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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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The Belowplace (falling?)

Wynn still didn't understand that Haly's power was to summon marshmallows.

"I summon Marshmallon!" She yelled, sliding the card into her duel disk with great effort.


Marshmallon (Yu-Gi-Oh!) 9.5" Plush – Collector's Outpost


Marshmallon is giant and squishy. Watch out for his mouth, it's filled with huge teeth.


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The Belowplace (falling from a giant tree)

3 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

The Belowplace (falling?)

Wynn still didn't understand that Haly's power was to summon marshmallows.

"I summon Marshmallon!" She yelled, sliding the card into her duel disk with great effort.

  Reveal hidden contents

Marshmallon (Yu-Gi-Oh!) 9.5" Plush – Collector's Outpost


Marshmallon was summoned at the same instant as Haly’s marshmallow. And thus, Haly sank twice as far and stood up with a relieved sigh—then fell back down. Oh yeah. Most marshmallows tend to be wobbly. She looked up at the light. “Hello?”

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Jason's Dreamscape

Calano suddenly remembers how he even ended up in this dreamscape.

"Crap." He says, and he turns to Jason and Layra. "Jason, I need your apple. Layra, I've gotta go. Sorry."

He turns to Wizard after catching Jason's apple. "Two sentences, do you know what's going on?"

@The Wandering Wizard

Edited by CalanoCorvus
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Jason's Dreamscape

"I can feel it through our twin's bond, though that has been severely weakened by my death."

Wizard pads over to Calano. "And perhaps it's a good thing too, since it is possible that the Kaos could have used it to try to control me. But not since I'm dead."

Wizard looks at the apple and laughs, "you can use it if you want, or I can just take you directly back to the clinic. Much faster and it relies less on unknown things."


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Jason's Dreamscape

Calano throws Jason his apple back without hesitation.

Layra steps between Wizard and Calano. "Hold it!" She says, and she thumbs to Wizard, "You trust this... lion, guy, whatever it is?"

Calano looks Layra square in the eyes. "With my life. And he's already solidified that trust. His sister is my wife, for goodness sake!"

Layra looks at Calano a second longer, and Calano raises an eyebrow. She moves out of the way.

"Take me back," Calano says to Wizard, "Now."

@The Wandering Wizard

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Jason's Dreamscape

"This may be a little uncomfortable, but it will be fast."

Wizard grabs Calano and his clothing in his jaws, gently holding him. Wizard turns and dashes full speed at a wall, a brilliant white portal appears right before they hit and Wizard skids to a stop in Calano's office.

Wizard releases Calano and grins. "That was fast, wasn't it?"


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Calano's Office

Calano nods, then his body rushes into the body already present in the room.

He opens his eyes, noting Emma's still body, still in his arms. He curses.

He looks up at Wizard, who is now a tiger again. "Wizard, what can you do?"

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Calano's Office

It sure feels good to be a tiger again. I love lions but I much prefer being a tiger.

"I'm not certain, but I can try."

Padding over to Calano and Emma, he brushes his nose against Emma.

Interesting, very interesting. I can sense her, but it's fleeting and scarse. Perhaps...no I'll have to do it.

Wizard looks at Calano, "there is something I can do, though you should set her down so it doesn't affect you. You can continue to hold her if you like, but you will recieve a massive shock if you don't let go. I'll leave it up to you to decide."


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Calano's Office

"Well old friend, this is going to hurt."

A brilliant white light begins building in Wizard's chest and the scenery fades around Wizard, Emma, and Calano.

Wizard opens his mouth, the light building into a solid beam. "WHOOOOOOOMMMM!"

The beam of light hits Emma and Calano, excruciating pain fills Calano as the light sinks into his very being. Emma's body arches in his arms and a stream of darkness leaves her body. Suddenly they are back in the clinic, as if nothing had happened.

Wizard sits on his haunches, waiting for them to readjust to the change.



Basically it strengthened Emma's connection to the light so that they are about equal, while purging her body of the possessive darkness.

But since Calano didn't have any ties to the dark it would have increased his connection to the light. 


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36 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Calano's Office

"Well old friend, this is going to hurt."

A brilliant white light begins building in Wizard's chest and the scenery fades around Wizard, Emma, and Calano.

Wizard opens his mouth, the light building into a solid beam. "WHOOOOOOOMMMM!"

