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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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2 hours ago, Ookla the Ta'veren said:

Forest of Tal'rin

Rue looks affronted. "I am Aes Sedai of the red Ajah! Of course I can channel!"

@Ookla the Myopic

Forest of Tal'rin

Well this is going to be interesting when she finds Nameless. It's after the time of the dragon so she probably won't kill or gentle him on sight.

"Hmm, do you view the dummies as men?

@Ookla the Ta'veren

8 minutes ago, Ookla the Pencil Taxi said:

Stormy holds her sword and slices the dummy. It lunges at her and she attempts to cut off its arm. She succeeds!

"Ha!" she exclaims while still on the defensive.

The dummies other arm whirls around and smacks her upside the head, leaving her to lie on the ground as the dummies retreat into the ground.

@Ookla the Pencil Taxi

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He was accustomed to power.

King Chickeee flexed the fingers in his metallic new body. The scientists nearby clucked, congratulating each other. The procedure had gone well. The automaton body was... pitiful. It wasn't nearly as good as the ones they had found in the place where'd they'd also found the daggers and records of the sacrificial rites. Some of his scholars were beginning to think that there was a malevolent force behind them finding it. Something powerful... of course, they didn't know about the voices Chickeee heard in his head, but that was a small matter.

The sleek, metallic body was about 7 feet tall with glowing purple eyes. It had a computer-like brain that held all of Chickeee's memories and connected to the last remaining fleshy bits from his body; those bits were in the chest of the large robot body. Crystals jutted from the sides, glowing softly. Those were what really made this possible, supplying energy from an unknown source. His scientists had created them by accident during testing. Chickeee started to speak, it was his own voice coming smoothly from the speakers, "it is... acceptable. It doesn't work as smoothly as I'd like it, however. You, my scientists, must do better." 

They nodded, one even smiled. The lead one, Jerrik, said, "of course, my lord. we will do better."

"Good, I need to be ready when it begins..." he muttered that last part to himself.

"My lord? what was that last part?"

"Nothing, nothing..." said Chickeee hastily. The slightly nasal voice with an accent he couldn't quite place said in his mind, "you need to be ready... The one will be ready soon..." The voice always neglected to say who "the one" was, but Chickeee decided that was alright, as long as he was on their side, Chickeee could agree with it. The voice had come to him months ago, back before they invaded the clinic, and had told him about a chance to come and attack. Chickeee, being the  good person he was, had given the voice's advice a chance. Of course, the plan hadn't worked; but the voice had assured him that that was only because the one hadn't done what was expected. The nameless one had also interfered. Otherwise, they could have taken absolute control. It had been futile, regrettably. But, there was going to be another opening once "the one" was ready. Chickeee would wait to see what it was. 

Besides, he was going to be preoccupied with the mission the voice had given him.

Find the one known as Thaidakar and kill him.


this is going to be... FUN to say the least.


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Just now, Ookla the Ta'veren said:

Forest of Tal'rin

"Um...it is? How did I do that? And balefire isn't supposed to be purple and black, is it?"

@Ookla the Myopic

Forest of Tal'rin

"Well it feels like it has that destructive power, and I know it isn't from the Kaos, otherwise it would have been able to cut me. It could be something else, something dangerous. Not quite as dangerous as the Kaos but it appears to be made from Gormite. A rare metal only found under unusual circumstances."

Emma flips the blade around and channeling her power into her fingertip, she carves off a tiny flake from the sword.

"Definitely alloyed with balefire. In fact that's why the sword has the properties of balefire. This metal can absorb the properties of any system and basically replicate them when it strikes something. Not useful in most cases, but balefire should be deadly to quite a few of the creatures here, though there's also many of the more dangerous ones that are immune to it."

Handing back the sword to Rue, Emma smiles.

"It's alright, you can go practice with it, since it will be the sword you will be wielding in battle."

@Ookla the Ta'veren

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Forest of Tal'rin

"Cool!" Rue says, heading towards the dummies again. It'll be easy, since the sword vaporizes them. She thought. She was wrong. Very, very wrong. After only...oh...10 seconds, maybe 15, she was sitting on the ground, thoroughly embarrassed. 

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Forest of Tal'rin

Insa started attacking the dummies again. This time she lasted a couple more minutes before getting whacked and bursting into laughter.

And then she went again. Lasted a couple more minutes.

And again. And again. Each time lasting a little longer and each time ending laughing way too hard. She did this for a while before she realized that it was weird that she found this so amusing. 

Insa stopped for a second.

