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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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3 minutes ago, MysticalShadows said:

Matra shifted in her seat and looked to the side. “I, um, might know of a Bondsmith we might be able to get to. They’re living in a pocket dimension which is roughly parallel to ours, so if Calano or Telrao for example were to reach out with their mind to just here-“ she motioned to a square of air in front of her face “- they might be able to sense a windswept tower and one very lonely soul…” Her eyes grew glassy and something like tears glistened in them. “My parent. They’re a Bondsmith. They may be able to manipulate the Connection to Kaos so that it draws power from Kaos into Telrao and Emma. I hope…” She shook her head and glanced away. “Never mind. It wouldn’t work anyway. It was just an idea, you don’t have to do anything…” She trailed off and looked up at the faces round the room.



First of all I think that you are in a different room than Calano and Emma.

Also if there is no big quest and you just go and fight Kaos, what then? Cause if you beat it there, then it's just over, plus it will make it easier to flesh out Emma's ard a bit more if there is more time to explore the connection between Emma, Telrao and the Kaos.


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4 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:


Emma sense the cat's thoughts and poses a question to the cat. How long have you had this burden? I have had it for milenia and I still struggle to resist at times. Would you like to join me and Calano? Having others around that care for you can help. Emma grins. It's helped since I've been married to Calano at least.

Telrao paused for a moment, pulling her mind back. Stop reacting like an animal, she told herself viciously, you are a Therapy Cat, of the highest order. Stay STRONG.

She then padded back to Emma and sat at her feet. I have had this burden for a dozen centuries. And... it hasn't affected me much, as I haven't had a direct connection with Kaos, only a sip of his power. She growled, but now I am so, so close to him, and have broken my Third Oath. I can... feel him... Her soul seemed to throb in pain.

Telrao looked at Emma, then Calano, then back at Emma again. I would... love to join you. She frowned. But I don't know how much impact Kaos will have on me. My mind is my own but... she drew another Aon Aon. It fizzed away after a minute. My power and ability to control what I do is connected to him. That is why I am immortal. That is why I have magic.

It is why I have a conscience.

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1 minute ago, Telrao said:

Telrao paused for a moment, pulling her mind back. Stop reacting like an animal, she told herself viciously, you are a Therapy Cat, of the highest order. Stay STRONG.

She then padded back to Emma and sat at her feet. I have had this burden for a dozen centuries. And... it hasn't affected me much, as I haven't had a direct connection with Kaos, only a sip of his power. She growled, but now I am so, so close to him, and have broken my Third Oath. I can... feel him... Her soul seemed to throb in pain.

Telrao looked at Emma, then Calano, then back at Emma again. I would... love to join you. She frowned. But I don't know how much impact Kaos will have on me. My mind is my own but... she drew another Aon Aon. It fizzed away after a minute. My power and ability to control what I do is connected to him. That is why I am immortal. That is why I have magic.

It is why I have a conscience.

Emma slowly lowers her body to the ground, eventually reaching eye level with Telrao. Emma crosses her legs and pets Telrao, semi-stunned by the revelation. So Kaos does have something to do with your conciousness, she'll be insufferable now. Focusing on Telrao, It will be fine if you are with us, it takes effort for Kaos to take us over, because only he can act while the Kaos is focused on trying to get out.

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1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma slowly lowers her body to the ground, eventually reaching eye level with Telrao. Emma crosses her legs and pets Telrao, semi-stunned by the revelation. So Kaos does have something to do with your conciousness, she'll be insufferable now. Focusing on Telrao, It will be fine if you are with us, it takes effort for Kaos to take us over, because only he can act while the Kaos is focused on trying to get out.

Telrao purred and moved closer to Emma, closing her eyes and seeking comfort in her touch. Thank you, she thinks to Emma. I'll do my best.

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Calano sat back, breathing deeply. The fire around him didn't concern him, he knew Random Fellow wasn't doing anything super dangerous.

Calano sat forward again, looking at Emma and Telrao. Both beings Connected to Kaos...

Certainly there had to be a way to disConnect them from Kaos, without any negative side effects? The long term effects of being Connected to Kaos were... violent and frightening.

Calano couldn't bear to see Telrao or his wife, especially his wife, descend into that state. It would tear him apart.

There had to be a way.. But what? He contemplated this, sitting forward, elbows on the table, fingers crossed in front of his mouth, and his eyebrows furrowed.

It was all so much, Kaos, Therapy Cat's, Emma's history... Emma's history.

"Emma," He said, "Tell me about why you're Connected to Kaos, and why it's not through the Nethergrim."

@The Wandering Wizard

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11 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:



Sorry, I think I was unclear. I meant for there not to be a big quest for the Bondsmith so it didn’t take away from the main quest where we go and fight Kaos and explore all the connection stuff - although if people want there to be, we can. I was just trying not to interfere with the plotline too much.

