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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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6 hours ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Island on a Distant World

"I suppose this means I'll have plenty of time to complete the evaluation." Lark put his clipboard in his pack. "So, you have any idea where that thing you're looking for is?"

Island on a Distant World

Bookwyrm shook his head. "Nope. I don't even know what I am looking for. I just know that it's something."

He gazed towards the main part of the island, then looked at the twin suns, which had risen in the sky since he had arrived.

"I think we're in late morning, this planet's time. I don't know how long a day is. But we should have a few hours to poke around and look for stuff before nightfall."


Nightfall is when stuff happens.


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2 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Island on a Distant World

Bookwyrm shook his head. "Nope. I don't even know what I am looking for. I just know that it's something."

He gazed towards the main part of the island, then looked at the twin suns, which had risen in the sky since he had arrived.

"I think we're in late morning, this planet's time. I don't know how long a day is. But we should have a few hours to poke around and look for stuff before nightfall."

Island on a Distant World

Lark nodded. "Sounds like an adequate plan. Where are you going to start looking?"

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1 hour ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

The Clinic: Library

Nameless laughed wryly. "What do you do in your free time? Plot out ways to protect the world from the evils of men like me?"

@Aes Sedai

The Clinic: Lobby

Rue sniffed. "At least I'm doing something. You can't live your whole life in a false reality. Sometime, you'll have to wake up and live." She looked away. "Nevermind. I protect the world, and that's more than you or your kind can say."

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The Clinic: Library

"You're too rooted in the real world for your own good." Nameless stood up, snapping the book closed and placing it on a stack. "And anyways, these aren't Brandon Sanderson books. They're physical compendiums from the Archives, specifically every book with a reference to the Second Archive's location. That's where they stored information on the One Power."

@Aes Sedai

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12 hours ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Island on a Distant World

Lark nodded. "Sounds like an adequate plan. Where are you going to start looking?"

Island on a Distant World

Bookwyrm shrugged. "I wasn't sure. I guess we could check the deeper parts of the jungle for ruins or hidden technology or something."

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15 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The Dreamscape

Emma grinned as the air began to pulse with power. Darkness trickles from her fingers, infecting the hallway, being pulled in a direction.

Dashing after Insa, Emma glories in the rushing wind in her face. The short contest is a thrill and a welcome rest from her burdens.


The Dreamscape

Insa smiled as she ran down  the hallway. I haven't done this for far too long. And then she ran into a door.

@The Wandering Wizard

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Clinic: Lobby

Wizard closed his eyes, internally he trembled. For he knew of what was going to come, the pain that the others would experience before it was over.

"It is the past, and history repeats itself. I learned it when I became an avatar."

The bile burbled in his throat and hastily Wizard shoved it down. They could not know anymore, it would be the end of free will if they knew what was going to happen. He had seen it.

Springing to his feet, the tiger begins pacing around the fountain. There was but one thing left for him to do. A part of himself gnawed on his thoughts, preying on his weaknesses. 

If he was going to be dead soon, it would be a release. And then no problems would he have to face anymore. That guilt began to worm itself into his mind. 

Turning to Calano, Wizard utters what he knows must be dreaded words to the others. "I must leave."


The Dreamscape

Emma giggled as she continued racing forward. Then she too found a door with her face.


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41 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Wizard closed his eyes, internally he trembled. For he knew of what was going to come, the pain that the others would experience before it was over.

"It is the past, and history repeats itself. I learned it when I became an avatar."

The bile burbled in his throat and hastily Wizard shoved it down. They could not know anymore, it would be the end of free will if they knew what was going to happen. He had seen it.

Springing to his feet, the tiger begins pacing around the fountain. There was but one thing left for him to do. A part of himself gnawed on his thoughts, preying on his weaknesses. 

If he was going to be dead soon, it would be a release. And then no problems would he have to face anymore. That guilt began to worm itself into his mind. 

Turning to Calano, Wizard utters what he knows must be dreaded words to the others. "I must leave."

Clinic: Lobby

"Where are you going?" Calano asked, frowning.

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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Island on a Distant World

Bookwyrm shrugged. "I wasn't sure. I guess we could check the deeper parts of the jungle for ruins or hidden technology or something."

Island on a Distant World

Lark nodded. “Sounds like an adequate plan.”

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13 hours ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

The Clinic: Library

"You're too rooted in the real world for your own good." Nameless stood up, snapping the book closed and placing it on a stack. "And anyways, these aren't Brandon Sanderson books. They're physical compendiums from the Archives, specifically every book with a reference to the Second Archive's location. That's where they stored information on the One Power."

@Aes Sedai

“Too rooted?” Rue asked skeptically. “Look, just hurry. They’re doing more damage while you sit here reading.”


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Clinic: Lobby

Wizard continued walking forward, his light already begining to fade.

"It is what I must do. In time you will understand. In time."

His form fades from the clinic, returning the waiting place.


The Dreamscape

Insa's laughter proves contagious and Emma bursts into peals of laughter, a grin spliting her face.

Shakily she manages to stand up, laughter still pouring out of her.



Those tendrils in you Bookwyrm are going to start spreading soon.

@The Bookwyrm

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1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Clinic: Lobby

Wizard continued walking forward, his light already begining to fade.

"It is what I must do. In time you will understand. In time."

His form fades from the clinic, returning the waiting place.


Clinic: Lobby

Calano cursed, sighed, and put his head in his hands. He was too tired to grieve anymore. Who knew if Wizard would come back?

Calano was confused, sad, and tired.

He needed sleep.

But... who knew if sleep would come. He stood, then teleported to his room, and collapsed on the bed.

He sighed, numb and cold, and just lay there.


anyone wanna... come boost his morale?


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1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

I have no one left, all corrupted, or preparing what they can before their quite likely death :P

Uncorrupted Emma would have loved to come though.



Well, duh. But she can't. Calano depressed o7 :P


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23 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

“Too rooted?” Rue asked skeptically. “Look, just hurry. They’re doing more damage while you sit here reading.”


Clinic: Library

“We can’t leave until Thaidakar’s ready, and this is important anyways. Every bit of information we can find will be useful.” Nameless finished flipping through another book, placing it in a large pile to the side. “How about you go see where he is? I’m almost done here.”

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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Okay. But Bookwyrm is not going to let himself get corrupted. He has his own Light.

But he will certainly feel the darkness's effects.


Everyone has their own light. You'd need to find the pool soonish before the corruption. It will keep spreading and corrupting because that is it's nature. The light inside will help you stave it off until after the end. But yeah, he definitely would be feeling more of the effects by now.


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