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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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"Possibly, so long as you murder no one and only protect yourself and your charges. I think Calano would be willing to give it a try."

Emma turns to Calano. "So would you like to give it a try?"


Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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The Aos si's energy source felt so good. Ranryu had never experienced something so relaxing, yet invigorating. After an undefined span of time, she felt the stream of light slow to a trickle, and then she was alone in a dark place. Well, not alone... technically.

Now wasn't that nice? I hope you're rested.

"That was amazing." Ranryu felt more substantial- that terrible feeling of fading away was almost completely gone. "Can I do it again?"

Perhaps later. We need to be on watch, as I have a feeling a fight is going to break out soon. We can't afford to lose anyone so close to the beginning of the war.


Grandpa Yupper was perplexed. Just two hours previously, he had put down some nice, fresh wooden floorboards in this little room on the second floor. Now those boards were rotting away, practically disintegrating into nothing. That entire wing of the clinic smelled off. Like rot and destruction.

Beware the unbinding and the rot it brings...

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Haly worked by the light of a lamp, her quill whizzing back and forth to create a map of the Belowplace.

But the map felt wrong. Off. Incorrect. Something had changed, something important.

Haly threw down her quill and took up the paper to examine it carefully. 
There. That door, right there. Something had changed at that door.

Haly rarely felt forebodance. Her such feelings were generally limited to caution and curiosity. 
But she felt it today.

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11 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma turns to Calano. "So would you like to give it a try?"


"I'd be willing, as long as Lark and his staff were under heavy supervision, and it was with a small group of mid-level patients.

10 hours ago, Nameless said:

Lark glared at Bookwyrm. "That's stupid. We don't have to cure your love of Brandon Sanderson books, but do you really want to encourage compulsive reading and excessive attachment to fictional characters?"

"No, we don't want to encourage it, but we also don't want to take it away. At least, not in full. We'll try your method, and in the meantime, find a way to trick the treaty into realizing Lark is an imposter, and I am actually myself. There should be a way, I left some clauses that explain it. I'll look over it."

He turned towards his office, "Oh," He said, turning back to Lark, "And my office is mine again. You can have one nearby though, in the Admin Sector, if you're going to be working with us. Don't do anything stupid though."

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6 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"No, we don't want to encourage it, but we also don't want to take it away. At least, not in full. We'll try your method, and in the meantime, find a way to trick the treaty into realizing Lark is an imposter, and I am actually myself. There should be a way, I left some clauses that explain it. I'll look over it."

He turned towards his office, "Oh," He said, turning back to Lark, "And my office is mine again. You can have one nearby though, in the Admin Sector, if you're going to be working with us. Don't do anything stupid though."

"Sure, fine." Lark waved a hand, and his office moved, a copy of it appearing in its place.

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8 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"I'd be willing, as long as Lark and his staff were under heavy supervision, and it was with a small group of mid-level patients.

Emma beamed at Calano. "Glad you are willing to try it." Emma glides across the ground, her black dress rippling in the wind as she walks with Calano, beaming all the way.

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17 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma beamed at Calano. "Glad you are willing to try it." Emma glides across the ground, her black dress rippling in the wind as she walks with Calano, beaming all the way.

After walking a distance, Calano turns to Emma. "I still don't fully trust him. I'll see what I can do with the treaty, and we need to start planning our wedding."

As he said this, Calano couldn't help but smile. He'd asked Emma once before, but Emma had denied him, saying it was too soon, and maybe at some point. So, obviously, Calano was over the moon that Emma finally agreed.

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

After walking a distance, Calano turns to Emma. "I still don't fully trust him. I'll see what I can do with the treaty, and we need to start planning our wedding."

As he said this, Calano couldn't help but smile. He'd asked Emma once before, but Emma had denied him, saying it was too soon, and maybe at some point. So, obviously, Calano was over the moon that Emma finally agreed.

"I don't trust him either, but Wizard for some reason wants to give him a chance, besides, this way we can keep an eye any of his schemes." Emma walks with Calano holding his hand, long black hair blowing in the breeze. "As for the rest I'll help you the best that I can."

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51 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"I don't trust him either, but Wizard for some reason wants to give him a chance, besides, this way we can keep an eye any of his schemes." Emma walks with Calano holding his hand, long black hair blowing in the breeze. "As for the rest I'll help you the best that I can."

"Good. I'm going to get the treaty out tonight, go over it, see what I can do."

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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"Would you like some help or at least some company while you pour through it?"

Calano continues towards the office, "I would like that, as it is quite long and will take quite some time. I should find a way though."

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13 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano continues towards the office, "I would like that, as it is quite long and will take quite some time. I should find a way though."

As Emma walks into Calano's office, she gapes in wonder. "It has changed in here, is that a grove of trees over there? And a pool for the alligators? And that's a burmese python!" Emma reaches out her hand and the burmese python slithers up and Emma grins at Calano.

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On his way back from the infirmary, TAAron found something odd. In a dark corner of one of the hallways, there was an overturned plate. He could see cookie crumbs on the floor next to it. Picking up the plate, he reached to pick up some of the debris. "Ow!" he yelped. Something had pricked his finger. Not much thicker than a paperclip, it was about an inch long and extremely sharp on both ends. Digging through the rest of the cookie bits, more carefully this time, TAAron found 6 more tiny spikes. On a hunch, he burned steel and lightly pushed on the spikes. The should have been sent flying give their size, but they barely moved. They're Invested, he realized. The difficulty in pushing the spikes would have had to come from a Feruchemic or Hemalurgic charge. Given their shape, he had a good idea of which one it was. He slipped them into his bag and kept walking.

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Careful now.

"You're the one doing this. Why are you telling me to be careful?"

Because if you move the body even the tiniest inch in the wrong direction, we'll both be blown to smithereens.

"Good to know." She made special effort to let the Rightful One do her work. The golden thread weaved in and out of the fabric of reality, and as it did, the scent of rot receded. "Is the problem fixed?"

No, not nearly. There are holes like this everywhere, with more appearing each day. If we are to bind it all, we'll need allies and thread. A lot of thread.

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Haly crept carefully toward the door, watching her purple circle of light shift with her, brushing her fingertips along the wall. The foreboding didn’t leave.

It grew.

Something’s very wrong, she thought. But what?

That’s what I need to find out.

But do I?

She shook her head frantically. Quit it. You’re overreacting.

She twisted the doorknob and walked inside.

Then realized she was wrong.

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Emma stretches out her arms and yawns, pulling her head off the back of the alligator. Blinking the last of sleep from her eyes, Emma straighten's her dress and walks over to Calano, noting the bags under his eyes. She rests her arm on his shoulder and gently asks. "You didn't sleep did you?"

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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Calano scribbles something on the treaty, which is now full of scribbles. "Lark said not to do anything drastic. I made a copy of the treaty so I could make my own edits. But I don't feel the need to consult him, at all. Not for his advice. I'll tell him if something happens."

He looked up, grinning. Then he yawns. "Yeah, I uh... I didn't really sleep last night."

He looks back down and scribbles something. "Couldn't, honestly. There's so much here. I have to find a way."

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Calano groans and drags his hands down his face. "I'm going to be here at least a week."

"But the thing is, there's a clause in the first treatise that says in order to make changes, one has to fully understand the entire treaty. Which is why i'm making annotations on my oen copy. So I can understand it, and make minor changes, restoring my power over the clinic."

Calano began to bang his head on the table. "It's taking forever though."

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