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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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3 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

See? The damage is so extensive others can sense it. We need to go back to the healer. Now.

"But I want to make sure TAAron is okay..."

How about this: If you let me take you to the healer, then I will come back with the body and ensure TAAron's safety.

"I guess..."

The Rightful One addressed Nameless and Haly. "I will return shortly."

Nameless frowned. "Ranyru? Who were you talking to?"

Edited by Nameless
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Ranryu blinked out of existence for a few seconds, then reappeared. 

2 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: “R…ranryu? You’re…  acting weird. Are you okay?”


"Sorry. Ranryu is currently at the healers. I promised her that I would stay here until TAAron is recovered."

1 minute ago, Nameless said:

Nameless frowned. "Ranyru? Who were you talking to?"

"I am the Rightful One. My history with Ranryu is complicated, but let it suffice to say that we share a body. By nature, her soul is easily injured, and she is paying the price for her careless actions."

The Rightful One knelt next to TAAron. "Would it be possible for me to enter this strange dream realm?"

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14 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Hawthorne: “Hmm…” his eyes light up “What would you think if we could trace the connection? Send somebody across? Maybe then that person could stop whoever’s doing this to you?”

After a long pause, TAAron responded: "Maybe Nameless... he can weave, right? He did it to get to me."

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3 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

Ranryu blinked out of existence for a few seconds, then reappeared. 

"Sorry. Ranryu is currently at the healers. I promised her that I would stay here until TAAron is recovered."

"I am the Rightful One. My history with Ranryu is complicated, but let it suffice to say that we share a body. By nature, her soul is easily injured, and she is paying the price for her careless actions."

The Rightful One knelt next to TAAron. "Would it be possible for me to enter this strange dream realm?"

Haly: “Wh…what careless actions?”

Isadore: steps forward, fire sparking between her hands “Just try it.”


No Rightful cant

Hawthorne’s blocking it

After a long pause, TAAron responded: "Maybe Nameless... he can weave, right? He did it to get to me."
Hawthorne: “Isadore and I should be able to secure the connection… we could send more than one person possibly. Nameless, then. I could, or Isadore.”

Edited by The Halcyon Girl
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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

"I am the Rightful One. My history with Ranryu is complicated, but let it suffice to say that we share a body. By nature, her soul is easily injured, and she is paying the price for her careless actions."

"You share a body? You're a two-souled?"

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25 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

The creature led him along the edge of the changing forest, chittering as it bounded along. After some time, they reached a grand fortress, made entirely of rose colored stone.

Bookwyrm stood in awe as he looked at the fortress.

How'd this get here...? he thought. 

He followed the creature as it walked closer to the rose fortress.

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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm stood in awe as he looked at the fortress.

How'd this get here...? he thought. 

He followed the creature as it walked closer to the rose fortress.

As Bookwyrm and the creature ventured closer to the fortress, it darkened and deepened in color and shade. It went from rose, to pink, to magenta, to red. By the time they reached the gate, it was crimson red.

The creature pawed at the gate, chittering.

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7 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: “Wh…what careless actions?”

Isadore: steps forward, fire sparking between her hands “Just try it.”


"She refused my protection, unwittingly allowing... unsavory forces into her mind."

The Rightful One turned to Isadore. "Calm yourself. I meant no harm, and I see that you 'dream realm' is beyond my reach."

8 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"You share a body? You're a two-souled?"

"More like one and a half souled. This body was mine one, but I died. Ranryu was created using it, but the base soul used to forge her own was unstable. She's incomplete."

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3 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

"She refused my protection, unwittingly allowing... unsavory forces into her mind."

The Rightful One turned to Isadore. "Calm yourself. I meant no harm, and I see that you 'dream realm' is beyond my reach."


"More like one and a half souled. This body was mine one, but I died. Ranryu was created using it, but the base soul used to forge her own was unstable. She's incomplete."

Haly: panicking “Incomplete? But that doesn’t make sense!”


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24 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

As Bookwyrm and the creature ventured closer to the fortress, it darkened and deepened in color and shade. It went from rose, to pink, to magenta, to red. By the time they reached the gate, it was crimson red.

The creature pawed at the gate, chittering.

Bookwyrm walked next to the creature and knocked on the gate.

