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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"How sweet." Malum sent out a bolt of energy. destroying the picture of Emma.

Clinic: Calano's Office

Calano watched as the picture disintegrated into nothing. Then he turned back to Malum.

And attacked.

Magic did not aid him. Only his rage, the most powerful magic of all. Light emanated from him, preventing the destructive forces Malum weilded from truly harming him.

He dove for Malum, grappling the man, the god, whatever he was, scratching and clawing and punching. Rage and Light fueled him, provided a backing force to his attack.


Just going to point out, despite being a god, Malum is... actually quite weak compared to Calano. Calano can and will kill Malum, but he does not want to, in Emma's memory.

You also just destroyed probably Calano's favorite physical memory of his wife.

You're screwed.


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32 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Island on a Distant World

Lark nodded. "If you say so." He picked a flower up off the ground and sniffed it curiously. "Interesting."

Island on a Distant World

Bookwyrm walked through the bed of flowers, looking for anything interesting.

Something was off about the flowers, though. They looked...vaguely familiar, in shape, at least. He plucked one and studied it.

This is...it's a Silent Princess. From that one version of Hyrule...but the color is wrong. Indeed, the deep purple and black petals seemed wrong on the delicate flower, and it's shape was...twisted, somehow. 

Bookwyrm leaned over and picked up another flower, which he recognized as a Marewill. From Scadrial. This world obviously had connections, or at least interdimensional travellers had visited it in the past. Which was obvious.

The Marewill flower was also purple, though, and there was also something wrong about it.

Kaos, he realized.

Suddenly, the tendrils in his mind erupted, reacting to the twisted flowers. The darkness overpowered him. Bookwyrm cried out as his vision darkened, and he collapsed onto the soft bed of flowers.

Bookwyrm's Mind

Darkness swirled around him, shrouding reasoning and memory. He pulled into himself and gathered his consciousness and power. A mental image appeared to him; he stood alone on an island of light in the center of his mind, surrounded by swirling darkness. His sense of self was okay...the darkness could not get close enough to him to corrupt his soul. But the rest of his mind was shrouded.

Well, he thought to himself, wishing that he still had some control over his body. Now what?

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Clinic: Calano's Office

Calano watched as the picture disintegrated into nothing. Then he turned back to Malum.

And attacked.

Magic did not aid him. Only his rage, the most powerful magic of all. Light emanated from him, preventing the destructive forces Malum weilded from truly harming him.

He dove for Malum, grappling the man, the god, whatever he was, scratching and clawing and punching. Rage and Light fueled him, provided a backing force to his attack.

Malum grunted, but did not fight back. He merely swiped his arm in the arm in front of him. There was a glint of metal, and he began to glow with a bright white light, then disappeared.


So the thing with Malum is he is uniquely hard to affect with magic that is not form his own world. He can also manipulate space, which allows for teleportation, to a certain degree.

Calano can probably pursue him, but be warned that if they actually get into a fight Calano will probably end up corrupted, which may change your desired outcome for this whole thing.


Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
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The Dreamscape

Emma released Insa, jumping a bit in surprise of Joe's teleport. More from the fact that he had learned it so quickly.

"For now we search this archive for the map room, the planetarium. What ever holds all their knowledge of different planets. With that I can find the bind points to destroy and we can embrace all under the Kaos."

@Shining Silhouette @InfiniteInsanity

1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

Am I to understand that Kaos has begun to corrupt other universes?



Yes, it has begun to infect other worlds.


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The Space for Travel

The Shrai strolls in an expanse of nothing when it is suddenly ejected into a field of flowers.

Island on a Distant World

The Shrai forms on an island, wondering where it is. It walks over to where Bookwyrm fell and asks, "What the freedom is happening here?!"

@The Bookwyrm

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13 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Island on a Distant World

The Shrai forms on an island, wondering where it is. It walks over to where Bookwyrm fell and asks, "What the freedom is happening here?!"

@The Bookwyrm

Island on a Distant World

Bookwyrm lay there, unconscious and unresponsive. 


Keep in mind now that The Shrai is unable to leave. We're all stuck in this part of the multiverse until we find an exit point.


