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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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2 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

As he probed the defenses of the supposedly prison universe, Bookwyrm noted that there were faint waves of energy emanating from within it. He couldn't quite discren what it was exactly, but it seemed... malicious. Intent on Kaos. Kaos was different from normal chaos. Kaos was violent, more so than chaos, and more aggressive and chaotic, and just... well, it was Kaos. That's all that can be said. And the energy from this prison universe, it reminded Bookwyrm of Kaos.

And it terrified him.

Bookwyrm stood, paralyzed. That place...it held terror. He was scared of it. The Kaos emanating from it was almost tangible, and it drove his mind away.

For some reason, the fact that it scared him so much just made him more curious.

Bookwyrm scanned the surrounding area and found a pocket dimension similar in size to the Clinic, perhaps slightly larger. It had a connection to the Prison dimension; a tangible portal that could be used for transportation by those without the ability to do so themselves. The portal was sealed, of course, but that smaller pocket dimension still had a connection to the Prison. A connection he could study.

Bookwyrm hesitated. Calano won't be happy if I just leave...technically, I'm not allowed to. I think. Bookwyrm thought for a moment. 

There's a lot of stuff happening here...but...at least some of it has to be connected to the Prison.

I have to investigate. Calano really isn't going to be happy...maybe I should consult him before I leave. This is his home multiverse. He could guide me.

Eventually, curiosity won. Bookwyrm decided to leave.

Bookwyrm ran to his room and quickly wrote a note explaining the situation to Calano. He sealed with blue wax and stamped it with his personal signet: A dragon and an open book behind a backdrop of stars and planets. He teleported the letter to Calano's desk.

Hopefully he'll forgive me.

Bookwyrm opened a Wyrmhole to the pocket dimension with the portal to the Prison. Then he stepped through.


Calano, if you want to kind of GM for this specific plotline, you can do that, or I can just kind of make it up as I go along.


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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano nods. "I think I'll ask Thaidakar. And it's up to you for bridesmaids."

"Inviting on of the soulless? Actually that's a brilliant idea. I'll invite Ranryu, though I don't know who for a second bridesmaid. Do you have an idea for it Calano?"


Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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Many hours after knocking himself out, TAAron jolted back again into the strange state of almost-consciousness that he was growing familiar with. Reaching for his tin to try to wake up again, he found that he was unable to burn it. It was there, and it felt as though he should be able to use it, but he couldn't get it to respond. Apparently, the thing's control was becoming more absolute. While in the limbo state, he did notice something odd.

A single thread, not unlike the ones he had seen start to weave themselves to his prison earlier, connected from his prison to the "where." Again, without knowing how he could tell, TAAron understood that this thread represented a physical connection. It wasn't a lot, but apparently whatever was keeping him here had let it slip in, and the room was no longer entirely disconnected from the spatial aspect of their universe. Maybe I can use it to communicate? But how? I can't move, and I can't burn metals.

Someone else would most likely have to use it instead. Maybe if they could somehow use the spatial connection, they could distract the Intent of the thing. TAAron though back to his studies, trying to intuit what type of access the single thread could allow. He doubted the connection was sound enough to transport anything, but it was now associated with the place it was connected to and might respond to general occurrences there. The question was, would his friends have the same idea? It seemed that someone at least had a grasp of how this all worked down there. TAAron could only wait as he felt the strange force move about him.


It almost seemed like the thing was more present now, somehow.


@Nameless you could now use your magic to sense the room more clearly, and see TAAron in it. The mechanics I'm thinking of here basically treat this room's lack of spatial connection as a vacuum. The connections want to form naturally, but the thing has been successful at keeping them out until now.


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11 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

@Nameless you could now use your magic to sense the room more clearly, and see TAAron in it. The mechanics I'm thinking of here basically treat this room's lack of spatial connection as a vacuum. The connections want to form naturally, but the thing has been successful at keeping them out until now.


