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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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9 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"No... not like this. but it does give me this power..." he drew the amber gem from his pocket and drew out the power. He smiled as the treaty started tearing to pieces in his fingers.

Lark's eyes glowed crimson and the amber burned to ash, treaty flying back into his hands, its destruction stopped. Even as he did so, rips began forming all across the clinic. Rups into emptiness, nothingness. The fabric of reality stretched, and Thaidakar felt a shockwave pass through his soul, threatening to drag him into those rips.

"You FOOL!" Lark stepped towards Thaidakar, towering over him in pure rage. "Do you have ANY idea what you could have done? Destroy the treaty and you destroy this entire DIMENSION, and EVERYONE inside of it." Chains sprouted from the ground, wrapping around Thaidakar's legs and dragging him down into the ground. "You would have destroyed all I have worked for. Everything I've sacrificed for. All gone, because you didn't want me to win. Well, you know what? I won't win Thaidakar. I can't win. Does that make you happy?"

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18 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Lark's eyes glowed crimson and the amber burned to ash, treaty flying back into his hands, its destruction stopped. Even as he did so, rips began forming all across the clinic. Rups into emptiness, nothingness. The fabric of reality stretched, and Thaidakar felt a shockwave pass through his soul, threatening to drag him into those rips.

"You FOOL!" Lark stepped towards Thaidakar, towering over him in pure rage. "Do you have ANY idea what you could have done? Destroy the treaty and you destroy this entire DIMENSION, and EVERYONE inside of it." Chains sprouted from the ground, wrapping around Thaidakar's legs and dragging him down into the ground. "You would have destroyed all I have worked for. Everything I've sacrificed for. All gone, because you didn't want me to win. Well, you know what? I won't win Thaidakar. I can't win. Does that make you happy?"

"That is not my reasons... You presume to think I would try and stop you? You insufferable little annoyance as you are are hardly worth the effort."

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1 minute ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"That is not my reasons... You presume to think I would try and stop you? You insufferable little annoyance as you are are hardly worth the effort."

"ANNOYANCE?" Lark's eyes went jet-black as he stalked towards Thaidakar. "You think I have done all this to be an ANNOYANCE?"

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1 minute ago, AspiringArchivist said:

*Approaches cautiously*

"Hi, I'm TAAron. I think I might be mildly... is this a bad time? I think it's probably a bad time."

*Begins backing away*

Lark's eyes returned to normal, and he deflated, looking very worn out. "No, it's not a bad time. Welcome to the Insanity Clinic for the Moderately Brandonfandonitis Afflicted. I trust you'll *yawn* enjoy your stay. I am the head doctor. Please ignore those rifts, they'll disappear once the treaty finished repairing itself. Thaidakar here can, hm, assign you to a room, I suppose. He'll show you around the zzzzzzzzzzzzzLark's head dropped to his chest, and he fell asleep on his feet.

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8 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Lark's eyes returned to normal, and he deflated, looking very worn out. "No, it's not a bad time. Welcome to the Insanity Clinic for the Moderately Brandonfandonitis Afflicted. I trust you'll *yawn* enjoy your stay. I am the head doctor. Please ignore those rifts, they'll disappear once the treaty finished repairing itself. Thaidakar here can, hm, assign you to a room, I suppose. He'll show you around the zzzzzzzzzzzzzLark's head dropped to his chest, and he fell asleep on his feet.

TAAron looked very uncomfortable. He tore his eyes away from the unresponsive Lark. "Um... okay. Hello Mr. Thaikadar, I can see that you are somewhat occupied, but I would appreciate being given a lodging here... I think I'm developing a mild case of Brandonfandonitis. I got very upset while reading The Well of Ascension and I get very excited when I think I spot Hoid. So, yeah." He paused for a moment, looking thoughtful. "Also, do you have a copy of The Way of Kings? I think I left mine at home."

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Bookwyrm jumped as rifts appeared in the clinic around him. They threatened to throw him from the dimension and send him back to the worlds he came from.

I can't leave yet, he thought. There are still things to do here.

Bookwyrm finished taking Calano to the infirmary with Ranryu.

"I don't know what Lark and Thaidakar are doing," Bookwyrm said to Calano. "But we have to focus on what happened to you." He had the magical stretcher float Calano onto one of the beds that didn't have a dimensional rift in it.

