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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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3 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano looks up, expression hard. "If you actually have something important to say, you'd be wise to stop calling my own wedding an 'insignificant development.'"

Person: laughs as he closes the door “My apologies.”

Haly: “Apologies…”

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Meanwhile in room D55:

TAAron stabbed himself with one of the Hemalurgic spikes from the cookies. He was unsure of its purpose exactly, but he knew that it was made of brass, meaning it stored Feruchemical zinc, brass, copper, or bronze. He had a sample of each metal to test for use as a metalmind. He touched the first one, zinc. Immediately, he felt something odd. He could somehow tell that he could use this piece of metal. He did what felt natural, and began to fill it. He began to feel his thoughts slowing down, his mental speed deteriorating. It was like his thoughts were moving through syrup, still forming normally but taking many times longer to reach him and be processed. He stopped filling it, and his thoughts returned to normal. Woah.

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Haly followed the stranger down the hall. She had to hurry to keep up with his swoft pace. 
She liked this stranger. He was nice. He deserved the best of the world. It should bend itself to his will.

For a second, something flittered kn her mind. She reached for it, but there was… something in the way. Her mind couldn’t go fast enough. Something was keeping her thoughts limited to some small bubble.

It snapped back into place and the moment passed.

He’s nice… he’d be a good leader…

Down the hall he led her, in a stupor of thought…



Karden stepped briskly, accustoming himself to his new surroundings. The clinic was nice… yes, it would do perfectly. 
He glanced back at his minion, the insipid, bare-footed girl who called herself Haly. Perhaps he’d let her live once she could do nothing more for him, as payment for setting him free. Or maybe he wouldn’t. Either way, he needed her now, so he’d cross that bridge when he came to it. 
Yes, life was sweet. And revenge would be sweeter.

Edited by The Halcyon Girl
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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Karden enters Room D55 “Are you a patient here, by chance?”

Gaining this new Feruchemical ability sent TAAron into a furious excitement. I have to show this to Haly! He took his bag and a few brass rings, and ran out the door... and almost straight into a man he had never seen before.

"Yes, I am... who are you? Have you seen Haly?" A bit nervous, he burned pewter and held tightly to his very slightly filled metalmind.

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Gaining this new Feruchemical ability sent TAAron into a furious excitement. I have to show this to Haly! He took his bag and a few brass rings, and ran out the door... and almost straight into a man he had never seen before.

"Yes, I am... who are you? Have you seen Haly?" A bit nervous, he burned pewter and held tightly to his very slightly filled metalmind.

Karden: steps aside, revealing Haly, who looks dreamy/half asleep “If you don’t mind, a moment of your time. I need to know the hierarchy of this clinic.”

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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Karden: steps aside, revealing Haly, who looks dreamy/half asleep “If you don’t mind, a moment of your time. I need to know the hierarchy of this clinic.”

"Er, okay. You okay, Haly?" He she was looking a bit odd, her eyes unfocused, swaying some in place.

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Bookwyrm walked through the Library, restored by Lark after the second chicken invasion.

He walked past the seemingly infinite shelves of sci-fi and fantasy novels, which were (very obviously) popular among the patients. He'd spent a lot of time here himself. But that wasn't what he was here for.

He entered the non-fiction section. (Though with dimensional travel, what was fiction and what wasn't became blurred pretty quickly.) He walked past a few copies of books from distant worlds, even spying a copy of Rhythm of War, the original science journal that the fantasy novel was named after. He considered taking a look through it, but decided against it.

There were other things he needed to check.

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

That is very strange indeed. "You never did answer my question, sir. Who are you, exactly?"

Karden: “My name is Karden. Now. Hierarchy?”

Gotra go for today: try to be on tomorrow or maybe I’ll answer intermittently Idk

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

Karden: “My name is Karden. Now. Hierarchy?”

Gotra go for today: try to be on tomorrow or maybe I’ll answer intermittently Idk

"Well, Mr. Karden, I'm not exactly sure. I'm really very new here. I only know about a few other people here. Two named Thaidakar and Lark assigned me to my room, but I don't think they are in charge, exactly. Forgive my digression, but where did you meet Haly? She was going to get her hairpin tweaked, I think. She doesn't exactly look well."

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16 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Well, Mr. Karden, I'm not exactly sure. I'm really very new here. I only know about a few other people here. Two named Thaidakar and Lark assigned me to my room, but I don't think they are in charge, exactly. Forgive my digression, but where did you meet Haly? She was going to get her hairpin tweaked, I think. She doesn't exactly look well."

Karden: nods briskly, ignoring most of what he said “Thank you. Come, Haly.” Starts off down the hall, followed by Haly

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24 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Karden: nods briskly, ignoring most of what he said “Thank you. Come, Haly.” Starts off down the hall, followed by Haly

TAAron began to follow. Experimenting, he tried filling his zincmind while walking. The mental shift made him stumble for a moment, but he was able to keep up walking at a normal pace, at least while on a straight line.

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14 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

TAAron began to follow. Experimenting, he tried filling his zincmind while walking. The mental shift made him stumble for a moment, but he was able to keep up walking at a normal pace, at least while on a straight line.

Karden stops by the library door and opens it, walks inside and starts flipping through a book

Haly looks on

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37 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Karden stops by the library door and opens it, walks inside and starts flipping through a book

Haly looks on

Upon reaching the library, TAAron stopped filling the zincmind. He had bumped into several walls on the way, but his zinc minds were a good deal more full. Burning tin now, be peered at Karden's book, trying to discern the title.


What's the book?


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