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3 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Scene #115: The Shattering and The Sealing

This is the prequel to Scene #112.

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“Go!” Kalian called, amidst the screams of hundreds of Vessels as they Shattered.

“Run! Get him out of here!” Kalian shouted, gesturing for Lailana to run.

Lailana did just that. She ran. Holding her child in her arms, a young Vessel not yet sapient enough to understand what was going on, she sprinted away from the wrath of the Deity.

The young Vessel in Lailana’s arms stared outward with empty eyes. Eyes that, had he been given more time, would have slowly filled with light. Vesslight. Lailana’s eyes were filled with Vesslight, but now that light was leaking from her eyes, in bright white tears.

The Vessel in her arms, her precious child, not yet named, was what must be protected.

“Protect him!” Kalian shouted, “Protect my son! Seal him!”

Lailana didn’t look back, not when Kalian screamed in pain, and was Shattered. Not when the footsteps of the Deity’s Hands thumped after her. She ran. She ran, and ran, and ran.

The footsteps faded.

Lailana did not stop running. Her Vesslight tears splattered the ground, transforming into mist, evaporating softly into the sky.

She reached the Sanctum Of Light, slowing to a stop within its grounds.

Lailana sank to the ground, Vesslight tears slowly flowing down her arced face.

Her son, her precious Vessel, reached up with a small hand, pressing it to her cheek.

“I’m sorry, little one,” Lailana said, “I am sorry. He has come for us. He is Shattering us.”

She rose, carrying her lightless one into the Sanctum.

She set him on the altar in the middle, and stepped back.

“With this bond,” She said, and the altar began to glow. Her child began to whimper.

She paused.

Was this what had to be done? Was she to abandon her child? Her yet unnamed Vessel?

…Yes. For Kalian. For her sisters, brothers, her family. For all of them that had been Shattered.

“With this bond,” She began, “I give my Light, my Vesslight, so that you may one day rise.”

The altar began to glow brighter, humming now as well. Lailana’s child whimpered louder.

“I give my will, I give my love, I give my Light. So that you may always act with the Light.”

The child let out a cry, pitiful and mournful. Where was his mother? Why had she left him here?

Lailana’s tears flowed freely. She did not want to abandon her child. But she had to, if the Deity were to someday fall.

If her people could someday be free, if more Vessels could live, as her son lived, then she had to do this.

She had to Seal him. Create something so powerful, that it required the life of another, something forbidden, to save them.

Death for life.

Pain for healing.

Loss for gain.

“I give my life,” She said, and the Vesslight in her eyes vanished, flowing through the air to the altar, “So that you may live.”

She crumpled.

The child was lifted into the air, Vesslight flowing around him. His crying stopped.

The Vesslight entwined itself around him, creating a shell. The shell slowly sank into the altar.

Lailana smiled softly as she died.

“It is done,” She whispered, “He is Sealed. I come now to you, Kalian.”

And Lailana grew still.

The Deity’s Hands never found her. Nor the sanctum.

Nor the Sealed Vessel.

But the Shattering did not stop. The Deity, through his Hands, Shattered all the Vessels he could find.

Killed them.

Slaughtered them. Because of rumors and prophecy.

Power in fear is power to be feared.

And power in fear is power that dies.



:o I'm speechless.

34 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Scene #116: Unsealed.

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To be Sealed is to live a life of silent waiting.

No interaction. With anyone, or anything. At all.

So I have waited.

Patiently. I know not for what, but I feel that something, or someone, will set me free.

I have… memories.



One might even say Shattered.

Of a woman.. a woman crying. And carrying me.

To safety? Or to damnation? Whichever she thought this Sealing would be.

She sets me down, and backs away. And proclaims her love for me.

Am I… her child? I like to think so. It makes it easier to sleep.

She says that she gives her life, so that I may live.

And then she… dies.

And then I am Sealed. Alone. In this shell. Until I am set free.

I do not know what I will do when I am set free.

But whenever that happens, I am sure I will find something.

