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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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Joe nodded. "Yup."

He glanced over the landscape around him. It was beautiful, green plants everywhere, but his blood ran cold when he saw it. A potted plant. He dashed towards it, pulled out a dagger, and began slicing it to pieces--only to find that it actually wasn't in a pot. Storms. That was embarrassing.

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The Sixth Archive

Bookwyrm ran down into the center of the Archive, where the apparatus stood. A pedestal stood in the very center, surrounded by four strange pieces of metal that gathered over the top of the pedestal.

Bookwyrm took out his tome - or at least, the dream version of his tome; he was sure the effect would translate - and placed it on the pedestal.

The apparatus began to glow. Light filled the Archive, each of the shelves glowing with a white light. That light began to take shape, like threads that slowly wove through the air. They flew from every piece of information in the Archive and into the four pieces of metal. Frankly, it was beautiful.

The four metal pieces glowed brightly, then channeled their light into a beam that struck Bookwyrm's tome resting on the pedestal below. The book glowed for a moment, then the room fell dark again, leaving no indication that nothing had changed.

But when Bookwyrm opened the magic book, countless pages worth of information had been added.

He tucked the book away in his infinite pouch and turned to Matra. A sword appeared in his hand, forged with black and blue metal in with a strange design.

"Come!" he said. "We have to help Thaidakar!"

@Shadowed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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10 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

The Sixth Archive

Bookwyrm ran down into the center of the Archive, where the apparatus stood. A pedestal stood in the very center, surrounded by four strange pieces of metal that gathered over the top of the pedestal.

Bookwyrm took out his tome - or at least, the dream version of his tome; he was sure the effect would translate - and placed it on the pedestal.

The apparatus began to glow. Light filled the Archive, each of the shelves glowing with a white light. That light began to take shape, like threads that slowly wove through the air. They flew from every piece of information in the Archive and into the four pieces of metal. Frankly, it was beautiful.

The four metal pieces glowed brightly, then channeled their light into a beam that struck Bookwyrm's tome resting on the pedestal below. The book glowed for a moment, then the room fell dark again, leaving no indication that nothing had changed.

But when Bookwyrm opened the magic book, countless pages worth of information had been added.

He tucked the book away in his infinite pouch and turned to Matra. A sword appeared in his hand, forged with black and blue metal in with a strange design.

"Come!" he said. "We have to help Thaidakar!"

@Shadowed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

The Sixth Archive

Thaidakar grinned as he jumped up, higher than he should be able too, and landed on the suit of armor's head. It swung wildly at him as he grabbed onto its head, hanging on for his life. He gritted his teeth, his eyes starting to glow dark red. The suit of armor started to vibrate; it moved more lethargically. Thaidakar stuck his hand through one of the slits in the helmet and concentrated.

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4 hours ago, Aes Sedai said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

“Of course you would think insanity makes sense,” Rue muttered. 

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Insa looked at Rue confused. "We live in the Insanity Clinic of course insanity makes sense." She shook her head and turned back to Calano.

"What can I do to help you? Help you help us so that you can have a break?"


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9 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

The Sixth Archive

Bookwyrm ran down into the center of the Archive, where the apparatus stood. A pedestal stood in the very center, surrounded by four strange pieces of metal that gathered over the top of the pedestal.

Bookwyrm took out his tome - or at least, the dream version of his tome; he was sure the effect would translate - and placed it on the pedestal.

The apparatus began to glow. Light filled the Archive, each of the shelves glowing with a white light. That light began to take shape, like threads that slowly wove through the air. They flew from every piece of information in the Archive and into the four pieces of metal. Frankly, it was beautiful.

The four metal pieces glowed brightly, then channeled their light into a beam that struck Bookwyrm's tome resting on the pedestal below. The book glowed for a moment, then the room fell dark again, leaving no indication that nothing had changed.

But when Bookwyrm opened the magic book, countless pages worth of information had been added.

He tucked the book away in his infinite pouch and turned to Matra. A sword appeared in his hand, forged with black and blue metal in with a strange design.

"Come!" he said. "We have to help Thaidakar!"

@Shadowed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

The Sixth Archive

Eyes still squinting from that golden light, Matra looked at Bookwyrm nervously. “I can’t fight. My only magical abilities are those of a scholar. I don’t even have a weapon, for goodness’ sake! How am I meant to stand against a crazy magical metal being that can probably kill me with one finger?”

You do have a sword, a voice deep inside of her whispered. Your Blade. An image drifted into her head of a shining longsword, engraved with lilac and gold wyverns up and down the blade, pulling into a wicked point at the top. No.

But before she could react, that sword began to coalesce in her outstretched hand. Her Blade. She took a deep breath.

”Maybe I do have a weapon.” She spun and followed Bookwyrm towards the monster.

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On 1/13/2023 at 7:07 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Jason's Dreamscape

The bolt halts infront of Emma and she sidesteps it, letting it slam into the wall behind her.

Turning around she reenters the house and waits by Layra's side for her to wake up.



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Calano paused, regaining his composure, then he looked up.

"Find a way to kill Kaos. I don't care how, just find. A way."

He stood, adjusted his coat, and stepped away from everyone for a moment.

He looked down at his bracelet, the one from TAAron, and gently kissed it. "I will find you again. I will help you, my love." He whispered.

Jason's Dreamscape

Layra did not stir, so deep in the process of corruption that she would not wake for several more minutes. She did twitch every now and then though.

@InfiniteInsanity @The Wandering Wizard

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Jason's Dreamscape

Emma removed herself from beside Layra's side and kneeling on the floor she slammed her hands into the floor. Waves of pure Kaos roll off of Emma, the undiluted taint stank to those uninitiated to the Kaos. 

Emma smiled a wolf's grin. The Kaos smelled wonderful today, and it was time for others to experience the taint and the pure ecstasy that came from being corrupted. 

The Dreamscape shook and shivered as the taint seeped into it. The waves raced out of the house and growing as they sped up. Crashing through the strees and embracing all in comforting corruption. 


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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

Jason's Dreamscape

Emma removed herself from beside Layra's side and kneeling on the floor she slammed her hands into the floor. Waves of pure Kaos roll off of Emma, the undiluted taint stank to those uninitiated to the Kaos. 

Emma smiled a wolf's grin. The Kaos smelled wonderful today, and it was time for others to experience the taint and the pure ecstasy that came from being corrupted. 

The Dreamscape shook and shivered as the taint seeped into it. The waves raced out of the house and growing as they sped up. Crashing through the strees and embracing all in comforting corruption. 


Jason's Dreamscape

The Dreamscape, or at least, this sector of it, slowly gave in to the Darkness. Other parts of the Dreamscape would be protected by ancient Enchantments, if Emma decided to attack those as well. But Jason's Dreamscape gave in and was Corrupted, being tucked under the wing and into the fold of Kaos.

Layra frowned in her slumber, shivering slightly.

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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"By joining Bookwyrm, Matra, and apparently Thaidakar in the Archive. We're gonna go help them find it," Calano said, and turned to the portal back to the official archive Gateway.

"You with me?" He asked.


Edited by CalanoCorvus
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