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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Rue nods, looking calmer. Thank goodness he said no. But I had to offer, for Insa. She walks back towards the trees. "Do you still want to throw things at these?" She says quietly to Insa. "You can use daggers if you want." 


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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Emma looks up, sensing Nameless arriving through the wyrmhole.

This is going to be trouble. 

But she can't make herself care about it. That is until she senses Nameless become bonded and Rue being dropped into the Aryth ocean.

I have an idea that might work. I could immitate the mistress of novices but that would be too easy. I have a better idea.

As Nameless comes over and sits down near her, Emma softly whispers, "bonded against your will? A similar thing happened to my twin Wizard the last time we visited your world. I can break the bond but it will require agreement from you and Rue. But I can't aquire that permission, you must aquire it."


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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Nameless snorted softly. "She could break the bond if she wanted. Although, she said that she can't, even if she did want to, so your method might be helpful." He glanced at Rue over his shoulder, lowering his voice down to a barely audible whisper. "Do you think it would be alright to use compulsion? It's too late to balefire her."

@The Wandering Wizard @Aes Sedai

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Ima just say, this is kinda funny to read. 

Btw, Thaidakar used to have callandor, but he when he used it, he didn't use saidin. The sword was sent drifting into the multiverse by the dark entity guy who I haven't named yet.


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1 hour ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Insa watches Nameless walk away. She still didn't quite understand what was going on. "Actually can you explain a little more. I'm still confused about what's going on."

@Aes Sedai

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Rue sighs. "There's a lot to explain. Essentially, I created a bond between us against his will. Normally, that wouldn't be acceptable, but he can channel. He's a danger to everyone around him." Then she sighs. "Perhaps I was too hasty, but I've sworn oaths, Insa, oaths I can't break. Not just the three oaths, the ones all Aes Sedai share. The reds...we swear our own oaths, when we choose to enter the Ajah. To make sure everyone is truly committed to our purpose. I swore that I would take any opportunity to either bond, gentle, or kill men who could channel." She looks down. "And I swore that if I succeeded at gentling or bonding one, I wouldn't release the bond." She sneers at where Emma and Nameless are talking. "Not that I think he should be freed. He's dangerous, very dangerous."


It was extremely fun to participate in also, I appreciated it.

@InfiniteInsanity @UnfortunatelyNamed

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27 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Nameless snorted softly. "She could break the bond if she wanted. Although, she said that she can't, even if she did want to, so your method might be helpful." He glanced at Rue over his shoulder, lowering his voice down to a barely audible whisper. "Do you think it would be alright to use compulsion? It's too late to balefire her."

@The Wandering Wizard @Aes Sedai

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

A primal growl rises in Emma's throat as she fiercely whispers, "No! You will not use compulsion or balefire her. You will do it honestly without any guile or tricks. Otherwise it won't work."


22 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

The realm of the Tiger

"Thank you, I feel like that one will be the easiest for me, I'm semi-aquatic so I'm kind of used to this. The others I won't perform as well, I feel."

Platypus allows his Blade to change into a shortsword instead of his usual lengthy sword and begins the routine again. This time, however, he is fighting the air. He moves as though he is surrounded by enemies devoted to killing him, swiping, lunging, and rolling away. His sword morphs into a short dagger as water vapor collects around him into humanoid shapes that he fights all while dancing around them. He speeds up as he moves around the warriors. His dagger changes into his typical Blade as he deals death blows to the water figures. The blade dissolves and collects back into a staff as he dodges a fist, then he blocks two swords on his staff and moves on, hitting the figures as he moves. His staff reconfigures into a crushing mace as he charges into the midst of them, smashing and defeating. He slows down slightly at the heavier weapon, but as the vapor figures lessen, his mace returns to it's normal Blade form and he speeds up to a blur to almost anyone's eyes (maybe Wizard can see him, I don't know how good his eyesight is and I don't want to God mod), then he parries a thrust, swipes his sword in a circle, then disarms the last of the shapes and it dissolves into a puddle. Platypus' eyes refocus and he realizes that he accidentally covered both him and Wizard in water.

"Oops. I guess that's what happens when you fight a bunch of water warriors. That felt... invigorating. Like there was nothing that could stop me. Like I was coming awake for the first time in my entire life. I still feel awake, but I'm slipping back to what I've been for the rest of my life. I guess drowsy is the best word. Slow, unthinking. It almost felt like I was moving fast enough that I could've hit you. I probably couldn't have, but it felt like I could." Platypus says.

@The Wandering Wizard

The realm of the Tiger

Wizard watches as Platypus moves through the stances and learns the same lesson he had learned. Water stance is best for light weapons only. 

As Platypus speeds up he seems to stop moving through molasses and instead at a normal speed and Wizard grins.

"Good you," Wizard is cut off by the water splashing down onto him. Ruffled, he shakes himself and the water disappears.

"Good you are learning quite quickly. And yes these stances can make it feel like you a first waking up. Just wait til you make your own stances that are the best fit for you. As you probably felt slightly off since that was the modified water stance that I use. But wait to experiment with your own water stance. Time is running out and I still have three stances left to teach you."

@Being of Cacophony

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13 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

A primal growl rises in Emma's throat as she fiercely whispers, "No! You will not use compulsion or balefire her. You will do it honestly without any guile or tricks. Otherwise it won't work."


Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"I don't know compulsion anyways. They don't teach it in the Tower, even to those training for war." Nameless sighed, releasing saidin. As he did so, the world around him dulled, and his thoughts drifted back to the events at the tower. Maybe this is for the best. I haven't done much good with my powers anyways. Reaching into his pocket, Nameless took out two pins. "Emma, how are you doing? Haven't seen you since the wedding. You and Calano alright?"

