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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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It’s sad… 


12 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"It's over there." Bookwyrm pointed to a door that had appeared on the wall that was conveniently labeled "Training Room."

Haly: becomes a wind chime and flies into the floor

Syl guys! We’ll see if I can get in later today; no idea. 

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Ranryu walked up, wings flared in annoyance. 

"I leave for a few hours, and this is what you do? It's a miracle none of you set off any of my trap cards. Also, why did Haly get to test for powers and not me?... Not that it matters or anything." She muttered that last line quietly.

She sighed, then held up a stack of cards and a lighter. 

"Anyone up for burning chickens and then blowing them up?"

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7 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma's teeth flash. "A girl after my own heart. WHO'S READY TO GO TOPSIDE AND BLOW THIS POPSICLE STAND!"


3 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

Ranryu grinned dragonishly and flicked her lighter on, grey thinfire snaking up to the ceiling. 

"Hold your horses a minute," Bookwyrm said. "I'm all for an attack, but a random rampage with no objective is going to get us nowhere. We need more intelligence."

Bookwyrm pulled up a map of the clinic on the hologram projector. He looked for a moment before pointing to a specific room. 

"There. That's the office of one of the chicken's lower ranking commanders. We should infiltrate and steal some info on how they're running the clinic."

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3 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:


"Hold your horses a minute," Bookwyrm said. "I'm all for an attack, but a random rampage with no objective is going to get us nowhere. We need more intelligence."

Bookwyrm pulled up a map of the clinic on the hologram projector. He looked for a moment before pointing to a specific room. 

"There. That's the office of one of the chicken's lower ranking commanders. We should infiltrate and steal some info on how they're running the clinic."

Sil looked at Bookwyrm. "Any way I can be of assistance? I just learned I can waterbend and teleport." He smiled. "Apparantly"

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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

"What if we just burned the clinic down?" Ranryu looked longingly at her lighter. 

"The chickens took my BOOKS, man. MY BOOKS. They need to learn not to mess with a dragon's hoard."

Silhouette gasped. "HOW COULD THEY??"

"LETS BURN IT DOWN" he shouted, then realized that this was uncharacteristic of himself and blinked in confusion.

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1 hour ago, Ranryu said:

Ranryu's pyromania and conscience fought each other for a moment. 

"Yeah... I guess it is his clinic. Maybe we could just burn it a little?"

Haly: pops out of the floor as herself again “OOH I HAVE A LIGHTER! It’s not magic, but it’s a lighter. The receptionist gave it to me. It’s good for toasting marshmallows.”

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16 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm sighed and shook his head.

"I'm all for fire, but let's please not burn anything that doesn't need to be burned."

He glanced at the map again.

"Maybe we can stop by the library later and check and see if there's any useful information..."

"No can do. All the easily accessible books were destroyed by Ranryu. I say we go and kill the chickens and free the patients."

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Commander Barus of the grand chicken army was on edge. There was something chilling about the silent halls of the clinic, empty except for the occasional patrol or terrified patient peeking out of their rooms. Barus had thought he would be thankful for an end to the riots, but this deathly calm was almost worse. Shivering slightly, he ducked into his office, nodding to the two guards at the door. "Farey, are those reports ready? General Gladius wants an update."

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2 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"No can do. All the easily accessible books were destroyed by Ranryu. I say we go and kill the chickens and free the patients."

"....What did you say?" Bookwyrm turned to @Ranryu. "What did you do?"

He sighed and shook his head. "Nevermind. I'll worry about that later. I'm organizing a raid on that commander's office. Everyone who's coming with me, speak up."

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11 hours ago, Ranryu said:

Ranryu raised her lighter in excitement.

"Ooh! Me! Me! I want to behead Lark and then defenestrate his guts!" 

Her eyes gleamed with childlike amusement.

"It is time to pardon these filthy chickens FROM LIFE!" Emma disperses into shadows and speeds off towards the chicken army.

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Calano, who had mysteriously vanished sometime during the proceedings, appeared in a blaze of fire and smoke.

His eyes blazed deep purple, as if someone had thrown potassium into an open flame. A lot of potassium. He'd seen something.

"You are not touching anything in this clinic. If you so much as touch even a single match to any bookshelf, I will personally see to it it is the last thing you do. The chickens cannot be helped, but if you burn anything, you will regret it."

He spread his hands over the holographic terminal.

"Now," He said, eyes still ablaze, "How to take back the clinic. Emma," He said, snapping his eyes up to her, "Rain absolute hell on the chickens. Make them pay for what they did to Wizard."

He turned his attention to Bookwyrm and Thaidakar. "You two," He spat, "Take the knife, gang up on Lark. Do whatever you have to. Get him out of my chair!" He shouted.

He then turned his attention to Ranryu, Haly, and everyone else. "Ranryu, Haly, practice shifting. Be a nuisance. No property damage. Everyone else, help however you can."

He punched the terminal again. His eyes genuinely looked like they were about to spit fire.

"We're taking this back. I'm taking on the Chicken King myself. He is mine, and then Lark. Bookwyrm, Thaid, weaken him. Don't kill him. That is my privilege and my privilege alone."

"Now get. Outta here. Rain hell."

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20 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"Now," He said, eyes still ablaze, "How to take back the clinic. Emma," He said, snapping his eyes up to her, "Rain absolute hell on the chickens. Make them pay for what they did to Wizard."

"My pleasure." The corrupted chicken knife hangs in the air before Bookwyrm and Thaidakar.

Emma floats through the clinic hiding in the shadows. Her voice booms from every shadowed corner. "YOU HAVE KILLED MY TWIN, PREPARE TO DIE!"

The chickens attack, but their attacks mean nothing to the Queen of the Shadows. Thousands are slaughtered as the shadows lengthen and strangle the chickens. A glowing knife flies towards the shadows and it is halted in it's path. The dagger burns black, corrupted, and the Darkness throws it into the heart of the chicken that threw it, corrupting the chicken. The corruption spreads throught the chickens and the army becomes loyal to the Queen of the Shadows.

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

He turned his attention to Bookwyrm and Thaidakar. "You two," He spat, "Take the knife, gang up on Lark. Do whatever you have to. Get him out of my chair!" He shouted.


1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Bookwyrm, Thaid, weaken him. Don't kill him. That is my privilege and my privilege alone."

Bookwyrm nodded solemnly.

"I understand. Can and will do." He turned to @Thaidakar the Ghostblood.

"Let's go."

He summoned a Wyrmhole that led to a hallway near Lark's desk.

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22 to go.

Calano appeared in Sector W.

"This sector will be cleansed."

He blinked.

The ground around him cracked, and a wave of power washed out around him, vaporizing chickens everywhere.

"I am the Son of the Sky." He bellowed, "And you have encroached upon my most sacred domain. Look upon me, sinners, and despair."

The ground surrounding his feet cracked further, and he screamed. A wave of raw energy boomed through the sector and into Sectors V and X, vaporizing chickens.

W is cleansed, as are parts of V and X. 21 sectors to go.

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