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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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7 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"Thank you Thaidakar and Random Fellow! Does anyone else have a gift to give?"

@The Halcyon Girl @InfiniteInsanity @Ranryu @Nameless @Shallan Stormblessed



Darle's Chickens showed up. They had a matching set of quarkbeast-scale armor. All the scales had been gathered humanely, after natural shedding. Short of Shardplate, it was the strongest armor. It was practically indestructable.

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A tingling ran through Haly’s fingers. What’s this? She flexed them, watching curiously as the tendons stood out, but the tingling persisted. It was something… something important. Special. 

Not now, she berated herself. Right now I have a wedding to finish, and then sleep to get to. 

The tingling stopped, leaving… a strange feeling of emptiness that she’d always felt, but never perceived or understood. Like finally something had come to fill a void that didn’t exist.

Oh well. She shrugged. It’s gone now.

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The voice went silent, and TAAron sat tensely for several minutes, watching as the festivities came to a close. Hopefully, they do the speeches soon. I've got to deal with this soon.

Deal with me? That's a bit rude. I'm someone to be appreciated, not dealt with.

I'm not listening to you. I don't believe you.

My, you're stubborn. Tristan was always much more receptive.

TAAron felt some kind of non-verbal signal from the same source as the voice, reminiscent of the emotional feedback he felt around him constantly. Was that... grief?

After a long pause, the voice spoke again.

I've arrived.


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21 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

A tingling ran through Haly’s fingers. What’s this? She flexed them, watching curiously as the tendons stood out, but the tingling persisted. It was something… something important. Special. 

Not now, she berated herself. Right now I have a wedding to finish, and then sleep to get to. 

The tingling stopped, leaving… a strange feeling of emptiness that she’d always felt, but never perceived or understood. Like finally something had come to fill a void that didn’t exist.

Oh well. She shrugged. It’s gone now.

TAAron felt an odd sense of intrigue nearby. He almost missed it, due to all of the confusion he was feeling himself at the voice's words. But no, this was from another person. "Haly, you okay?"


Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
the power of editing
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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

TAAron felt confusion nearby. He almost missed it, due to all of the confusion he was feeling himself at the voice's words. But no, this was from another person. "Haly, you okay?"



More like interest. Close enough.

“Oh!” Haly glanced around. “Yeah, perfectly. See you later;I’m going to find Ranryu.”

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2 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Do you mind if I come with you? I've been wondering where she is myself."

“Sure.” Haly started towards Ranryu’s room, eventually got there, and nudged open the door. “What’s that?” She pointed to the portal-rip-thing.

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

“Sure.” Haly started towards Ranryu’s room, eventually got there, and nudged open the door. “What’s that?” She pointed to the portal-rip-thing.

"Woah. I'm not sure..."

There you are.

TAAron yelled, spinning around. Hovering in midair in the doorway behind him, a trident had appeared. "How did you get here? Are you... you're Tors?"



Haly cannot see or hear Tors, by the way. If she looks closely, though, she can see a slight ripple in the air where Tors is.


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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Woah. I'm not sure..."

There you are.

TAAron yelled, spinning around. Hovering in midair in the doorway behind him, a trident had appeared. "How did you get here? Are you... you're Tors?"



“Uh, no. I’m Haly. Don’t be ridiculous. Come on!” Steps into the portal thing 


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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

“Uh, no. I’m Haly. Don’t be ridiculous. Come on!” Steps into the portal thing 


"What? You can't see the— AHH!" As TAAron followed her through the portal, he collapsed to the floor in agony. "The— the trident?"

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"What? You can't see the— AHH!" As TAAron followed her through the portal, he collapsed to the floor in agony. "The— the trident?"

“No tridents here. Where are we?” Haly looked around at a desiccated landscape (as I remember from skimming earlier) with bones jutting from the ground. “What the…”

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The Rightful One's explanation was interrupted by a huge THUMP, and a strange low hum in the air.

Oh no.

"What was that?" Ranryu sensed something shift in the peaceful landscape, moss becoming more mold-like, trees losing their healthy color.

There are intruders in The Mound. Three, I think. This realm's self defense systems are still online... we need to leave.

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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

“No tridents here. Where are we?” Haly looked around at a desiccated landscape (as I remember from skimming earlier) with bones jutting from the ground. “What the…”

"That seems bad. But really, it—she's—right here!" He reached over and grabbed Tors. As soon as he touched the trident, a burst of light erupted from it. The bones around TAAron were left charred.

Ow! A bit hasty there, buddy.


Haly was able to see the light. It was an explosive burst, almost blinding.


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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"That seems bad. But really, it—she's—right here!" He reached over and grabbed Tors. As soon as he touched the trident, a burst of light erupted from it. The bones around TAAron were left charred.