Summoning people in quote boxes won't summon them

The tiger lays down and ears flicking backwards, concentrates on the source of all the beings fleeing toward the clinic. Those that flee are minor problems compared to the one scaring them here. Kaos shifts in his prison, he must have been the source of the scourge. Dimensional beings fleeing from him and invading other worlds. He must be revealed again, before it is too late. Wizard reaches out to Bookwyrm to warn him, but fails to reach him. It might be too late for Bookwyrm, I must try again. The tiger goes rigid as it uses all it's might to send a single message to Bookwyrm, but Wizard is only able to send an impression of danger. Wizard collapses and falls unconscious having nearly spent too much energy getting the message past Kaos. 

@The Bookwyrm

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Haly was frustrated. 

Originally she’d been frustrated at her Harmony, then she’d been frustrated that her search was taking so long, then she’d started to get worried.

Now she was plain frustrated. At what? The door? TAAron? Probably herself. Maybe she should find Nameless. She knew him a little bit, and right now she was tired of being on her own with her frustrations. Or maybe she could write a letter telling everyone where she’d gone.

Her Harmony screamed no.

Haly growled in the back of her throat. After this is over, I’m never listening to you again. No matter how few times you’ve led me wrong.

Okay, this was getting ridiculous. And she was tired from searching the clinic all night.

So she went to find Nameless. 

When she found him, she said ‘Hi.’


I’ll be on until just under an hour has passed


Edited by The Halcyon Girl
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54 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The tiger lays down and ears flicking backwards, concentrates on the source of all the beings fleeing toward the clinic. Those that flee are minor problems compared to the one scaring them here. Kaos shifts in his prison, he must have been the source of the scourge. Dimensional beings fleeing from him and invading other worlds. He must be revealed again, before it is too late. Wizard reaches out to Bookwyrm to warn him, but fails to reach him. It might be too late for Bookwyrm, I must try again. The tiger goes rigid as it uses all it's might to send a single message to Bookwyrm, but Wizard is only able to send an impression of danger. Wizard collapses and falls unconscious having nearly spent too much energy getting the message past Kaos. 

As Bookwyrm transited the distance between universes, a faint impression came to him. Bookwyrm recognized it as coming from Wizard.

A sense of danger.

Bookwyrm exits the Wyrmhole in a grassy field. Behind him, there is a forest. Flowers bloom in the field beyond him, which stretches for many miles until reaching a beautiful mountain range.

The forest has common birds and squirrels in it. Earth life, though there could be other, more unique species hiding deeper in. Their chirping and chattering has a soothing effect, contrasting strongly with the danger that Wizard had impressed upon him moments before.

The sky is a clear, brilliant blue, with a few wisps of clouds in the sky above. Strangely, there is no sun, but there is an ambient light and warmth that bathes the world.

A quick mental scan tells Bookwyrm that the portal entrance is beyond the mountain range. 

Maybe this universe was a little bigger than I thought, Bookwyrm thinks. He pulls out a vial of metals and downs it quickly, and checks a few of his other magic systems, in case danger strikes. But surprisingly, this world connected to the Prison seems unnaturally peaceful.

I wonder if anyone lives here, Bookwyrm thinks. Stormwinds, I wish I had gotten Wizard's full message. It's making me uneasy.

I can't as well go back now, can I?

Bookwyrm slowly begins walking along the forest towards the mountain range, wary of the beautiful world around him.



Like I said before, if you want to add anything that I'd run into, just put it in. You have a bigger idea of how this multiverse works than me.


Edited by The Bookwyrm
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16 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly was frustrated. 

Originally she’d been frustrated at her Harmony, then she’d been frustrated that her search was taking so long, then she’d started to get worried.

Now she was plain frustrated. At what? The door? TAAron? Probably herself. Maybe she should find Nameless. She knew him a little bit, and right now she was tired of being on her own with her frustrations. Or maybe she could write a letter telling everyone where she’d gone.

Her Harmony screamed no.

Haly growled in the back of her throat. After this is over, I’m never listening to you again. No matter how few times you’ve led me wrong.

Okay, this was getting ridiculous. And she was tired from searching the clinic all night.

So she went to find Nameless. 

When she found him, she said ‘Hi.’

I’ll be on until just under an hour has passed


TAAron decided to try something new. He stopped struggling. Instantly, the thing began encroaching on his mind, touching his thoughts. It wanted to kill. Minutes later, it woke him up. He was careful not to resist, only obeying the Intent of whatever it was that controlled him. He walked around. His metals turned on and back off. It was like whatever it was was taking him for a test drive. It though it had more control that it really did.

