memories are all they will ever be.

Because Alice’s body is in my arms. And it’s growing cold. And her face is blank, and pale, and staring sightlessly. I can’t even bring myself to close her eyes.


Why does it hurt?

Why does it feel like the world will never be the same?

I don’t know why.

I don’t know why it hurts.

The world won’t ever be the same.

The only thing I want now is to die. To be with her again.

She once said to me, that no matter the distance, no matter the obstacles, she’d find her way back to me.

She said nothing could keep us apart.

She lied.

She lied, and she’s gone, and no one will ever be able to fix her, or fix me, or anything.

And so I sit, still holding her, crying and screaming as her last words echo around my head.

“Don’t cry. Don’t cry. I love you. You’re perfect.”

Nothing but a memory.

A burning memory.

Scene #3

Short, also traumatic angsty scene about someone facing the past they've been trying to forget.


“Why did you kill me?”

The voice was quiet, quieter than a whisper. 

Lily almost didn’t hear it. But she did. She didn’t recognize the voice, but it had so much anger and heartbreak in it, she couldn’t help it.

And she was scared.

“What do you mean?” She whispered back.

“Why did you kill me?” The voice repeated, louder this time, but still just a whisper.

The voice was masculine, but that was all Lily could hear from it.

“…I didn’t kill you.” Lily said quietly, doubtfully.

“Why did you kill me?” The voice said again, louder than a whisper.

And Lily recognized it.


“Why did you kill me?”

Tears began to fill Lily’s eyes. “Ian, I didn’t kill you. I wouldn’t ever kill you.”

“Why did you kill me?” Ian’s voice was getting louder. And angrier.

“I wouldn’t even consider hurting you. You know that!”

“Why did you kill me?” Ian was borderline shouting now.

Was it even Ian now?

Lily sank to her knees, gripping her head, tears streaming down her face.

She was alone, so how was Ian’s voice here?

“I didn’t kill you,” She said through a haze of tears, “I didn’t kill you. I didn’t kill you.”

“Why did you kill me?!” Ian’s voice shouted.

“She forced me to!!” Lily’s shout seemed to echo.

“I didn’t want to. I never wanted to. But I had no choice. It was that… or… or…” Lily could no longer form words. The guilt and anger was encompassing her mind.

It felt like Ian was in the room with her. But he wasn’t.

Because Lily had killed him.

And she hated herself for it.

“You. Killed. Me.” Ian’s voice said. Then, his presence seemed to leave.

And Lily was left alone, to hate herself and to hate the woman who had caused this.

There. Those are the one's I've written so far. More to come probably!!!

Edited by CalanoCorvus
Changed the title
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2 hours ago, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

Writing has made me realize that I also probably have some mental health issues so uhhhhh *cough* that's fun

Nah. All writers have mental health issues. It comes with the job description

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I'm sorry for the double post, but I don't want to edit the thing with the story.

I wrote another scene, this one more scary than sad!!

Scene #4: Angry God is angry.


A God did not need sleep.

A God did not need food.

A God did not need water.

A God… needed only vengeance.

The Alpha, as He was now named, wandered the hills, searching for his prey.

The Alpha was a God, He needed no rest, no sustenance. Just anger.

So He walked. He walked the hills, the plains, the tundras. 

The very grass appeared to shy away from The Alpha, although surely it was just the wind.

The animals appeared to stay far from The Alpha, although surely it was just because he was unfamiliar to them.


The Alpha was a God.

And He had been wronged.

And He would find the person who had wronged Him.

And The Alpha… Would kill them.

He walked for many days. He let his anger simmer.

And His mind wandered… To that day, that fateful day.

When The Alpha Ascended.

“I’m going to help you!” Vina had said. “You will be more than human! You will be immortal, untouchable!”

“Please…” The Alpha had pleaded, “I don’t want that, just let me stay this way. Let me die!”

“No,” Vina had said, kneeling to be at eye level with The Alpha, “No. I won’t doom my friend. I will help my friend!”

“You’re not helping!” The Alpha had shouted, “You’re making it worse!”

Vina had cut him off, and begun the ritual anyways.



And pain. Intense, agonizing, soul crushing pain.

The Alpha had screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed.

Until death followed. Not death, as The Alpha would later discover, but it felt like death. 

When The Alpha awoke, he had forgotten everything. He had woken up with a burning hatred for his old friend Vina, the woman who had doomed him to this eternal life of hatred and suffering.

He had awoken into a mad world.

And he was going to raze this… mad world.


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2 hours ago, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

I'm sorry for the double post, but I don't want to edit the thing with the story.

I wrote another scene, this one more scary than sad!!

Scene #4: Angry God is angry.

  Reveal hidden contents

A God did not need sleep.

A God did not need food.

A God did not need water.

A God… needed only vengeance.

The Alpha, as He was now named, wandered the hills, searching for his prey.

The Alpha was a God, He needed no rest, no sustenance. Just anger.

So He walked. He walked the hills, the plains, the tundras. 

The very grass appeared to shy away from The Alpha, although surely it was just the wind.

The animals appeared to stay far from The Alpha, although surely it was just because he was unfamiliar to them.


The Alpha was a God.

And He had been wronged.

And He would find the person who had wronged Him.

And The Alpha… Would kill them.

He walked for many days. He let his anger simmer.

And His mind wandered… To that day, that fateful day.

When The Alpha Ascended.

“I’m going to help you!” Vina had said. “You will be more than human! You will be immortal, untouchable!”

“Please…” The Alpha had pleaded, “I don’t want that, just let me stay this way. Let me die!”

“No,” Vina had said, kneeling to be at eye level with The Alpha, “No. I won’t doom my friend. I will help my friend!”

