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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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3 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Isadore: “You feel that?”

Hawthorne: grunts in response “This… isn’t good. We need to keep you under, in case he gets to your head—asleep, but alive. Alive for sure, and stable.”

Isadore: “Right.” Grabs his hands and they start chanting, weaving a tight spell

They release each other and stumble back after a minute

Hawthorne: “You won’t wake up until we wake you now.” Panting

Isadore: “Nor will you die. You should be good now.” Shakes her head to clear it “Wow. That was more draining when I expected.”

@The Aspiring Archivist u up


Hello, so TAAron is asleep now?


Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
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5 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Isadore: “You feel that?”

Hawthorne: grunts in response “This… isn’t good. We need to keep you under, in case he gets to your head—asleep, but alive. Alive for sure, and stable.”

Isadore: “Right.” Grabs his hands and they start chanting, weaving a tight spell

They release each other and stumble back after a minute

Hawthorne: “You won’t wake up until we wake you now.” Panting

Isadore: “Nor will you die. You should be good now.” Shakes her head to clear it “Wow. That was more draining when I expected.”

@The Aspiring Archivist u up

"Okay then! Thank you so much for your..." TAAron's voice trailed off, and he collapsed. This time, however, he did not get back up. He lay in a heap on the metal floor, breath shallow. While this was just a dreamscape, it was apparent that TAAron's condition was worsening. His mind, as damaged as it was, was failing at a basic level, and soon the rest of him would follow suit.


The manipulator saw his threads to the boy waver. Good, he thought. Not too much longer now.

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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Okay then! Thank you so much for your..." TAAron's voice trailed off, and he collapsed. This time, however, he did not get back up. He lay in a heap on the metal floor, breath shallow. While this was just a dreamscape, it was apparent that TAAron's condition was worsening. His mind, as damaged as it was, was failing at a basic level, and soon the rest of him would follow suit.


The manipulator saw his threads to the boy waver. Good, he thought. Not too much longer now.

Hawthorne: stares at him for a minute, then turns on Isadore, speaking in Kellan “I thought you said he was going to be okay!”

Isadore: “I thought he WAS…” presses a hand to her forehead “We’ve gotta hurry. We have to send someone through the thread. If we don’t…”

Hawthorne: “Ueah…”

They both go back to real life and explain the situation to Haly and @Nameless

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10 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Nameless cracked his knuckles. "I'll go. That jerk's been getting on my nerves."

Haly: “Me too! ME. TOO.”

Isadore: “All… all right…”

Hawthorne: “Can you…”

Isadore: “Yes. Of course.” Takes a deep, steadying breath and raises her hands, then sends them both along the thread

Isadore collapses and Hawthorne is left with two unconscious ppl

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24 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: “Me too! ME. TOO.”

Isadore: “All… all right…”

Hawthorne: “Can you…”

Isadore: “Yes. Of course.” Takes a deep, steadying breath and raises her hands, then sends them both along the thread

Isadore collapses and Hawthorne is left with two unconscious ppl

Haly and Nameless arrive in TAAron's room in the clinic, room D55. It is exactly as TAAron had left it before, except for two things. There are traces of blood on the desk, and his bag is in a corner, with TAAron's notebook on the floor next to it, open to a page that has been written on.

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10 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Haly and Nameless arrive in TAAron's room in the clinic, room D55. It is exactly as TAAron had left it before, except for two things. There are traces of blood on the desk, and his bag is in a corner, with TAAron's notebook on the floor next to it, open to a page that has been written on.

Haly walks over to read it. “This is bizarre,” she whispers.

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly walks over to read it. “This is bizarre,” she whispers.

The page read in a rushed script: Hello, friends. Congratulations on saving the scholar boy and chasing me away. I am really quite impressed. However, I was not keen on letting you catch me yet. I must first accomplish my own goal. I would not recommend trying to pursue me. If you do, you know now that I have access to the clinic. I could strike him while he's down, and nothing could be done about it. So go be with your friend. He might well die anyways, but I imagine you will try to make sure that doesn't happen.

Goodbye, and see you soon.

