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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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1 minute ago, Rabbit Unmade said:

“Yes. Very… Strawsome…” Breathes Rabbit. She seems distracted. Her eyes are glassy and she seems detached somehow. “Very… Strawnormous…” She closes her eyes. “Strawng.”

Bookwyrm trailed off. "Is something wrong? I mean, strawng?"

Bookwyrm turned to the Gak. "I hope you'll forgive my strawlly here. She is strawbably...just strawssed about having to pull so many straw puns out of thin strawr." Bookwyrm cringed internally. It was getting to the point where you could hardly tell what he was saying. 


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6 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm trailed off. "Is something wrong? I mean, strawng?"

Bookwyrm turned to the Gak. "I hope you'll forgive my strawlly here. She is strawbably...just strawssed about having to pull so many straw puns out of thin strawr." Bookwyrm cringed internally. It was getting to the point where you could hardly tell what he was saying. 


“Yeah. I-I’m fine.” She tries to smile but it turns out more like a grimace, “Just… Strawssed.” The Gak narrows it’s eyes. “Bookwyrm.” It says, “You’d better have a strawmazing pun ready or I’ll strawvour all of you right here and now.” Rabbit looks shocked, “Even… me?” The Gak sneers, “Even you.” Rabbit pales, “But… but the straw! The war! The treaty!” The Gak grins, “Who cares about that. I want you all dead.”

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12 minutes ago, Rabbit Unmade said:

“Yeah. I-I’m fine.” She tries to smile but it turns out more like a grimace, “Just… Strawssed.” The Gak narrows it’s eyes. “Bookwyrm.” It says, “You’d better have a strawmazing pun ready or I’ll strawvour all of you right here and now.” Rabbit looks shocked, “Even… me?” The Gak sneers, “Even you.” Rabbit pales, “But… but the straw! The war! The treaty!” The Gak grins, “Who cares about that. I want you all dead.”


Calano, was RPing the Gak, but if he's not here, you can take over. I hope that's okay, Calano.

Bookwyrm burned bendalloy, giving himself ample time to come up with a clever response.

He thought for a moment.


Great, now I have to think of a spectacular straw pun...


Bookwyrm dropped the bubble.

"I'm so sorry, O strawfully strawmazing and strawsome one. You've strawminated this battlefield of words, and strawngled all of your opponents. How could I, a strawmple human, ever hope to strawnd up to your strawmaculate straw puns? Even if I strawnted to, I could never muster the strawngth to strawnd up to you. It is a hopeless strawgle."

Even as he spoke, Bookwyrm sent a mental message to the six travelers around them, and @InfiniteInsanity and Rabbit.

Be ready to attack. And if any of you have some straw...use it.

He burned Atium, waiting to see if the Gak made a move.

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Whoops! Didn't know that! Sorry!

But the Gak just stands there, "You really thought some half-decent puns would be suitable?" He laughs, "Well, you're dead now." The Bookwyrm waits for the Gak to move but.... nothing. Then he feels something hard and cold his neck. "Yes." Says Rabbit, holding a long thin knife, eyes wild. "You're dead now."

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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm burned bendalloy, giving himself ample time to come up with a clever response.

He thought for a moment.

Bookwyrm dropped the bubble.

"I'm so sorry, O strawfully strawmazing and strawsome one. You've strawminated this battlefield of words, and strawngled all of your opponents. How could I, a strawmple human, ever hope to strawnd up to your strawmaculate straw puns? Even if I strawnted to, I could never muster the strawngth to strawnd up to you. It is a hopeless strawgle."

Even as he spoke, Bookwyrm sent a mental message to the six travelers around them, and @InfiniteInsanity.

Be ready to attack. And if any of you have some straw...use it.

He burned Atium, waiting to see if the Gak made a move.

Insa looked at the people around her. They all had a weapon or magic of some kind and she had... What did she have? She didn't even have shoes anymore. But she did have.... The electricity. As she thought about it she could feel the electric buzz flow through her. She could help in some way. 

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6 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insa looked at the people around her. They all had a weapon or magic of some kind and she had... What did she have? She didn't even have shoes anymore. But she did have.... The electricity. As she thought about it she could feel the electric buzz flow through her. She could help in some way. 

