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Jason's Dreamscape

Wizard's ears flick back and he stops himself from hissing.

Hiding would be best for now. It's easier to defuse magic that way.

Wizard vanishes from sight, his fangs disappearing last.

The tiger stalks Calano and Jason, waiting, listening, learning.


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Jason's Dreamscape

Calano stares at Jason, waiting for him to say it's a joke. When he doesn't, Calano says, "I don't have a sister."

"You do. She lives right there." Jason says.

"In your dreamscape?"



Jason opens his mouth to respond, realizes he can't, and shuts his mouth. "I'm not sure. But she just kinda appeared one day a while ago, so she's a Lucid. I don't remember how exactly she appeared, but she hasn't been too bad. She's a lot like you."

Calano looks at Jason. "I see... Am I to make the assumption you got to my dreamscape by jumping into hers, finding the memory of me, and then just waiting for me to.. dream?"

Jason nods. "Yep."

@The Wandering Wizard

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Jason's Dreamscape

This is interesting.

Wizard's ears swivel as he contacts the council.

Here's the update you made me promise to give. There is a being by the name of Jason here.

Wizard pauses, and he claims that Calano's sister is here.

The voice speaks for the council. Interesting that Jason has gotten involved, we keep tabs on those with his particular abilities. Calano indeed has that power, Emma may, though you do not.

Very well, I'll continue for now and I'll be careful.

Wizard stalks towards Calano and Jason, channeling his power and abilities as a tiger, to not make a single sound and to not trip any kinds of sight or sense.


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Jason's Dreamscape

Calano looks up at the house, then at the apple in Jason's hand. "What's her name?" He asks quietly.

"Layra. Layra Corvus." Says Jason, "She.. It's better if you meet her yourself. Come on." He waves Calano onward and starts walking towards the house.

Calano has faced waves of chickens, Kaos, and even Death itself. But this.

The thought that he had a sister, that he was meeting her, or at least a memory of her.

This was more terrifying than all that. The implications were enormous.

"Jason," He says, and Jason stops walking. "How do I know this isn't a trap? You can't just spring on me that I have a sister, out of nowhere, when I fell asleep and suddenly realized I knew I was dreaming."

Jason turns fully to face Calano. "That's a good point," Jason says, "To prove I don't mean harm, here," He holds out his apple, "If you feel unsafe, or uncomfortable, one bite out of this will take you back to your dreamscape, and from there you can take a bite out of your own apple, and wake up."

Calano reaches out and takes the apple. He nods once, and follows Jason to the door.

@The Wandering Wizard

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Jason's Dreamscape

And if the apple doesn't work, I can always get him out.

Wizard pads silently after Jason and Calano into the house. The inside much more spacious than the outside volume of the house.

It's a dimensional enhancement, but through what process? Some are quite terrifying and at least one I know of requires turning a human being into a monster of total destruction. This place doesn't have that feel though, interesting.


Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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Jason's Dreamscape

Calano follows Jason inside, and it's... quite spacious inside. Dimensional enhancement.. Calano thinks to himself, Must be a dreamscape thing.

He follows Jason to the kitchen, where he asks Calano if he would like some water. Calano nods, looking around, quite nervously.

"Layra!" Jason shouts, "Come downstairs!"

Footsteps pad across the floor above them, and are heard coming down the stairs. A woman of about late 20's, early 30's looks stops at the landing as she sees Calano.

She's wearing denim jeans and a t-shirt. Her hair goes past her shoulders, and is black and wavy, and she stares at Calano with eyes that remind Calano of his mother.

"Mom's eyes..." He mutters, "And Dad's hair.."

Layra turns to Jason, then stomps down the stairs towards him, pressing a finger into his chest. "You didn't warn me?!"

Jason puts his hands up. "I thought it'd be a nice surprise!"

"It wasn't!" Layra shouts, then turns to Calano, presumably to shout at him. She pauses, looking him up and down. "Ok, maybe it was a little bit," She says, turning back to Jason.

"But still," She continues, "Don't do that again."

Jason nods, smiling in a disarming way.

Layra turns to Calano. "You have Dad's hair," She says, "And Mom's eyes." Calano is taken aback for a second, but recovers and adds, "So do you."

@The Wandering Wizard

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Jason's Dreamscape

Wizard makes sure to stay away from where people could run into him. And he taps into his guardian senses, smelling Layra and confirming she has the same birth scent. He sniffs some more and finds a strange scent he can't quite place.

It seems familiar, so very, very familiar. Hmmmmm.


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Jason's Dreamscape

It's awkward. Reaaaaally awkward. Layra coughs. Jason takes a drink of water.

Calano clears his throat, "So," he says, "Where have you been and why have I never met you and please explain what the hell is going on?"

