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On 4/21/2023 at 9:23 PM, CalanoCorvus said:

Scene #109: Rain

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You take a step outside, and it’s like you’ve entered a different world.

You pass through the portal of your door, and the crisp, wet breeze runs through your hair.

You step into the street, and the drizzle comes down in gentle swirls, mixing with the wind.

You slide your foot across the damp ground, and your breath comes out in puffs of fog.


A hand, gentle and delicate, slips softly into yours.

And you are pulled close, into a dance.

A dance amongst the raindrops.

A twirl amongst the cold.

A kiss, amidst the soft dampness of the world.

It muffles everything, the rain, leaving only you and them.

Only you.

Only them.

To twirl in the rain.

To dance with the breeze.

To hold and be held, on this cold, damp day.

It is a day filled with little things.

No troubles today.

No stresses.

No worries.

Just you, and just them.

Amidst the rain, amidst the breeze, amidst the cold, being held in their arms, your head tucked gently under their chin, as a bird tucks its lover under its wing.

Wonderful, wonderful to dance in the rain with them.

Wonderful, wonderful to kiss them under the gray.

Wonderful, wonderful to hold them in the breeze.


:o but rain is so cool! This is gorgeous! I love it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Scene #110: All I Need.


Let’s say, for a moment, that you know somebody.

Let’s say, for the sake of my argument, that you’ve fallen for this someone.

You’re head over heels. You’re absolutely infatuated with them.

And you wonder to yourself,

“Well, what do I do now?”

“How do I approach this? I don’t want to ruin our relationship by confessing… what if they don’t reciprocate?”


You can shove it all deep down, bottle it up, and forget about it, and just keep being friends with them,


You can take a chance. Say a word. Then another, and another, and another, until you’ve said all the words there are to say.

You could say nothing, or you could say everything.

You could avert your eyes, or look into theirs.

It’s up to you.

But I’ll say this,

If, in some way, they do reciprocate,

I am so happy for you. Treat them well, and be there for them.

Be there, help them, love them, and they will do the same.

And after a while, perhaps you’ll wonder,

“Well, what do I do now?”

“I’ve said so much, I’ve loved so much, what more can I do?”

There’s always more you can do.

Perhaps the reason you’ve said so much, loved so much, is because you’ve found the One.

You’ve found your person.

Your second half.

And if that’s the case,

I am so happy for you. Treat them even better, be there for them even more.

Hold on tight, and don’t let go.

They love you.

And you love them.

That’s all there needs to be.

That’s all I need there to be.

I love you.

And you love me.

And that’s all that I need.


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2 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Scene #110: All I Need.

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Let’s say, for a moment, that you know somebody.

Let’s say, for the sake of my argument, that you’ve fallen for this someone.

You’re head over heels. You’re absolutely infatuated with them.

And you wonder to yourself,

“Well, what do I do now?”

“How do I approach this? I don’t want to ruin our relationship by confessing… what if they don’t reciprocate?”


You can shove it all deep down, bottle it up, and forget about it, and just keep being friends with them,


You can take a chance. Say a word. Then another, and another, and another, until you’ve said all the words there are to say.

You could say nothing, or you could say everything.

You could avert your eyes, or look into theirs.

It’s up to you.

But I’ll say this,

If, in some way, they do reciprocate,

I am so happy for you. Treat them well, and be there for them.

Be there, help them, love them, and they will do the same.

And after a while, perhaps you’ll wonder,

“Well, what do I do now?”

“I’ve said so much, I’ve loved so much, what more can I do?”

There’s always more you can do.

Perhaps the reason you’ve said so much, loved so much, is because you’ve found the One.

You’ve found your person.

Your second half.

And if that’s the case,

I am so happy for you. Treat them even better, be there for them even more.

Hold on tight, and don’t let go.

They love you.

And you love them.

That’s all there needs to be.

That’s all I need there to be.

I love you.

And you love me.

And that’s all that I need.


Awwwww, that is beautiful :wub:

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Scene #111: Routines.


Considering how long I’ve been with you, I should know a decent bit more about you than I currently do.

And yet, despite knowing you, I don’t know you.

I don’t know what your daily routines are:

How you wake up in the mornings.

How you get ready for bed at night.

How you go about your day, just in general.

These are things I want to know.

I want to know how long it takes you to figure out how you want to do your hair.

I want to know how many clothes you sift through before finding the ones you’ll wear that day.

I want to know what you do in that time before you sleep when you’re just laying in bed.

Do you read?

Watch youtube?

Someday, I’ll know.