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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm walked next to the creature and knocked on the gate.

25 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

As Bookwyrm and the creature ventured closer to the fortress, it darkened and deepened in color and shade. It went from rose, to pink, to magenta, to red. By the time they reached the gate, it was crimson red.

The creature pawed at the gate, chittering.

The shifting landscape creeps up behind them. A ordinary flower caught in the change shifts, darkens, and consumes a bee caught in the shift. Rain drops begin to nip at their heels.

1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano grins. "We'll explain what happened. Although, he might have left because for him it's been years. Not that I care," Calano said, leaning in closer, "He can wait longer."


Emma runs her hand through Calano's hair and she smiles at him. "And for now the clinic is silent."

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30 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"I... see. And who are you?"

"An Aos Si, a race of beings that inhabit a realm very close to the Clinic. A full Aos Si is forbidden to enter the Clinic, so my people found a loophole. Body and soul entered separately, then rejoined. My people found it valuable to keep an eye on you unstable beings. We depend on you to survive.

27 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: panicking “Incomplete? But that doesn’t make sense!”


"It makes perfect sense. Ranryu's soul is made of magic; Storms, ideas, and tiny bits of a long-dead soul bind her together. The one who made her was inexperienced, and he accidentally left gaps and delicate patches in her soul."

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5 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

"An Aos Si, a race of beings that inhabit a realm very close to the Clinic. A full Aos Si is forbidden to enter the Clinic, so my people found a loophole. Body and soul entered separately, then rejoined. My people found it valuable to keep an eye on you unstable beings. We depend on you to survive.

"It makes perfect sense. Ranryu's soul is made of magic; Storms, ideas, and tiny bits of a long-dead soul bind her together. The one who made her was inexperienced, and he accidentally left gaps and delicate patches in her soul."

Haly: steps back and whispers, “Oh, Ranryu…”

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1 hour ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Hawthorne: “Isadore and I should be able to secure the connection… we could send more than one person possibly. Nameless, then. I could, or Isadore.”

"Okay. I was developing this idea, actually. Before I went comatose. I think the idea was that all of the magic systems operate to some degree on these... threads. Haly can create spatial connections using them, Nameless can manipulate them pretty directly. I think whoever is controlling me used these things to get to my body through my brain. So he wasn't manipulating my Intent, exactly, but instead really, directly controlling me. Anyways, I think Nameless is the best bet for generating the connection, although Haly seems to be developing an ability to trace them as well. Be careful, though. Whoever this is can cut threads, too. That's how he trapped me in the first place."

Suddenly, TAAron's form in the strange realm jolted. He fell to the floor, only to bolt straight up again. "AH! What happened? Why am I here?"

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1 hour ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Okay. I was developing this idea, actually. Before I went comatose. I think the idea was that all of the magic systems operate to some degree on these... threads. Haly can create spatial connections using them, Nameless can manipulate them pretty directly. I think whoever is controlling me used these things to get to my body through my brain. So he wasn't manipulating my Intent, exactly, but instead really, directly controlling me. Anyways, I think Nameless is the best bet for generating the connection, although Haly seems to be developing an ability to trace them as well. Be careful, though. Whoever this is can cut threads, too. That's how he trapped me in the first place."

Suddenly, TAAron's form in the strange realm jolted. He fell to the floor, only to bolt straight up again. "AH! What happened? Why am I here?"

Hawthorne: screws up his eyes “Hang on… I’m getting interference. Whoever it is must be strong.” 

The scene changes to a metal room

Hawthorne: “Sorry about the accommodations. This should help me focus. Okay. The next step is to stabilize you. I’ll be back in a minute.” Vanishes

Hawthorne opens his eyes and confers with Isadore in Kellan, then she joins him next to TAAron and he pulls her into the dreamspace

Isadore waves

Hawthorne introduces her “Any questions before we start working?”

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2 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The shifting landscape creeps up behind them. A ordinary flower caught in the change shifts, darkens, and consumes a bee caught in the shift. Rain drops begin to nip at their heels.

Bookwyrm backed away, moving closer to the gate.

If no one opens that in the next ten seconds, I'm breaking it open, he thought.