@Ookla the Myopic

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Forest of Tal'rin

*a platypus materializes*

"Where am I? What did I do to God this time?"

*looks around*

"Ooh! Sword class. Can I join? I have a Blade."


not part of the conversation, are NarrationBlades a thing here? If so, the Blade I summon is one, if not, it's a different type of Blade.

A silvery blade with blue edges and indecipherable green runes appears in his hand. No one can identify what it is but everyone thinks it looks familiar.

@Ookla the Myopic

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Insanity Clinic: Library

Calano's eyes widened and he stepped up to Bookwyrm, staring over his shoulder at the book. "We have this book?? Woah."

He studied the pages, almost reverently. "Fascinating... an offshoot of Worldseers. Perhaps with knowledge not in the main body. We should look more into that after this ordeal with the Sixth Archive."

@Ookla the Perpetual @Ookla the Shadowed @PyroPhile

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9 hours ago, Ookla the platypus said:

not part of the conversation, are NarrationBlades a thing here? If so, the Blade I summon is one, if not, it's a different type of Blade.



No, narration blades are a thing of TLT, which is not here. I will make that distinction now. TLT stuff stays in TLT, the stuff in the clinic stays in the clinical universes or threads of which there are two. And Emma's probably gonna insist that he leave as she has an idea in her head and doesn't want other people messing it up. Wizard is bored at the clinic so he'd probably train him.

9 hours ago, Ookla the platypus said:

Forest of Tal'rin

*a platypus materializes*

"Where am I? What did I do to God this time?"

*looks around*

"Ooh! Sword class. Can I join? I have a Blade."

A silvery blade with blue edges and indecipherable green runes appears in his hand. No one can identify what it is but everyone thinks it looks familiar.

@Ookla the Myopic

Forest of Tal'rin

"I see you already know how to summon your sword. There is not much I can teach you, but Calano and Bookwyrm could surely teach you better than I can."

Emma points to ground and a portal opens up into the clinic.

"If you want, there are much better teachers in there for you. And there are those that can scratch your urge for adventure. Or...hmm."

Emma thoughtfully taps her chin, "perhaps I could send you to my twin, he could teach you and he isn't trying to solve any puzzle currently like my beloved Calano."

@Ookla the platypus

10 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Forest of Tal'rin

Insa started attacking the dummies again. This time she lasted a couple more minutes before getting whacked and bursting into laughter.

And then she went again. Lasted a couple more minutes.

And again. And again. Each time lasting a little longer and each time ending laughing way too hard. She did this for a while before she realized that it was weird that she found this so amusing. 

Insa stopped for a second.

@Ookla the Myopic

Emma walks away from the platypus and walks over to Insa.

"Are you alright?"


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5 minutes ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

Forest of Tal'rin

"I see you already know how to summon your sword. There is not much I can teach you, but Calano and Bookwyrm could surely teach you better than I can."

Emma points to ground and a portal opens up into the clinic.

"If you want, there are much better teachers in there for you. And there are those that can scratch your urge for adventure. Or...hmm."

Emma thoughtfully taps her chin, "perhaps I could send you to my twin, he could teach you and he isn't trying to solve any puzzle currently like my beloved Calano."

Forest of Tal'rin

"That seems like it could work well. Sure, I'll trust you."

Platypus jumps into the portal.


@Ookla the Myopic

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Forest of Tal’rin

Rue stands back up and rushes the dummies. This time she lasts 30 seconds. She, however, does not find her own pain so amusing. “This isn’t fair!” She says petulantly. “I don’t like swords anyway.”

@Ookla the Myopic

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2 hours ago, Ookla the platypus said:

Forest of Tal'rin

"That seems like it could work well. Sure, I'll trust you."

Platypus jumps into the portal.


@Ookla the Myopic

Falling through a brief tunnel of blackness, Platypus lands into a slate grey room with a single window. There appears to be nobody in the room.

@Ookla the platypus

2 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Forest of Tal'rin

Insa smiles a little. "I'm fine... I think. I'm finding my own pain quite amusing."

@Ookla the Myopic

"Enjoyment in the pain or laughing at your own failure? It is important to make the distinction, one will become a great leader, the other a psycopath."

1 hour ago, Ookla the Ta'veren said:

Forest of Tal’rin

Rue stands back up and rushes the dummies. This time she lasts 30 seconds. She, however, does not find her own pain so amusing. “This isn’t fair!” She says petulantly. “I don’t like swords anyway.”

