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The Islands

Telrao lands gently on the soft grass, which sways gently in the ever present breeze. She takes a deep breath of the homeland's air. As she waits for the humans to arrive, she settles down, admiring the 17 Islands, hovering in the blue, blue sky. Each are linked by bridges carefully carved of wood. Walkways and gardens decorate her own Island, her home with a domed roof. She can see the centre island, large and decorated with white marble. A large domed building rises in the centre, a statue of a cat on top, holding a round symbol in her paw.

The First of the Therapy Cats.

Telrao grins as she hears a loud oof! behind her.

Welcome to the Islands, friends. I trust your journey wasn't too troublesome. In truth, they were probably a little sea sick. The first time through the Portal, Telrao had to lie down for ten minutes straight. Then, she could only topple around on shaky legs.

A majestic cat appears in front of Telrao. He stands tall, (although he'd only read waist height on a human) and speaks in a deep voice. "Seventh, you have returned."

"Yes, Third, I have." Telrao speaks in the feline tongue as she bows respectfully. The Third glances beyond her and spots the two humans.

"Seventh, you have broken one of the Laws. Why have you done this?"

@The Wandering Wizard @Ookla the Crow


Pinging people is so hard with all the Ooklas, my word!


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The Islands

Calano lands. Hard.

He looks up, feeling nauseous, and swallows down said nausea.

He gapes at the Islands around him. It's beautiful here. He stares at the 2 cats in front of him, mewling at each other softly.

Interesting... He thinks.

@The Wandering Wizard @Ookla the Floofy


ookla pinging go brrr


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The Islands

Telrao bows her head solemnly. "I have done this - because things have been happening. Third - Kaos is moving. My power is disrupted. I have broken one of my oaths."

The Third stopped her sharply. "Which Oath, Seventh?"

"The Third Oath. But that is not the -"

"So you cannot speak other tongues? How did you get them here?"

Telrao swishes her tail pleadingly. "Third, listen! These humans - they know something. The female has powers - she is Connected to Kaos, as I am. And I have samples." She lifted up a fluffy paw, revealing the glowing bracelets. One glowed with dark purple runes, the other a peaceful white. "One is a sample of Kaos' power, the other, something different. Please! I need to take them to the First and Second!"

The Third growls for a moment, then relents. "Fine. The Second already knows of your arrival - you may speak with him." He pauses, then suddenly morphs into a tall man with smooth brown skin and flowing white robes. His bald head shines slightly in the peaceful, warm light of the Islands. He strides over to the humans, speaking in their tongue.

"The Seventh has pleaded your case. She has broken sacred laws, and can no longer speak with you." He turns in a flurry of cloth and gestures to the bridge leading the the main Island. "The Second of our order awaits your arrival. Purrhaps we can find some things out." He bends down gracefully and picks up Telrao, removing her bracelets and placing her back down again. He tucks them into one of the folds in his robes. "The Seventh's samples shall be analysed by the Fourth and I. Now please, follow."

@Ookla the Crow @The Wandering Wizard

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On 11/21/2022 at 9:27 AM, Ookla the Obstinate said:

The Belowplace (falling from a giant tree)

Wynn did not like falling on Marshmallon/marshmallows. At least she wasn't dead. Her duel disk beeped cheerily.

"Hey look! I have connection down here! You wanna do a little interdimensional sightseeing, Haly?"

@The Halcyon Girl

“Hmm? Oh, sure. Yeah, once I get out of this marshmallow. Creature. Thing. Grr. BE A WALL SO I CAN WALK THROUGH YOU, PLEASE.”

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The Belowplace (not falling?)

5 minutes ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

“Hmm? Oh, sure. Yeah, once I get out of this marshmallow. Creature. Thing. Grr. BE A WALL SO I CAN WALK THROUGH YOU, PLEASE.”

"Great! It looks like we only have two signals, but neither of them are saved on the disk, so I don't know where they'd take us."


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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Obstinate said:

The Belowplace (not falling?)

"Great! It looks like we only have two signals, but neither of them are saved on the disk, so I don't know where they'd take us."


The Belowplace (giant evil marshmallow that’s KILLING ME)

Haly, you’re not supposed to interfere with the headlines.

Oh, yeah. Sorry.

“Just do it. Please. If it’ll get me out of here.”


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The Belowplace


Wynn dismissed marshmallon, unflinching as it dissipated into golden pixels. 

"Now, to choose. Should we take signal 2980935e495, or signal 2485739µ987? My duel disk says they're both capable of sustaining life, but it can't access any other data."

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18 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"Where are we going third?"

The Islands

The tall man pauses for a second, then gracefully crosses a long bridge connecting Telrao's Island to a different one. It spans over a sea of blue sky and fluffy white clouds. Telrao trails sullenly behind him, tail dragging on the ground. She just looks so... spent.

"We are going to the Second. He has more knowledge of problems in this area. The Second studies connection - I, the Third, study form. That is the reason I can morph to your strange bipedal form." The Third passes a series of statues - three felines, gracefully carved out of white marble that sparkles slightly in the warm light. Each seems to be holding curious symbols crafted from round loops of metal. The soft breeze ruffles his white robes as he turns and crosses his arms. He and Telrao now stand in a peaceful arbour, vines curling around the white marble posts, light blue flowers blossoming, delicate yet alien. In the centre of the arbour is that strange symbol again. "Come. The Second will be here soon."

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The Islands

Calano stares in perplexed wonder at the strange lopping symbols. He has continuously seen them since his arrival here.

