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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano groans and drags his hands down his face. "I'm going to be here at least a week."

"But the thing is, there's a clause in the first treatise that says in order to make changes, one has to fully understand the entire treaty. Which is why i'm making annotations on my oen copy. So I can understand it, and make minor changes, restoring my power over the clinic."

Calano began to bang his head on the table. "It's taking forever though."

Emma takes Calano's head into her hands. "It will be okay, perhaps you could ask Lark exactly what parts of the treaty he targeted?"

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2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma takes Calano's head into her hands. "It will be okay, perhaps you could ask Lark exactly what parts of the treaty he targeted?"

Calano nods, then shoots a quick mental message to Lark (@Nameless) that says Hey, I need you in my office. We need to talk real fast.

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Lark flipped through the treaty to the seventeenth treatise, then pointed to the bottom of the page, where it read:

The power to uphold this treaty and the ability to regulate and modify its tenets shall be granted to (At this point Calano's name was placed, with Lark's written over it in glistening red blood) for as long as this person should live, or until they should see fit to cede control willingly, and by their own hand write the name of their successor.

"I made some other minor changes, mostly in section eight, regulation of magic, but this is how I took control."

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Calano frowns at the clause. "But this says that whoever's name is there, should they see fit to cede control, need only write the name of their succesor in their own hand." He looks up at Lark. "So all that has to happen is you have to write my name, using the appropriate form, and the Treaty will edit itself and I can consult with you to make more changes, to make this as good a process as possible."

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Calano nodded, opening a drawer in his desk. It was empty, but he reached in and pulled out a form.

"That's why this form exists. There's a clause in Treatise 9 that states the original possesor of the Treaty has the irrevocable ability to procure this form should the need arise. The form can be filled out and signed in the event that the current possesor of the treaty wishes to cede control. It can only be summoned by the original possesor, or most senior possesor if the original possesor has passed away, as a security condition. So, all you have to do is put your name, my name, and sign it in your own hand. This gives me control over the treaty, and then we can make edits to the Treaty. Or, I can make edits, but we'll do it in counsel."

He put the form on the desk. "How's that sound?"

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"The form is a secondary method to change control, when regular methods fail. That's all it is. I guess you could call it an executive reset, but it's more specific than that. Now, we can figure stuff out after you fill it out. I know, it seems like I'm pressuring you into doing it, I'm sorry. But, I want to get this done as soon as possible, so I can resume normal operations throughout the clinic. I know how it used to be, and after I return it to that state, we can start improvements."

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Lark hesitated, examining the form. "Look, I don't want to seem like I'm trying to be unhelpful, but it's only because I don't know if you're operating with full knowledge of exactly what I've done. How much do you know about the difficulties of taking control of a treaty as I did?"

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"I held control over the treaty for years. Centuries. I've lost some knowledge, after the incident where I died, some memories became fuzzy. They're slowly coming back. If there's something you feel I should now, I suggest you tell me now. I know taking control is a huge huge undertaking, and exacts a heavy toll if done improperly. And you, with blood, did it improperly. This will remedy that. I swear." Calano held Lark's eyes, nodding once.

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3 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"I held control over the treaty for years. Centuries. I've lost some knowledge, after the incident where I died, some memories became fuzzy. They're slowly coming back. If there's something you feel I should now, I suggest you tell me now. I know taking control is a huge huge undertaking, and exacts a heavy toll if done improperly. And you, with blood, did it improperly. This will remedy that. I swear." Calano held Lark's eyes, nodding once.

"Yes, that's about right. Although I would replace the word 'improperly' with 'unlawfully'. Against the law of the treaty, that is. As for what I feel I should tell you, I suppose I need to remind you of the treaty's tamper protections." Lark handed Calano a pen. "Try to make a change, would you?"

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6 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"Yes, that's about right. Although I would replace the word 'improperly' with 'unlawfully'. Against the law of the treaty, that is. As for what I feel I should tell you, I suppose I need to remind you of the treaty's tamper protections." Lark handed Calano a pen. "Try to make a change, would you?"

Calano held up a hand. "I'm well aware of the treaty's tamper protections, Lark."

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"Lark, we know more than you, that's what I'm saying. Once that blood is burned off, your sanity is burned off too. You've surely noticed the changes in your mental state, yes? This form is a bypass, a lawful reset of control, with positives for both parties. I'm trying to help both of us."

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"Indeed it would, if I had not taken countermeasures to avoid such a fate. I knew that I needed two things to do so: a way to at least partly legitimize my claim so as to minimize the rate at which my blood would burn off of the contract, and a way to replenish the blood I used on the contract, ensuring that I would remain in control." Lark grimaced, undoing the top few buttons of his shirt and pulling it aside, revealing a small black object poking out of his chest, directly over his heart. "Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, I had easy access to all the tools I needed."

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