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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

The realm of the Tiger

Wizard raises an eyebrow, well this is going to be interesting. 

"Alright, first make an overhead strike at me."

The realm of the Tiger

Platypus brings his sword forward in a basic overhead strike

@Ookla the Myopic

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Insanity Clinic: Library

"We needed Insa, we've discovered where the Archive- rather, the door to the Archive- is, but it's blocked by a storm, and Insa is skilled in that magic."

Calano reached out to touch Emma's cheek. "How are you really?" He asked. "Doing okay? You know you can tell me."

@Ookla the Myopic

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2 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insanity Clinic: Library

Insa spun around to face Bookwyrm. "What do you want me to do?" She wasn't very happy that she had to stop sparing.

@Ookla the Perpetual

Insanity Clinic: Library

Bookwyrm could sense that Insa was somewhat unhappy. 

She probably was enjoying whatever she was doing with Emma, he thought. I'm glad she was able to get help...

He briefly shot her an apologetic glance before diving into his explanation.

"The information we decoded from the runes in the Tal'rin cellar have given us coordinates that lead to a small room on a distant planet in another universe. We think that the room is the gateway into the Sixth Archive. The planet, however, is wracked by a powerful storm, one that has an influence that extends into a more dimensional plane. In other words, we can't simply teleport there unless someone disrupts the storm."

Bookwyrm turned to Insa. "I think that person is supposed to be you."

@Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Myopic

Edited by Ookla the Perpetual
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30 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Insanity Clinic: Library

"We needed Insa, we've discovered where the Archive- rather, the door to the Archive- is, but it's blocked by a storm, and Insa is skilled in that magic."

Calano reached out to touch Emma's cheek. "How are you really?" He asked. "Doing okay? You know you can tell me."

@Ookla the Myopic

Insanity Clinic: Library

"The Kaos pushes harder each day. I have to get rid of more and more each day. And Telrao, that amazing cat, she helps as much as she can. But there is only so much that we can handle."

4 minutes ago, Ookla the Ta'veren said:

Insanity clinic: Library

“Hey,” Rue waves, “can someone tell me where we are and what we’re doing?”

@Ookla the Myopic

"We're back in the clinic, and we're planning a mission to enter a worldseer Archive."

1 minute ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insanity Clinic: Library

"How would I disrupt said storm?"

@Ookla the Perpetual

Emma hearing Insa's question responds.

"You have the power inside of you, you just need to trust what it tells you to do. Most powers come from a god and that is why you instinctively know what to do. Trust your power and the control that you now have."

Emma locks eyes with Insa, "trust what you have learned."

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15 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insanity Clinic: Library

"How would I disrupt said storm?"

@Ookla the Perpetual


5 minutes ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

"You have the power inside of you, you just need to trust what it tells you to do. Most powers come from a god and that is why you instinctively know what to do. Trust your power and the control that you now have."

Emma locks eyes with Insa, "trust what you have learned."

Insanity Clinic: Library

Bookwyrm nodded. "Emma is right. You have more skill than you realize." He met Insa's eyes. "I should have helped you realize that sooner, and I'm sorry. Sometimes I'm not the teacher I think I am. I hope I can do better in the future."

Bookwyrm held out his hand to Insa. "I can show you to where you need to go, but as for what to do, you'll have to figure that out on your own. Take my hand. I'll show you where the storm is."

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2 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insanity Clinic: Library

Insa nodded. She grabbed his hand. "Show me."

@Ookla the Perpetual

Insanity Clinic: Library

Bookwyrm closed his eyes and forged a connection to Insa's mind. Then, he reached out, searching out the location detailed by the coordinates.

Here, he said, showing Insa the distant world. It orbited a red sun, and it's surface was completely obscured by layers of swirling gray clouds. Flashes of lightning glimmered on and off constantly on the nightside.

This is it. We need you to use your powers to make a hole in the storm. An eye. Long enough for a strike team to get through.

Even as he showed Insa the stormy world, he sent a message to Calano and Emma.

Gather anyone who is going to come on the Archive expedition. We're leaving soon.

@Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Myopic

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The Sixth Archive

Thaidakar sat in quiet contemplation, his tears long dried. He was broken, he was battered, he'd been running for so long... perhaps it was time to stop running. Something in himself seemed to cringe at the implication. Thaidakar ignored it, he'd been holding on for so long... was it time to finally let go? 

He stood up, ignoring the floating armor surrounded by that red glow. Thaidakar shivered with anticipation. The thing in his mind seemed to be excited. Suddenly, a horrifying thought came to him. If you let go, what will happen to Calano, Bookwyrm, Emma and the rest? No, he couldn't let go. At least, not yet. He couldn't seize that power. He couldn't confront it yet. No, not yet, perhaps not ever. 

He shivered, this was going to be harder than before. He resisted the desire to just let go fiercely by thinking of what could happen to the others if he did do it. An overpowering desire to do it hit him like a truck and he gripped his head, yelling. 

Why do you have to not take the power? It could help you so much... the thing seemed to be saying.

"Because of what I did to Lerya last time..." he whispered. Glyph's pattern buzzed nearby. "I have to hold on... if not for me, for Lerya. I owe her this and much, much more..."

