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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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52 minutes ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

"Give me your hand and I can show you if you have power or not. It's a simple test."


Stormy uncertainly placed her hand in Emma's. "How would I have powers?" she wondered aloud.


Do you decide if I have powers, or should I? I don't exactly want to decide? But if you do and it's a Sanderson magic system(is that how this works?) please don't give me the Warbreaker magic system, because I haven't read it! 


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 The Archive

Thaidakar grimaced, his mouth twitched. That voice! it hadn't been the nasal voice, it had been... THAT VOICE! Thaidakar threw the crumpled dagger at the wall. The armor was surrounded by a red glow that held it frozen in the air. Thaidakar paced around it, trying to figure out what to do. You are mine, Thaidakar... the words haunted him. Who was he? Who was he really

His own words from earlier echoed in his mind, "I am a hero..." Was it still true? How could he function if he wasn't sure of himself. He shivered, stopping in place. Perhaps he was a lie. Maybe he wasn't a hero. Maybe he was... "no"  something said loudly inside him. Thaidakar jolted, what was that? Something moved on the ground nearby. Whatever it was, it appeared to be glitching. Thaidakar tilted his head, "what are you?"

The voice whispered again, "what am I? I am the one who has been with you since..." it trailed off. Thaidakar flinched. "no... I killed you. I'm not going back to that time." It couldn't be Glyph... Glyph had been destroyed when Thaidakar had- No, he couldn't think about it, he couldn't! It would turn him back into... He cringed, backing into the wall and sliding to the floor. He held his knees with his arms and whimpered. He'd lost so much that day... Glyph couldn't be back. He couldn't!

Something laughed in his head, but Thaidakar paid it no attention. He started whispering a song, "I'll see... I'll see you across the bend... my love... oh my love... I'll see you around the corner... I'll see you someday again..."

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7 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

The voice whispered again, "what am I? I am the one who has been with you since..." it trailed off. Thaidakar flinched. "no... I killed you. I'm not going back to that time." It couldn't be Glyph... Glyph had been destroyed when Thaidakar had- No, he couldn't think about it, he couldn't! It would turn him back into... He cringed, backing into the wall and sliding to the floor. He held his knees with his arms and whimpered. He'd lost so much that day... Glyph couldn't be back. He couldn't!

Something laughed in his head, but Thaidakar paid it no attention. He started whispering a song, "I'll see... I'll see you across the bend... my love... oh my love... I'll see you around the corner... I'll see you someday again..."


I know nothing about Thaidakar, but this has piqued my interest.


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2 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insa stares at the fire. "I'm dizzy. And...hungry?" She looks up. Something doesn't feel quite right. Like something is missing. "I'm goi-" And then Insa passes out.

"Oh storms! Are you okay?" Stormy asks, rushing to Insa's side. 

Stupid. Of course she's not. And she can't answer.

2 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

hah, Thaidakar is one of my greatest ocs. He's basically Shallan, Jasnah, Dalinar and Sigzil all mashed into one character.

That's funny that they're all Stormlight characters. ;) 


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8 minutes ago, Ookla the Pencil Taxi said:

That's funny that they're all Stormlight characters. ;) 


maybe, maybe not.

he also might partially be based off of Kelsier in a small way.

a very small way.

you'll see.


I'm gonna pause on the Thaidakar stuff for now cause all he's doing is just sitting there and crying. time for another character...

The Clinic Lobby

Jimmy Thunder walked along grumpily, he needed a good place to set up his restaurant.

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Ruins of Tal'rin: Central Cellar

Calano blinks, then shrugs. "Okay," He turns to Bookwyrm, "So, are we going back to the Clinic or what?"

@Ookla the Perpetual @PyroPhile

Ruins of Tal'rin: Central Cellar

"That's probably our best option right now. We have all the information we need. And I need some time to decipher the coordinates and figure out what the Puzzle Stone means."

Bookwyrm turned to Pyro. "I'm not sure who you are or where you came from, but we're glad to have you." He smiled kindly. "I'm sure Calano would be happy to give you a tour of the Clinic. Or Lark, [@Ookla the Untitled] if he's still around."

Bookwyrm turned back to Calano. "I might be able to contact some Worldseers to find the rest of the villagers and bring them to the clinic. There aren't many of us in this multiverse...the last time we had large numbers here was when the Archives were created. But there should be a few agents around that I can ask to help. In the meantime, we should probably make sure the rest of the refugees are okay..."

Bookwyrm summoned a Wyrmhole for the four of them, then walked through.