Perhaps… revenge. Revenge on whatever or whoever caused my mother to have to do this. She did not want to. I remember that much.

She did not want to Seal me.

But I feel that she had to.

For… whatever reason.

I think on this for some time.

And then, something enters my Sanctum. No. Someone enters my sanctum.

I do not move. I cannot. Not in this shell.

And then, they touch the altar.

And my whole being pulses with power.

I realize, in my hibernation, I have accumulated mass amounts of energy. I do not know what to call this energy.

It feels… warm. Safe. It… glows.

I will call it Light.

I feel myself, my shell, rising out of the altar.

It shatters, and I sink slowly onto the top of the altar.

I stand, slowly, and open my eyes. There is a person in front of me. A human.

I do not know why, but seeing this human fills me with terror. His form, his make.

It is similar to one I know only as Him.

The Deity. Why do I know of The Deity? I do not recall learning about him in some way: I have always known his title, though I never knew why.

My eyes fill with Light, and I shove a hand out towards him. He goes flying backwards.

“Hold on!” He shouts from the ground as I prepare to strike once more, my small form in midair, for I have jumped towards him.

“Wait! I knew Lailana!” He shouts, and I falter.

I fall to the ground hard, rolling to a stop.

Lailana… I know that name.

I see a man, over the woman's shoulder, in my memory, shouting that name.

“Run, Lailana!” He shouts.

Lailana is my mothers name. I look up at the human.

“You are a Vessel,” He says, “A being of power. The Deity killed your entire race, for fear of you. You were prophesied, alongside me. We are to destroy him.”

Anger and rage bubble inside of me.

The Deity..

He is who I must take revenge upon. He killed my mother. My family.

My people.

I stand.

He has power. As do I.

The time has come. I am Unsealed. The Deity will Shatter no more.

I am come to Shatter him.

@Kajsa :) they’re both up now. i see you’re intrigued.

Okay wait why are these so sparking good though?

Like what the chasms? Where did they COME from? Calano, you truly have a talent in writing. You should compile all of these and publish them some day. Absolutely incredible. 

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I honestly don’t have any idea where they came from.

They all come from my brain after listening to Sealed Vessel from the Hollow Knight OST.

Its definitely one of the story ideas that will influence an actual story one day most likely.

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Scene #117: Enemies?

@Kajsa :)'s scene with her OCs Everett and Hadley (i love them) inspired this.


The wind blew softly over the trees as Kris waited at the treeline. He was expecting his enemy to appear.

Or, his lover.

One of those two things: He still didn’t truly know.

He waited patiently, alone. Usually, he was accompanied by an honor guard. However, today, he had agreed to be alone.

Lara would come to him, also alone. And they would talk.

Kris took a deep breath. He blinked.

And was struck by a Vision.

Gods, now was not the time for a Vision.

Kris’ Visions were never anything that was able to be understood, mostly flashing parts of images, ones he assumed made up a future.

In this Vision, Kris saw two entwined hands, and he heard fluttering butterflies, and he felt the wind through his hair, and he smelled a sweet, flowery scent.

And then it ended, and he stumbled forward. He blinked a few times, his vision clearing, and realized he was face to face with a pair of metal shin guards.

He looked up, and saw a woman. Hurriedly, he stood.

“Lara,” He said stiffly, face slowly going red.

“Kris,” Lara responded, a raised eyebrow indicating confusion. Or concern.

It was always interpreted twice, because he didn’t know if they were enemies or lovers.

“What did you wish to discuss?” Lara asked.

Kris coughed. “The nature of our relationship,” He said.

Lara smiled. “That was blunt,” She said.

“No point in stalling, Lara,” Kris said, “It’s something I must know, for my own peace of mind.”

“Okay..” Lara said, shifting on her feet, “What do you think our relationship is?”

“Enemies,” Kris said, more out of reflex than anything.

Lara looked through her eyebrows at him. “Enemies,” She said sarcastically.