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

The page read in a rushed script: Hello, friends. Congratulations on saving the scholar boy and chasing me away. I am really quite impressed. However, I was not keen on letting you catch me yet. I must first accomplish my own goal. I would not recommend trying to pursue me. If you do, you know now that I have access to the clinic. I could strike him while he's down, and nothing could be done about it. So go be with your friend. He might well die anyways, but I imagine you will try to make sure that doesn't happen.

Goodbye, and see you soon.

Nameless walked over to the bloodstain and examining it. "You think this is the mind-controller's?"

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17 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The storm rages against the gate and the land heaves itself against it, but the ancient wardings on the castle hold against the changing.

Bookwyrm looked around the dark room. He summoned a sphere of Nightfire in his hand and lightly burned tin to get a good view of what was around him.

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Thaidakar made sure all the preparations were ready, he wanted his surprise to be completely unexpected. He had to have things exactly as he wanted for this to work out. Otherwise, his gift for Calano and Emma's wedding would be a complete failure...

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32 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"What else do we have to do for the wedding?" Calano asks Emma.

"Setting it up, getting ready, and inviting the guests." Emma grins at Calano. "Almost time, almost time. I'm excited, but also a little nervous."


In the cave, the tiger awakens and he limps over to the lake. He leans down to take a drink and his claws scrable on the muddy bank and he slides in. Wizard walks on his paws out of the lakes and shakes of his fur. I feel much better now, I should have taken a dip earlier.

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5 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"Setting it up, getting ready, and inviting the guests." Emma grins at Calano. "Almost time, almost time. I'm excited, but also a little nervous."

"Who wouldn't be? It's a wedding! For yourself! Of course you're nervous! Where should we hold the wedding though? Venue ideas?" Calano asks, intertwining his hands with Emma's.

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"Who wouldn't be? It's a wedding! For yourself! Of course you're nervous! Where should we hold the wedding though? Venue ideas?" Calano asks, intertwining his hands with Emma's.

Emma lightly squeezes Calano's hand and gratefully smiles at him. "What about the entrance to the clinic or the library?"

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3 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

The page read in a rushed script: Hello, friends. Congratulations on saving the scholar boy and chasing me away. I am really quite impressed. However, I was not keen on letting you catch me yet. I must first accomplish my own goal. I would not recommend trying to pursue me. If you do, you know now that I have access to the clinic. I could strike him while he's down, and nothing could be done about it. So go be with your friend. He might well die anyways, but I imagine you will try to make sure that doesn't happen.

Goodbye, and see you soon.


3 hours ago, Nameless said:

Nameless walked over to the bloodstain and examining it. "You think this is the mind-controller's?"

Haly sets the page down “Maybe. Probably. Test the DNA.” Sighs “What do we do now?”

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6 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:


Haly sets the page down “Maybe. Probably. Test the DNA.” Sighs “What do we do now?”

"Well, now that whoever was doing this is gone, those healers can probably stabilize TAAron enough to get him back to the medbay here." Nameless opened a gateway back to the world they'd left TAAron in. "Come on, let's go get him."

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19 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly sets the page down “Maybe. Probably. Test the DNA.” Sighs “What do we do now?”


How does testing the DNA help? It's not like they have a DNA record, and if they do the manipulator isn't on it. All he could really do is make sure that it isn't anyone's blood in the clinic.


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8 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm turned to the strange critter that was with him.

I should probably give it a name, Bookwyrm thought, though it might already have one.

"Come," he said. "Let's explore this fortress and see what it's hiding."


As he steps forward torches on both sides of the walls burst into flame, illuminating the majestic hallway.

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59 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

As he steps forward torches on both sides of the walls burst into flame, illuminating the majestic hallway.

Bookwyrm squinted against the sudden light, quickly extinguishing his tin.

"That'll work," he said as he dismissed his Nightfire. He began walking slowly through the majestic hallway. It's splendor contrasted with the haunted silence that hovered over the place.

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4 hours ago, Nameless said:

"Well, now that whoever was doing this is gone, those healers can probably stabilize TAAron enough to get him back to the medbay here." Nameless opened a gateway back to the world they'd left TAAron in. "Come on, let's go get him."

Haly: “Yeah. Let’s go.” Goes accordingly

4 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:


She was grasping at straws rly 

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