"Third," He asks, "What is this symbol? I have never seen it before."

He reaches out to touch the marble symbol, carved delicately.

@Ookla the Floofy

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The Islands

Emma feels a tugging sensation and she rests her palm on the symbol by Calano. A spark of darkness jumps from her palm into the symbol. 

Well that was unexpected. Really strange, actually Calano try resting your hand on the symbol with me.

@Ookla the Crow


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The Islands

The Third watches silently was the two humans place their hands on the symbols. Telrao opens her mouth, but them shuts it with an audible clop! as the Third glares at her. He then kneels and gently places a hand on the symbol. His brown skin ripples slightly as he touches the centre.

"This is one of the protective symbols of the Therapy Cats. The First designed and carved these. It represents Connection." He points to the two looping circles overlapping one another, with what seems to be a paw print in the middle of one, and a smooth wavy line in the second. "It can, if you allow it to, absorb some of the power within you. But it also can absorb excess power. That is why there was a spark, Furless One."

Telrao meows in protest. The Third cocks his head, then nods. "Emma, I mean. Pardon, I never asked your names. It is extremely rare that Humans are brought to the Islands. I do not understand your strange protocols."

@Ookla the Crow @The Wandering Wizard

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

The Islands

"Do you.. not have names here?" Calano asked, then traced the edges of the symbol with his finger.

@Ookla the Floofy

Telrao once again opened her mouth, but was cowed by a glare from the Third. She sulked and padded to the opposite side of the arbour.

"We do have names, we just do not ask them. It is... odd compared to your culture. I am called the Third, as I am the Third of my order." He pointed to Telrao. "She is the Seventh, as she is the Seventh of our order. For now." Telrao crouched down, mewling quietly. "Her sanity is already slipping. Breaking the Oaths and the Laws has that impact."

A strong breeze blew through the arbour, rustling the Third's white robes. "Ah, here we are."

The breeze carried leaves and flowers that slowly wound itself into a feline form. The leaves rustled, then fell to the ground, revealing a thin boned Siamese cat. He glanced at the humans, bright blue eyes intelligent and curious. The Second glared at the Third, who grumbled and returned to his feline form. The Second then turned his serene gaze towards the humans, lingering on Emma.

"Welcome to the Islands, Furless ones. What troubles you?"

@Ookla the Crow @The Wandering Wizard

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The Islands

Calano looked at the siamese. He wondered if he should... bow... or something.

Eventually, he decided against it. "My wife has been touched by Kaos, and is Connected to Him. There must be something you can do to help her. We've tried everything we can think of to keep it at the very least at bay." He squeezed Emma's hand. "She's lost me before, and at the same time, I lost her. It will not happen again. There has to be a solution."

Calano knelt, looking the cat dead in the eyes. "So I'd say there's a lot troubling me," He said, all the emotions from the past few hours surfacing unexpectedly. He had to use all his willpower not to begin crying.

@Ookla the Floofy @The Wandering Wizard

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Ruins of Tal'rin

The Ember hissed with a strange sound as Insa's sparks hit. Steam poured from a few cracks in its solid portions. As it spun to attack her, Bookwyrm threw out his hands and took control of it with his mind.

The Ember was made of fire, on the inside. That was the core of its being. But there was something else....something that had corrupted it, morphed it, changed it beyond what it should have been.

Bookwyrm, using his various abilities, began to drain the fire from the Ember. It wailed with a strange noise and slowly dissipated. The ash and stone that formed it's physical body fell to the ground, lifeless.

A strange tendril of red energy hung in the air once the fire was gone. Then it vanished.

Bookwyrm released his magic. "Well," he said. "I guess that takes care of that..."


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Ruins of Tal'rin

38 minutes ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

Ruins of Tal'rin

The Ember hissed with a strange sound as Insa's sparks hit. Steam poured from a few cracks in its solid portions. As it spun to attack her, Bookwyrm threw out his hands and took control of it with his mind.

The Ember was made of fire, on the inside. That was the core of its being. But there was something else....something that had corrupted it, morphed it, changed it beyond what it should have been.

Bookwyrm, using his various abilities, began to drain the fire from the Ember. It wailed with a strange noise and slowly dissipated. The ash and stone that formed it's physical body fell to the ground, lifeless.

A strange tendril of red energy hung in the air once the fire was gone. Then it vanished.

Bookwyrm released his magic. "Well," he said. "I guess that takes care of that..."


Insa sat down on the ground. She was feeling slightly dizzy. The smell of smoke wasn't helping much.

She dropped her head in her hands. "What was that?"

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The Islands

The Second gently reached out a paw and touched Calano's face. "It is alright to be troubled, child. If we did not have troubles, and did not worry, we would be like stones in the desert. Dry. Dead." He turned away, studying Emma's face.

"You said you were born with a Connection to Kaos? Highly unusual." The Second blinked his bright blue eyes, angular face thoughtful and contemplative. "I would like to have some information - your parents, your birthplace, homeworld, all of it. But first..." The air and ground warped and spun, then halted in a cosy room. A small fireplace burned in the corner, and several comfortable armchairs rested around it.

Telrao and the Third stood in the corner of the room. Telrao looked bewildered, the Third unfazed.

"Take a seat, children. This may take a while." A notebook and pen materialised in the air beside where the Second sat in his chair, facing the warm fire. He meowed something at the Third, who nodded. He morphed into his human form, picked up Telrao and disappeared into nowhere. It was just Calano, Emma, and the Second in the room.

@Ookla the Myopic @Ookla the Crow

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