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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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21 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Thankfully just the Nethergrim, but some soulless can be nuisances as the one who calls itself Thaidakar has been.

"Disappointing. I suppose Emma will probably be able to kill me then." Lark shrugged. "Not like I was planning to live anyways."

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1 minute ago, Nameless said:

"Disappointing. I suppose Emma will probably be able to kill me then." Lark shrugged. "Not like I was planning to live anyways."

If Calano lives I can convince her to probably not kill you. You however will have to do something for me.

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2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

No, though staying out of Emma's sight would be the prudent thing to do. I will tell you when the time is right.

Lark hesitated, considering. "Very well. Convince Emma not to kill me, and I will do your task."

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56 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The elixir burns to steam before touching Emma and Calano.

Elixir of protection:

  • Three cups of dragonsblood tree sap
  • Five golden apples - sliced
  • The chin hair of a qilin

Be advised; the elixir will vapoize into mist in the event of extreme magical interaction. The gas is less potent than the liquid, only repeling the more substantial sentient beings.

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8 hours ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly grabs his hand “Fall backwards. On the count of three. Ready?”

Also I drew a picture of Haly that has SO many things wrong with it but here’s the link anyway



Nice drawing! 

"Uh, OK. One, two three!"

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1 minute ago, AspiringArchivist said:

"Uh, OK. One, two three!"

Haly falls backward through the floor and they both sink through it and around to the floor of the library 

Haly brushes off her skirt for no need at all “That was fun. Thanks for coming.” 

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15 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly falls backward through the floor and they both sink through it and around to the floor of the library 

Haly brushes off her skirt for no need at all “That was fun. Thanks for coming.” 

"You are very welcome. I guess I'd better return to my studies. I have a lot of new material. Feel free to let be know if you need someone for any more shenanigans of yours!"

Just then, TAAron ran out of pewter. "AGH!" A sudden rush of pain that he had been holding off since their fight rushed back. He had a feeling that it was even worse now, as he had been used to the total ease and comfort that pewter provided. As it was, he felt suddenly unbalanced and fell backwards into a bookshelf.

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3 minutes ago, AspiringArchivist said:

"You are very welcome. I guess I'd better return to my studies. I have a lot of new material. Feel free to let be know if you need someone for any more shenanigans of yours!"

Just then, TAAron ran out of pewter. "AGH!" A sudden rush of pain that he had been holding off since their fight rushed back. He had a feeling that it was even worse now, as he had been used to the total ease and comfort that pewter provided. As it was, he felt suddenly unbalanced and fell backwards into a bookshelf.

Haly: “Scud! Are you okay?” Drags him over to a beanbag “What can I do?”

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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: “Scud! Are you okay?” Drags him over to a beanbag “What can I do?”

"I'm fine. Just ran out of pewter, is all. Ak. Think you could grab me a vial from my... where's my bag?" He had had it just before they have moved out of the Beneath. He gasped as a burnt hand brushed up against the beanbag.

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4 minutes ago, AspiringArchivist said:

"I'm fine. Just ran out of pewter, is all. Ak. Think you could grab me a vial from my... where's my bag?" He had had it just before they have moved out of the Beneath. He gasped as a burnt hand brushed up against the beanbag.

Haly: “Uh oh. Did you leave it… hang on.” Falls backward through the floor and comes back with it, then digs around and finds a vial and hands it to him “Why do you have tiny crabs in your bag?” Shakes one off a finger


This is assuming, of course, that you want the bag to be found

If you don’t inform me please


Edited by The Halcyon Girl
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5 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: “Uh oh. Did you leave it… hang on.” Falls backward through the floor and comes back with it, then digs around and finds a vial and hands it to him “Why do you have tiny crabs in your bag?” Shakes one off a finger

"Crabs? I don't recall... whatever." TAAron downed the vial. He let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks. I though I had lost by last bead of Lerasium there for a second. I should probably get some stuff for those burns." He stood up. "Uh, where is the infirmary?"

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7 hours ago, AspiringArchivist said:

"Crabs? I don't recall... whatever." TAAron downed the vial. He let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks. I though I had lost by last bead of Lerasium there for a second. I should probably get some stuff for those burns." He stood up. "Uh, where is the infirmary?"

Haly: “I dunno. Probably down one of the halls. Hmmmm… you could find a map. There’s a map outside the library.”

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48 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma looks at Calano. "So you recieved Wizard's message as well." Emma lays her head back against Calano's chest. "Why can't we ever rest, why must others try to tear us apart."


In response to the question Emma asked on page 164(?) Calano just shakes his head. "I don't think it's possible to go back to the way it was before. For the time being, I reside here."

He gently wrapped his arms around Emma, and sat down holding her. "We hold too much sway. We're powerful, and others want that power for themselves. Giving them power to start was the issue. Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

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10 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

In response to the question Emma asked on page 164 Calano just shakes his head. "I don't think it's possible to go back to the way it was before. For the time being, I reside here."

"I don't know if I can go back, knowing you are stuck here and that- that fake you is left there." Emma's voice hardens. "We will find a way-" Emma hand grips Calano's hand. "Together."

10 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

He gently wrapped his arms around Emma, and sat down holding her. "We hold too much sway. We're powerful, and others want that power for themselves. Giving them power to start was the issue. Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

"Yes, it does. I learned that the hard way."

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4 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"I don't know if I can go back, knowing you are stuck here and that- that fake you is left there." Emma's voice hardens. "We will find a way-" Emma hand grips Calano's hand. "Together."


"The me that's there... What is he like?"

Calano looks out the door. "We will find a way, but I find myself worrying for the other me. What's different?"

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Grandpa Yupper was having some trouble. He had been hired to repair the insanity clinic (he assumed- his only translator had run off somewhere), but the insanity clinic didn't seem to want to be fixed. Things kept mysteriously breaking in the night, cold drafts came from nowhere, and there was a constant smell of books and dark magic. Grandpa Yupper couldn't fathom some of the technology these beings used, such as the metal boxes of cold and the white chairs with water inside. 

Now, where had Ranryu run off to? The young dragon was prone to trouble, and Grandpa Yupper had a bad feeling that she was getting mixed up with the dangerous magics of the other clinic patients. Or worse.

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42 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"The me that's there... What is he like?"

Calano looks out the door. "We will find a way, but I find myself worrying for the other me. What's different?"

"It is you, but it also isn't you. You're gray and ashen. You have the wound that killed you and you are dependant on the purple and believe it will remove people's pain if you give it to them. And you have no memories at all."

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5 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"It is you, but it also isn't you. You're gray and ashen. You have the wound that killed you and you are dependant on the purple and believe it will remove people's pain if you give it to them. And you have no memories at all."

Calano stared at nothing, contemplating something. "What's his personality like. How does he act? How do... How do I act?"

Calano looked down at Emma, then around the Limbo.

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