The beam of light hits Emma and Calano, excruciating pain fills Calano as the light sinks into his very being. Emma's body arches in his arms and a stream of darkness leaves her body. Suddenly they are back in the clinic, as if nothing had happened.

Wizard sits on his haunches, waiting for them to readjust to the change.




Heyo what about Telrao? She was just vibin with Emma's almost corpse :P 


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1 hour ago, Telrao said:

Heyo what about Telrao? She was just vibin with Emma's almost corpse :P 



Telrao was blasted as well, just not as powerfully. At least that's what I'm thinking. And feel free to jump in since we're out of the dream now.


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On 11/19/2022 at 11:09 PM, The Halcyon Girl said:

The Belowplace (falling from a giant tree)

Marshmallon was summoned at the same instant as Haly’s marshmallow. And thus, Haly sank twice as far and stood up with a relieved sigh—then fell back down. Oh yeah. Most marshmallows tend to be wobbly. She looked up at the light. “Hello?”

The Belowplace (falling from a giant tree)

Wynn did not like falling on Marshmallon/marshmallows. At least she wasn't dead. Her duel disk beeped cheerily.

"Hey look! I have connection down here! You wanna do a little interdimensional sightseeing, Haly?"

@The Halcyon Girl

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Calano's Office

Calano remembers the black bolt that sliced his cheek open. He uses the sleeve of his coat to wipe off the blood, from him and from Emma.

"Yeah, but it wasn't you. Not the you I know." Calano says, before picking Emma up in a huge hug.

He breathes out in hysterical relief.

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Calano's Office

Emma leans into Calano while he holds her.

I don't know how long I can last.

Emma tils Calano's chin towards her, "I don't know how much longer I can hold it off. It pushes against my mind, trying to force me to use it and my connection. But if I don't I will die."


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Calano's Office

Telrao jolts backwards at a sudden rush of light. It washes over her, soothing her...

She snatches a tendril from the air and stores it into a different bracelet, away from Kaos' sample. The Second would be curious about this...

She hesitates as she watches the humans' reunion. I need to bring them to the Island... She jumps up onto the desk as Emma embraces Calano. But I don't know if they trust me...

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Calano's Office

Calano shook his head. "The Nethergrim was... useless. They didn't give me the answer I wanted to hear. They wouldn't help. And, when you went unconscious, I did too. And I... dreamed. And I saw my sister, but I don't know how much of it was real, because I've never had a sister. At least, I hadn't before I met Layra. In my head. While unconscious."

"What can be done to help you?" He asks Emma, then sees Telrao prowling the desk. "Telrao. Do you know of a way?"

@Telrao @The Wandering Wizard

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Oooo nice segue 

Telrao glances up at her name. I... may know of a place. She replies softly, carefully. It is sacred. And my home. Her tail twitched. The place is the Islands - the home of Therapy Cats. It is sacred. She looked pointedly at Emma, The First of my order protects it from guards those who enter it from dark powers. If I can take you - Emma and Calano - the Third and Second of my Order can try to help you both. Telrao bows her fluffy head. But taking you there will break a Law, which will weaken my powers again. The risk will be worth it, I hope.

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Calano's Office

"That might work, though my connection to the Kaos is stronger than cuendillar."

As incomprehension dawns on the others faces, Emma quickly elaborates, "it's a unbreakable metal. And I fear that there will be nothing we can do."

Bowing her head, she tries to stop the tears from rolling down her face.

"It just feels so...impossible. The darkness constantly presses against my mind, always." 

Looking sadly at Telrao, Emma bitterly laughs, "I'd be willing to try it, but I don't think it's going to work. My mind just won't allow it."

@CalanoCorvus @Telrao

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Calano's Office

Telrao looks deep into Emma's eyes. She senses a sister pain within the other female. I will go through with this. For the sake of the Clinic, and for you, friends.

Telrao bounds down to the floor and meows at Calano. I need some space. The portal is rather large. She begins to draw a complicated spiral pattern, branching out in all directions. Delicate, thin lines thread over each other, weaving and blending. Line upon line upon line bursts to light on the floor. She hesitates just before the final dot. Taking a deep breath, she taps her claw on the ground.

The lines begin to quiver. Hold onto each other - it will be a difficult journey for you humans. The lines start to twist and turn, wriggling and melting towards the centre of the pattern. The floor seems to sink and melt away, a blue light emanating from the other side. Be careful.

Telrao jumps into the hole.

@CalanoCorvus @The Wandering Wizard

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