"Come on, Ranryu. Let's figure this out."

@CalanoCorvus @Ranryu

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23 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Come on, Ranryu. Let's figure this out."

11 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

"Great. You sure it's safe?"

No he's not sure it's safe, but after W-Calano's death, things became unstable, if Emma were here she could fix it. The voice sounds wistfull. She could alwasy fix anything.


In a cage of light Emma tries to die, fails, and tries again. What sort of twisted prison won't let their own prisoners kill themselves. Emma freezes amid her third attempt as a memory rushes to her mind. Emma's eyes squeeze shut, she doesn't want to see, to remember, to feel that painful ripping sensation again. The memory invades her mind anyways. 

Emma lies in wait, waiting for Calano to come find her, she hears yelling as Calano finds Wizard and she grins. I always knew how to hide better than both of them. She freezes as she hears sound go into the room next door. A finger touches her shoulder from behind.


Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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im sorry im sorry ill rush to get to everything

@The Bookwyrm

Bookwyrm falls into the mindscape of the ghostly, shy Calano.

It doesn't look like a normal mindscape. It's a house. A severely dilapidated and worn down house. In the center of the kitchen, a sobbing Calano sits, clutching his knees and rocking back and forth. Creaking sounds throughout the whole house, and unintelligeble whispers sound throughout the house as well. Calano sobs harder when the whispers reach him, and mutters things.

@Ranryu Ranryu falls next to Bookwyrm, and immediately notices the empty plate, cup and utensils on the table. Sitting at the table is a mannequin. A mannequin that looks exactly like Wizard. In the next chair, is a mannequin that looks like Emma. Then one that looks like Thaidakar. All around the table are mannequins that look like Calano's friends.

@The Wandering Wizard

Emma turns, and sees Calano. But not her Calano. This Calano has his eyes scratched out, a gaping wound in his thigh, and a dead gaze.

But he acts like the old Calano that just found Wizard. "I found you, Emma!" He says, and he laughs. Wizard comes around the corner and doubles over in laughter, for no apparent reason.

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29 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Bookwyrm falls into the mindscape of the ghostly, shy Calano.

It doesn't look like a normal mindscape. It's a house. A severely dilapidated and worn down house. In the center of the kitchen, a sobbing Calano sits, clutching his knees and rocking back and forth. Creaking sounds throughout the whole house, and unintelligeble whispers sound throughout the house as well. Calano sobs harder when the whispers reach him, and mutters things.


Bookwyrm looked around the house.

I wasn't expecting this...he thought. He materialized his mental consciousness into an approximation of a physical body so he could interact with the mindscape. He walked over to Calano, or at least Calano's mental projection of himself. Bookwyrm paused and suppressed a shudder when he saw the lifelike mannequins. People he knew. In Wizard's case, people who were now gone.

Bookwyrm considered saying something to comfort Calano, but paused and decided to listen to the strange whisperings that fill Calano's mindscape before taking action.

Concentrating, he tried to decipher the whispers.

Edited by The Bookwyrm
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...Gone, gone, gone...

...You could have done more...

...You should feel guilty...

...Pathetic, arrogant, stupid...

...Weak, you couldn't even save your own friend...

Calano sobbed harder in his mindscape.

In the gray mindscape, Calano looked like normal. No wound on his legs, flush with color and emotion because of his grief. It definitely appeared to be him.

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13 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

...Gone, gone, gone...

...You could have done more...

...You should feel guilty...

...Pathetic, arrogant, stupid...

...Weak, you couldn't even save your own friend...

Calano sobbed harder in his mindscape.

In the gray mindscape, Calano looked like normal. No wound on his legs, flush with color and emotion because of his grief. It definitely appeared to be him.

Bookwyrm's eyes widened as he realized the thoughts that were plaguing Calano. Utilizing his abilities, Bookwyrm strained himself and put a shield around Calano, blocking all of the thoughts from reaching the core of his being.

Once that shield was up, Bookwyrm started sending new thoughts.

You did all you could.

You are forgiven.

You have worth.

You saved people.

You are strong.

The clinic needs you.

Emma needs you.

Can you remember, Calano? Do you know who you are?

Edited by The Bookwyrm
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Calano began to mutter.

"I can't remember... I don't know... It hurts, it hurts, it hurts... I'm sorry, Emma, I'm sorry..."

