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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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"From what I remember, its a lot of "Radiant would kill Mistborn because Mistborn doesn't have Shardplate" and "No Mistborn would win because Atium. And also A-chromium" and *repeating the same arguments over and over with minor variations*"

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1 minute ago, Frustration said:

"Then the radiant wins because Rosharans are at least a foot taller than Scadrians, and they are better trained."

"Good point, especially if they are Alethi" Morningtide said while munching on chips. "I love debates"

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1 minute ago, Primeval Chaos said:

"what about me?"

"what about you?"

Just now, Frustration said:

*Passes Nameless the male Choedan Kal access key*

*sighs* "Frustration, did you just?" 

*draws cuendillor* "it is time"

Just now, Nameless said:

*Grabs the key and uses it to obliterate Thaidakar from existence*

"Hey, have you guys every thought about the futility of life?"

Thaidakar then stabbed Nameless with Cuendillor and banished him to the edge of the universe, Thaidakar then stole the key and used it to decimate Frustration into dust and ashes.

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19 minutes ago, Frustration said:

Frustration used a shardblade to cut everything non-esential off of himself, crawled out and used Stomrlight to heal.


"Breaking the rules again?"

Dom seperated Frustration from his Shardblade, and removes his Stormlight.

"No. Stop doing that."

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Thaidakar laughed harder, "you do realize that writers are far more powerful than readers right?" 

Thaidakar then used a giant sword forged out of the blood and bones of millions of dragons reborn to stab Nameless and turn him to dust.

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1 minute ago, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

"Breaking the rules again?"

Dom seperated Frustration from his Shardblade, and removes his Stormlight.

"No. Stop doing that."

"I am no longer inside the clinic and am outside of your jurisdiction!"

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