Rabbit sighs, "I wouldn't try that if I were you." She warns, "I'm much more powerful than you. I could make you fry from the inside out with your own magic." She inspects her nails, and then looks up, "Or we could do it the fun way." A sword materializes in her hands and leaves the knife hovering at Bookwyrm's neck, "A duel."

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1 minute ago, Rabbit Unmade said:

Rabbit sighs, "I wouldn't try that if I were you." She warns, "I'm much more powerful than you. I could make you fry from the inside out with your own magic." She inspects her nails, and then looks up, "Or we could do it the fun way." A sword materializes in her hands and leaves the knife hovering at Bookwyrm's neck, "A duel."

Bookwyrm almost laughed. "A duel? And you expect to win?"

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Telrao is extremely delighted to be permitted into the clinic. She sniffs at Shadow, who glances at her with some disdain. In the distance, she can hear extremely cringe-worth straw puns.

Those are STRAWFUL. She thinks to herself as she explores the house, watching a couple of the humans talking about a ring - something about a marriage? Humans are so strange.

Suddenly, Telrao's "Someone's stuck" tingle. She finds the wall that @The Halcyon Girl is stuck in. She places a paw against the wall, pushing her conscience into it, searching for Halcy's.

Greetings, human.
You appear to be content to remain in a wall,
But you are missing out on so much withall,
So withdraw from your refuge
and open your eyes
See, I will give your therapy,
And a mild rest from insanity.

Content with her spur-of-the-moment message, Telrao waits for Halcy to emerge and/ or reply. She curls into a fluffy loaf, patient. 

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1 hour ago, Rabbit Unmade said:

"Yes." Rabbit replied, "And quiet. I could kill you on whim."

Bookwyrm called upon the Alignment, the source that gave Worldseers power. He teleported behind Rabbit and summoned his Shardblade. He knocked Rabbit's sword out of her hand with the flat of his Blade, then attempted to sweep her legs out from under her with his staff. He tapped Zinc, increasing his mental speed and allowing him to react quickly, and also burned Atium, waiting to see her next move. A half dozen other forms of precognition would warn him if anything else started to happen, like if the Gak struck.

Bookwyrm mentally prepared a spell that would bind Rabbit and make her unable to move or use magic. If Rabbit really was as powerful as she claimed, she could probably counter a spell like that. But Bookwyrm held too much power of his own to be defeated by Rabbit.

He held on to the spell, not casting it, waiting to see what she would do next.

Even as he swept into action, Bookwyrm sent a mental message penetrating Rabbit's mind.

I hold enough power that some would label me a god, he said. Past, present, and future lay themselves out before me. How can you counter that?

Secretly, along with the message, Bookwyrm sent a mental probe into Rabbit's mind, and sent it deeper, hoping to figure out if anything was going wrong. It was strange to attack suddenly and with no reason...

1 hour ago, Telrao said:

Telrao is extremely delighted to be permitted into the clinic. She sniffs at Shadow, who glances at her with some disdain. In the distance, she can hear extremely cringe-worth straw puns.

Those are STRAWFUL. She thinks to herself as she explores the house, watching a couple of the humans talking about a ring - something about a marriage? Humans are so strange.


Just so you're aware, all of the other plotlines are happening in dimensions outside the Clinic itself.


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5 hours ago, Ranryu said:

Wynn's duel runner made a pinging noise.

"Hmm. I wonder what that means."

The bike began glowing, then disappeared in a flash of light.



No idea, you'll have to explain it :P. But wizard's instincts are going to kick in. Wizard would also see her as Ranryu, probably. If you want I can change it.

Wizard senses the disappearing bike and runs in a flash of light to catch Wynn on his back before she falls to the ground. His nose twitches smelling the prescence of another cat and Wizard runs off to find the new cat, unaware of Wynn still on his back.


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1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Wizard senses the disappearing bike and runs in a flash of light to catch Ranryu on his back before she falls to the ground. His nose twitches smelling the prescence of another cat and Wizard runs off to find the new cat, unaware of Ranryu still on his back.



