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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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2 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly nodded. “We need to get to that tower, then.

“Uh… Ranryu?” Haly looked around, nervous. “What does that mean?”


The tree is equipped with an interdimensional portal. Have one of them set coordinates for the tower.

"The Rightful One is telling me that this tree can open dimensional portals. Do either of you know how to get to that tower dimension thing?"

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30 minutes ago, Ranryu said:


The tree is equipped with an interdimensional portal. Have one of them set coordinates for the tower.

"The Rightful One is telling me that this tree can open dimensional portals. Do either of you know how to get to that tower dimension thing?"


If you didn't know, TAAron is unconscious right now. Although I think the plan was that Nameless would take us.


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On 10/21/2022 at 11:05 AM, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Shallan listens VERY hard, and manages to hear... the "seen" button! She thinks it means bright, and hits the red one.

The portal begins to shake, then turns pitch black. 

Ranryu barely has time to process this occurrence before they are all sucked inside. (Shallan included)


Basically, this portal sends everyone to random places. Do what you'd like with it.


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11 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

The portal begins to shake, then turns pitch black. 

Ranryu barely has time to process this occurrence before they are all sucked inside. (Shallan included)


Haly tumbled through a dark sky (sky? Shaft? Cliff?). Is this part of the tower? 

She hit a surface and sunk into it. It felt like pliable jello, like shampoo that kept its shape instead of getting all over your fingers, but more jellolike. Watered-down jello, maybe? What in all the ages was going on? 

Hay tried to call for Ranryu, but it didn’t come out right and she got jello in her mouth. Then she realized she should be suffocating. But she wasn’t, so that was good. 

One thing I’ve got going for me. Tors? Can you hear me?

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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly tumbled through a dark sky (sky? Shaft? Cliff?). Is this part of the tower? 

She hit a surface and sunk into it. It felt like pliable jello, like shampoo that kept its shape instead of getting all over your fingers, but more jellolike. Watered-down jello, maybe? What in all the ages was going on? 

Hay tried to call for Ranryu, but it didn’t come out right and she got jello in her mouth. Then she realized she should be suffocating. But she wasn’t, so that was good. 

One thing I’ve got going for me. Tors? Can you hear me?

Yes! Where are you? TAAron and I are in some sort of forest, and he still won't wake up.

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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Yes! Where are you? TAAron and I are in some sort of forest, and he still won't wake up.

That’s not good… can you talk to him at all? Like in a dream or something? 

Im not sure where I am. I’m sinking through some kind of green gel…

A gleam below distracted Haly. What was that? She stroked closer, able to do so because the gel was thicker than water, but still swimmable. 

Then more lights came on, one by one. 

Haly gasped. It was a city, still far below, but gleaming silver inside a bubble of air, free of the goop.

There’s a CITY in the GEL. Tors, I’m confused.

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

That’s not good… can you talk to him at all? Like in a dream or something? 

Im not sure where I am. I’m sinking through some kind of green gel…

A gleam below distracted Haly. What was that? She stroked closer, able to do so because the gel was thicker than water, but still swimmable. 

Then more lights came on, one by one. 

Haly gasped. It was a city, still far below, but gleaming silver inside a bubble of air, free of the goop.

There’s a CITY in the GEL. Tors, I’m confused.

He's out cold. I can't reach him. You said a city in what?

There was a tense pause.

Uh oh, someone's coming. Look, Haly, we need to find each other and get back to the Clinic.

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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

He's out cold. I can't reach him. You said a city in what?

There was a tense pause.

Uh oh, someone's coming. Look, Haly, we need to find each other and get back to the Clinic.

I’ll say we do. But how? 
Haly had a crazy idea. Got any marshmallows? 

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Shallan suddenly finds the ground has dropped out from under her and she is falling through the air. It seems that she is falling slightly slower than feels quite normal... She falls through the clouds and sees a landscape cracked in a consistent pattern...

Stormy squeals suddenly as she realizes what is happening.

"OHMIGOSH IT'S THE SHATTERED PLAINS!" she says, elated. But then she realizes that she's still falling through the air. Very quickly. In a dress.

Well, this'll be an interesting way to die.


Hehe. No idea where I'm going with this. Anyone else want to join me here so I'm not alone?


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3 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

I don't believe so. Why, what are you thinking? What could you do with them?

I’m not sure. But…

Haly Found a marshmallow and dug her finger into it, leaving a hole in the middle. 

Can you picture where you are? Send it to me maybe?

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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

I’m not sure. But…

Haly Found a marshmallow and dug her finger into it, leaving a hole in the middle. 

Can you picture where you are? Send it to me maybe?

I'll try... Just don't freak out.

Haly got an image of a vibrant green forest, looking picturesque as though from a painting. Sunlight streamed through the trees onto a stony patch on the forest floor. To the left, TAAron lay unconscious on the ground, twisted awkwardly as though he had suffered a long fall. Blood seeped from a wound on his head where it had hit the rocks. At a glance, one might have assumed he was dead.

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16 minutes ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Shallan suddenly finds the ground has dropped out from under her and she is falling through the air. It seems that she is falling slightly slower than feels quite normal... She falls through the clouds and sees a landscape cracked in a consistent pattern...

