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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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Thaidakar lingered near Calano and the others and sighed. He'd have to tell them at some point. If noone knows and things get out of hand... well, things would be bad. Really bad. That dream he'd had... could it come true? A fiery, terrifying version of himself, laughing over the destruction of the multiverse. Great and terrible. He had to make sure it never happened. He took a sip of the tea. He shouldn't bother Calano now, especially not now. But... he had a feeling this would be the last time he would have a chance. Call it intuition, but Calano and Emma were going to go somewhere. He knew it somehow. Thaidakar walked closer to Calano and muttered, "we need to talk sometime soon, whenever you have free time. And no, it can't be delayed for long." 


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3 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insa shakes her head, "It's padded a bit but its made to be like a memory box or a shadow box."

"I wonder," mumbles Emma and her hand glows with dark power and she thrusts her hand inside the box, sinking inside. Emma quickly jerks her hand out with a small yelp of pain. "You have a gift Insa, I would like to try to help you develop it in the short time I have before I leave with Calano." 

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8 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"I wonder," mumbles Emma and her hand glows with dark power and she thrusts her hand inside the box, sinking inside. Emma quickly jerks her hand out with a small yelp of pain. "You have a gift Insa, I would like to try to help you develop it in the short time I have before I leave with Calano." 

Insa smiles a bit, "Okay."

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After an unsettling feeling of vertigo, Ranryu emerged from the portal. Bright white light greeted her. Blinking, she stepped onto lush green moss.

"Where are we?"

A small dimension called The Mound. My homeworld.

"I thought the Aos Si lived in a cognitive dimension."

Before we died, this was our realm. It is unwelcoming to the undead. The magic that binds you allows us to surpass its power. Now go south.

As Ranryu walked, she marveled at the beauty of The Mound. Huge trees towered hundreds of feet above her head, their trunks so far apart it barely felt like a forest. Vivid moss covered every inch of the rolling hills. Despite the abundance of greenery, the only sound was the far-off whispering of giant leaves. There wasn't an animal, insect, or person in sight.

"What happened here?"

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3 hours ago, Ranryu said:

Ranryu smiled at the happy couple. Suddenly, she looked concerned.

"Congratulations! Now excuse me, I really need to go." She hurried back to her room.

"I thought you were gone for good."

I told you I would return. But there's no time for this. I found a solution... Or a clue to a solution, at least.

"What is it?"

Ranryu's vision was directed to a huge, swirling tear in the fabric of the clinic's dimensional boundaries.

Maybe it was a good thing we never repaired this tear. Come now, we need to leave before someone else discovers this.

Ranryu stepped into the portal... and out of the clinic.

TAAron was looking around, confused. People kept disappearing. First Nameless, now Ranryu. What is going on?

I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.

He jumped, looking for the source of the voice. It was feminine and soft, almost seeming to speak from inside his head.

I'm not here yet, silly. It's hard to manifest in a new dimension.

"Who are you?" TAAron whispered aloud.

You don't need to talk. I'm Tors. Does that ring a bell?

It did indeed. Tors... where do I remember that name? Suddenly, it hit him. You knew Tristan.

In a sense.

Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
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12 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

TAAron was looking around, confused. People kept disappearing. First Nameless, now Ranryu. What is going on?

I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.

He jumped, looking for the source of the voice. It was feminine and soft, almost seeming to speak from inside his head.

I'm not here yet, silly. It's hard to manifest in a new dimension.

"Who are you?" TAAron whispered aloud.

You don't need to talk. I'm Tors. Does that ring a bell?

It did indeed. Tors... where do I remember that name? Suddenly, it hit him. You knew Tristan.

In a sense.

Hmmm... It seems another has made contact... Do you have the report on the Rightful One?

No... it seems she has fled offworld. I do not believe that the two incidents are connected in any way. Perhaps this new one is just a coincidence. 

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14 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Nameless dashed into the room, holding a small statue of a bearded man. He handed it to @CalanoCorvus. “This statue holds an audio recording of every book Brandon’s ever written. I added Bastille vs. the evil librarians to it just yesterday.”

Calano grinned. "A true gift for a true Alethi man. Thank you, Nameless."

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1 minute ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:



Yes. I knew what I was doing.


1 minute ago, Nameless said:

Nameless nodded. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm afraid I have to leave. Urgent business."

"Of course. Thank you for the gift, and thank you for attending." Calano gave Nameless a quick hug.

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Bookwyrm sensed tremors along the edges of the Clinic's dimension. Beings leaving, and beings entering. Or at least communicating through the Clinic's medium.

Something's up... he thought. But we'll investigate that later.

Bookwyrm took out his tome and began flipping through his copy of the Archive. Thaidakar should be researching this too. Maybe he'll have something to talk about...

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42 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Nameless dashed into the room, holding a small statue of a bearded man. He handed it to @CalanoCorvus. “This statue holds an audio recording of every book Brandon’s ever written. I added Bastille vs. the evil librarians to it just yesterday.”

Emma grins at Nameless "Thank you for the gift, now I don't have to read the books for Calano outloud. Best luck in your journey to help TAAron."

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Ranryu made her way along the mossy green hills, enjoying the silent landscape. She could't help but feel a bit guilty, though.

"What about TAAron? We might've been able to help him."

His malady is different from yours. Ultimately, he will benefit from this. It's in the clinic's best interest to prevent you from going insane and destroying everything. Besides, I'm confident the others will be able to help him.

"Touché. I'll see this through."

As Ranryu rounded a bend in her improvised path, some strange mossy lumps on the ground caught her attention. She stopped to examine them. Strange white and tan rocks, mostly covered in the verdant moss. As she looked around, she realized that the hills were littered with these rocks. Realization sent a chill down her spine.

Not rocks. Bones. Everywhere.

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Thaidakar read an ancient tome about complex methods of investiture transmutation. it really was exciting, or, kind of at least. It would help him, but was it best to do it at a wedding? What was he kidding, this is what he always did. He can do it any time he wants. Thaidakar continued reading.

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1 hour ago, Ranryu said:

Hmmm... It seems another has made contact... Do you have the report on the Rightful One?

No... it seems she has fled offworld. I do not believe that the two incidents are connected in any way. Perhaps this new one is just a coincidence. 


I don't intend for Tors to be affiliated with the Rightful One or anyone like that. She's pretty much independent. I put a message in the continuity chat about it.


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