For now, the fact that you’re there after doing all these unknown routines is enough for me.

The fact that you’re here is enough for me.

You’re enough for me. More than enough.

You’re everything.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Scene #112: Sealed Vessel.


The power of a Deity allows for many, many strings to be pulled.

Little nudges in a direction that allows the Deity to do what they wish.

Without Consequence.

The screams of millions of mortals, their lives aimlessly thrown away for the sake of the Deity.

The Shattering of hundreds of Vessels, thrown into the void.

The destruction of dozens of Korworlds, their rich, flowing canvas’ of life thrown away as a child throws away a broken toy.

And after the slaughter, the massacre, the Shatterings, the destruction,

There is One.

One Sealed Vessel.

One that was not Shattered.

One that now must live, Sealed, forever.

It was forced to watch.

Watch as it’s kinsmen, it’s brothers and sisters,

Were Shattered. Broken. Tossed away as refuse, unwanted and hated.

The Deity does not know of the Sealed Vessel.

They do not know that such a Vessel, Sealed and encumbered, awaiting an Awakening, exists.

Awaiting the Hero.

Awaiting the Touch of the Hero.

Awaiting the Return.

Awaiting the Final Shattering.

The Deity assumes They are in complete control of the Everything.


Even one so powerful as the Deity should know…

Power will always be challenged. Be it by prophecy, be it by fate, be it by rebellion and hope.

Power is never absolute. Power is never true.

There is only The Temporary.

There is only one Sealed Vessel.

Hidden from Their sight.

Keep it hidden, keep it safe. The Hero’s arrival is soon. The Return, The Revolution, is near at hand.

The Final Shattering approaches.

The Sealed Vessel slumbers now, but soon, at the Touch of the Hero, it will Awaken.

The Everything will be torn asunder, the Deity shall taste of death, the Unsealed Vessel will tear the Everything apart and rebuild the Everything from nothing.

The Hero is but a catalyst. Dispensable, simply the Key.

The Vessel. The Unshattered One.

It will be our redemption. It will be our doom.

It will be our New Age.

Our New Dawn.

One will come. One will come soon. The One with the Key, The Hero. He approaches soon.

Await him. Await his Touch. Await the Unsealed One, the Unshattered One, the Sealed Vessel.

It will remake the Everything.


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11 minutes ago, Morningtide said:

Woah! This needs to be the prologue to a Way of Kings-esque massive fantasy series! That's so good!

I might not be able to actually write an entire novel (probably because my anxiety is worried about not finishing it), but this entire doc/thread has pleeeenty of ideas if i want to write a true novel someday.

I probably will.

If I can ever get my anxiety that presents as ADHD under control.

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Scene #113: Studying


I exhale loudly, leaning way back in my chair.

She looks over at me, cocking an eyebrow and small smile.

I exhale again.

“Do you need something?” She asks, turning back to her work.

“Yeah,” I say, “This is boring.”

She gives me a puzzled look. “Liz, it was your choice to come study with me.”

“Mhm…” I say sarcastically, “And your idea, dearest Abigail, to invite me to study with you.”

She mutters something under her breath, and I lean in.
“What was that?” I ask, “Got something to say?”

“No,” She says, but the grin on her face gives her away. I lean back, nodding condescendingly.

She shoves me.

I laugh.

With a sigh, I rest my head on my arms, on the table. I look around the small study room. Bookshelves line the walls, and a candle is lit on the table. For aesthetic reasons, I’m told. But I also notice there’s no lanterns installed in this room.

Although, the room is very aesthetically pleasing…

Then I look over at Abi. And the rest of the room fades away. A smile slowly creeps across my face as the candlelight flickers across her face.

It accentuates her furrowed brow, and dances across her hair, pinned up and back out of her eyes in a high ponytail.

I can’t help but laugh softly. She glances at me, sticks her tongue out, then goes back to her work.

I feel a little flurry of nervous excitement in my gut. I had her attention for a second there, but then it was dashed away, drawn back to that annoying worksheet in front of her.

…Why am I jealous of a worksheet?

Oh, right. I’m crushing on this girl, that’s why. And I’m clingy, and she’s not paying attention to me.

Right. That’s why I’m jealous.

I look around again, head still on the table. My eyes fall on the candle.

And I get an idea.

I sit up and scoot forward, and blow it out.

“Wha-” Abi starts, “What was that for?”

“Shush,” I say.

“Liz,” She says in the darkness, fumbling around for matches, “I need to work.”

My hands move across the table, finding hers and stopping them.