“...Mhm,” Kris said slowly, “Enemies… do you feel otherwise?”

“Well, do you think we should be enemies?” Lara said.

“It makes sense,” Kris said, eyes darting to the side, “Our families are from enemy kingdoms. It’s logical.”

Lara cocked her head. “No, no,” She said, stepping closer, “Tell me why you think we should be enemies.”

Kris opened his mouth. Then closed it again. He paused.

Why should they be enemies?

“I…” He started, “I don’t know.”

He paused, and Lara waited, watching him. Expecting something.

“When… When I’m around you,” Kris said, “I feel strange.”

“Strange,” Lara said, smiling, “Strange how?”

“Like..” Kris said, searching for words that would work. He remembered his Vision.

He remembered hearing the butterflies.

He remembered the wind in his hair, a hand in his, smelling that sweet scent.

He realized he knew that scent: Lara’s perfume.

“Like butterflies,” He said, and Lara frowned, but he continued, “You make me feel like maybe, we don’t have to be enemies. Like maybe, there’s something else we could be.”

He frowned. “That sounds really dumb.”

“No it doesn’t,” Lara said, looking up at him.

Kris looked down at Lara. While her expression was blank, the look in her eyes was something Kris had never seen before.

“That doesn’t sound dumb,” Lara said, “You make me feel that way too. You make me feel like we’ve been swimming in a massive ocean, and whenever we’re together, it feels like we were meant to find each other in this massive sea of an earth, in this expanse of people and life.”

Kris blinked, dumbfounded.

“I don’t think we should be enemies,” She whispered, leaning closer, eyes alight with mischievous excitement.

“What do you think we should be, then?” Kris asked.

“Something better,” Lara said, and pressed her lips softly to his.

Kris froze.

Then Kris did what felt right: Kissed her right back.

When that happened, Lara melted into the kiss, and Kris wrapped his arms around her, stabilizing her.

Lara grabbed his face with her hands, which roamed across his cheeks, neck, and hair, as if she were trying to sightlessly know what was right in front of her. As if she were trying to memorize his feel.

Kris pulled her a bit closer at that thought, and felt her smile against his lips.

He broke off the kiss, pressing his forehead against hers.

She smiled. He smiled.

“I never wanted to be enemies,” She said, running her hands through his hair, “From the moment I saw you. I only ever wanted to be yours.”

Kris looked at her. “It’d be dangerous,” he said, “Being mine. Our families wouldn’t like it.”

She smiled up at him, “And it was dangerous being enemies,” She said with a laugh, “I think we’ll manage.”

“You think?”

“I know.”

Kris sighed. “Okay,” He said.

“Okay,” Lara said, and she kissed him again.

Kris kissed her right back, vowing to never let go.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Scene #118: Backstory for my new DND character, Ekron Sirreus, Paladin/Bard Multiclass.


Ekron wasn’t always what people would call “a warrior of justice.” He wasn’t always a Cleanser, an Avenger, a Dark Knight.

Once, some time ago, Ekron had been a faithful individual. Blinded by doctrine, his true self concealed behind the ignorant ideals of the Mistrozen Faith. But he had not known any better: In fact, he found it comforting to believe in it.

But as he grew, he found holes in the Mistrozen teachings. Gaps in doctrine, ironies that shouldn’t be there. When he confronted one of the Reverends about it, he was swiftly and aggressively excommunicated and cast out.

He was 15.

He lived on the streets for a time, lost, physically and spiritually. A bit after he turned 17 a Bishop of the Claezen Church took pity on him. This Bishop, named Torik Aladora, took young Ekron under his wing, teaching him the Claezen tenets.

Tenets of love. Tenets of belief.

Most importantly, tenets of justice. These tenets were what he gravitated towards the most. He saw in them a chance to bring down the ignorant and corrupt Mistrozen faith: The way he saw it, they only let people who followed blindly join their congregations.

After he turned 20, he went on a quest with fellow Claezenites to journey to a sacred library, beloved by many faiths. Upon his arrival, he opened a book, and read a few words.

