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Dreamscape: Sixth Archive pathway - Hallway

Matra fell. It was the oddest sensation, and yet she didn’t feel unsafe, if only for Bookwyrm’s hand on her arm steering her in the right direction. “How long… is this… hallway?” she shouted over the rushing wind in her ears.

@The Bookwyrm @CalanoCorvus

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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"Okay so, wherever I lived there was this tyrant guy he took over when I was little. And everything he did just progressively got worse and worse. And by the time I was old enough to make some of my own decisions I was really really fed up with it. So I got involved with these people they did small things to get back at him and then we got caught. Our punishment was to be sent to these camp things and they didn't tell us anything except we weren't allowed to have weapons with us. And I don't know why but they sent my whole family with me." She looked at the ground biting her lip. "Then they sent giant wolves into the camp. And they were attacking and I just automatically summoned my sword and started using it. So they pulled me out of camp for the night. They used my sword against me and cut me across my back. Then they stitched it up and made me watch for the rest of the night. They all died and I had to watch." She looked up. "I did four of those camps. Each one lasted about a month. They sent the wolves in every night. I'm not sure how I'm still here."


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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"Fair." Nameless stood up, yawning. "If you ever do want to go back there for whatever reason, I'll be happy to join you. That tyrant sounds like he has a lot of hurt coming for him. For now, I think I'm going to get some rest." He walked over to an empty spot in the clearing and set up his sleeping bag, then rolled up and went to sleep.


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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Insa leans back against a tree and looks out of the people sleeping. Then she realizes she is the only one awake over here. "Um. Rue? Emma? If either of you can hear me I'd rather not be alone after that."

@Aes Sedai @The Wandering Wizard

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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"I hear you," Rue says. She's sitting with her back against a tree. "The wolves hate me more than the rest of you, but the Compulsion will keep them away. Still, I probably won't be sleeping much anyway."


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On 1/2/2023 at 6:57 PM, Being of Cacophony said:

The realm of the Tiger

"Why is time running out? Actually, don't answer that, I'd rather learn the other stances then have that knowledge. I'm sure I'll realize it eventually anyway."

@The Wandering Wizard

The realm of the Tiger

"The time draws near. Now to teach you Fire stance."

The weapon of the tigers shifts into a two handed claymore. And a legion of solid metal dummies surrounds Wizard and Platypus. Wizard pauses and holds his weapon pointed at the nearest dummies heart. Both freeze, breath hanging in the air.

The dummies surge at Wizard as he blazes into motion. The sword swings in brutal heavy arcs, each swing slicing through solid metal.

The heat of a furnace burns around Wizard, melting the dummies as soon as they try to get close. Each swing of the sword finishing the slag dummies off. The heat of the fire peaks, reaching the blazing furry of a dragon. All around, the dummies collapse, melting into puddles of liquid metal. The heat too great for them to keep their form.

"Fire stance is all about heavy hitting. The harder you hit, the bigger you blaze. Keep up the aggression and you will blaze to new heights."

@Being of Cacophony

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22 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The realm of the Tiger

"The time draws near. Now to teach you Fire stance."

The weapon of the tigers shifts into a two handed claymore. And a legion of solid metal dummies surrounds Wizard and Platypus. Wizard pauses and holds his weapon pointed at the nearest dummies heart. Both freeze, breath hanging in the air.

The dummies surge at Wizard as he blazes into motion. The sword swings in brutal heavy arcs, each swing slicing through solid metal.

The heat of a furnace burns around Wizard, melting the dummies as soon as they try to get close. Each swing of the sword finishing the slag dummies off. The heat of the fire peaks, reaching the blazing furry of a dragon. All around, the dummies collapse, melting into puddles of liquid metal. The heat too great for them to keep their form.

"Fire stance is all about heavy hitting. The harder you hit, the bigger you blaze. Keep up the aggression and you will blaze to new heights."

The realm of the Tiger

"Okay, I can do aggression."

The Blade morphs into a mace and the statues reform. This time, however, they have faces. Platypus sees the faces and roars. It is the roar of animals in pain, the roar of any being completely filled with rage. Platypus closes his eyes and when they open, purple and white flames dance in his eyes. They seem to be illuminated from behind them by gray light. His mace feels like a feather in his grip. Platypus lets it grow until it is about twice as large as a normal mace and feels like a normal mace in his rage-enhanced strength.

Platypus looks at Wizard, feels encouraged and dashes at the dummies, mace swirling in a fancy figure 8 motion. An arrow flies and he flicks the mace up to block it. The arrow shatters and dissolves into a puddle of super-heated metal and a flaming shaft. As Wizard watches, Platypus meets the figures, bashing and swinging.

The figures swarm him and he is blocked from any view. After enough time to make pretty much anyone worry, the temperature skyrockets. A metal figure goes flying out of the pile, almost hitting Wizard. More follow until the room is once again covered in slag. It is running down the walls, dripping from the roof, in puddles on the floor, and covering Platypus. As Wizard watches him dispatch the last of the foes, the metal on Platypus evaporates from the sheer heat projecting from him, leaving only metal dust floating in the air, having re-solidified as it left his skin.

Platypus runs laps until he has calmed down and the heat has left. He jogs over to Wizard, flames still sparking in his eyes but the back-lighting is gone. In time, the flames will dissipate until only embers remain in his pure black eyes.

"So... How was that for heavy hitting?" he says with a smile.

@The Wandering Wizard

Edited by Being of Cacophony
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Ya know what, I think I'm gonna do something that will help kickstart what I've been doing. 

It's time for Gloppy to return.

