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Jason's Dreamscape The Corrupted Dreamscape

Emma grimaced as the waves hit the protections.

It was of no matter, this dimension was now fully corrupted. The defenses were set and so were more than a few traps. The being didn't understand why, but Emma did. She remembered the craftiness of Calano and his group. Preventing her from experiencing this pure joy, this unfiltered power. Preventing her from becoming who she really was.

Emma spread herself out on the floor, her eyes slowly closing as she drifted of to sleep.

Only two things would wake her, actually three: Layra waking, intruders entering the dreamscape, or the Kaos's call.


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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Calano nodded, jumping through the portal. He touched the stone on the other side, beckoned Insa to join him, and promptly fell unconscious.

The Corrupted Dreamscape

Layra drifted through an expanse of darkness. An Expanse of Kaos. Layra felt cold.

Alone. Then, power. Dark, forbidden power. Deep down, Layra knew this power was awful. But it was so... inviting, at the same time. Layra reached out to touch it.

@InfiniteInsanity @The Wandering Wizard

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The Sixth Archive

Thaidakar held his hand in the helmet, concentrating. Something... was off. This was a trap, that was for sure. Was it for him? Maybe... Or, perhaps it was trained to recognize a certain energy. He adjusted his glasses with his other hand. The suit of armor moved around, trying to throw Thaidakar off it. Thaidakar gritted his teeth. He had to stop it... He reached for the thing he'd recently rejected... the power...

Something in him squirmed. Why was he accepting the power? 

Truth, Thaidakar, truth.

"I've already said oaths."

Yes, yes you have.

"Then why do I have to now?"

Because our bond was destroyed.

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Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Gateway

Calano opened his eyes and sat up. He was back in the field of black rocks. This time, he knew what he was doing. He stood, and started sprinting to the stairwell, trusting his companions would follow.

He didn't have a second to waste.

He had to find the answer. His Weakness.

@InfiniteInsanity @Aes Sedai

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Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Gateway

Rue glanced at Insa, then shrugged and followed him. This couldn’t be too different from Tel’aran’rhiod, and she visited there often enough. “Is there anything specific we’re trying to do?”


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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Nameless watched Rue touch the gateway stone, annoyed. Did she really just leave me here alone? He glanced around the clearing, eyes falling on Joe. I'm sure he can take care of things. Drawing in saidin, he put up some wards directly around the camp just in case, then ran over to the stone and touched it.

@CalanoCorvus @Aes Sedai

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Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Gateway

Calano dove down the stairwell, and the darkness tried to envelop him again. He shouted, piercing the darkness with Light. No darkness was that powerful. He knew the weakness to this darkness.

He got to the hallway, then knelt, took a deep breath, and launched himself down the hallway. No need for Lashings.

@Aes Sedai @InfiniteInsanity @UnfortunatelyNamed

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Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Gateway

Nameless stood at the top of the stairwell, looking down into the darkness. No way am I going down that thing. carefully, he wove saidin into a gateway to the bottom of the stairs, stepping through just in time to see Calano launch himself down the hallway. Quickly, he made another gateway, stepping out at the end of the hallway in front of Calano.


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20 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Layra drifted through an expanse of darkness. An Expanse of Kaos. Layra felt cold.

Alone. Then, power. Dark, forbidden power. Deep down, Layra knew this power was awful. But it was so... inviting, at the same time. Layra reached out to touch it.

The Corrupted Dreamscape.

The power arched it's back rather catlike and it transformed into a pure Kaos black cat. The cat looked into Layra's eyes and then it jumped. Soaring into Layra's eyes.

Suddenly Emma awoke, the corruption process was finally complete and she had her friend back. 

Finally, it had taken so long, but now she had her one true friend back.


Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Gateway - Hallway

Calano skidded to a stop in front of Nameless. "Here to help?" He asked, looking past Nameless into the Archive beyond. He heard shouts.


Thaidakar, Bookwyrm, I'm too lazy to go back and read what's happened so... what's happened?

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Bookwyrm @UnfortunatelyNamed @Aes Sedai @InfiniteInsanity

The Corrupted Dreamscape

Layra blinked her eyes open, and looked at Emma. "It's a lot of power," She said, "That's for sure. I like it. What's the plan?"

@The Wandering Wizard

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The Corrupted Dreamscape

"Yes it is quite a lot. And without the Kaos being awake I can't gift you any more than I have."

Turning around Emma jabs her finger at the wall and power rushes through her veins. A midnight bolt blasts the wall and a equally dark midnight black portal opens.

"Into there we can go. I know where they were before and so it should be easy to find them again."

Grinning at Layra, Emma dives through the portal. It felt good to use her birthright as it should be. The power still rushed through her veins giving her the heady sensation of being ontop of the world. Nothing and no one could stop her now. Not even her husband, for soon she would corrupt him and he would be hers again, instead of a traitor.


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7 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Gateway - Hallway

Insa went through Rue's gateway and caught up with them. She saw Nameless and frowned. "Hold up. If you're here and so is Rue who is keeping watch out?" 


Somewhere over the rainbow

Joe waved. "I'm here too!"

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Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Hallway

Nameless nodded to Calano, then glanced at Insa. “I left Joe to-” Nameless noticed Joe. “Uh, nobody, I guess. Don’t worry, my wards will warn me if anyone tries to attack the camp.” He turned to state at the Archive, awe filling his face. “This was made by a multiversal group, right? So they have information from basically every universe?”

@CalanoCorvus @InfiniteInsanity @Shining Silhouette

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23 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Hallway

Nameless nodded to Calano, then glanced at Insa. “I left Joe to-” Nameless noticed Joe. “Uh, nobody, I guess. Don’t worry, my wards will warn me if anyone tries to attack the camp.” He turned to state at the Archive, awe filling his face. “This was made by a multiversal group, right? So they have information from basically every universe?”

@CalanoCorvus @InfiniteInsanity @Shining Silhouette

Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Hallway

Calano nodded. "The Worldseers," He said, then started walking in, "If we're gonna find anything, it'll be in here."

@InfiniteInsanity @Shining Silhouette @The Bookwyrm @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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