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I have no idea what is going on, and who is Coran and what tavern and what quest and i don't want to read 46 pages


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On second thoughts, I'm sorry but i changed my mind. I have too much work to do to take part in this.


Edited by Elf
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Sequence walked into the tavern. "Sooooo... this is cute and all, but how do I leave? Thaidakar just teleported me here for no reason and that crazy doctor won't let me walk out of the exit..."

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"You must use the power invested in you to complete the quest which is to slay the tiniest snow barron and you will get a coin once you have 5 coins you will get a final quest and then you will know where the exit is," replied the tavern keeper.

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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26 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"You have to kill them all and don't worry they don't have the same qualms that you do. They are also wielding coppies of @Nameless's nightblood 2.0."

"I don't want to kill them all! Isn't there another option?"

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On 5/13/2022 at 2:43 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

"The bunnies start stabbing Hawklow and some go after Sequence.

Sequence jumped out of the way, lighting a few matches to ward off the attackers.

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