Shush.” I say, more emphatically.

I lift her hands, palms up, resting in mine, and smile.

And a small flame appears above our hands.

She gasps, her face illuminated in a fire brighter than the candle, but still just as gentle. It bounces off her eyes, and they shine a gentle bronze.

“Pay attention to me for a moment,” I say softly, leaning in closer.

“I always forget you can do this,” She whispers, smiling at me as we sit, faces just inches apart, over the flame.

I flex my hands, and the fire compresses into a small ball of flickering light, which releases to float in the room.

I move my hands out from underneath hers, and summon a few more. Soon, the room is filled with a warmly flickering light, given off by the floating orbs of light.

“Dance with me,” I say, reaching out with my hand.

She glances at it, then back at her worksheet.

“Come on,” I say, “It’s not going anywhere.”

She hesitates, before slipping her hand into mine and allowing me to pull her in. I hold one of her hands in one of my hands, and hold onto her waist with my other hand. We slowly spin, moving around the room as we do.

“See?” I say softly, smiling, “Isn’t this nice?”

“Sure, Liz,” Abi says, “Is there a reason you’re dancing with me?”

I laugh. “You’re an idiot,” I say.


“You’re such an idiot, you can’t even see,” I say, leaning in, “The fact that I’m right here. It’s a bit like a story. I am right here, doing my best to make you feel like I do. And just for a second, you’re looking at me, making me feel like maybe you want this too.”

Realization dawns in Abi’s eyes.

“Give me your attention,” I say, leaning in closer.

She smiles.

“Do you mind if I come closer?” I ask.

She nods.

So I kiss her. Her hands go stiff, but then relax: The hand on my shoulder going around towards the back of my neck, where the other hand meets it so her arms are wrapped around my neck.

In turn, I let my other hand, the one now empty because she’s holding on to me now, slip down to hold the other side of her waist.

I pull her in, letting the kiss flow.

I feel her smile against my lips, and my heart flutters.

I spin with her, and we separate. Then, I grab her hand, dip her, and kiss her once more. I lift her back up into the kiss, then break off.

She stares at me. I start to laugh.

“You’re bright red,” I say.

“So are you,” She says.

“Yeah, but I wear it better.”

“You also just kissed me.”

“Oh, blaming me now?”


“Classy, Abi. Real classy.”

She grins and steps closer.

“Never said I didn’t enjoy it,” She says.

“I never said you said tha-” I start, but then I’m cut off by another kiss from her. This one’s short, only a bit longer than a peck.

“Well, now you have to leave,” Abi says, “Because you’re just gonna be a distraction.”

“What??” I say, mock betrayal on my face, “After the moment we just had?”

“Do you want to be here while I struggle to work for the next hour? I’m barely holding back from panicking right now.”

“That bad, huh?”

She glares at me. I smile, stick my tongue out, and turn to leave.

As I’m about to walk out the door, she says my name.


“Hm?” I say, turning back.

“...Meet me in the park. Hour after sundown. We’ll talk more.”

I smile. “Until then, love.”

And I walk out.


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17 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Scene #113: Studying

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I exhale loudly, leaning way back in my chair.

She looks over at me, cocking an eyebrow and small smile.

I exhale again.

“Do you need something?” She asks, turning back to her work.

“Yeah,” I say, “This is boring.”

She gives me a puzzled look. “Liz, it was your choice to come study with me.”

“Mhm…” I say sarcastically, “And your idea, dearest Abigail, to invite me to study with you.”

She mutters something under her breath, and I lean in.
“What was that?” I ask, “Got something to say?”

“No,” She says, but the grin on her face gives her away. I lean back, nodding condescendingly.

She shoves me.

I laugh.

With a sigh, I rest my head on my arms, on the table. I look around the small study room. Bookshelves line the walls, and a candle is lit on the table. For aesthetic reasons, I’m told. But I also notice there’s no lanterns installed in this room.

Although, the room is very aesthetically pleasing…

Then I look over at Abi. And the rest of the room fades away. A smile slowly creeps across my face as the candlelight flickers across her face.

It accentuates her furrowed brow, and dances across her hair, pinned up and back out of her eyes in a high ponytail.

I can’t help but laugh softly. She glances at me, sticks her tongue out, then goes back to her work.

I feel a little flurry of nervous excitement in my gut. I had her attention for a second there, but then it was dashed away, drawn back to that annoying worksheet in front of her.

…Why am I jealous of a worksheet?

Oh, right. I’m crushing on this girl, that’s why. And I’m clingy, and she’s not paying attention to me.