It's not Ranryu. Ranryu is dead. Wynn is on his back.

Wynn couldn't decide if she liked riding on the tiger or not. Let's see how this plays out.

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Telrao glances up, mildly panicked at the sight of Wizard running light speed down the hall towards her with what appears to be an unfortunate Wynn upon his back.

Thanks to her therapy cat training, she remains calm and unflustered as Wizard stopps inches from her floofy face. She then sneefs his nose and purrs softly.

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1 minute ago, Telrao said:

Thanks to her therapy cat training, she remains calm and unflustered as Wizard stopps inches from her floofy face. She then sneefs his nose and purrs softly.

Wizard sniffs Telrao and sits down infront of her tail twitching. His back arches and he begins purring, excited to meet another cat, but it creates a slide, sending Wynn tumbling to the ground.


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5 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Wizard sniffs Telrao and sits down infront of her tail twitching. His back arches and he begins purring, excited to meet another cat, but it creates a slide, sending Wynn tumbling to the ground.


"Ow! Be careful! We're not all near-indestructible beings of magic, you know." 

She scratched her head.

"Sorry about that duel. I don't know where my runner went. Wait. IS THAT A KITTY??!"


Wynn loves cats. Her duel runner is currently having an epic interdimensional adventure of no consequence to the events in the clinic.


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4 minutes ago, Ranryu said:


"Ow! Be careful! We're not all near-indestructible beings of magic, you know." 

She scratched her head.

"Sorry about that duel. I don't know where my runner went. Wait. IS THAT A KITTY??!"


Telrao mews softly in response, purring as she rubs against Wynn's legs. The Aon patterns in her fur begin to glow as she senses the joy radiating from Wynn.

She only slightly notices the potato, feeling an odd sense of regret as it rolls away.


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6 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"It's fine," rumbles Wizard. He sniffs Wynn and rubs his tiger head against her, smelling fish.


5 minutes ago, Telrao said:

Telrao mews softly in response, purring as she rubs against Wynn's legs. The Aon patterns in her fur begin to glow as she senses the joy radiating from Wynn.

She only slightly notices the potato, feeling an odd sense of regret as it rolls away.


"Cat snuggles. I love cat snuggles!"


Wynn stroked the cats' heads. "Okay, I'm done. Yelling is only fun in small amounts."

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32 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm called upon the Alignment, the source that gave Worldseers power. He teleported behind Rabbit and summoned his Shardblade. He knocked Rabbit's sword out of her hand with the flat of his Blade, then attempted to sweep her legs out from under her with his staff. He tapped Zinc, increasing his mental speed and allowing him to react quickly, and also burned Atium, waiting to see her next move. A half dozen other forms of precognition would warn him if anything else started to happen, like if the Gak struck.

Bookwyrm mentally prepared a spell that would bind Rabbit and make her unable to move or use magic. If Rabbit really was as powerful as she claimed, she could probably counter a spell like that. But Bookwyrm held too much power of his own to be defeated by Rabbit.

He held on to the spell, not casting it, waiting to see what she would do next.

Even as he swept into action, Bookwyrm sent a mental message penetrating Rabbit's mind.

I hold enough power that some would label me a god, he said. Past, present, and future lay themselves out before me. How can you counter that?

Secretly, along with the message, Bookwyrm sent a mental probe into Rabbit's mind, and sent it deeper, hoping to figure out if anything was going wrong. It was strange to attack suddenly and with no reason...


Help me escape! It's the only way. Only way to escape. FIGHT! FIGHT FOR YOUR FREEDOM! Escape... Only way... The thoughts stop abruptly. "Get out of my head." Rabbit growls, she glares at the Bookwyrm, "I meant a fight with real weapons." She inclines her head towards the sword had fell to the ground, "A fair one. With no magic." 

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2 minutes ago, Telrao said:

Telrao purrs again, then draws Aon Omi in the air, making Wynn feel a sense of peace. 

Wynn smiled. "Where'd you come from, anyway. And where are we?"

She fiddled with her watch for a second, but it couldn't give her the information she needed. She gave up and slapped the device in annoyance.

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