These words changed his life. For a second time.

These words were an explanation and direction on the Oath of Vengeance. He found other books on the Oath.

He decided to swear it. He spoke with Bishop Torik upon his return, who wholeheartedly agreed it was an Oath fit for a Claezenite.

Ekron will never forget the words said to him the day Bishop Torik gave him his blessing on this journey to becoming a paladin:

“You know our tenets. You know your aspirations. Vengeance is Justice. Show those who did you wrong that they were wrong to cast you out.”

Ekron set out then, living a life according to the Tenets of the Oath Of Vengeance:


Fight the Greater Evil. Faced with a choice of fighting my sworn foes or combating a lesser evil, I choose the greater evil. 


No Mercy for the Wicked. Ordinary foes might win my mercy, but my sworn enemies do not.


By Any Means Necessary. My qualms can't get in the way of exterminating my foes.


Restitution. If my foes wreak ruin on the world, it is because I failed to stop them. I must help those harmed by their misdeeds.


Ekron lived by these Tenets. He ate of them, drank of them, breathed of them. During his travels, he learned to play several different instruments. His favorites being the pipes and lute. Nearly 10 years later, Ekron is closer than ever to swearing his Oath in full.

And once he does, he will return to the Mistrozen Faith, and eradicate it.


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  • 1 month later...

It’s quite literally been almost two months since I posted here.

I didn’t write much over the summer, but we’re back now.

Heres another Cyrus/Attica scene.

Scene #119: Greystar


Several hours after the funeral, Cyrus sat on a bench running along the wide terrace where he and Attica had first met. He sat, overlooking the River Tuvin, watching as the moon rose slowly from the west. Somewhere past the moon was the soul of his love, hopefully in peace.

“My dear Attica,” He whispered, “How can I continue without you?”

“We do not live to survive off other people, Cyrus,” A voice behind him said, “I thought I’d taught you that.”

Cyrus turned. “Trayan Greystar,” He said, “The Silver Sage. Always a pleasure to see you.”

“Hello, old friend,” Trayan said, leaning on his staff. His face was old and kind, full of laugh lines and wrinkles of age, and he had a short white beard, kept neatly trimmed. He wore robes of a silver cloth, which went down to float just above his ankles, embroidered along the edges with ornate designs in forest green. On his feet were a simple pair of leather sandals, strapped tightly.

Cyrus sighed, turning back to look at the moon. “I suppose,” He said, “You’ve come to offer your condolences, as everybody else has?”

Trayan stepped up next to him. “Yes,” He said softly, “But I also come to offer wisdom.”

There was a pause. The moon continued its snail-like journey into the sky.

“Well, out with it,” Cyrus said, “I’ve not got all night.”

“If I know you, Cyrus,” Trayan said, “I know you will stay out here unless forced back into your bed, which I do intend to do once I’ve finished speaking with you. Sleep will help your grief.”

“And when I wake up it’ll all come crashing down, because she won’t be next to me.”

Trayan frowned. “No,” He said, “But she will be there in spirit. You know she would have fought for the right to come see you, even one last time.”

Cyrus smiled sadly. “She always was quite stubborn,” He said.

“Indeed,” Trayan replied, “I believe that was what drew you to her in the first place: her unwillingness to back down from any conflict.”

“And look where it got her,” Cyrus muttered.

“Do you regret it?”

“Of course not,” Cyrus replied, “I’d rather she have died in my arms then be sent back to the encampment only for me to die alone on the battlefield. That doesn’t make the pain any easier.”

“I’d expect not,” Trayan said, looking out at the moon, which glowed soft and gray against the dark night sky.

“What is it you wish to say?” Cyrus said.

“I come with news from the far east,” Trayan said, “Kalador has fallen almost completely. Their government, if you can call it that, is in shambles after the way your army decimated their forces. Infighting in their ranks, with fear running rampant through their villages and cities, they’ve all but turned on themselves. There are some who would say it is not you who took them down, but rather your own reputation.”