Right. That’s why I’m jealous.

I look around again, head still on the table. My eyes fall on the candle.

And I get an idea.

I sit up and scoot forward, and blow it out.

“Wha-” Abi starts, “What was that for?”

“Shush,” I say.

“Liz,” She says in the darkness, fumbling around for matches, “I need to work.”

My hands move across the table, finding hers and stopping them.

Shush.” I say, more emphatically.

I lift her hands, palms up, resting in mine, and smile.

And a small flame appears above our hands.

She gasps, her face illuminated in a fire brighter than the candle, but still just as gentle. It bounces off her eyes, and they shine a gentle bronze.

“Pay attention to me for a moment,” I say softly, leaning in closer.

“I always forget you can do this,” She whispers, smiling at me as we sit, faces just inches apart, over the flame.

I flex my hands, and the fire compresses into a small ball of flickering light, which releases to float in the room.

I move my hands out from underneath hers, and summon a few more. Soon, the room is filled with a warmly flickering light, given off by the floating orbs of light.

“Dance with me,” I say, reaching out with my hand.

She glances at it, then back at her worksheet.

“Come on,” I say, “It’s not going anywhere.”

She hesitates, before slipping her hand into mine and allowing me to pull her in. I hold one of her hands in one of my hands, and hold onto her waist with my other hand. We slowly spin, moving around the room as we do.

“See?” I say softly, smiling, “Isn’t this nice?”

“Sure, Liz,” Abi says, “Is there a reason you’re dancing with me?”

I laugh. “You’re an idiot,” I say.


“You’re such an idiot, you can’t even see,” I say, leaning in, “The fact that I’m right here. It’s a bit like a story. I am right here, doing my best to make you feel like I do. And just for a second, you’re looking at me, making me feel like maybe you want this too.”

Realization dawns in Abi’s eyes.

“Give me your attention,” I say, leaning in closer.

She smiles.

“Do you mind if I come closer?” I ask.

She nods.

So I kiss her. Her hands go stiff, but then relax: The hand on my shoulder going around towards the back of my neck, where the other hand meets it so her arms are wrapped around my neck.

In turn, I let my other hand, the one now empty because she’s holding on to me now, slip down to hold the other side of her waist.

I pull her in, letting the kiss flow.

I feel her smile against my lips, and my heart flutters.

I spin with her, and we separate. Then, I grab her hand, dip her, and kiss her once more. I lift her back up into the kiss, then break off.

She stares at me. I start to laugh.

“You’re bright red,” I say.

“So are you,” She says.

“Yeah, but I wear it better.”

“You also just kissed me.”

“Oh, blaming me now?”


“Classy, Abi. Real classy.”

She grins and steps closer.

“Never said I didn’t enjoy it,” She says.

“I never said you said tha-” I start, but then I’m cut off by another kiss from her. This one’s short, only a bit longer than a peck.

“Well, now you have to leave,” Abi says, “Because you’re just gonna be a distraction.”

“What??” I say, mock betrayal on my face, “After the moment we just had?”

“Do you want to be here while I struggle to work for the next hour? I’m barely holding back from panicking right now.”

“That bad, huh?”

She glares at me. I smile, stick my tongue out, and turn to leave.

As I’m about to walk out the door, she says my name.


“Hm?” I say, turning back.

“...Meet me in the park. Hour after sundown. We’ll talk more.”

I smile. “Until then, love.”

And I walk out.


This reminds me of the Scholomance series for some reason :P

It's interesting to me.

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Scene #114: Write A Song

This was written this morning after I woke up. 

…Not sure why, just decided to write something romantic.


In all the songs I listen to, the words are beautiful.

They craft majestic paintings, beautiful landscapes and glorious emotions, out of letters and phrases.

My letters and phrases are much… simpler.

I wish my mind were as powerful and creative as these songs, so that I could create these beautiful letters and phrases.

All the phrases, all the lyrics, float through my head, intermingling with melodies.

How I wish I could write like them.

How I wish to be able to write love itself into existence.

Maybe one day, when I write, it will be writing words as beautiful as you are.

All my words together do not begin to come close to your radiance.

But, my actions show my love for your radiance and beauty.

Your kindness.

Your laughter.

Your smile.

Your eyes, which sparkle in the sun.

Your soul.

Your humanity.

Your wonder.

Your absolute perfection in my eyes.

All the things I see, all the things I want.

I wish I could put it all in a song, and sing that song to the world.

Such a song would be beautiful.