In a sudden burst of willpower, TAAron tore his body free of its control. He still couldn't access his metals, or even his metalminds. He could, however, yell. And so he did, pounding on the walls, hoping that something would be able to traverse whatever small connection in between his prison and the clinic had been made. The thing quickly began pushing down harder on his will. The imprisoned scholar cried "HELP!" one last time before he was put back to sleep.

He hoped someone still cared enough to listen.

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

TAAron decided to try something new. He stopped struggling. Instantly, the thing began encroaching on his mind, touching his thoughts. It wanted to kill. Minutes later, it woke him up. He was careful not to resist, only obeying the Intent of whatever it was that controlled him. He walked around. His metals turned on and back off. It was like whatever it was was taking him for a test drive. It though it had more control that it really did.

In a sudden burst of willpower, TAAron tore his body free of its control. He still couldn't access his metals, or even his metalminds. He could, however, yell. And so he did, pounding on the walls, hoping that something would be able to traverse whatever small connection in between his prison and the clinic had been made. The thing quickly began pushing down harder on his will. The imprisoned scholar cried "HELP!" one last time before he was put back to sleep.

He hoped someone still cared enough to listen.


D’yiu think there’s a way Haly could hear or no

Cuz… I’m bored 

Maybe a door in the below place or


Maybe she finds the bad guy

Im just… bored


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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:



If you are next to Nameless, you can probably hear something, and you could feel some vibrations from the pounding. Not a lot but TAAron's idea was mainly just to tip you and Nameless off that there is now a small spatial connection.


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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:


What was that? 
I could swear I just heard something.
But who needs—that’s a stupid question. My Harmony was right—TAAron’s in trouble. And there’s a connection here… somewhere…

Haly dropped a marshmallow. 
It fell on the floor. She growled in frustration. Come on. Just so he knows I heard him?

She dropped another, and another. 

Then she Lost them.

Haly thrust her fists in the air and cried, “Yay! I did it! I Lost a marshmallow!” 

Then she deflated. There was no way to know if they’d made it to TAAron or not. Probably they’d just gone back to where they came. 

If she were to shift a lot of times, maybe she’d destabilize enough to make it through the connection. 

Haly snorted. What a plan. Woooow. Hey, I didn’t know I knew sarcasm! She brightened up for a moment, then told herself to focus. 


You pick with the marshmallows and the shifting

Homestly… the shifting prolly won’t work, but maybe if she used the Lerasium or whateverhowdoyouspellthat XD

If you have plans that anything I’m doing would ruin TELL ME. Cuz I don’t like ruining N things.


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20 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Like I said before, if you want to add anything that I'd run into, just put it in. You have a bigger idea of how this multiverse works than me.


Do you mind if I end up eventually adding stuff to the planet? Specifically the prison when you find it.


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2 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

What was that? 
I could swear I just heard something.
But who needs—that’s a stupid question. My Harmony was right—TAAron’s in trouble. And there’s a connection here… somewhere…

Haly dropped a marshmallow. 
It fell on the floor. She growled in frustration. Come on. Just so he knows I heard him?

She dropped another, and another. 

Then she Lost them.

Haly thrust her fists in the air and cried, “Yay! I did it! I Lost a marshmallow!” 

Then she deflated. There was no way to know if they’d made it to TAAron or not. Probably they’d just gone back to where they came. 

If she were to shift a lot of times, maybe she’d destabilize enough to make it through the connection. 

Haly snorted. What a plan. Woooow. Hey, I didn’t know I knew sarcasm! She brightened up for a moment, then told herself to focus. 

TAAron was awakened again, waiting hopefully for another opportunity to break out. Then, he heard someone yelling. Who is that? He though he could recognize the voice, if not what it was saying. Haly? What could he say in return? Could he speak at all?

I wonder if she's taken the Lerasium yet... what could it have done to her magic? Could she use it somehow? On a random whim, he forced against the thing and cried out "FIND ME!" He didn't manage to say anything else before the thing took him back over, and made sure to keep his mouth shut.


