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Scene #27: Also gonna post it in Nath's poetry corner bc it's kind of a poem. Based off the final very sad part of The World Was Wide Enough from Hamilton.


Flowers, once purple, once a vibrant magenta, are now stained.

Stained red.

Red with the blood of everyone.

And I can hear the screams.

Of the flowers.

Of the people.

Of the dying, the dying of humanity.

My Grandfather once told me,

“Death doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints. It takes, and it takes, and it takes.”

He was right.

There’s sinners and saints on this field.

There’s flowers and thorns on this field.

They’re all stained red.

Except me.

I’m not stained.

I see the stains, but not on me.

I see the blood, but not on me.

I see the dying, the dying of humanity, but not on me.

I watched.

I listened.

I witnessed the dying.

The dying of humanity.

And did nothing.

im sad :(

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Scene #28: Another poem!!! Based off the Waltz bit from White Castle, by Halfy and Winks.


Phantoms dancing in the ballroom.

Crisp pages turning and turning and turning.

Loved ones smile with hollow eyes.

Empty love fills the ballroom.

Faceless phantoms effortlessly glide through the steps.

The Castle.

The Library.

The Ballroom.


Memories of people, twirling in the twilight.

Melancholy notes echo through a void.

My mind plays the song.


And Over.

And Over.

And then it’s Over.

The phantoms fade.

The crisp pages fold.

The smiles turn down.

The light dwindles.

Time passes.

The phantoms do not return.

The crisp pages are not opened.

The smiles never turn up.

The light never builds.

The void is silent.

My mind is silent.

It is Over.

*hums a sad tone*

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3 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

So if you write every day the quality of your work goes down? 


3 hours ago, Ta'veren Kaladin said:

Make it one of your goals for church, @CalanoCorvus

i think it was at one point. but i do it so much already it doesn't need to be a goal.

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Heard a really sad cover for Chasing Cars, originally by Snow Patrol, but this version is by Tommee Profitt.

Scene #29: Another sad death-centric scene, but with a less depressing ending, and billions times more romantic and depressing.


Elaine burst through the door to her bedroom, barely holding back tears.

She looked up, willing the tears not to fall, but then his face had the audacity to flash through her mind.

And then the sobbing started.

The screaming.

The wailing.

The tears falling unburdened.

Tyson was gone. Nothing would change that.

He had disappeared two days ago.

His body, mutilated and decaying, had been found in the woods two days later.

Three days ago Elaine had laid there, next to him, in this room, smiling and enjoying his presence.

She had forgotten the world.

She hadn’t needed the world.

All she needed was Tyson.

All he needed was Elaine.

Those three words were said too much, yet not enough.




Elaine sat there, in the spot where she had been laying three days ago, next to him.

And broke.

“Ty…” She mumbled, not fully lucid from the anguish, “What am I supposed to do? How the hell do I recover from this?”

“You don’t.”

Elaine spun, looking behind her.

No one was there.

“You won’t recover. I’m sorry, truly, but there’s no coming back from this.”

Elaine spun back around. 

Still, no one was in the room but herself.

But she recognized that voice. She would never forget that voice.

“Down here.”

She looked down, and he was there.

Lying in the same spot, arms behind his head, ankles crossed.

Smiling with that adorable gap-toothed smile he always had on.


“Hey, El.”

Elaine’s mouth was working, moving up and down, but words weren’t working.

The tears continued to fall, but this time as disbelief. The trail they left was warm.

“You’re not real.” She said with such conviction, that Tyson- Not-Tyson- flinched.

“Yeah,” He said softly, “I know. But I wish I could be real.”

Elaine wiped her eyes with the palms of her hands and said, “Damnit, why is this happening?”

“You’re guess is as good as mine, El. Come, sit down.”

Elaine obliged, and sat next to him.

If the emotion in the room wasn’t so damn palpable, and if the truth wasn’t covering them like a thick blanket, this might be a normal hangout.

“I know how you’re feelin-”

“No you don’t.”

“Technically, seeing as how I’m a figment of your imagination, I do.”

Elaine laughed, a wet, half happy laugh. Even if it wasn’t him, he still managed to make her laugh, at this moment, of all times.

Damn him.

“If I were to lay here,” He started, his voice lowering into the low dulcet tones that were so, so comforting, “Just lay here, nothing else… Would you lay with me?”

“Tyson, we did that three days ago!”

“I’m serious. We wouldn’t do anything, we’d ignore the world. Just you and me.”

“Of course I would,” Elaine said, voice cracking.


There was a pause.

One that, even though Elaine knew she was hallucinating, knew she was going insane, no doubt, was strangely comforting.

Tyson was the one to break it. He sat up, and cupped her head in his hands. Elaine swore she could almost feel it.

“Elaine…” He said softly, “All that I am, all that I ever was, all that I ever will be, is here.”

Elaine’s heart caught in her throat, emotion overpowering her mind for a split second, bringing back all the grief and joy and memories of times spent with Tyson.

Who was now gone.

But who was also right here.

“In your eyes,” He continued, “In your heart, in your mind. I love you, Elaine. I always have. I always will. This alone will never change.”

Tyson faded, and the memory of his touch and his voice faded with him.

Leaving Elaine, on the floor, broken yet mended, torn apart yet sewn back together.

“I’d always lay with you. I’d always forget the world. For you.”


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7 hours ago, Morningtide said:

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! How could you do this to my emotions?!?!?!?!?!? I love it it's so good and so sad and amazing!! 

heeheeheehee. i love messing with the emotions of my readers its kind of my job. thank you :3333

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3 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

So if writters enjoy messing with the reader's emotions, then do the reader's enjoy having their emotions messed with?




3 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

I love reading these as always.

thanks :D

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