@PyroPhile @Ookla the Shadowed

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1 hour ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Forest of Tal'rin

Insa stares at the fire. "I'm dizzy. And...hungry?" She looks up. Something doesn't feel quite right. Like something is missing. "I'm goi-" And then Insa passes out.

@Ookla the Myopic @Ookla the Pencil Taxi

Forest of Tal'rin

Emma gently feels for Insa's pulse and pushes a bit of her energy into Insa.

1 hour ago, Ookla the Pencil Taxi said:

"Oh storms! Are you okay?" Stormy asks, rushing to Insa's side. 

Stupid. Of course she's not. And she can't answer.


"She'll be okay, she just passed out that's all. I'll wake her up in a few minutes when the food is finally ready. You do have magic of your own, I can feel it waking up. Like..."

Emma's gaze drifts to the fire and she leaps to her feet, snatching the meat off before it burns.

"Like I was saying, your power feels like an animal waking up, Insa's power feels like a raging electrical storm."

Emma reaches into the air and pulls out a bag of smelling salts and gently wafts it under Insa's nose.

@InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Pencil Taxi

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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Myopic said:


"Like I was saying, your power feels like an animal waking up, Insa's power feels like a raging electrical storm."

"Really?" Stormy says, rather shocked. "Where... where did I get it? And what's Insa's power?"

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Pencil Taxi said:

"Really?" Stormy says, rather shocked. "Where... where did I get it? And what's Insa's power?"

Forest of Tal'rin

"I have no idea where you got it, just that you have it. Insa has the power of the storms running through her veins. When she learns how to properly channel it, she will be formidable indeed. Your power though, it feels like one moment you are the growling grizzly bear and the next a stalking panther. You can shift into those animals but you can also just imbue yourself with their attributes."

@Ookla the Pencil Taxi

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Ruins of Tal'rin: Central Cellar

Calano nodded and followed Bookwyrm through, into the Clinic Library.

Insanity Clinic: Library

Calano breathed in, enjoying the soft, quiet smell of books. "I'll go check on them. Can you get started on those runes?"

@Ookla the Perpetual @PyroPhile

Insanity Clinic: Library

Shadow slipped in, he was in shadow form this time. The shadow watched Calano from between the shelves.

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45 minutes ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

"I have no idea where you got it, just that you have it. Insa has the power of the storms running through her veins. When she learns how to properly channel it, she will be formidable indeed. Your power though, it feels like one moment you are the growling grizzly bear and the next a stalking panther. You can shift into those animals but you can also just imbue yourself with their attributes."

A shocked, excited smile curved Stormy's lips. Then she realized that her friend--well, an acquaintance* was hurt, or something was wrong, and the smile disappeared. "Can you... help me with me-- oh, wait! Sorry. Make sure Insa's okay. Use your magic to help? I don't know. I'm not good at... at stuff."



It's not that Stormy dislikes Insa! It's just that she doesn't know her very well.


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2 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Forest of Tal'rin

Insa slowly stirred. She was really confused. "What happened?"

 @Ookla the Myopic

Forest of Tal'rin

2 hours ago, Ookla the Pencil Taxi said:

A shocked, excited smile curved Stormy's lips. Then she realized that her friend--well, an acquaintance* was hurt, or something was wrong, and the smile disappeared. "Can you... help me with me-- oh, wait! Sorry. Make sure Insa's okay. Use your magic to help? I don't know. I'm not good at... at stuff."

"She's fine. I've already taken care of her."

Turning to Insa, Emma hands her a star shaped fruit.

"You expended more energy then you had and fell unconscious. Here eat this. It will help you recover your energy."

Emma looks of Insa and Stormy and thoughts begin to turn in her mind.

They look about the same in experience. Neither has learned how to wield a weapon and neither has much control over their magic.

A grin spreads over Emma's face as a idea enters her mind.

I'll have them both spar with each other, then teach them some forms. Have them eat some food then move on to teaching them magic. It's probably the best way to teach them for now.

Emma points towards the pan full of food.

"Eat up both of you two, you're both going to have a long hard day tomorrow! And you can help me to Telrao, don't think that you don't get to help."

@InfiniteInsanity  @Ookla the Floofy @Ookla the Pencil Taxi

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

"Eat up both of you two, you're both going to have a long hard day tomorrow! And you can help me to Telrao, don't think that you don't get to help."

Stormy's eyes widened. "That's... ominous."

She shrugs and sits down at the pan and begins to eat. Her mind was full of thoughts.


ahh presast tense


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