Trayan leaned down, “They say you took down a High Warrior of Kalador single handedly. Is this true?”

Cyrus nodded once, a single tear falling down his cheek.

“He killed her,” He said, “So I killed him.”

Trayan straightened his posture.

“I see.” He said.

“Will accompany us, old friend?” Cyrus asked, turning to look up at his old mentor. Trayan had taught him everything the drill sergeants hadn’t. Those topics being arithmetic, geography, knowledge of the magics of the world, knowledge of culture, and knowledge of morals.

“I will go as far as you wish me to.” Trayan said, “These are strange times we are in.”

“Then I’d wish for you to accompany me and my company all the way to Kalador, and to join our fight,” Cyrus said, “Please. For Attica.”

Trayan looked at the moon for a moment. “Attica was a good woman,” He said, and Cyrus looked down, biting back more tears, “She deserved more than she was given, and should have lived longer. I know that what I say will not lessen your pain, guilt, or anguish, but know that she was loved, and that she loved you, and that she was nothing short of incredible.”

“I already knew that,” Cyrus said, “Why do you think I married her?”

Trayan looked down at Cyrus, the wrinkles in his face relaxed, his face bearing a slight frown, “I will follow you wherever you wish me to follow you. I will do it for Attica, and I will do it for you.”

Cyrus stood, and embraced Trayan.

“Thank you.” He said.

Trayan embraced his old pupil in return. For all his wisdom, he had no words for this moment. Words did not seem appropriate for this moment.

Cyrus broke off the embrace, then wiped his eyes. “Tomorrow, we prepare to ride east,” He said, “Kalador will fall. My wife will be avenged.”


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*applause* I give you applause for excellent writing. I give you applause for excellent characters. I give you applause for your depth and how I can see your heart through your words. And most importantly I applaud you for sharing and continuing your work. Just a round of applause for you.

And yes. Being a writer does mean we have mental health issues. (Depression, OCD, ADHD, Anxiety is a big one) I realized that this summer. :) it’s not fun but it’s what makes our writing good. Because as writers it’s our job to see the cruel horrible grueling reality as it is in its terrible form. (Some could say we are pessimistic) and shift it or mold it into a world that brings light, joy, and happiness, but first we have to see the terror of the darkness before we can know and create the beauty of the light against it. 

anyways. Good job! 

Edited by SmilingPanda19
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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

It’s quite literally been almost two months since I posted here.

I didn’t write much over the summer, but we’re back now.

Heres another Cyrus/Attica scene.

Scene #119: Greystar

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Several hours after the funeral, Cyrus sat on a bench running along the wide terrace where he and Attica had first met. He sat, overlooking the River Tuvin, watching as the moon rose slowly from the west. Somewhere past the moon was the soul of his love, hopefully in peace.

“My dear Attica,” He whispered, “How can I continue without you?”

“We do not live to survive off other people, Cyrus,” A voice behind him said, “I thought I’d taught you that.”

Cyrus turned. “Trayan Greystar,” He said, “The Silver Sage. Always a pleasure to see you.”

“Hello, old friend,” Trayan said, leaning on his staff. His face was old and kind, full of laugh lines and wrinkles of age, and he had a short white beard, kept neatly trimmed. He wore robes of a silver cloth, which went down to float just above his ankles, embroidered along the edges with ornate designs in forest green. On his feet were a simple pair of leather sandals, strapped tightly.

Cyrus sighed, turning back to look at the moon. “I suppose,” He said, “You’ve come to offer your condolences, as everybody else has?”

Trayan stepped up next to him. “Yes,” He said softly, “But I also come to offer wisdom.”

There was a pause. The moon continued its snail-like journey into the sky.

“Well, out with it,” Cyrus said, “I’ve not got all night.”

“If I know you, Cyrus,” Trayan said, “I know you will stay out here unless forced back into your bed, which I do intend to do once I’ve finished speaking with you. Sleep will help your grief.”

