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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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56 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Far away, in the Limbo of a Mind, the negative thoughts of Emma turn into whispers for Calano's aching soul. And he sobs anew, for it hurts to feel his love's hurt. It hurts to see and feel and know that the one he loves is in pain.

He grips his head, muttering, and the darkness looms in the dilapidated house. This ever familiar, ever present house. The house where it began, and the house where it ended, only for a new story to begin.


1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma recalls Nameless's words and they feel hollow, laughable, an excuse to kill the chickens. It would be better if I just fell off and did nothing. No one is left who truely knows me. That thing is an abomination to Calano's memory, his memory is gone, my memories are corrupted, and all shall be dust in time, except me, always me left,

Left to pick up the pieces

To drown in sorrow

I can not have peace

There is never a tomorrow.

Bookwyrm sighs. She isn't going to listen. I can't...wait.

Subtly and secretly, Bookwyrm reaches out to the minds of Calano and Emma. Sneaking past any mental defenses he encounters, he forges a temporary connection to each of them, letting him hear their thoughts and feelings. Then, using his own powers and mind as a conduit, he forges a connection between the two of them.

He lets the deepest thoughts of their sorrow flow into each other, lets them feel and understand each other. He forges the connection neither of them are able to make, and gives them full access to each other's minds. Then, once the connection between them is solid, he exits their minds, leaving the two of them alone in their deepest thoughts together.

Let's hope this works.

Edited by The Bookwyrm
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Thaidakar stood in a dark suit, his face oddly grimmer than ever before. His shadowed eyes glimmered in the dim light of the room. Across from him was a black pedestal with a red orb on it. Thaidakar hummed softly, whispering came from the orb as he hummed. It was almost time to do it. Almost. But not yet. He just had to be patient. Ever patient. Everyone would rise to their positions quite nicely... and Lark- Lark would finally realize what'd been going on under his nose. Thaidakar smiled thoughtfully, this is the beginning of something grand...


Thaidakar Villain arc is a go.


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4 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm sighs. She isn't going to listen. I can't...wait.

Subtly and secretly, Bookwyrm reaches out to the minds of Calano and Emma. Sneaking past any mental defenses he encounters, he forges a temporary connection to each of them, letting him hear their thoughts and feelings. Then, using his own powers and mind as a conduit, he forges a connection between the two of them.

He lets the deepest thoughts of their sorrow flow into each other, lets them feel and understand each other. He forges the connection neither of them are able to make, and gives them full access to each other's minds. Then, once the connection between them is solid, he exits their minds, leaving the two of them alone in their deepest thoughts together.

Let's hope this works.

In the Limbo of a Mind, Calano's aching soul feels the sorrow and guilt of Emma. He was ready for it, he had already felt some degree of it. The connection between the two was still there, just weakened so much to the point of breaking.

He now feels the brunt of Emma's pain, and screams out in anguish and sorrow. The whispers quiet, blessedly, and the silence combined with the sudden onslaught of pain cause Calano to stop crying.

Grief stricken, with bloodshot eyes, Calano sits in his Limbo, in this dark, empty, dilapidated house.

And he is numb.

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4 hours ago, Ranryu said:

"A being not that different from yourself, I suppose. Something not dead, but not completely alive either. The spells that hold me together come unbound in the astral realm."

"You're different than me. 'Fraid I've got to go." The white tiger gets up and runs towards Emma, stalking her.

57 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:


Bookwyrm sighs. She isn't going to listen. I can't...wait.

Subtly and secretly, Bookwyrm reaches out to the minds of Calano and Emma. Sneaking past any mental defenses he encounters, he forges a temporary connection to each of them, letting him hear their thoughts and feelings. Then, using his own powers and mind as a conduit, he forges a connection between the two of them.

He lets the deepest thoughts of their sorrow flow into each other, lets them feel and understand each other. He forges the connection neither of them are able to make, and gives them full access to each other's minds. Then, once the connection between them is solid, he exits their minds, leaving the two of them alone in their deepest thoughts together.

Let's hope this works.

That wasn't a good idea, you are probably going to get more volcanoes dropped on you than she-I dropped on me. This link is interferring with my thoughts. The white tiger's tail smacks Emma in the face and his tail caresses Emma's face. This is not the end. Emma shrieks and falls unconcious. The white tiger catches Emma and pulls her towards the center of the top and curls up next to her, entering the shared mindspace, following Emma as she falls along the link, towards Calano. "Hello there Calano." Says Wizard as he lands inside the house.

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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Just now, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano looks up with bloodshot eyes.

"Wizard." He croaks. "How. I don't know anymore. I don't know what to do. I'm stuck here."

He takes a shaky breath and looks down at the ground.

Wizard crumples and falls to the ground wheezing, Emma's fist burried in his gut. "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" 

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The fire had been fun. A fleeting, ephemeral joy. But, as all fires did, the library fire had eventually burned out. Now Ranryu was left feeling empty, in need of something to do. Her family had settled into their new lives quietly, without much trouble or attention. They would be fine if she left for a few days.

The portal was made of ashes and broken pencils. The beings on the other side were expecting her.

I'm here to make a deal.

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12 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano recoils in shock and fear at the loud sounds, then looks at Emma. "Emma," he says in disbelief.

Emma plants her foot on Wizard's behind, puffs up her chest. "I have conquered this foul beast for your dinner tonight." Emma removes her foot from Wizard's posterior and her expression turns serious. "Whose birthday did I do that on?"

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Bookwyrm had lost contact with Wizard.

If the three of them are in Calano's mindspace right now...Emma is now face to face with the two who were most dear to her...and the two she lost.

We'll see how this goes...

Bookwyrm took out the Purple that Calano had given him.

It's no Spice Melange, but...this is the only clue I have as to what exactly happened to Calano between his death and reappearance. I should research it's properties.

Or ask Calano about it directly, but...he's busy right now.

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9 hours ago, AspiringArchivist said:

Throwing a handful of coins into the air, TAAron Pushed them out at Haly, striking several birds. Although he was unexperienced with Steelpushing, pewter steadied his hand and his body as he slid back from the force of the push.

Haly just let’s them hit her

They go through her as she turns into a huge tiger and pounces (not a white one, vivid orange)

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40 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm had lost contact with Wizard.

If the three of them are in Calano's mindspace right now...Emma is now face to face with the two who were most dear to her...and the two she lost.

We'll see how this goes...

Bookwyrm took out the Purple that Calano had given him.

It's no Spice Melange, but...this is the only clue I have as to what exactly happened to Calano between his death and reappearance. I should research it's properties.

Or ask Calano about it directly, but...he's busy right now.

Thaidakar put a hand on Bookwyrm's shoulder, "You need to stop. Now."

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