"Truth..." said Glyph softly. "Confront it..."

"I- I killed her. Glyph, I killed her!" He was crying again, tears streaming down his face. "I did it..." he slumped down again. "Why do you have to do this, Glyph..."

"I believe the one known as the Stormfather would've said... these words are accepted." Glyph said happily. "Truth is powerful, Thaidakar. You were on the brink of finally giving up. The only think keeping you from falling off of the edge of the cliff is the knowledge of Lerya. Thaidakar, I've learned some things... the thing that's in you it-"

"I don't want to hear it," whispered Thaidakar. "You seem incapable of listening to my commands, Glyph. Just go away... I told you to before, but you seem incapable of doing what I command. Why don't you go find some other person. Someone not as broken as me, someone... someone who didn't kill an entire universe's worth of people."

Glyph buzzed softly, but went away. 

"I hate you..." Thaidakar said to the thing inside him and partially to himself. "I hate you for all you've done to me and to them..." He had to keep holding on, no matter what. He had to. It was simple as that. No matter the cost, he couldn't let the power free itself.

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5 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

Insanity Clinic: Library

I'm ready. Calano shot back, just tell me when.

@Ookla the Perpetual

Insanity Clinic: Library

I am also ready, broadcasts Emma.

Emma quietly whispers to Calano, "I-i can feel the Kaos. And soon I will be running on a narrow cliff ledge, knives on either side. One slip and I fall to darkness."

@Ookla the Crow

3 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

He stood up, ignoring the floating armor surrounded by that red glow. Thaidakar shivered with anticipation. The thing in his mind seemed to be excited. Suddenly, a horrifying thought came to him. If you let go, what will happen to Calano, Bookwyrm, Emma and the rest? No, he couldn't let go. At least, not yet. He couldn't seize that power. He couldn't confront it yet. No, not yet, perhaps not ever. 



Well...Emma might tap too far into the Kaos and end up killing him and becoming a angel/goddess of death and kaos.


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Insanity Clinic: Library

"I don't know, for now I guess limit how much of my powers I use. But still use some otherwise I risk too much Kaos energy in my body and thus possession."

Emma seems to grow small, "I don't really have a permanent solution. Perhaps Layra might know something."

@Ookla the Crow

8 hours ago, Ookla the platypus said:

The realm of the Tiger

Platypus brings his sword forward in a basic overhead strike

@Ookla the Myopic

The realm of the Tiger

As the sword flashes down towards Wizard, his own blade flashes up, intercepting and blocking Platypus's strike.

"Good you know one end of the sword from another."

@Ookla the platypus

Edited by Ookla the Myopic
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Insanity Clinic: Library

Insa focused on the storm. They wanted a break, an  eye, and calm. It was easier to shoot sparks when she was angry or frustrated, so maybe... 

Insa calmed her emotions pushing energy to toward the storm and a break in the storm appeared. I can keep it there for like 30 minutes.

@Ookla the Perpetual

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Just now, InfiniteInsanity said:

Insanity Clinic: Library

Insa focused on the storm. They wanted a break, an  eye, and calm. It was easier to shoot sparks when she was angry or frustrated, so maybe... 

Insa calmed her emotions pushing energy to toward the storm and a break in the storm appeared. I can keep it there for like 30 minutes.

@Ookla the Perpetual

Insanity Clinic: Library

Bookwyrm opened his eyes and looked around the room.

"If we're going, we need to go now."


I'm just pinging everyone that might want to be involved in the Sixth Archive raid. If you can't join, that's fine.

@Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Myopic @Ookla the Shadowed @PyroPhile @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @Ookla the Ta'veren 

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood


Thaidakar, let us know when you're ready.


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25 minutes ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

Insanity Clinic: Library

Bookwyrm opened his eyes and looked around the room.

"If we're going, we need to go now."

@Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Myopic @Ookla the Shadowed @PyroPhile @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @Ookla the Ta'veren 

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood


“I’m coming.” Matra sets her jaw, determined.


Last day of term meaning it’s a half day meaning I can go home and RP yayyyy


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1 hour ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

Thaidakar, let us know when you're ready.


So, this is really good/really bad timing for me. I miiiight be able to do a scene or two in the next hour or so, but after that I'll be doing stuff with some friends until in the afternoon for me. We'll see how this goes.


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Insanity Clinic: Library

Calano took Emma into his arms, holding her, trying to leech peace into her. "We'll find a way," He whispered, looking past Emma at the wall. He glanced down at the map, then over at Bookwyrm. He locked eyes with Bookwyrm and nodded.

"We're ready." Calano said.

@Ookla the Perpetual

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Insanity Clinic: Library

Emma clings to Calano, desperately trying to find peace and solace in him and his words. "Why can we never find any peace?"

Sighing Emma leans back into Calano, closing her eyes and absorbing his presence, his calming presence. Calano always helped push the darkness away. His light helped calm the darkness inside of her.

@Ookla the Crow

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Insanity Clinic: Library

Calano kissed the top of Emma's head. "Peace never finds us. Oh, it searches, and watches for us, and we for it, but it never finds it's way towards us." He says.

"Are you ready to go now? We ned to find the Archive. Hopefully it has information that can help you, and help us defeat Kaos."

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