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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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Very well, you won't see me but I will see you, good luck in the volcanic temple. As the tiger's words drift away TAAron and Haly find themselves in the middle of a giant, uneven square of volcanic rock. Porous holes allow lava to bubble up through the rock and burst into geysers. The massive rock floats on a stream of lava, constantly moving down the stream. Haly and TAAron teleported to opposite sides. 5 4 3 2 1 GO! 

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49 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm walked over to the combined statues of Calano and Wizard. He had considered saying something to Emma, but...he thought it best to let her figure things out. For now. He'd talk to her soon.

Bookwyrm stood in front of the two statues. Two friends. Two incredible people who had sacrificed so much. Both of them were still here. And yet, in a way, both of them were gone, changed in ways that couldn't be reversed, at least not easily.

Bookwyrm took out a musical instrument. It looked vaguely like a recorder, or perhaps a pennywhistle. It was primarily black, but had blue and white patterns along it's length.

I had considered doing this for a while, Bookwyrm said to Wizard, But it's kind of awkward because you aren't exactly dead. I hope you're okay with this anyway.

Bookwyrm, in front of Calano, Thaidakar, Emma, and technically Wizard, began to play a song.

It was a contemplative melody. Sad, but not hopeless. It was a song of gratitude, of a life well lived and well given. It was grateful to the past, but looked to the future.

As Bookwyrm played, those in earshot began to hear other instruments. Bookwyrm was only playing his instrument, but it sounded as if more joined him, and then other instruments that should have been impossible. String instruments, perhaps a piano. An orchestral melody came from the sound of a small recorder.

Blue motes of light began to rise around the statue, floating towards the ceiling.

Maybe I'm not sending off Calano and Wizard, Bookwyrm thought as he ended the song. But I'm sending off an era. I'm sending off who they once were, and what this place once was.

I can only hope that what this place becomes is something better.

The music smelled like time. It filled the entire clinic, so strong that Ranryu was nearly knocked off her feet. 

Where have I heard that before?


Hope I'm not messing with what you're trying to do, Bookwyrm! :D


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2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Very well, you won't see me but I will see you, good luck in the volcanic temple. As the tiger's words drift away TAAron and Haly find themselves in the middle of a giant, uneven square of volcanic rock. Porous holes allow lava to bubble up through the rock and burst into geysers. The massive rock floats on a stream of lava, constantly moving down the stream. Haly and TAAron teleported to opposite sides. 5 4 3 2 1 GO! 

TAAron sighed, only just realizing what he had gotten himself into. Still, he felt his competitive nature taking over. He opened a special, double-sealed pocket in his bag. Inside were two beads of metal. Lerasium. My only two beads. He had been hoping to keep them to study. They were, after all, ludicrously expensive and difficult to find. But if he just took one...

He took a glass tube out of his pack, shaking it up to loosen the metal flakes within. 15 metals, all except Aluminum and, of course, Atium, which he hadn't been able to get a hold of. He had spent upwards of a year collecting and refining the metals and alloys.

He took it, and the bead of Lerasium, and downed it all in one gulp.

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Ranryu shook off the cloud Bookwyrm's song had created. More important things to do. Just gotta keep the facade up a little longer.

18 minutes ago, AspiringArchivist said:

TAAron sighed, only just realizing what he had gotten himself into. Still, he felt his competitive nature taking over. He opened a special, double-sealed pocket in his bag. Inside were two beads of metal. Lerasium. My only two beads. He had been hoping to keep them to study. They were, after all, ludicrously expensive and difficult to find. But if he just took one...

He took a glass tube out of his pack, shaking it up to loosen the metal flakes within. 15 metals, all except Aluminum and, of course, Atium, which he hadn't been able to get a hold of. He had spent upwards of a year collecting and refining the metals and alloys.

He took it, and the bead of Lerasium, and downed it all in one gulp.

"A fight? Are you guys training? I'm gonna watch!"

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9 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Very well, you won't see me but I will see you, good luck in the volcanic temple. As the tiger's words drift away TAAron and Haly find themselves in the middle of a giant, uneven square of volcanic rock. Porous holes allow lava to bubble up through the rock and burst into geysers. The massive rock floats on a stream of lava, constantly moving down the stream. Haly and TAAron teleported to opposite sides. 5 4 3 2 1 GO! 


9 hours ago, Ranryu said:

She immediately screamed in pain and doubled over.