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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

TAAron was awakened again, waiting hopefully for another opportunity to break out. Then, he heard someone yelling. Who is that? He though he could recognize the voice, if not what it was saying. Haly? What could he say in return? Could he speak at all?

I wonder if she's taken the Lerasium yet... what could it have done to her magic? Could she use it somehow? On a random whim, he forced against the thing and cried out "FIND ME!" He didn't manage to say anything else before the thing took him back over, and made sure to keep his mouth shut.


“I’m trying!” She yelled. “I hope youre actually there, because otherwise I sound really stupid!” Then she added, “…not that it’s ever stopped me.”

What else did she have? Marshmallows, a blue bowl, popcorn butter… an invisibility pin… LERASIUM. 

But… she bit her lip. If it doesn’t work, I’ve wasted something that’s apparently very valuable.

Aw, chasms. What can it hurt? 

…besides the obvious.

Hang on. She was thinking. THINKING WAS A BAD HABIT.

So she took out the Lerasium bead, swallowed it, found her magical core, and randomly activated at least five things.

Then she got caught up in the flood of marshmallows and tumbled into a room. 

(At least half of her is bird-shaped holes, the wind chime birds littered among the marshmallows. She’s slathered in Caro syrup and one eye is a platypus)

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2 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

“I’m trying!” She yelled. “I hope youre actually there, because otherwise I sound really stupid!” Then she added, “…not that it’s ever stopped me.”

What else did she have? Marshmallows, a blue bowl, popcorn butter… an invisibility pin… LERASIUM. 

But… she bit her lip. If it doesn’t work, I’ve wasted something that’s apparently very valuable.

Aw, chasms. What can it hurt? 

…besides the obvious.

Hang on. She was thinking. THINKING WAS A BAD HABIT.

So she took out the Lerasium bead, swallowed it, found her magical core, and randomly activated at least five things.

Then she got caught up in the flood of marshmallows and tumbled into a room. 

(At least half of her is bird-shaped holes, the wind chime birds littered among the marshmallows. She’s slathered in Caro syrup and one eye is a platypus)


Randomly activated five things, haha. I think TAAron's idea was a more focused attempt at pulling from where he is rather than wherever you typically get random stuff. My idea was that you "finding" stuff was really just pulling things between connected places, and that you could force a physical connection by pulling from that. So are you in the prison room now?


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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Randomly activated five things, haha. I think TAAron's idea was a more focused attempt at pulling from where he is rather than wherever you typically get random stuff. My idea was that you "finding" stuff was really just pulling things between connected places, and that you could force a physical connection by pulling from that. So are you in the prison room now?




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8 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

“I’m trying!” She yelled. “I hope youre actually there, because otherwise I sound really stupid!” Then she added, “…not that it’s ever stopped me.”

What else did she have? Marshmallows, a blue bowl, popcorn butter… an invisibility pin… LERASIUM. 

But… she bit her lip. If it doesn’t work, I’ve wasted something that’s apparently very valuable.

Aw, chasms. What can it hurt? 

…besides the obvious.

Hang on. She was thinking. THINKING WAS A BAD HABIT.

So she took out the Lerasium bead, swallowed it, found her magical core, and randomly activated at least five things.

Then she got caught up in the flood of marshmallows and tumbled into a room. 

(At least half of her is bird-shaped holes, the wind chime birds littered among the marshmallows. She’s slathered in Caro syrup and one eye is a platypus)

Shocked, TAAron tried to leap back, only managing a stumble as the thing's Intent faltered in surprise. A mess of things that looked vaguely like Haly had just fallen into his prison. He tried to run to her, but could not. Instead, he felt himself be forced to walk to her and grab her by the throat.

No! Stop! But he couldn't escape from the control any longer.

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Shocked, TAAron tried to leap back, only managing a stumble as the thing's Intent faltered in surprise. A mess of things that looked vaguely like Haly had just fallen into his prison. He tried to run to her, but could not. Instead, he felt himself be forced to walk to her and grab her by the throat.

No! Stop! But he couldn't escape from the control any longer.

Haly: yelps  and turns into a swarm of birds that float up to the ceiling “TAAron? You all right? You don’t seem all right..”