“And when I wake up it’ll all come crashing down, because she won’t be next to me.”

Trayan frowned. “No,” He said, “But she will be there in spirit. You know she would have fought for the right to come see you, even one last time.”

Cyrus smiled sadly. “She always was quite stubborn,” He said.

“Indeed,” Trayan replied, “I believe that was what drew you to her in the first place: her unwillingness to back down from any conflict.”

“And look where it got her,” Cyrus muttered.

“Do you regret it?”

“Of course not,” Cyrus replied, “I’d rather she have died in my arms then be sent back to the encampment only for me to die alone on the battlefield. That doesn’t make the pain any easier.”

“I’d expect not,” Trayan said, looking out at the moon, which glowed soft and gray against the dark night sky.

“What is it you wish to say?” Cyrus said.

“I come with news from the far east,” Trayan said, “Kalador has fallen almost completely. Their government, if you can call it that, is in shambles after the way your army decimated their forces. Infighting in their ranks, with fear running rampant through their villages and cities, they’ve all but turned on themselves. There are some who would say it is not you who took them down, but rather your own reputation.”

Trayan leaned down, “They say you took down a High Warrior of Kalador single handedly. Is this true?”

Cyrus nodded once, a single tear falling down his cheek.

“He killed her,” He said, “So I killed him.”

Trayan straightened his posture.

“I see.” He said.

“Will accompany us, old friend?” Cyrus asked, turning to look up at his old mentor. Trayan had taught him everything the drill sergeants hadn’t. Those topics being arithmetic, geography, knowledge of the magics of the world, knowledge of culture, and knowledge of morals.

“I will go as far as you wish me to.” Trayan said, “These are strange times we are in.”

“Then I’d wish for you to accompany me and my company all the way to Kalador, and to join our fight,” Cyrus said, “Please. For Attica.”

Trayan looked at the moon for a moment. “Attica was a good woman,” He said, and Cyrus looked down, biting back more tears, “She deserved more than she was given, and should have lived longer. I know that what I say will not lessen your pain, guilt, or anguish, but know that she was loved, and that she loved you, and that she was nothing short of incredible.”

“I already knew that,” Cyrus said, “Why do you think I married her?”

Trayan looked down at Cyrus, the wrinkles in his face relaxed, his face bearing a slight frown, “I will follow you wherever you wish me to follow you. I will do it for Attica, and I will do it for you.”

Cyrus stood, and embraced Trayan.

“Thank you.” He said.

Trayan embraced his old pupil in return. For all his wisdom, he had no words for this moment. Words did not seem appropriate for this moment.

Cyrus broke off the embrace, then wiped his eyes. “Tomorrow, we prepare to ride east,” He said, “Kalador will fall. My wife will be avenged.”


If I had rep to give, this would be where it would go immediately. I loooooved that, Calano, and would love to see more in this world if you want to write more! You're an awesome writer, Calano!

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Scene #120:


“Please,” She sobs, “Just let him go!”

The knife is pressed further against my throat, and I stare with wide, puffy eyes at Alina. Silently begging her to just let me go. To please stop crying. To please smile. I know it hurts her to see me like this, with blood dripping from my chin, my face all beat up, along with the rest of my body, but I just need her to smile. It’ll make it all better.

“No,” Alyn says simply, holding me in one arm, and the knife to my throat with the other, “I can’t do that.”

Alina’s mouth opens and closes, like she’s searching for words that just won’t come. “Benny…” She says quietly, looking at me.

I squirm a little, and the knife is pressed into my neck a bit more. “S’okay,” I mutter through a mouth full of blood and pain, “It’ll all be okay.”

“Don’t go!” She cries, “Don’t leave me!”

“Oh, but I’m afraid he has to,” Alyn says, and I know in his tone that my friend is gone. “I’m afraid our friend Ben here has a higher purpose.”

“Why?” Alina says, “Alyn, you were his friend! My friend!”

“Yup,” Alyn says, voice wavering, “And then his God tried to kill me. And he continued to worship Them.”

