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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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Frustration grinned as he poured stormlight into his blade. "Let's rumble."

Throwing himself at Nameless, Frustration felt the blade bounce, throwing his arms back after each collision. Smiling Frustration jumped allowing the repulsion to push him backwards before coming in again.

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2 hours ago, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

Doctor Doomslug cursed loudly and waved his hands. The chicken vanished. Nameless froze, and Doctor Doomslug continued to make gesticulations.

Everything seemed to... blur.

Time itself seemed to loop backwards on itself, and everyone simply... popped.

Popped out of existence, then popped back into existence, but back in the rooms of the Facility.

Time stopped reeling backwards, then was forcefully shoved back into the Universal VCR and started up again.

The chickens stayed, however. The Doctor liked the chickens. He gave them their own pen in the facility, next to Nameless and Emulaton.

While time was frozen, the Doctor thought about why things kept going wrong.

Frustration seemed to want to study, so The Doctor turned his room into an infinite pocket dimension, where all the Magics of the Cosmere lived in unison, and Frustration could study and weave to his hearts content.

He gave the Chickens free roam of the Facility, and cut back everyone's dosage.

Maybe being a fan of Sanderson wasn't such a bad idea after all.

He allowed time to continue, and everything was in harmony again. The Facility was at peace.

He also extinguished Emulaton.



Darle's Chickens continued to roam and watch Nameless and the glowing swordfight. Random Fellow remained unaffected, as he was not the one that Dr. Doomslug had extinguished, and he started to make plans to set fire to the sun. 

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Your name says Emulaton.

"I do!"

Dom happily picked up a drumstick, cooked it instantly, and took a bite.

"Note: Chickens cannot dodge. They are dumb. Now please be careful, this swordfight is coming dangerously close to breaking some sort of multiversal law."

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2 hours ago, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

Your name says Emulaton.

"I do!"

Dom happily picked up a drumstick, cooked it instantly, and took a bite.

"Note: Chickens cannot dodge. They are dumb. Now please be careful, this swordfight is coming dangerously close to breaking some sort of multiversal law."


whoops, didn't mean to type it like that. oh-well. I conceed to you.

Random Fellow was very annoyed, as no one was had answered. He flamed brighter.

The many chickens began to advance ominously towards Nameless.

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