Haly: “Ranryu? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Looks around “I… um… Adter I win, I can help you.” Turns into a wind chime (when I say that, I mean a lot of colorful crystal birds that idly float around, untethered to each other, but they’re also pretty fast) and swoops up above TAAron, circling, choosing a method of attack

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10 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Wizard becomes silent Where did you learn that song? Wizard begins muttering and ranting in a alien language.

I learned the song in a distant world, built on the ashes of two other ones. A world without gods and plagued by a war for no reason.

They're very familiar with loss in that world. I thought it would be appropriate to play the song of their off-seers.

Bookwyrm put away his instrument and stood for a moment. 

For the first time in a long while, he had nothing to do.

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9 hours ago, Ranryu said:



The white tiger snarls and Ranryu is transported out of the astral realm onto the top of the clinic, the white tiger standing, staring at her. A mind presses against her's. What are you?

17 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

I learned the song in a distant world, built on the ashes of two other ones. A world without gods and plagued by a war for no reason.

They're very familiar with loss in that world. I thought it would be appropriate to play the song of their off-seers.

Bookwyrm put away his instrument and stood for a moment. 

For the first time in a long while, he had nothing to do.

That song has more power than you know.

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11 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma notices that Thaidakar has gone and goes to say hello to the new person in the clinic, the person with gray skin, purple stained hands, and- CALANO?!!! But he looks like he does in my memories. Emma screams, calms herself down and glides over to Calano. "Why do you look like that Calano?"

Ghalano looked down at his hands, up at Thaidakar, then back down at his hands.

"I'm dead. Or, so I assume. I should be dead, but I don't feel fully dead. Thaidakar says I knew you- Or, he says Calano knew you."

He looks up at Emma, a puzzled look on his face.

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2 hours ago, TheHalcyonGirl said:


Haly: “Ranryu? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Looks around “I… um… Adter I win, I can help you.” Turns into a wind chime (when I say that, I mean a lot of colorful crystal birds that idly float around, untethered to each other, but they’re also pretty fast) and swoops up above TAAron, circling, choosing a method of attack

Throwing a handful of coins into the air, TAAron Pushed them out at Haly, striking several birds. Although he was unexperienced with Steelpushing, pewter steadied his hand and his body as he slid back from the force of the push.

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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The white tiger snarls and Ranryu is transported out of the astral realm onto the top of the clinic, the white tiger standing, staring at her. A mind presses against her's. What are you?

Ranryu pants and closes her eyes, trying to catch her breath.

"A being not that different from yourself, I suppose. Something not dead, but not completely alive either. The spells that hold me together come unbound in the astral realm."

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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

That song has more power than you know.


12 hours ago, Ranryu said:

The music smelled like time. It filled the entire clinic, so strong that Ranryu was nearly knocked off her feet. 

Where have I heard that before?



The song is actually a song from a video game called Xenoblade Chronicles 3, titled A Life Sent On. It's a song in world, but is also part of the soundtrack. It holds some plot relevance, and I kind of just pulled it in for this purpose here.

It's a powerful song, for sure. A song of death, but also of rebirth. A song of time, frozen, but longing to flow again.

Bookwyrm walked out of the lobby, away from the statues. He walked back to his room and sat at his desk.

He sighed. There really isn't much for me to do right now....Let's see. Emma is still recovering from the last attack, and is probably dealing with Calano's new situation, which is something I can't do much about. Lark is...figuring out stuff with the treaty, though now that Emma has control, I'm not sure what he's up to. Everyone else has kind of gone back to a somewhat normal life.

I guess...I just...wait.

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18 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

It's a powerful song, for sure. A song of death, but also of rebirth. A song of time, frozen, but longing to flow again.

Bookwyrm walked out of the lobby, away from the statues. He walked back to his room and sat at his desk.

He sighed. There really isn't much for me to do right now....Let's see. Emma is still recovering from the last attack, and is probably dealing with Calano's new situation, which is something I can't do much about. Lark is...figuring out stuff with the treaty, though now that Emma has control, I'm not sure what he's up to. Everyone else has kind of gone back to a somewhat normal life.

I guess...I just...wait.

"Emma does not have control over the clinic. I do." Lark shrugged. "Not that I want this to come to a fight. She may be able to help Calano, better than I can at least. Perhaps you should tell her to enter his mindscape."

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2 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Ghalano looked down at his hands, up at Thaidakar, then back down at his hands.