Calano sobs again, wrapping his arms around himself.

"I don't, I don't, I don't."

He turns around slowly, and his eyes are bloodshot, full of rage and grief.

His mutterings turn to shouts.

"I don't, I don't, I don't! I don't know you! I don't know you!"

"Leave!" He shouts, and Bookwyrm and Ranryu are forcefully ejected from Calano's mind.

They vanish, and Calano sobs again, sitting back down in the center of the kitchen.

He cries.

And cries. And cries some more.

The whispers return, and he sobs harder.

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Bookwyrm physically stumbled back.

"Oh no..." he said out loud.

He's in there. He knows who he is....but something's wrong. I can't reach him.

Bookwyrm didn't know how much of that the forefront of Calano's consciousness felt, but if those thoughts were affecting the deepest parts of his being...

"You stay here and rest, Calano," Bookwyrm said after a minute. "We'll have your wounded leg healed in no time. For now, I need...to do some research." Bookwyrm nodded to Ranryu and left the room.

As he left, Bookwyrm felt nervous. 

I don't know how to help him...what do I do?

Bookwyrm walked into his own room. He hadn't spent much time in here, but it was personalized to his preferences. A full bookshelf of a variety of novels covered one wall, including a few books that shouldn't exist. A half read copy of Secret Project #49 sat half read on his desk.

Bookwyrm sat on the desk and pulled out the vial of the Purple that Calano had given him.

This is really my only lead on what happened to him, he thought. Let's see what I can find....

Bookwyrm began conducting experiments on the Purple to try to figure out exactly what it was.

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Calano lay on the bed, suddenly feeling dizzy.

He muttered something about a... a Limbo?

He didn't know what that was, or why he had said it. He sat up, looking down at the wound on his leg. Why did it have to be healed? It didn't hurt.

Ghalano, as he was calling himself now, a combination between the word 'ghost' and his name, got out of bed and began wandering the halls.

He whistled, randomly fingering the Purple in his pocket, which he never seemed to run out of.

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Lark woke up feeling a little better, and decided to go check on Calano. Finding that he'd left the infirmary, Lark cursed, reaching out and finding Calano's presence among the vast multitudes of patients, and teleported to him.

"Calano, what do you think you're doing? If you die now, they'll all blame it on me. I don't have the strength to fight them all again, not if I want to have the power left to improve this clinic."

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13 hours ago, AspiringArchivist said:

TAAron looked very uncomfortable. He tore his eyes away from the unresponsive Lark. "Um... okay. Hello Mr. Thaikadar, I can see that you are somewhat occupied, but I would appreciate being given a lodging here... I think I'm developing a mild case of Brandonfandonitis. I got very upset while reading The Well of Ascension and I get very excited when I think I spot Hoid. So, yeah." He paused for a moment, looking thoughtful. "Also, do you have a copy of The Way of Kings? I think I left mine at home."

Thaidakar smiled, "we should. here's a map." he handed them a map of the clinic, "and your room should be on there, room D fifty five."

15 hours ago, Nameless said:

"ANNOYANCE?" Lark's eyes went jet-black as he stalked towards Thaidakar. "You think I have done all this to be an ANNOYANCE?"

"No, I do think you presume you know what is best for the clinic. and perhaps that's even the truth. But to me, you will just be an annoyance. an annoyance who has interrupted my plans significantly..."

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4 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Emma turns, and sees Calano. But not her Calano. This Calano has his eyes scratched out, a gaping wound in his thigh, and a dead gaze.

But he acts like the old Calano that just found Wizard. "I found you, Emma!" He says, and he laughs. Wizard comes around the corner and doubles over in laughter, for no apparent reason.

Wizard grins "I knew that trick would get you." Emma's body moves without her volition, playing out her part in this scene, forcing her eyes open, to kiss a corspe.

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Ghalano gave Lark a puzzled look.

"I'm dead. I'm just... here for some reason. I am dead."

Lark glared at Ghalano in anger. "You know, I've always hated you Calano. I wish I could just kill you now, but you'd just come back again, wouldn't you?" He grabbed Ghalano's wrist, turning and dragging him back to the infirmary. "No, I won't kill you just yet. I need to cure you first. Let you get a fair shot at reclaiming your clinic so that I can rightfully kill you and finally claim it as mine. Forever."

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