@Ookla the Myopic

 Emma raises an eyebrow fractionally.

"Of course it's not fair, when fighting your opponent will use every trick in the book against you. And quite a few new ones. You must learn how to fight, because these worlds are heading towards war, the Kaos will find everyone when it breaks free. You must be ready to fight against it and quite possibly me, if I should fall to it again."

@Ookla the Ta'veren @InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @Ookla the Floofy

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1 hour ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Forest of Tal'rin

Insa pauses. "At my failure. The pain hurts."

@Ookla the Myopic

"Good, never forget that. Never let the pain become a pleasure and you will do well."

1 hour ago, Ookla the Ta'veren said:

Forest of Tal’rin

“Wait. You mean to say that you were evil? And you might be evil again? And we get to fight you? Can you please make me a list of every weakness you have, just in case?”

@Ookla the Myopic

4 minutes ago, Ookla the Pencil Taxi said:

Stormy whacks at the dummy, occasionally getting smacked, not too hard. As one hits her harder than the others and hurts far more, she yells, "OW!" and then realizes it is overly loud and blushes.

Emma waves her hands and all the dummies sink into the ground.

"Come over her Rue and Stormy. I have something to tell you. About my past and about the Kaos."

@InfiniteInsanity @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @Ookla the Ta'veren

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The Sixth Archive

If someone had walked by, they would have seen Thaidakar slumped on the ground, face in his arms. He probably would've been mistaken for being asleep, except for the fact that he twitched occasionally, moaning. 

Was he pathetic? maybe. Was he a coward? To him, perhaps. 

A voice came from the glitching pattern near his side, "Thaidakar... it's been so long..."

"Go away!" yelled Thaidakar hoarsely, not looking up. "You killed her... you were the blade..."

"You wielded that blade, Thaid'." said Glyph flatly.

"Why are you back?" said Thaidakar looking up finally. His face was red, streams of dried tears were on his cheeks. His glasses had a small crack in each lens, the one on the left was more pronounced. "Why now? It's been..." he hesitated.

"It's been five hundred years, Thaidakar," said Glyph softly, sadly even. "You realize... you realize you killed me, right?"

Thaidakar paled, "Glyph... I'm broken. I'm shattered. The shadow on that one day... it wasn't what you think. It wasn't Shadow as you probably have guessed. It was... something else. It was something to aggravate a part of my mind. I've lost hope, Glyph. I'm sorry I killed you, but it seems you've come back."

Glyph buzzed softly, "the radiants were all broken. Every single one."

"They were shards of swords that could be reforged, they could be recovered. I'm... I'm beyond recovery." whispered Thaidakar. "Maybe I should give in to it..."

"You mustn't think like that, Thaidakar." said Glyph.

"I know... I know... just leave me alone. Just for a few hours. I need to... think." Thaidakar slumped back down and shivered.

Glyph turned, hovering slightly as he went away.

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21 hours ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

The Clinic: Library


Bookwyrm's eyes widened.

"I've never heard of Ilyat'en. And I'm a member of the Worldseers."

Bookwyrm spun and ran into the depths of the library. He came back a minute later holding a very old book written in a mix of Ilyat'en runes and original Worldseer runes.

He placed it on a desk and ran a hand through his hair. "This confirms a suspicion that I've had for a while...but I wasn't sure until now." He skimmed a page, waiting until he found a specific line.

"There was...an offshoot. A separate organization. A group of Worldseers began exploring these universes, but then were for some reason separated from the main body. I'm a member of that main body." 

Some would say I'm the leader of that main body... he thought, but kept that thought to himself.

"This is why I hadn't heard of the Archives until now. And why it seemed like I was blazing a trail at the same time there was evidence of other Worldseers. It makes sense now..."

"The only question that I still have is this: where are these separate Worldseers? We've seen their runes and their Archives, but...we haven't met any of them. The only other Worldseers I know in these universes came with me from places that I know. All of the offshoot Worldseers are gone...perhaps they're headquartered at Ilyat'en?"

Bookwyrm sighed. "This changes a lot. But...it's not relevant right now. Let's just focus on deciphering this. I'm fairly certain it will lead us to the Sixth Archive. Wherever that is.

"As for the storm rune...I think we might need Insa."

An offshoot organisation of the Worldseers? The implications bounced round Matra’s head, but Bookwyrm was right. Not relevant right now. Focus.

”Can we get Insa? Or should we leave her to her… whatever she’s doing?

”And Pyro, how are you getting on with those coordinates?”

@Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Perpetual @PyroPhile

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