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4 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: yelps  and turns into a swarm of birds that float up to the ceiling “TAAron? You all right? You don’t seem all right..”

With a pewter flame that he couldn't seem to control, TAAron leaped and swung at the birds, the thing clearly attempting to kill the intruder. He watched in horror as the newly made opening began to glow. Soon, they might both be trapped. He wasn't sure how Haly had gotten in here, and he was afraid that she wouldn't be able to escape once all of the threads had been cut for good.

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Sorry guys, I was working on a group project for school that I totally should not have been doing on the day it's due.

Nameless groaned, slowly coming back to consciousness. Apparently, that backlash had been the result of a general safety net or something. Come to think of it, hiding his weaves hadn't been the smartest idea. Sitting up, he once again reached out weaves to touch the wall, and was surprised to find that something had changed. Where previously there'd been nothing but the faintest image of the destination, now he could clearly see the destination of the spell. He saw TAAron, fighting a swarm of birds that looked vaguely familiar. Huh. Well, third time's the charm. Nameless wove a gateway once again, opening a gate to that alternate dimension and dashing through to get TAAron.

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31 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Nameless groaned, slowly coming back to consciousness. Apparently, that backlash had been the result of a general safety net or something. Come to think of it, hiding his weaves hadn't been the smartest idea. Sitting up, he once again reached out weaves to touch the wall, and was surprised to find that something had changed. Where previously there'd been nothing but the faintest image of the destination, now he could clearly see the destination of the spell. He saw TAAron, fighting a swarm of birds that looked vaguely familiar. Huh. Well, third time's the charm. Nameless wove a gateway once again, opening a gate to that alternate dimension and dashing through to get TAAron.

TAAron lashed out at Nameless, striking him hard. Meanwhile, in his head, he couldn't help but ponder his situation and its oddities. Unlike what he had researched about Intent, the controlling force on his wasn't influencing his thoughts much. He could tell what it wanted to do, and his body acted upon that, but it wasn't practically mind control like you might achieve if someone had a lot of Hemalurgic spikes. He hadn't though about it much since initially dismissing the involvement of his brass spike, but he began realizing again that his form of control didn't really match his studies.


Meanwhile in [REDACTED],

The man behind the scenes was getting frustrated. First the insolent scholar found ways to defy his control, and now his friend were meddling and gaining access to the prison! He couldn't keep track of everything at once. He was only human, after all.

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5 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

TAAron lashed out at Nameless, striking him hard. Meanwhile, in his head, he couldn't help but ponder his situation and its oddities. Unlike what he had researched about Intent, the controlling force on his wasn't influencing his thoughts much. He could tell what it wanted to do, and his body acted upon that, but it wasn't practically mind control like you might achieve if someone had a lot of Hemalurgic spikes. He hadn't though about it much since initially dismissing the involvement of his brass spike, but he began realizing again that his form of control didn't really match his studies.


Nameless dodged backwards, wrapping TAAron in weaves of air in an attempt to immobilize him. "TAAron? What're you doing? And whose birds are those?"

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6 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Nameless dodged backwards, wrapping TAAron in weaves of air in an attempt to immobilize him. "TAAron? What're you doing? And whose birds are those?"

TAAron could not speak in return. He only could keep attacking. With a bit more time, however, he found that he could control the direction of the attack. He struck at Nameless' left side three times in a row before a more direct command forced him to aim for the head. He hoped Nameless would notice the abnormality.

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Thread. Into the seam, out of the seam. One stitch on top of another. It was like a snake, weaving through the fabric of reality. Too bad Ranryu wasn't the one doing the sewing.

"Why can't I drive?"

You're unstable. Until we find a way to fix your soul, it's safer for me to control the body.

"Then what am I supposed to do? This wasn't part of the deal."

Your safety is more important than the contract. Try astrally projecting yourself somewhere. 

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14 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

TAAron could not speak in return. He only could keep attacking. With a bit more time, however, he found that he could control the direction of the attack. He struck at Nameless' left side three times in a row before a more direct command forced him to aim for the head. He hoped Nameless would notice the abnormality.

Nameless summoned a wall of air in between him and TAAron. "You really want to fight me?"

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