“A god’s will,” I sputter, “Is their will. Who am I to judge or mock?”

Alyn tightens his grip on me, leaning down to hiss into my ear, “A fool. You’re a fool to think that after that, I’d ever be your friend again as I once was. I found my own God. And he asked for you.”

Alina takes a step forward, but I shake my head as slightly as I can. If she takes another step, I’m done for.

“Please,” She whispers, “Don’t. Just let him go. It wasn’t his fault.”

“But it was his fault to keep worshiping Them,” Alyn hisses, “And to not even try and apologize.”

“Just let him,” I say, “Just let me go.”

“I can’t,” Alina says, “Why can you let me go? Why do you get to leave me?”

“S’not up to me,” I sputter, more blood dripping down my chin, “It’s up to Them. Just move on. Keep smiling.”

“No,” Alina mutters, and she takes another step forward, “I won’t.”

Alyn presses the knife even harder. I feel it draw blood.

“Alina,” I say, absolutely heartbroken, “It’ll be okay. I’ll find a way.”

“There won’t be a way,” Alyn whispers in my ear, and he jerks the knife.

Blood fills my windpipe, and I barely process Alina’s agonized scream. I see her dash forward through blurring vision, and then my world goes black.


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Scene #121: The End


And now, we come to the end of our programming for the night. And for forever.

It has been a pleasure presenting you with the news for as long as we have. We will stay on the air as long as we can. Up until the very end.

Ladies and gentlemen, we here at the WBS would like to thank you for your patronage. It’s because of you, and because of your contributions, that we’ve been able to continue covering this story of stories for as long as we have.

If you’re just now tuning in, the end of the world as we know it is in less than 2 minutes.

We will be removing the countdown of the clock, as we see it to be too anxiety-inducing and simply unnecessary.

Ladies and gentlemen, I promise you that after what happens to our blue planet today, even when it becomes not blue, life will press on. It always has. The end of humanity’s reign as the apex species has come, but so must it come for any species. The world has changed hands for millions of years, and will continue to do so. Perhaps the next apex species can do a better job keeping our earth okay then the job we did.

Do not cry. Do not be sad. Gather your loved ones, in these final moments. Make sure they know they are loved. Wipe away each other's tears, and be glad that even at the end of all things, you are here with them. Parents, hug your children tight. Lovers, share one final kiss. Poets, scribble some final odes to our pale blue dot.

It’s been a pleasure to be allowed into your home day after day, and we here at the World Broadcasting Service are incredibly grateful to all of our patrons for choosing us as your method to receive the most important news.

And as we reach the final time our airwaves will spread over the world, we thank you for a wonderful existence so far on our pale blue dot.

We thank you for your time, for your love, and for your generosity.

And above all, we thank you for-


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On 5/30/2023 at 2:17 PM, CalanoCorvus said:

Scene #117: Enemies?

@Kajsa :)'s scene with her OCs Everett and Hadley (i love them) inspired this.

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The wind blew softly over the trees as Kris waited at the treeline. He was expecting his enemy to appear.

Or, his lover.

One of those two things: He still didn’t truly know.

He waited patiently, alone. Usually, he was accompanied by an honor guard. However, today, he had agreed to be alone.

Lara would come to him, also alone. And they would talk.

Kris took a deep breath. He blinked.

And was struck by a Vision.

Gods, now was not the time for a Vision.

Kris’ Visions were never anything that was able to be understood, mostly flashing parts of images, ones he assumed made up a future.

In this Vision, Kris saw two entwined hands, and he heard fluttering butterflies, and he felt the wind through his hair, and he smelled a sweet, flowery scent.

And then it ended, and he stumbled forward. He blinked a few times, his vision clearing, and realized he was face to face with a pair of metal shin guards.

He looked up, and saw a woman. Hurriedly, he stood.

“Lara,” He said stiffly, face slowly going red.

“Kris,” Lara responded, a raised eyebrow indicating confusion. Or concern.