If not everyone likes the idea of the Bondsmith and want more of an exploration of Emma and Telrao’s Connection without magical assistance we could open the pocket dimension and find out she died, or is locked in an Investiture-proof tower, or something like that.


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6 hours ago, MysticalShadows said:

Sorry, I think I was unclear. I meant for there not to be a big quest for the Bondsmith so it didn’t take away from the main quest where we go and fight Kaos and explore all the connection stuff - although if people want there to be, we can. I was just trying not to interfere with the plotline too much.

If not everyone likes the idea of the Bondsmith and want more of an exploration of Emma and Telrao’s Connection without magical assistance we could open the pocket dimension and find out she died, or is locked in an Investiture-proof tower, or something like that.


Who are you refering to when you say her?


14 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"Emma," He said, "Tell me about why you're Connected to Kaos, and why it's not through the Nethergrim."



That's gonna be a bit before I can focus on this. I will respond today though. 


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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:




I meant the Bondsmith, I completely forgot I called them ‘they’.

To be honest, having considered it a bit more, I don’t think there’s much point to the whole bondsmith thing. It doesn’t work well with the overall plot and takes away the point of the Emma/Telrao Connection plotline. It’s probably best if it doesn’t happen at all. 

With that in mind, I wrote something that ends it;

Matra felt a deep shock run through her. She could no longer feel her parent’s presence. “The pocket dimension’s sealed,” she realised. “We can never reach them, not without power far vaster than Kaos’s.” 

She adopted her usual cheery expression. “Ah, well. There must be another way, right?”

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7 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insa looked around Bookwyrm's office. Who are we still waiting for? 

She sighs and looks at @The Bookwyrm "When are we planning on leaving?"

He sipped his tea in the office, laptop under shoulder, "that's what I was wondering."

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A knock sounds on the door.

"Hi! I got really wrapped up in a book, but I hear we're saving the world or something? Can I help with that? Fair warning, I have no skills that would be useful... but still! What's happening? You can kick me out of here if you want."

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@The Bookwyrm


Your Queste people need you!


On 11/9/2022 at 6:03 PM, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano sat back, breathing deeply. The fire around him didn't concern him, he knew Random Fellow wasn't doing anything super dangerous.

Calano sat forward again, looking at Emma and Telrao. Both beings Connected to Kaos...

Certainly there had to be a way to disConnect them from Kaos, without any negative side effects? The long term effects of being Connected to Kaos were... violent and frightening.

Calano couldn't bear to see Telrao or his wife, especially his wife, descend into that state. It would tear him apart.

There had to be a way.. But what? He contemplated this, sitting forward, elbows on the table, fingers crossed in front of his mouth, and his eyebrows furrowed.

It was all so much, Kaos, Therapy Cat's, Emma's history... Emma's history.

"Emma," He said, "Tell me about why you're Connected to Kaos, and why it's not through the Nethergrim."

@The Wandering Wizard

Emma shrugs. "We don't really know why exactly. When I was younger I had a affinity for finding dark objects, but when my parents took them there was nothing left in them. I was essentially a sponge for dark matter and the Kaos. I consumed much of it when I was younger." Reaching out and petting Telrao, Emma continues. "It's the same for cats, they are sponges for the Kaos, I don't know why but that's the way it is. It's why the nethergrim came to me, to be free from the Kaos. That was the reason she told me at least and I was naive enough to believe her." Emma shrugs and sinks down a bit. "You know the rest."

@CalanoCorvus @Telrao

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@Shallan Stormblessed@Shining Silhouette @MysticalShadows @Rabbit Unmade @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @InfiniteInsanity

"All right," Bookwyrm said. "Sorry about the wait." He turned to each of the questers.

"Some of you are very sure of your own power," he said, shooting a glance at Thaidakar as he said so. "Others are still learning, or unsure if you have notable abilities at all. I assure you, your skills will be valuable. You'll learn a lot about yourself.

"We're entering a small town in a remote planet in one of this multiverse's largest universes. Be kind and polite. Ask around for their legends about the Sixth Archive. We'll meet back at the central town hall, which doubles as an inn, at sunset." 

Bookwyrm opened a Wyrmhole and walked through, waiting for the adventurers to follow.


If I pinged you and you can't RP right now for whatever reason, just let me know, and we'll leave you out for now. You can join us later if this is the case.


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2 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano stood, and walked over to Emma and Telrao.

"If it hadn't been for the Nethergrim, would... this have ended badly? Would you no longer be you?" He asked softly.

Emma looks up at Calano, fear in her eyes. "I don't know." The words reverberate around the room, bouncing around, echoing.

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Calano blinked, realizing that the Nethergrim saved Emma's life.

Perhaps it could do it again, and do the same for Telrao.

But it couldn't have them.