Such words would be simply wonderful.

Such majesty is unable to captured in just a song.

A musical, an orchestra, a suite, would capture your smile better.

I’d sing of your head on my shoulder.

I’d sing of your hand, intertwined softly with mine.

I’d sing of your lips, for it is my favorite moment when they are pressed to mine.

I’d sing of your form, your existence, for when I hold you, the world fades.

Because I don’t need it.

You are my world. I orbit you. I adore you.

You’re not just my world, no,

You’re my whole universe.

If there were a reason for why I’m happier now than ever before,

It’s you. There’s no other person who could make as happy as you.

I love when you’re happy.

I love when you’re smiling.

Because then I’m happy.

Because then I smile.

Please, never stop smiling.

And if you ever do,

I’ll do everything in my power to help you smile again.

I’ll miss your smile as the grass misses the rain.

I’ll miss your laughter as the sky misses the birds.

I’ll miss your happiness, infectious and wonderful, as only one who is in love can.

I’m always gonna be here, hand reaching out, to help you through your darkest times.

There’s nothing else I’d rather do.


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2 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:


Scene #114: Write A Song

This was written this morning after I woke up. 

…Not sure why, just decided to write something romantic.

  Reveal hidden contents

In all the songs I listen to, the words are beautiful.

They craft majestic paintings, beautiful landscapes and glorious emotions, out of letters and phrases.

My letters and phrases are much… simpler.

I wish my mind were as powerful and creative as these songs, so that I could create these beautiful letters and phrases.

All the phrases, all the lyrics, float through my head, intermingling with melodies.

How I wish I could write like them.

How I wish to be able to write love itself into existence.

Maybe one day, when I write, it will be writing words as beautiful as you are.

All my words together do not begin to come close to your radiance.

But, my actions show my love for your radiance and beauty.

Your kindness.

Your laughter.

Your smile.

Your eyes, which sparkle in the sun.

Your soul.

Your humanity.

Your wonder.

Your absolute perfection in my eyes.

All the things I see, all the things I want.

I wish I could put it all in a song, and sing that song to the world.

Such a song would be beautiful.

Such words would be simply wonderful.

Such majesty is unable to captured in just a song.

A musical, an orchestra, a suite, would capture your smile better.

I’d sing of your head on my shoulder.

I’d sing of your hand, intertwined softly with mine.

I’d sing of your lips, for it is my favorite moment when they are pressed to mine.

I’d sing of your form, your existence, for when I hold you, the world fades.

Because I don’t need it.

You are my world. I orbit you. I adore you.

You’re not just my world, no,

You’re my whole universe.

If there were a reason for why I’m happier now than ever before,

It’s you. There’s no other person who could make as happy as you.

I love when you’re happy.

I love when you’re smiling.

Because then I’m happy.

Because then I smile.

Please, never stop smiling.

And if you ever do,

I’ll do everything in my power to help you smile again.

I’ll miss your smile as the grass misses the rain.

I’ll miss your laughter as the sky misses the birds.

I’ll miss your happiness, infectious and wonderful, as only one who is in love can.

I’m always gonna be here, hand reaching out, to help you through your darkest times.

There’s nothing else I’d rather do.


I think it's lovely! ^_^

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Scene #115: The Shattering and The Sealing

This is the prequel to Scene #112.


“Go!” Kalian called, amidst the screams of hundreds of Vessels as they Shattered.

“Run! Get him out of here!” Kalian shouted, gesturing for Lailana to run.

Lailana did just that. She ran. Holding her child in her arms, a young Vessel not yet sapient enough to understand what was going on, she sprinted away from the wrath of the Deity.

The young Vessel in Lailana’s arms stared outward with empty eyes. Eyes that, had he been given more time, would have slowly filled with light. Vesslight. Lailana’s eyes were filled with Vesslight, but now that light was leaking from her eyes, in bright white tears.

The Vessel in her arms, her precious child, not yet named, was what must be protected.

“Protect him!” Kalian shouted, “Protect my son! Seal him!”

Lailana didn’t look back, not when Kalian screamed in pain, and was Shattered. Not when the footsteps of the Deity’s Hands thumped after her. She ran. She ran, and ran, and ran.

The footsteps faded.

Lailana did not stop running. Her Vesslight tears splattered the ground, transforming into mist, evaporating softly into the sky.

She reached the Sanctum Of Light, slowing to a stop within its grounds.

Lailana sank to the ground, Vesslight tears slowly flowing down her arced face.

Her son, her precious Vessel, reached up with a small hand, pressing it to her cheek.