Layra grins and chuckles a bit, "I didn't survive long after I was born. Only a couple years, and you weren't even alive then. After I died, I remember waking up inside Mom's brain, probably as a grief response. I grew up there, and Mom was good to me. She realized around the time I was 11 that I was there, and that she had a way to communicate with me. She became a Lucid. She asked me if I wanted to see other worlds, other dreamscapes. She said she could teach me how. I turned her down initially. But after a while, I got curious. What resided in peoples heads? How far could I go? What could I see, what could I do? So I took her up on her offer. She taught me how, and I began Dream Hopping."

Calano nods slowly, still trying to wrap his head around it, "So.. you're my older sister.. and Mom and Dad never mentioned you.. and you died before I was born.. and you're somehow here now after being created in the mind of a grieving mother. How'd you end up with Jason anyways? Are you two..." He looks between the two.

They look at each other and smile. "Nope," Layra says, pointing a thumb at herself, "I'm gay, he's got a girlfriend. We're just besties."

Jason raises his cup to his lips, grinning, "Not the first time someone's asked that, won't be the last."

Layra shoves him, "Shut up, dummy." Jason laughs.

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Jason's Dreamscape

I doubt I will learn much unless I reveal myself.

Focusing Wizard slowly begins to appear behind Jason and Layra, as a pure white lion.

Well that's interesting, this mind sees the guardian as a lion. The implications of this...have already been proven.


Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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Did you mean Layra instead of Emma?

Jason's Dreamscape

Calano sees the lion and does a double take before cursing and stepping backwards. "Just so y'all know, there is a lion right behind you."

Layra and Jason turn around before jumping themselves. "Jason," Layra says calmly, "Why is there a lion here?"

Jason focuses on the lion, but when it doesn't go away like he was expecting, he pales, "That's a good question."

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Wynn was very confused. She couldn't see anyhting, probably because her eyes were closed. How did I get here? She wondered. Where is here?


I've been kinda inactive for a while, but if anyone has a plot they'd like me to join, I can jump in whenever.


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25 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

I've been kinda inactive for a while, but if anyone has a plot they'd like me to join, I can jump in whenever.


Just don't forget to put your location at the top of your post in bold and underline, it helps a lot with the confusion.

56 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Did you mean Layra instead of Emma?




Jason's Dreamscape

Wizard booms in a unrecognizable voice.

"I am here because I willed myself to be here."

Then in his normal voice, "mostly I was just following Calano."


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Jason's Dreamscape

"This dreamscape..."

Wizard searches for a better way to explain it and finds none "...it's in another reality. One where the tiger guardian was seen as a lion instead of a tiger."


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8 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Jason's Dreamscape

"This dreamscape..."

Wizard searches for a better way to explain it and finds none "...it's in another reality. One where the tiger guardian was seen as a lion instead of a tiger."


Jason's Dreamscape

"Ok, cool." Calano says, and he throws Jason's apple into the air, catching it again. "Now, why are you here? And how?"

Layra looks at Wizard. "And can you explain to us who you are?"

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Jason's Dreamscape

"I was in your dream." Wizard's fangs gleam, "and it is very easy for a guardian to trail who they wish, without their prey knowing." Wizard looks over their startled faces, "sorry, cat analogy."

Wizard turns to Layra, "I am Wizard, I died protecting Calano from a cultist chicken, but one of the guardians in our land took my spirit. And it made me the next cat spirit guardian. I act on the will of the circle of cats. Which are all of the previous cat guardians. Any other questions?"


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Jason's Dreamscape

Layra nods. "Yeah. One more. What the hell?? You scared the crap outta me you can't just do that to me! I'm gonna kick you in the shins." Layra walked up to Wizard and did just that, kicking his lion shins.

Calano bites back a smile.

@The Wandering Wizard

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Jason's Dreamscape

Layra blows a bit of hair of her face with a puff, then glares at Wizard. "I don't care." She says harshly.

Calano laughs. "Well, that's my brother-in-law you just kicked in the shins, and..." Calano looks at Layra, "Gods, Wizard, you're right. She is like Emma."

Layra glares at both of them. "How do you- Oh, wait, he's your brother-in-law? You married this Emma? Unless he has another sister, or brother..?"

Calano grins, "Nope, I married Emma." He turns to Wizard, "Great, now I have to deal with 2 of them." He laughs.

@The Wandering Wizard

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Jason's Dreamscape

Layra turned to glare at Jason, who pointedly did not make eye contact, instead taking another sip of his drink. "Decently mad, I'd say," Layra said.

Calano grinned.

Layra, without warning, punched Jason in the gut, who in turn spit out his drink and began coughing. "Layra," He said between coughs, "What the hell?"

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