@Aes Sedai

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8 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"What make these Asha'man people more dangerous than the rest of us? I mean lots of us channel different types of magics and pretty much all of us have weapons. What makes them more dangerous? More needed to be controlled?"

@Aes Sedai


Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Rue looks at Insa for a moment, then shrugs. “Again, there’s a lot you need to understand. We have different parts of the One Power. The male half is called Saidin, and it is tainted, making its users go insane. They caused the Breaking of the World, which is exactly what it sounds like.” Rue glances at Nameless, then back at Insa. “Some say that the source has been cleansed, that the taint is gone. But even if it was gone, those who have been channeling since before it was cleansed aren’t completely sane. And I’m not sure it is gone, with the way most of them act.” She sighed. “Insa, they’ve done bad things to the world, and to me personally. I will not let them harm others that way.”


20 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"I don't know compulsion anyways. They don't teach it in the Tower, even to those training for war." Nameless sighed, releasing saidin. As he did so, the world around him dulled, and his thoughts drifted back to the events at the tower. Maybe this is for the best. I haven't done much good with my powers anyways. Reaching into his pocket, Nameless took out two pins. "Emma, how are you doing? Haven't seen you since the wedding. You and Calano alright?"

@Aes Sedai


Is there a specific reason I was summoned? I didn’t think we could hear your conversation  


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27 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:



His emotions changed, and Rue might have seen him putting on his pins. 

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Nameless turned towards the Aes Sedai, suddenly curious. "Did you say that some male channelers have been claiming that saidin is cleansed? For how long, exactly? And what's the situation with the tower? Who's Amyrlin?"

Edited by UnfortunatelyNamed
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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Rue raised an eyebrow, feeling a change through the bond. “So you do care.” She frowned, eyeing him suspiciously. “How long have you been away from our world? They’ve been claiming the source is cleansed since the end of the 3rd age, nearly 50 years ago.” She pursed her lips at the sight of his pins. “And as for the Amyrlin, I don’t know. I’ve been gone from the Tower for a long time, and they were arguing over a new one when I left.”


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24 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Rue raised an eyebrow, feeling a change through the bond. “So you do care.” She frowned, eyeing him suspiciously. “How long have you been away from our world? They’ve been claiming the source is cleansed since the end of the 3rd age, nearly 50 years ago.” She pursed her lips at the sight of his pins. “And as for the Amyrlin, I don’t know. I’ve been gone from the Tower for a long time, and they were arguing over a new one when I left.”


Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"Wait, 50 years? Storms, I thought you'd be from sometime during the 3rd age." Nameless shook his head. "You red Ajah really are stubborn, aren't you? And to answer your question, I've been away from our world for... I don't know. Twenty, maybe thirty minutes?"

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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Rue blinked. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more confusing sentence in my life. But wait. If you’re from the Black Tower…and you’ve only been gone for thirty minutes…how do you not know anything?”


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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"Came from the Black Tower?" Nameless shook his head. "No, I came from the Tower of Ghenjei. I was helping..." He trailed off, and Rue felt a spike of sorrow and guilt through the bond, along with an overwhelming sense of worthlessness. "I don't need to tell you what I was doing. I didn't go to the Black Tower because I wasn't sure where in the timeline we were. Time can be a bit... weird. With my method of dimensional travel, at least."

@Aes Sedai

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Ravelast: Sixth Gateway Archive

Rue sighs. “Why doesn’t anyone ever tell me these things? That makes more sense. Who are those other people, though?” Light, Nameless’ emotions are strong. Pushing her annoyance down, she sends a burst of confidence through the bond. 

@InfiniteInsanity @UnfortunatelyNamed

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Ravelast: Sixth Gateway Archive

Rue subtly shook her head at Insa. His feelings were much too strong for these people to be ‘fine’. Since confidence wasn’t working…she let her annoyance at him grow. Maybe he’d put that guilt to use and stop feeling so many things. 

@InfiniteInsanity @UnfortunatelyNamed

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Ravelast: Sixth Gateway Archive

Nameless felt Rue's annoyance through the bond, and anger flared up to replace guilt. How dare she feel annoyed by my emotions! Pretentious Aes Sedai! After what I've been through? "You have something to say to me, say it to my face! Don't try to manipulate me with this storming bond. I might not be able to kill you, but I can make your life miserable."

@Aes Sedai @InfiniteInsanity

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Ravelast: Sixth Gateway Archive

Rue glared at him, eyes filled with hatred. “Why would I have anything to say to you? And as for making my life miserable, you and your people already have.” She opened her mouth to say more, but caught herself. He didn’t need to know about…that. Any of that. And she was Aes Sedai; getting angry was beneath her. She took a breath, once again the image of serenity. But she couldn’t dispel the anger burning within her. 


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Ravelast: Sixth Gateway Archive

Nameless felt Rue's anger and glared at her, getting even more furious. "What do you have to be angry about? I'm the one who's been bonded against his will. I'm the one you're planning to use as a weapon for the White Tower! If you don't decide I'm too dangerous to leave ungentled, that is."

@Aes Sedai

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Ravelast: Sixth Gateway Archive

Rue quivered with anger. That flaming, goat loving man. I ought to—no. No. I’m past this. I’m better than this. She shook her head. “You’re all the same. Acting so caring, so protecting. But you don’t care. You don’t pay attention. And when one of you burns down a village or two…when your recruiting parties bully every man in the village into being tested, into leaving, and the village can’t produce enough to pay, when the Lords and Ladies get angry…When your insanity gets the better of you, and it will, it always does, what will you do? What have you done already?” Rue realizes her eyes feel wet. Surprising. She hasn’t cried in a very, very long time. “Light knows we have no reason to be angry. Brush us under the rug, and watch what happens.” She stalks away, trying, and failing, to regain her composure. 


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