"I'm dead. Or, so I assume. I should be dead, but I don't feel fully dead. Thaidakar says I knew you- Or, he says Calano knew you."

He looks up at Emma, a puzzled look on his face.

Emma freezes. It's all true then. Emma teleports away to the top of the clinic and sits on the edge.


More will come later Calano, I promise.


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34 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"Emma does not have control over the clinic. I do." Lark shrugged. "Not that I want this to come to a fight. She may be able to help Calano, better than I can at least. Perhaps you should tell her to enter his mindscape."

Bookwyrm jumped as Lark appeared in his room.

He thought for a moment. "....That....might actually work...I'm just worried about the pain it might cause both of them."

Bookwyrm thought further. "But if we can somehow restore Calano...."

Bookwyrm stood up from his desk and opened the door to his room, which he still needed to personalize a little more.

"Come on," he said to Lark. "You might want to oversee this."

Bookwyrm sent a message to Emma and Ranryu.

We're going to do another probe of Calano's mind, Bookwyrm said. But this time, Emma is leading the charge.

@The Wandering Wizard @Ranryu @CalanoCorvus

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32 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma freezes. It's all true then. Emma teleports away to the top of the clinic and sits on the edge.


Ghalano blinks. Then continues to look up at the statues, fiddling with the Purple.


bro i need more angst D:

bookwyrm, ready when you are. just ping when ready.


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49 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma freezes. It's all true then. Emma teleports away to the top of the clinic and sits on the edge.

A voice came into her mind. She recognized it as Bookwyrm's.

We're going to probe Calano's mind, Bookwyrm sent. I tried it once before, but we think it would be better if you led the charge this time.

He's still in there, Emma. He still exists, he still remembers. And it hurts him. In the core of his soul, he's devastated. He's in pain. He needs help, and you're the only one who can give it.

Please, Emma. We need you. Calano needs you.

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44 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm jumped as Lark appeared in his room.

He thought for a moment. "....That....might actually work...I'm just worried about the pain it might cause both of them."

Bookwyrm thought further. "But if we can somehow restore Calano...."

Bookwyrm stood up from his desk and opened the door to his room, which he still needed to personalize a little more.

"Come on," he said to Lark. "You might want to oversee this."

Bookwyrm sent a message to Emma and Ranryu.

We're going to do another probe of Calano's mind, Bookwyrm said. But this time, Emma is leading the charge.

@The Wandering Wizard @Ranryu @CalanoCorvus


Gonna be a bit before Emma agrees

5 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

A voice came into her mind. She recognized it as Bookwyrm's.

We're going to probe Calano's mind, Bookwyrm sent. I tried it once before, but we think it would be better if you led the charge this time.

He's still in there, Emma. He still exists, he still remembers. And it hurts him. In the core of his soul, he's devastated. He's in pain. He needs help, and you're the only one who can give it.

Please, Emma. We need you. Calano needs you.

Emma's eyes close and the memory floods her mind. Tears trickle down her face. Why should I care, nothing I do ever helps, it only withers.

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Ghalano continued to gaze up at Wizard's statue specifically. "I don't remember you." He said aloud to the statue, "And I don't know if that's bad or not. It seems like I should, everyone says I should. But I don't. Why is that, I wonder?"

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Emma recalls Nameless's words and they feel hollow, laughable, an excuse to kill the chickens. It would be better if I just fell off and did nothing. No one is left who truely knows me. That thing is an abomination to Calano's memory, his memory is gone, my memories are corrupted, and all shall be dust in time, except me, always me left,

Left to pick up the pieces

To drown in sorrow

I can not have peace

There is never a tomorrow.

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Far away, in the Limbo of a Mind, the negative thoughts of Emma turn into whispers for Calano's aching soul. And he sobs anew, for it hurts to feel his love's hurt. It hurts to see and feel and know that the one he loves is in pain.

He grips his head, muttering, and the darkness looms in the dilapidated house. This ever familiar, ever present house. The house where it began, and the house where it ended, only for a new story to begin.

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17 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma recalls Nameless's words and they feel hollow, laughable, an excuse to kill the chickens. It would be better if I just fell off and did nothing. No one is left who truely knows me. That thing is an abomination to Calano's memory, his memory is gone, my memories are corrupted, and all shall be dust in time, except me, always me left,

Left to pick up the pieces

To drown in sorrow

I can not have peace

There is never a tomorrow.

Lark appeared next to Emma. "Are you going to help Calano or not? Waiting around like this certainly won't do him any good."

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