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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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2 hours ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"I have a name, Rue. Would it really be so bad to use it?"

@Aes Sedai


1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"My people, your word of dryad will work well enough. It is similar to the word in our own language, a word you would find hard to produce."

Sylva stares at the one called Nameless, what a strange name that was. How could one be called Nameless and not have a name? But she kept her questions inside as he started  glaring at Rue the same time she glared at him. How strange and how synchronized it was. She could even see the beginnings of a scowl on one of their faces, yet they seemed to reflect each other. Something she had only seen in the other gheareants who had truly began to meld with their trees. The most enviable state that a gheareant could attain. 

Shaking her head she turned her head towards the worrying one, glad to see something other than the smoldering anger between the two strangest strangers.

"No my tree takes care of all my needs. I am fine now that I have my tree."

She turned to the one who bled darkness into the world, it wasn't just that. It was that she seemed to be carrying a great burden. A burden that seemed to increase in weight when she stared at Sylva. Sylva wasn't going to be one to let that bother her instead turning back to the other three preparing to answer their questions that they would have. Anything to not have to face that hollow gaze, those pain racked eyes, the tortured soul, one who had stared into the depths of the darkness and lost a part of themselves staring back at it. She shivered, her people called such people, yerrgons, those who were already dead.

@InfiniteInsanity @Aes Sedai @UnfortunatelyNamed

Emma stared at the strange girl, who seemed to be growing up at a rapid rate. Far faster than anything natural she had seen before, but not the unnatural speed of growth sped up by magic. Perhaps it was a magically enhanced growth, but Emma wasn't quite sure. That however wasn't what was bothering her. The girl looked like her friend that she had last seen before the scourage. The last time she'd visited her hometown she had seen the grave of Annabell herself.


1 hour ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Nameless broke off his glare at Rue to look back At Sylva. "I'm glad you're alright. So, what brings you here? Sightseeing? Or are you looking for this archive thing too?" His voice was kind, but his eyes had a hint of suspicion as he examined the strange girl.

@The Wandering Wizard

Rue scoffs. “Nameless? That isn’t a name, that’s a child’s insecure joke.” She watches the strange girl and her even stranger tree. Reminds me of an ogier. It seems like a nice life, a peaceful life. “How many of you are there? Do you have other powers or advantages that come from the trees?” She flinches. The brown side of her hadn’t come out since she was a novice.


That’s kinda funny. I almost did make that my username, but it seemed too close to robin sedai. I keep trying to do @ nameless. 

@The Wandering Wizard @UnfortunatelyNamed

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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Insa rolled her eyes. Why can't they talk without bickering? She smiled at Sylva. "That's good. I'm glad your tree takes care of you." She looks at Sylva noting all the changes as she grows older. "I'm Insa. Your name is very pretty. I like it."

@The Wandering Wizard

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10 hours ago, Aes Sedai said:

Rue scoffs. “Nameless? That isn’t a name, that’s a child’s insecure joke.” She watches the strange girl and her even stranger tree. Reminds me of an ogier. It seems like a nice life, a peaceful life. “How many of you are there? Do you have other powers or advantages that come from the trees?” She flinches. The brown side of her hadn’t come out since she was a novice.

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Nameless coughed, looking uncomfortable. "It's... lost in translation. My name isn't actually Nameless, that's just the best substitute I could get in this language."

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18 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Nameless coughed, looking uncomfortable. "It's... lost in translation. My name isn't actually Nameless, that's just the best substitute I could get in this language."

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Rue rolled her eyes. “Uh huh. I’m sure you’re very grudging about it. Storming Asha’man.” Think they’re so much better than…no. No! I’m better than this. I am Aes Sedai of the red Ajah, and I will not let some light cursed man make me a fool. “Hey, Sylva, are all these trees bonded to your people?” She’s suddenly very glad that she didn’t shoot any of them. 

@The Wandering Wizard @UnfortunatelyNamed
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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"Yes, the forest is behind the mountains, if you were closer you would be able to see the tops of the trees."

Sylva ignores Rue's rapid fire questions instead engaging Insa.

"Thank you, my tree choose it."

Rue's third question reaches Sylva and she leans back hard against her tree for support.

"These...these are all once bonded trees."

@InfiniteInsanity @UnfortunatelyNamed @Aes Sedai

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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Insa looked at Sylva. She felt a little weird about rapid firing questions to her. After all since she lived here they were the ones intruding. Insa thought for a moment. "Okay, Sylva since we're the ones intruding it doesn't seem very fair to me that we're asking you so many things. Have any questions for us?"

@The Wandering Wizard

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Just now, InfiniteInsanity said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"Well we didn't actually know how long it would take." Insa turned to Rue. "Its a giant archive filled with things you can't find anywhere else. It's bound to take them a while."

@Aes Sedai @The Wandering Wizard

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

“That’s true, although no one told me anything about this archive beforehand.” Rue laughs. “I barely know where we are!”


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On 25/12/2022 at 5:13 PM, The Bookwyrm said:

Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Pathway-The Hallway

"I don't often talk to her when others are around," Bookwyrm replied. "Windaphra is...an interesting Honorspren, to say the least." He paused for a moment, then turned to an empty spot of air. "Well, what else do you want me to say?"

Bookwyrm sighed and shook his head. "Nevermind." He turned to Calano. "So, are we good to get down the hallway with a Lashing?"


“Ah, that makes sense.” Matra smiled in what she hoped was the general direction of the honorspren.

”I’m good to be Lashed, if Calano is.”

@The Bookwyrm @CalanoCorvus


I searched through almost three pages to find the last post in this plotline :P


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On 12/28/2022 at 9:11 AM, Aes Sedai said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

“That’s true, although no one told me anything about this archive beforehand.” Rue laughs. “I barely know where we are!”


"Do any of us actually know where we are? Other than where Bookwyrm, Pyro, Matra, and Calano brought us?" Insa glances a Sylva. "And of course what Sylva has told us."

@Aes Sedai @UnfortunatelyNamed @The Wandering Wizard

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2 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

"Do any of us actually know where we are? Other than where Bookwyrm, Pyro, Matra, and Calano brought us?" Insa glances a Sylva. "And of course what Sylva has told us."

@Aes Sedai @UnfortunatelyNamed @The Wandering Wizard

Nameless shook his head. “No, I’ve never been here before, and honestly don’t know why everyone’s here. Something to do with Kaos?”

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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Insa nodded again. "Calano and Emma's parents home. At least their parents are now taking refuge in the clinic but I'm pretty sure there are more people from their home. There are people from the village Tal'rin there too but the Ember wasn't connected to Kaos. I think." Insa glanced back at Emma and then lowered her voice so that only Nameless could hear. "I think Emma is struggling with her connection to it too but I don't think she'll admit it."


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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Insa bit her lip. "I'm not 100% certain. As far as I know, Calano and Emma's homeworld is gone. They barely made it out. But with Kaos' prison I think the situation is more like its being kept in a box and someone poked a hole in it and now it's oozing through the hole. I don't think he's all the way free yet."


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