Calano looked at Emma, then kissed her, his eyes hardening.

"I'll be back. I have an idea."

He teleported. Into the basement. Where the Nethergrim was sealed away.

He cleared his throat, and waited.


Wizard, you wanna portray the Nethergrim, and go along with it as I go?

@The Wandering Wizard

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Wizard, you wanna portray the Nethergrim, and go along with it as I go?



Sure, I have some fun ideas.

1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano blinked, realizing that the Nethergrim saved Emma's life.

Perhaps it could do it again, and do the same for Telrao.

But it couldn't have them.

Calano looked at Emma, then kissed her, his eyes hardening.

"I'll be back. I have an idea."

He teleported. Into the basement. Where the Nethergrim was sealed away.

He cleared his throat, and waited.

Emma appears behind Calano. "Calano?"


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4 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano blinked, realizing that the Nethergrim saved Emma's life.

Perhaps it could do it again, and do the same for Telrao.

But it couldn't have them.

Calano looked at Emma, then kissed her, his eyes hardening.

"I'll be back. I have an idea."

He teleported. Into the basement. Where the Nethergrim was sealed away.

He cleared his throat, and waited.

@The Wandering Wizard

Telrao feels suddenly alone. Both humans disappeared from the study. Leaving her. Abandoning her.

All alone.

She stands and shivers. The study feels cold and empty without the humans' presence. What am I supposed to do? She wonders as she paces around the study. Then she stops and smacks her forehead with a paw. Idiot. You aren't thinking straight!

She trots to the door and carefully draws Aon Tae. Open she thinks as she adds the final line. The door shakes, then slowly swings outward. Telrao carefully steps into the hallway. Almost immediately, she can feel Kaos' presence again. Not this time! she thinks determinedly, I will find you, Kaos. And destroy you.

She wasn't exactly sure how she was going to do that, but with the thread of Kaos within her, she had a frame of reference. I WILL destroy you.

"Little cat!" Kaos chuckles. "Little -"

NO! Telrao shakes herself out of his influence. She resolutely raises her head, and pads further down the hallway.  

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4 hours ago, Telrao said:

Telrao feels suddenly alone. Both humans disappeared from the study. Leaving her. Abandoning her.

All alone.

She stands and shivers. The study feels cold and empty without the humans' presence. What am I supposed to do? She wonders as she paces around the study. Then she stops and smacks her forehead with a paw. Idiot. You aren't thinking straight!

She trots to the door and carefully draws Aon Tae. Open she thinks as she adds the final line. The door shakes, then slowly swings outward. Telrao carefully steps into the hallway. Almost immediately, she can feel Kaos' presence again. Not this time! she thinks determinedly, I will find you, Kaos. And destroy you.

She wasn't exactly sure how she was going to do that, but with the thread of Kaos within her, she had a frame of reference. I WILL destroy you.

"Little cat!" Kaos chuckles. "Little -"

NO! Telrao shakes herself out of his influence. She resolutely raises her head, and pads further down the hallway.  

Emma walks over to Telrao, the shadows dispersing. "I'm here Telrao, I'm here."

4 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

He turned to her. "Go wait back in the study, please. This might get dirty."

The Clinic: The Basement

Emma's eyes flow a purplish-black. Tendrils of energy flowing through her hands and she mockingly caresses Calano's check. "Why would I do that? The darkness is my home. It cares for me and I for it."


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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

Emma walks over to Telrao, the shadows dispersing. "I'm here Telrao, I'm here."

Telrao pauses, then mews and wraps herself around Emma's legs. Something's wrong. I think Calano's in danger. Her ears twitch as she pushes away Kaos' influence again, searching for Calano. He's in deep trouble.

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7 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

@Shallan Stormblessed@Shining Silhouette @MysticalShadows @Rabbit Unmade @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @InfiniteInsanity

"All right," Bookwyrm said. "Sorry about the wait." He turned to each of the questers.

"Some of you are very sure of your own power," he said, shooting a glance at Thaidakar as he said so. "Others are still learning, or unsure if you have notable abilities at all. I assure you, your skills will be valuable. You'll learn a lot about yourself.

"We're entering a small town in a remote planet in one of this multiverse's largest universes. Be kind and polite. Ask around for their legends about the Sixth Archive. We'll meet back at the central town hall, which doubles as an inn, at sunset." 

Bookwyrm opened a Wyrmhole and walked through, waiting for the adventurers to follow.


Insa smiled as she followed Bookwyrm through the Wyrmhole. Finally they were actually getting started.

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30 minutes ago, Telrao said:

Telrao pauses, then mews and wraps herself around Emma's legs. Something's wrong. I think Calano's in danger. Her ears twitch as she pushes away Kaos' influence again, searching for Calano. He's in deep trouble.

"I can't go and help, the nethergrim is there. If I go she can possess me instead of just my body."

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