The Sixth Archive

The black, goopy mass that was Gloppy finally started to stir. Thoughts were slow for Gloppy. The chair gloppy was draped on snapped as Gloppy drew himself together. He lumbered over towards where the friend had gone. Feeling, Gloppy used to have feeling. Who was he? 

A voice came from behind, an emotionless one. The friend. "You, Gloppy." It was the angry scholar person, the friend. 

"Yes, friend?" asked Gloppy slowly, words were hard.

"Can you stay at the entrance? Someone might be coming... I can feel it. Could you tell me when they arrive?" The friend pushed the weird glass pieces up his nose, moving a bit of hair out of his face.

Gloppy processed the words, "Gloppy do as friend asks." Gloppy turned, walking towards the entrance to the archive. He didn't question what the friend asked. But... something was odd about that one. In a previous life, Gloppy might have been interested to learn more, but now... Gloppy was only a fragment of that person. A fragment with only one thing left. A hatred for the people who'd done this to him.

The Worldseers.

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On 1/4/2023 at 10:28 PM, Aes Sedai said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"Good idea." She lets out a peaceful smile. "It is good to remember better days when darkness comes."


Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"What are your better days like?"

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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Rue shrugged, smile shrinking. "For an Aes Sedai, especially when I was growing up, there are no real 'better days'. There's always something to be done, and since al'Thor..." she shakes her head. "I suppose what I'm trying to say is that there are no long periods of peace. They are simple things. For a while, all the food on our planet was constantly spoiled. After that, good food has always been a simple joy. And..." she glances at Nameless, glad he's sleeping. "Bringing in one like him has always brought joy. We are protecting our planet, our people. That feels good."


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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Rue thinks for a moment. "What else?" She murmurs quietly, almost to herself. "There are good days. There was a time that I traveled with peaceful nomads. Those were good days, the kind that make life worth living." She smiles, forgetting Insa is there as she remembers. "Days traveling in the sun, nights spent playing music and dancing. Yes, those were good days."


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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"It is easy to imagine, even after all these years. The sun, warm on my face, a cool breeze tousling my hair. The mountains scraping the sky on every side, and days from even the tiniest village. No fear, for we did not yet know..." Rue opens her eyes, demeanor darkening. "Even the best of days can only last so long." There's more she wants to say, but she doesn't want to frighten Insa again. "Perhaps we ought to sleep after all."


Edited by Aes Sedai
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Don't RP me watching, I can do that myself and any reactions for Wizard. When you write yourself going through the stances, only you and the dummies exist. Pretend that Wizard doesn't exist.

On 1/6/2023 at 11:41 AM, Being of Cacophony said:

The realm of the Tiger

"Okay, I can do aggression."

The Blade morphs into a mace and the statues reform. This time, however, they have faces. Platypus sees the faces and roars. It is the roar of animals in pain, the roar of any being completely filled with rage. Platypus closes his eyes and when they open, purple and white flames dance in his eyes. They seem to be illuminated from behind them by gray light. His mace feels like a feather in his grip. Platypus lets it grow until it is about twice as large as a normal mace and feels like a normal mace in his rage-enhanced strength.

Platypus looks at Wizard, feels encouraged and dashes at the dummies, mace swirling in a fancy figure 8 motion. An arrow flies and he flicks the mace up to block it. The arrow shatters and dissolves into a puddle of super-heated metal and a flaming shaft. As Wizard watches, Platypus meets the figures, bashing and swinging.

The figures swarm him and he is blocked from any view. After enough time to make pretty much anyone worry, the temperature skyrockets. A metal figure goes flying out of the pile, almost hitting Wizard. More follow until the room is once again covered in slag. It is running down the walls, dripping from the roof, in puddles on the floor, and covering Platypus. As Wizard watches him dispatch the last of the foes, the metal on Platypus evaporates from the sheer heat projecting from him, leaving only metal dust floating in the air, having re-solidified as it left his skin.

Platypus runs laps until he has calmed down and the heat has left. He jogs over to Wizard, flames still sparking in his eyes but the back-lighting is gone. In time, the flames will dissipate until only embers remain in his pure black eyes.

"So... How was that for heavy hitting?" he says with a smile.

Wizard watches and notes the anger that was unleashed. He had done nothing to the dummies, only Platypus's own mind could have provided them. He had been in this realm a long time and knew how to guard his mind when training. Unless he was training otherwise, Platypus would know no trick. Nor would Wizard ever teach him one. 

"You did indeed hit them hard."

And that is all that Wizard says, instead staring into Platypus's eyes. Searching if he should teach him the next two techniques.

The mental turmoil was hidden, carefully kept behind a screen.

@Being of Cacophony

On 1/4/2023 at 11:35 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Sylva's Mind

I wonder what would happen if I just-

Something clicked and the cavern of minds swung around, rotating the branches of the tree carefully. Until Emma heard a familiar voice.

"Hello there Emma."


Sylva's Mind

"Well yes. This is me and this isn't me. I am just a memory of the one you knew as Anne."


Another friend disappears in an instant and It returns. The pain, the grief, her demons come back and she is alone.

"No, you're not alone. Even though I won't live again, I am here."

Anne wraps her arms around Emma in a friendly hug. The peace of the forest settling into Emma, helping push the demons away for a little longer.

"I can't stay much longer, but you should know that something has been infe-LEAVE THE MIND WHILE YOU CAN, DAUGHTER OF DARKNESS. LEAVE."

The prescence retreats and Emma wakes up, finding that she was huging herself.

@Aes Sedai @UnfortunatelyNamed @InfiniteInsanity

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