Stormy squeals suddenly as she realizes what is happening.

"OHMIGOSH IT'S THE SHATTERED PLAINS!" she says, elated. But then she realizes that she's still falling through the air. Very quickly. In a dress.

Well, this'll be an interesting way to die.


Ranryu found herself falling. Oh well. She could just fly.

About that...


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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

I'll try... Just don't freak out.

Haly got an image of a vibrant green forest, looking picturesque as though from a painting. Sunlight streamed through the trees onto a stony patch on the forest floor. To the left, TAAron lay unconscious on the ground, twisted awkwardly as though he had suffered a long fall. Blood seeped from a wound on his head where it had hit the rocks. At a glance, one might have assumed he was dead.

Haly winced upon seeing this. He won’t be okay if you can’t get out of here, she reminded herself. 

She focused on the marshmallow, but instead of Losing it completely, she focused on the forest, and the marshmallow, and tried to connect the two.

The tingle from earlier returned, slipping naturally into her fingers, filling the gap where it had been absent. Haly took a deep breath… and Lost the marshmallow. It whizzed along the connection, and somehow Haly was certain it had reached its destination. 

I did it!

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3 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Haly winced upon seeing this. He won’t be okay if you can’t get out of here, she reminded herself. 

She focused on the marshmallow, but instead of Losing it completely, she focused on the forest, and the marshmallow, and tried to connect the two.

The tingle from earlier returned, slipping naturally into her fingers, filling the gap where it had been absent. Haly took a deep breath… and Lost the marshmallow. It whizzed along the connection, and somehow Haly was certain it had reached its destination. 

I did it!

Ah. Well, I have a marshmallow now. Well done. Oh, yikes, they're taking TAAron away. I don't know if I should do something or stay hidden. I don't want to be aggressive...

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4 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Ah. Well, I have a marshmallow now. Well done. Oh, yikes, they're taking TAAron away. I don't know if I should do something or stay hidden. I don't want to be aggressive...

Halys heart sunk. How exactly had she expected that to help at all? Do they seem nice? Maybe just follow them until you know they’re going to hurt him, then attack them all. I don’t know…

Why couldn’t she ever have useful ideas, instead of filling a library with marshmallows? Why couldn’t she think things through? Why couldn’t she be half an ounce of useful?

Maybe TAAron was right. She didn’t belong in the tower. She belonged in her room in the clinic, well out of the way, obliviously reading the Stormlight Archive and experimenting with marshmallow rabbits. 


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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Halys heart sunk. How exactly had she expected that to help at all? Do they seem nice? Maybe just follow them until you know they’re going to hurt him, then attack them all. I don’t know…

Why couldn’t she ever have useful ideas, instead of filling a library with marshmallows? Why couldn’t she think things through? Why couldn’t she be half an ounce of useful?

Maybe TAAron was right. She didn’t belong in the tower. She belonged in her room in the clinic, well out of the way, obliviously reading the Stormlight Archive and experimenting with marshmallow rabbits. 

Well, they haven't killed him yet. So that's something. So, how exactly did you do that marshmallow trick? Do you think you could pull me to you, or something like that?

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2 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Well, they haven't killed him yet. So that's something. So, how exactly did you do that marshmallow trick? Do you think you could pull me to you, or something like that?

How would that help? Haly felt near tears. You should stay with TAAron. Better yet, go find Ranryu. She’ll actually be able to help. 

The tingling sensation in her fingers hadn’t subsided. In fact, it had enhanced, pressing, insisting.

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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

How would that help? Haly felt near tears. You should stay with TAAron. Better yet, go find Ranryu. She’ll actually be able to help. 

The tingling sensation in her fingers hadn’t subsided. In fact, it had enhanced, pressing, insisting.

No, really, try pulling me. I have a hunch.


What do you plan this tingling thing to be?


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3 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

No, really, try pulling me. I have a hunch.


Fine, okay.

Haly reached out, imagined a trident, and tried to Find it.


It’s going to be extra power—it’ll be chaotic when I enter jt for real.


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3 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

We've arrived in the dimension, he said. I think I can make out a few settlements, so we'll investigate.


Understood. Get back to me with what you find.


i can do that


21 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Biting her lower lip, Emma replies. "I think that it is the Nethergrim unconciously sensing the building of something." Emma turns towards Calano, looking up at him, "I've been feeling it too. I feel that we must continue and find our parents, as they know what this is, having fought it before."

Calano nodded, face grim. "Bookwyrm just got to his dimension, so let's hurry our search. We'll go down to that neighborhood and see what information we can gather. Our parents, if they're still alive, should be able to help."

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

Fine, okay.

Haly reached out, imagined a trident, and tried to Find it.

Haly felt a sudden tugging sensation, as thought she were trying to pull on something attached to a concrete wall. Instead of Tors being pulled to her, she was pulled to Tors. She appeared suddenly in the forest.

Good, I was correct. A property of Stacis: it is extremely stable and difficult to affect with magic. You couldn't move me, so your magic moved you. Let's go talk to those people.

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