“You’re not helping!” The Alpha had shouted, “You’re making it worse!”

Vina had cut him off, and begun the ritual anyways.



And pain. Intense, agonizing, soul crushing pain.

The Alpha had screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed.

Until death followed. Not death, as The Alpha would later discover, but it felt like death. 

When The Alpha awoke, he had forgotten everything. He had woken up with a burning hatred for his old friend Vina, the woman who had doomed him to this eternal life of hatred and suffering.

He had awoken into a mad world.

And he was going to raze this… mad world.


Woah. That is amazing. Good precedent for a story, you should continue that. I'd like to see where it goes!

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11 hours ago, Morningtide said:

Woah. That is amazing. Good precedent for a story, you should continue that. I'd like to see where it goes!

These may or may not turn into full fledged stories, I don't know. For now, they're just things that help me practice my style and storytelling methods.

Thank you for the kind words though!! :wub::wub:

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1 hour ago, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

These may or may not turn into full fledged stories, I don't know. For now, they're just things that help me practice my style and storytelling methods.

Thank you for the kind words though!! :wub::wub:

You're welcome!

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Yes thank you for the reply it saves me from double posting.

*ahem* i wrote more bc i have issues

Scene #5: (Unfinished) I was listening to 'Can You Keep A Secret?' by Ellise and wrote a little thing using lyrics. I've been told it's called a song fic. Anyway have this angsty unfinished argument between people.


“It’s not gonna work, Aidan.”

“Why not?”

“Because. I see monsters in my bed, I’ve got screws loose in my head. And if I show you inside me, the ghosts in my mind, will you still treat me like your friend? Hm?”

“Yes,” Aidan responded adamantly, “Yes I will. More than a friend. I could help!”


No response.

“Exactly,” Jane said, “I’d scare you off.”

“No you woul-”

“Look me in the eyes, and say that. Look me in the eyes, see what I’m hiding. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. I’m trying to save you here, Aidan.”



[Unfinished. Didn’t like where it was going. Yes it’s a song fic don’t yell at me.]

Scene #6: Poetic happiness/sadness/acceptance scene. Very poetic yes i know.


A man stood at the base of a hill.

Contemplating the climb that lay before him.

A man stood on the side of a hill.

And caught his breath for a moment.

A man stood on top of a hill, and turned.

And saw a brand new world.

The brand new world was alive. Thriving. Surviving. Living.

The brand new world knew how terrible the past had been, and was determined to never repeat it again.

A man sat down on top of a hill.

And cried.

Cried for the people he’d lost.

Cried for the joy of creating this brand new world.

Cried that he couldn’t share this moment with the one he loved.

The one the man loved would not be forgotten. He had made sure of that. It was because of her he had had the chance to created this brand new world.

But she had not been able to see it.

A man sat on top of a hill.

And was at peace.

A man smiled from on top of a hill.

And the brand new world

Smiled with him.


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Amazing! I really like Scene #5, partially because I just love the name Aiden. The idea of a song fic is also really cool. I'm going to listen to that song as soon as I'm out of school!

Scene # 6 is also really good. I'm going to sound like and English teacher now; the repetitiveness and similar sentence structure really helps you to connect the whole thing together. I like the end. Very satisfying.

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@Doomslug The Destroyer Amazing! Simply amazing! Your writing style is sublime and you really manage to capture a lot of emotion in short prose. It was truly a pleasure reading this. I think scene no 6 was my favourite. It reminded me of a lot of my favorite poems. And about the mental issues part? Don't worry. It is a part of the job description. And your writing can help with it. Keep writing stuff like and it will keep pent up emotions from becoming sowmthing bigger. Writing is a good way to process things. (Look at me, giving someone who is a few months older than me a Ted talk) 

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@Elf thank you for the kind words :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub: good heavens everyone is so nice (considering i basically yelled at you to read my stuff lmao sorry ;-;)

Yes, I swear I have issues and writing is making me realize as such, but I think that yes it is helping. I'm actually about to write number 7! Because I heard a song and got an idea!!

I'll keep you posted!!

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I'm back!!

Scene #7: A man wonders after his fate.


I awake in a cold sweat.

It’s dark.

A single star pulses softly above me, shimmering in the stygian sky.

I don’t think this is my world.

A voice echoes around me, quiet as a breeze, “The night beckons while you dream.”

I don’t respond. I just stare at the star above me. The solitary star. 

Shining, surely, yet still so dim.

Slowly, more wink into existence above me, until the sky is full of stars. It’s beautiful.

The voice returns, soft and gentle, “A life never lives in peace.”

“Always contentious,” I find myself saying. I’m still laying down, I realize, so I stand and look around.

An endless field surrounds me. Truly endless. A gentle breeze blows across the plain, and I shiver. The grass, a deep, dark green grass, waves in the wind, gently moving back and forth.

“The devil is knocking.”

“What does he want?”

Why am I having this conversation?

Why is it so cryptic?

“You hang in the balance. A taste of destiny, fate is the thread,” Whispers the voice.

“I control my fate.”

I’m not even thinking about what I’m saying. The words just come out of my mouth.


“You stand upon the edge,” Says the voice, “Held there by fate, fate is the thread.”

What do I say to that? I’m so confused.

I don’t respond. Instead, the voice whispers a single word. 

Clear, yet muffled.

Quiet, yet loud.

Weak, yet strong.



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2 minutes ago, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

@Morningtide YES YOU SHOULD SEE ARCANE. It's on Netflix so go watch it now. And as always aaaaaaaaaaaa thank you for the kind words.

I will watch it as soon as possible! Depending on how tired I am, that will be between several hours and 2 weeks :P

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