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35 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The Dreamscape

Emma released Insa, jumping a bit in surprise of Joe's teleport. More from the fact that he had learned it so quickly.

"For now we search this archive for the map room, the planetarium. What ever holds all their knowledge of different planets. With that I can find the bind points to destroy and we can embrace all under the Kaos."


Joe began to search. He pulled up Google.

"It says here that it's located in Southern Newcago. Might just be false info tho"

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48 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Malum grunted, but did not fight back. He merely swiped his arm in the arm in front of him. There was a glint of metal, and he began to glow with a bright white light, then disappeared.

Clinic: Calano's Room

Calano fell to the floor as Malum vanished. Then he stood and stalked over to his bed.

He sat there and stared hard at the floor.


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Just now, CalanoCorvus said:

Clinic: Calano's Room

Calano fell to the floor as Malum vanished. Then he stood and stalked over to his bed.

He sat there and stared hard at the floor.


A cruel, mocking laughter came to Calano's mind. It was Malum's voice at first, but it changed, shifting into Emma's. It sounded very real.


And he can also do voices.


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5 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

A cruel, mocking laughter came to Calano's mind. It was Malum's voice at first, but it changed, shifting into Emma's. It sounded very real.


Geez man. Malum a jerk frfr. (can't swear. pretend i said the b word)

Clinic: Calano's Room

Calano closed his eyes tightly, hissing out a breath through his teeth.

"Shut up," He whispered, tracing the Connection to attempt to break it. "Shut up."

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1 minute ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Clinic: Calano's Room

Calano closed his eyes tightly, hissing out a breath through his teeth.

"Shut up," He whispered, tracing the Connection to attempt to break it. "Shut up."

The laughter continued, then cut off abruptly.

"Calano?" Emma's voice spoke, sounding desperate and terrified.

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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

The laughter continued, then cut off abruptly.

"Calano?" Emma's voice spoke, sounding desperate and terrified.

Clinic: Calano's Room

Calano opened his eyes, his breath catching.

Her voice sounded so real.

No... But it couldn't be her.

"No," He muttered, "Not now, please, not now."

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12 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Clinic: Calano's Room

Calano opened his eyes, his breath catching.

Her voice sounded so real.

No... But it couldn't be her.

"No," He muttered, "Not now, please, not now."

"What happened? Calano, why did you leave me?"


Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The Dreamscape

Emma released Insa, jumping a bit in surprise of Joe's teleport. More from the fact that he had learned it so quickly.

"For now we search this archive for the map room, the planetarium. What ever holds all their knowledge of different planets. With that I can find the bind points to destroy and we can embrace all under the Kaos."

@Shining Silhouette @InfiniteInsanity




37 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Joe began to search. He pulled up Google.

"It says here that it's located in Southern Newcago. Might just be false info tho"

The Dreamscape

"Pretty sure that everything we are looking for is in this archive. Might also be some information on it back at the clinic."

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10 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Clinic: Calano's Room

"I didn't leave you," Calano whispered, staring at the floor, "You left me. You let it take over. Don't..."

"You think I chose that? You think I wanted to be corrupted? And now you've abandoned me."


Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
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53 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Yes, it has begun to infect other worlds.

He awoke to the beeping of his alarm clock, a harsh sound that snapped him out of his dream. He groaned, squinting at the numbers on the display. 6:50, it read. Which meant that it was, sadly, time to wake up. He slapped the button that would deactivate the alarm, then - after a moment of just laying there - rolled out of bed and started getting ready.

It was while brushing he teeth that he realized something was wrong. He couldn't tell what it was, at first; just a deep sense of unease that seemed to hang in the air. It wasn't until he nearly tripped on a ball at the top of the stairs and sent it bouncing down that he realized what was wrong. The house was silent.

With some amount of trepidation, he made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen. There was nobody there. Well, maybe they were all still sleeping. Still on edge, he poured a bowl of cereal and began eating. 

"Boo," his sister said behind him suddenly. He nearly jumped out of his chair. She laughed hysterically as he spun around, panicked. "Your face," she gasped. "Oh, your face!"