It was always interpreted twice, because he didn’t know if they were enemies or lovers.

“What did you wish to discuss?” Lara asked.

Kris coughed. “The nature of our relationship,” He said.

Lara smiled. “That was blunt,” She said.

“No point in stalling, Lara,” Kris said, “It’s something I must know, for my own peace of mind.”

“Okay..” Lara said, shifting on her feet, “What do you think our relationship is?”

“Enemies,” Kris said, more out of reflex than anything.

Lara looked through her eyebrows at him. “Enemies,” She said sarcastically.

“...Mhm,” Kris said slowly, “Enemies… do you feel otherwise?”

“Well, do you think we should be enemies?” Lara said.

“It makes sense,” Kris said, eyes darting to the side, “Our families are from enemy kingdoms. It’s logical.”

Lara cocked her head. “No, no,” She said, stepping closer, “Tell me why you think we should be enemies.”

Kris opened his mouth. Then closed it again. He paused.

Why should they be enemies?

“I…” He started, “I don’t know.”

He paused, and Lara waited, watching him. Expecting something.

“When… When I’m around you,” Kris said, “I feel strange.”

“Strange,” Lara said, smiling, “Strange how?”

“Like..” Kris said, searching for words that would work. He remembered his Vision.

He remembered hearing the butterflies.

He remembered the wind in his hair, a hand in his, smelling that sweet scent.

He realized he knew that scent: Lara’s perfume.

“Like butterflies,” He said, and Lara frowned, but he continued, “You make me feel like maybe, we don’t have to be enemies. Like maybe, there’s something else we could be.”

He frowned. “That sounds really dumb.”

“No it doesn’t,” Lara said, looking up at him.

Kris looked down at Lara. While her expression was blank, the look in her eyes was something Kris had never seen before.

“That doesn’t sound dumb,” Lara said, “You make me feel that way too. You make me feel like we’ve been swimming in a massive ocean, and whenever we’re together, it feels like we were meant to find each other in this massive sea of an earth, in this expanse of people and life.”

Kris blinked, dumbfounded.

“I don’t think we should be enemies,” She whispered, leaning closer, eyes alight with mischievous excitement.

“What do you think we should be, then?” Kris asked.

“Something better,” Lara said, and pressed her lips softly to his.

Kris froze.

Then Kris did what felt right: Kissed her right back.

When that happened, Lara melted into the kiss, and Kris wrapped his arms around her, stabilizing her.

Lara grabbed his face with her hands, which roamed across his cheeks, neck, and hair, as if she were trying to sightlessly know what was right in front of her. As if she were trying to memorize his feel.

Kris pulled her a bit closer at that thought, and felt her smile against his lips.

He broke off the kiss, pressing his forehead against hers.

She smiled. He smiled.

“I never wanted to be enemies,” She said, running her hands through his hair, “From the moment I saw you. I only ever wanted to be yours.”

Kris looked at her. “It’d be dangerous,” he said, “Being mine. Our families wouldn’t like it.”

She smiled up at him, “And it was dangerous being enemies,” She said with a laugh, “I think we’ll manage.”

“You think?”

“I know.”

Kris sighed. “Okay,” He said.

“Okay,” Lara said, and she kissed him again.

Kris kissed her right back, vowing to never let go.



So wholesome! :D

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Scene 122: where were you?


even as i lay in pain,

helpless in the summer rain,


even as i was dying,

you were lying.


where were you?

i needed you too.


i swore to love you all my life,

but now you've gone and left me in strife.


swore to you that i was yours,

but now, as the rain pours,


you're not here.

and i shed a tear,


or two,

for you.


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2 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Scene 122: where were you?

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even as i lay in pain,

helpless in the summer rain,


even as i was dying,

you were lying.


where were you?

i needed you too.


i swore to love you all my life,

but now you've gone and left me in strife.


swore to you that i was yours,

but now, as the rain pours,


you're not here.

and i shed a tear,


or two,

for you.


Wow. That’s deep, man. 

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