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1 hour ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Hawthorne: screws up his eyes “Hang on… I’m getting interference. Whoever it is must be strong.” 

The scene changes to a metal room

Hawthorne: “Sorry about the accommodations. This should help me focus. Okay. The next step is to stabilize you. I’ll be back in a minute.” Vanishes

Hawthorne opens his eyes and confers with Isadore in Kellan, then she joins him next to TAAron and he pulls her into the dreamspace

Isadore waves

Hawthorne introduces her “Any questions before we start working?”

TAAron sounded panicked and confused "What? Working? Who are you?" All of the sudden, his eyes unfocused, then focused again. "Woah, what was that? Did... you say stabilize? Why should I need stabilizing? Just follow the thread. I'll be... fine." He shuddered, as if from some cold that only he could feel.

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So this is an idea that my brain decided to have instead of taking a nap on the bus. Since we are all starting to explore more outside the clinic, it would be a good idea to create other threads that are connected to this one, but are the different dimensions. My idea is that you would create the new thread with the title and then ICMBAAOM in it somewhere. Also tag the thread with ICMBAAOM. 

Say you wanted to explore a string of dimensions, just use a title like Bookwyrm's interdimensional explorers and then you can hop between worlds without having to create a new thread each time. This is all up to a kind of group + Calano's permission blessing concensus.

Also what would you all think about making a group PM about plotlines for the clinic and your thread, for your knowledge.


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Honestly, I think we're doing fine in one thread. We're handling it fine, and this thread seems to be taking all the plots fairly well. I like the idea of this happening in the multiverse, but the clinic will always be in the center.

But if we get tons of more people and have too many plots running at the same time, we can consider expanding. If we did, we'd have to make a subforum for all the Insanity Clinic related Roleplays, maybe...


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So, I sometimes vanish from the Shard for days at a time. I was just gone for like 4 days (my bad) and then had to catch up on massive amounts of content in this thread. (even still, I skipped a lot of it) and I think that for me this would be too big of a hassle, because as the originator of this thread (and also the og idea from facepalm) I feel it my duty to make sure everything fits within the Clinic canon.

what im trying to say is that my biggest concern is that if we do go through with this, the biggest issue will be continuity when players come to the main clinic thread (this one) from other multiversal threads.

im willing to listen, i do think it's a good idea, but thats my big concern. and I agree on a big PM with all the major active people. Wizard, if you wouldn't mind?


2 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

If no one opens that in the next ten seconds, I'm breaking it open, he thought.

The gate slid open after exactly 9.74 seconds, and a wind wooshed through it. It sounded like a person, but very muffled and... wooshy.

4 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma runs her hand through Calano's hair and she smiles at him. "And for now the clinic is silent."

Calano sighed loudly, laughing. "Blessedly, blessedly silent." Calano leaned in and kissed Emma's forhead. "It's beautiful."

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56 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

The gate slid open after exactly 9.74 seconds, and a wind wooshed through it. It sounded like a person, but very muffled and... wooshy.

Bookwyrm quickly ducked through the gate.

"Come on!" he gestured for the strange creature to follow.

The gate shut behind them, blocking the shifting elements and leaving them in darkness.

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Just now, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm quickly ducked through the gate.

"Come on!" he gestured for the strange creature to follow.

The gate shut behind them, blocking the shifting elements and leaving them in darkness.

The storm rages against the gate and the land heaves itself against it, but the ancient wardings on the castle hold against the changing.

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5 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

TAAron sounded panicked and confused "What? Working? Who are you?" All of the sudden, his eyes unfocused, then focused again. "Woah, what was that? Did... you say stabilize? Why should I need stabilizing? Just follow the thread. I'll be... fine." He shuddered, as if from some cold that only he could feel.

Isadore: “You feel that?”

Hawthorne: grunts in response “This… isn’t good. We need to keep you under, in case he gets to your head—asleep, but alive. Alive for sure, and stable.”

Isadore: “Right.” Grabs his hands and they start chanting, weaving a tight spell

They release each other and stumble back after a minute

Hawthorne: “You won’t wake up until we wake you now.” Panting

Isadore: “Nor will you die. You should be good now.” Shakes her head to clear it “Wow. That was more draining when I expected.”

@The Aspiring Archivist u up

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