“I’m sorry, little one,” Lailana said, “I am sorry. He has come for us. He is Shattering us.”

She rose, carrying her lightless one into the Sanctum.

She set him on the altar in the middle, and stepped back.

“With this bond,” She said, and the altar began to glow. Her child began to whimper.

She paused.

Was this what had to be done? Was she to abandon her child? Her yet unnamed Vessel?

…Yes. For Kalian. For her sisters, brothers, her family. For all of them that had been Shattered.

“With this bond,” She began, “I give my Light, my Vesslight, so that you may one day rise.”

The altar began to glow brighter, humming now as well. Lailana’s child whimpered louder.

“I give my will, I give my love, I give my Light. So that you may always act with the Light.”

The child let out a cry, pitiful and mournful. Where was his mother? Why had she left him here?

Lailana’s tears flowed freely. She did not want to abandon her child. But she had to, if the Deity were to someday fall.

If her people could someday be free, if more Vessels could live, as her son lived, then she had to do this.

She had to Seal him. Create something so powerful, that it required the life of another, something forbidden, to save them.

Death for life.

Pain for healing.

Loss for gain.

“I give my life,” She said, and the Vesslight in her eyes vanished, flowing through the air to the altar, “So that you may live.”

She crumpled.

The child was lifted into the air, Vesslight flowing around him. His crying stopped.

The Vesslight entwined itself around him, creating a shell. The shell slowly sank into the altar.

Lailana smiled softly as she died.

“It is done,” She whispered, “He is Sealed. I come now to you, Kalian.”

And Lailana grew still.

The Deity’s Hands never found her. Nor the sanctum.

Nor the Sealed Vessel.

But the Shattering did not stop. The Deity, through his Hands, Shattered all the Vessels he could find.

Killed them.

Slaughtered them. Because of rumors and prophecy.

Power in fear is power to be feared.

And power in fear is power that dies.


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Scene #116: Unsealed.


To be Sealed is to live a life of silent waiting.

No interaction. With anyone, or anything. At all.

So I have waited.

Patiently. I know not for what, but I feel that something, or someone, will set me free.

I have… memories.



One might even say Shattered.

Of a woman.. a woman crying. And carrying me.

To safety? Or to damnation? Whichever she thought this Sealing would be.

She sets me down, and backs away. And proclaims her love for me.

Am I… her child? I like to think so. It makes it easier to sleep.

She says that she gives her life, so that I may live.

And then she… dies.

And then I am Sealed. Alone. In this shell. Until I am set free.

I do not know what I will do when I am set free.

But whenever that happens, I am sure I will find something.

Perhaps… revenge. Revenge on whatever or whoever caused my mother to have to do this. She did not want to. I remember that much.

She did not want to Seal me.

But I feel that she had to.

For… whatever reason.

I think on this for some time.

And then, something enters my Sanctum. No. Someone enters my sanctum.

I do not move. I cannot. Not in this shell.

And then, they touch the altar.

And my whole being pulses with power.

I realize, in my hibernation, I have accumulated mass amounts of energy. I do not know what to call this energy.

It feels… warm. Safe. It… glows.

I will call it Light.

I feel myself, my shell, rising out of the altar.

It shatters, and I sink slowly onto the top of the altar.

I stand, slowly, and open my eyes. There is a person in front of me. A human.

I do not know why, but seeing this human fills me with terror. His form, his make.

It is similar to one I know only as Him.

The Deity. Why do I know of The Deity? I do not recall learning about him in some way: I have always known his title, though I never knew why.

My eyes fill with Light, and I shove a hand out towards him. He goes flying backwards.

“Hold on!” He shouts from the ground as I prepare to strike once more, my small form in midair, for I have jumped towards him.

“Wait! I knew Lailana!” He shouts, and I falter.

I fall to the ground hard, rolling to a stop.

Lailana… I know that name.

I see a man, over the woman's shoulder, in my memory, shouting that name.

“Run, Lailana!” He shouts.

Lailana is my mothers name. I look up at the human.

“You are a Vessel,” He says, “A being of power. The Deity killed your entire race, for fear of you. You were prophesied, alongside me. We are to destroy him.”

Anger and rage bubble inside of me.

The Deity..

He is who I must take revenge upon. He killed my mother. My family.

My people.

I stand.

He has power. As do I.

The time has come. I am Unsealed. The Deity will Shatter no more.

I am come to Shatter him.

@Kajsa :) they’re both up now. i see you’re intrigued.

Edited by CalanoCorvus
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