Ow! A bit hasty there, buddy.


Haly shielded her eyes against light. “What was that?”

5 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

The Rightful One's explanation was interrupted by a huge THUMP, and a strange low hum in the air.

Oh no.

"What was that?" Ranryu sensed something shift in the peaceful landscape, moss becoming more mold-like, trees losing their healthy color.

There are intruders in The Mound. Three, I think. This realm's self defense systems are still online... we need to leave.

“Ranryu!” Haly jogged over. “What’s up? WhAt is this place? Why are you here?”

I hafta go see y’all tomorrow evening 

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"What kind of self defense system?"

Let it suffice to say that we need to leave as soon as possible.

3 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"That seems bad. But really, it—she's—right here!" He reached over and grabbed Tors. As soon as he touched the trident, a burst of light erupted from it. The bones around TAAron were left charred.

Ranryu saw the light. The Rightful One stirred within her. What was that presence? 

2 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

“Ranryu!” Haly jogged over. “What’s up? WhAt is this place? Why are you here?”

She put a hand to her head, rubbing back a migraine. 

"Later. The Rightful One is yelling at me. She says we need to leave now or we're all gonna die."

As she said this, the portal disappeared.


I gotta go for the night.


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11 hours ago, Ranryu said:

"What kind of self defense system?"

Let it suffice to say that we need to leave as soon as possible.

Ranryu saw the light. The Rightful One stirred within her. What was that presence? 

She put a hand to her head, rubbing back a migraine. 

"Later. The Rightful One is yelling at me. She says we need to leave now or we're all gonna die."

As she said this, the portal disappeared.

"That seems bad. We're going to die? What's going to kill us?"

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11 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"That seems bad. We're going to die? What's going to kill us?"

As if to answer his question, a huge mossy metal monster emerged from the ground. Bigger than a school bus, its smooth mossy surface made it look exactly like the surrounding hills. On cue, all of the other hills rumbled to life, revealing themselves to be giant metal boulders with legs. 

"Luminite golems." The Rightful One said. "The portal's closed. Our only hope is to get into the trees. The golems will shoot us out of the air if we try to fly."

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Just now, Ranryu said:

As if to answer his question, a huge mossy metal monster emerged from the ground. Bigger than a school bus, its smooth mossy surface made it look exactly like the surrounding hills. On cue, all of the other hills rumbled to life, revealing themselves to be giant metal boulders with legs. 

"Luminite golems." The Rightful One said. "The portal's closed. Our only hope is to get into the trees. The golems will shoot us out of the air if we try to fly."

"Well, that's good, because I can't fly anyways. Hey Tors, think you could fight this thing?"


Ranryu, think my magical sentient trident made out of Stacis crystal can be used to combat your golems?


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4 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Well, that's good, because I can't fly anyways. Hey Tors, think you could fight this thing?"



It might be able to slow them down, but luminite is basically indestructible. The golems are huge and shoot lasers, but they aren't very fast. Some of the trees have hidden elevators in them.

"Who are you talking to? Who is he talking to?"

I'm not sure... it's not an Aos Si, if that's what you're wondering. I would recognize a fellow Fae.

The Rightful One grabbed Haly and TAAron's hands and started running.

"Tell me if you see a hatch or opening in any of the trees."

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Bookwyrm paged through the Archive one more time. Something caught his attention.

A group of people skilled in Dimensional magic, once allied with a unit of Worldseers. Their homeworld lies in a universe....located near the Prison.

This is something worth looking into. 

Bookwyrm closed his Tome and went to find Calano and Emma. They needed to see this.

@CalanoCorvus @The Wandering Wizard

Bookwyrm walked up to Calano and Emma.

"I hate to leave abruptly, but..." Bookwyrm summarized what he had learned.

"These dimensional travelers were from your home multiverse, and, likely, your home dimension. I think they might be connected to your parents, and I'm sure they were connected to my organization. I'm going to go investigate, and see if any of them are still around after all these years. I wanted to let you know, so you could come too, if you wish."

12 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insa smiled as she walked towards a chair. This wedding was going well. And Emma and Calano had liked her gift. Insa was happy but she was starting to get slightly bored. That's not a good sign. She had no idea where to go or really anything about the clinic though. 

Bookwyrm walked over to Insa and held out a hand.

"If you don't have anything to do, you could come with me?"

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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

"Who are you talking to? Who is he talking to?"

I'm not sure... it's not an Aos Si, if that's what you're wondering. I would recognize a fellow Fae.

The Rightful One grabbed Haly and TAAron's hands and started running.

"Tell me if you see a hatch or opening in any of the trees."

I don't know, TAAron. I think they're about as indestructible as I am. Keep running!

"Ok, ok. As a side note, why did you explode when I touched you?"

Not the time!

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