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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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Calano breathes deeply, deep into his meditation to calm himself.

As he meditates, he ponders.

Ponders on the importance, the sanctity, the joy, of this day.

This day will be one of the most important days of his life.

He is overjoyed, and scared, and excited. The union of he and Emma is monumental for so many reasons. He has many reasons to be overjoyed, and scared, and excited.

But the most important one is, that no one, and no thing, can take her away from him. She is his, and he is hers.

And after this day, that will be so forever.

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Haly stared at the dark blue heels on her bed. 
Shoes. Not her favorite thing by a long shot. What if she encountered a rope and had to climb it? Or she had to do some running? 


Oh well. It’s a wedding. I can handle it this once.

She sat down and pulled them on with a sigh. Then she stood up and tripped.

This blue dress is too poofy. And these heels are too high.

A knife to the heels and suddenly they were an inch more manageable. A shiny pin in her hair and two quick clip-on earrings and she wobbled down the hall to the reception area.

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37 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insa is a bit startled and then realizes that she hasn't done anything to get herself ready. "Oh, yeah. I could probably use some help."

As the team primps over Insa, Emma walks over to the balcony window and looks outside, thinking on her lovely Calano.

He is mine and I am his.


Emma smiles and she ponders more on what the day will hold.

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Just now, CalanoCorvus said:

Nameless, today is my wedding. You're one of the groomsmen. How did you forget?

Nameless froze. The wedding. Right.

I had a lot on my mind, alright? A new Sanderson book came out. That whole thing with TAAron happened. Some guy called Lark bullied me into taking his class.

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1 minute ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

"Haly! I don't have a dress. Come to think of it I don't think I have room I could use to change into a dress if I had one!"

Haly: mutters “Lucky.” Clears her throat “I have some stuff. You can change in my room! Let’s go.” Drags Insa to her room and throws open her closet “I never know where all these dresses come from, but I can find anything I want in here.”

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2 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: mutters “Lucky.” Clears her throat “I have some stuff. You can change in my room! Let’s go.” Drags Insa to her room and throws open her closet “I never know where all these dresses come from, but I can find anything I want in here.”

Insa picks out a dress that matches Haly's in color. It's floor length and pretty simple except for some intricate gold designs near the hem. After a bit more digging through the closet Insa finds some sandal like wedge heels. "Are you okay if I wear these too?"

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Just now, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insa picks out a dress that matches Haly's in color. It's floor length and pretty simple except for some intricate gold designs near the hem. After a bit more digging through the closet Insa finds some sandal like wedge heels. "Are you okay if I wear these too?"

Haly: “How come YOU get little heels?” Sighs “Yeah, you can keep ‘em! And the dress. And any jewelry you can find.”

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Just now, InfiniteInsanity said:

 Insa puts them on and then gives Haly a giant hug, "Thank you so much!!!"

Haly: grins “No problem. Hey, so are we friends now? Wow, this must be a new record! Last time I made a friend, it took a couple days—not counting unconsciousness, of course. That would be ridiculous.” Grins

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6 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly: grins “No problem. Hey, so are we friends now? Wow, this must be a new record! Last time I made a friend, it took a couple days—not counting unconsciousness, of course. That would be ridiculous.” Grins

 Insa laughs, "Yeah, I'd say we're friends now." She smiles, "And since we're both ready now we should probably go see if Emma needs anything."

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