Despite himself, a smile began to curve up at the edges of his lips. "Sheesh, Rilla. You nearly scared me to death..." He trailed off, staring at Rilla's face. Beneath both of her eyes ran rivulets of glossy black, as though she had just finished crying oil. "What are those?" he asked.

She frowned. "What are what?"

"The... black stuff. Underneath your eyes."

Her frown deepened but she did not respond. Her eyes lifted up, looking past him across the room. He turned his head to follow her gaze and saw the rest of his family. All with the same strange markings under their eyes. The pit of unease that that had been sitting in his stomach all morning began to twist into fear. He stood up, dropping his spoon, and rushed to the nearest mirror. He stared at his own face. There were several faint lines of slightly-paler skin, but that was normal. He ran his fingers under his eyes, double-checking to make sure that he was in fact free of the markings.

When he looked up from the mirror, Rilla was there. Staring at him. "You don't have them," she said, her voice distant. "You haven't joined us."


"What?" he replied, his fear blossoming into full-fledged panic. "Rilla, if this is some sort of practical joke, it isn't very funny. You got me, okay? Ha ha. Look at my face." He started to back away, retreating from Rilla's calm, empty stare. She kept staring at him for a few moments as he slowly backed away. Then she spoke.


"You will join us," she said. "It is only a matter of time."

At that, he bolted for the door. He could hear the steady, measured footsteps of Rilla and the rest of his family following him, but he didn't dare look back. He wrenched the doorknob and threw the door open, bursting into the cool spring air and bright blue sky-

Except that the sky wasn't blue. Not anymore. It dripped with black tearstains, as though someone had poured a bucket of paint over the heavens. He simply stood there, stunned, until he suddenly felt a hand grasp his wrist.

"Join us," his sister's voice said, and tendrils of darkness began to force their way into his skin.

Pain. Golden, fiery pain. He was distantly aware that someone was screaming. It was a moment later that he realized it was him. The lines across his body burned into his skin, as though he had become a living lightbulb.

"Stop," he tried to say, but he couldn't get the words to form. He just wanted it to stop. Wanted it to stop hurting. Wanted it to just go away-

And then, suddenly, something snapped, and a sense of some strange emptiness washed over him. He was faintly aware of his sister gasping in shock as the world around him began to fall away, but he couldn't bring himself to care. The pain was gone.

Clinic: Outside Calano's Room

A young man appeared out of nowhere a foot or so in the air with a rather large pop and fell to the ground.

"Ow," he said. Or tried to say. For some reason his voice didn't seem to be working right.



Hope you don't mind my intrusion.


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The Dreamscape

"Only the information in here will contain enough for me to feel the location."

Turning around Emma flowed down back towards where they started. Back towards the starlight pathway. Her attire shifting as her emotions fluctuated.

@InfiniteInsanity @Shining Silhouette

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2 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Island on a Distant World

"ANSWER ME!!" The Shrai shouts, furious. "I will invade your mind if I must!"



They're free to. All they'll see is swirling darkness at the moment.

Also, can you give me a summary of who The Shrai is as a character?

Bookwyrm's Mind

Bookwyrm shoved a burst of mental light and energy into the swirling darkness. It parted temporarily, only to re-form and keep flowing as the darkness continued to swirl.

Scud, Bookwyrm thought. I'm going to need a lot of-

A tendril of darkness lashed at Bookwyrm, striking his soul. He suddenly perceived the artificial emotions that had overwhelmed his mind, and gasped as intense guilt flooded through his very being.

You couldn't save her. She's gone because of you.

The false emotions faded in the light, but a sense of Bookwyrm's own guilt lingered. He shoved it down.

I'm here to save her.

He channeled that determination and flooded his mind with it.

The darkness retreated. Just slightly, but it moved.

Okay, he thought. Let's see if I can do it again.

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7 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Clinic: Calano's Room

"I didn't leave you," Calano whispered, staring at the floor, "You left me. You let it take over. Don't..."


SCUD! I am so sorry I couldn't RP today! Don't worry - this cat's gotchu bro

Also, just in case you didn't know, Telrao has train four thousand years to fight against this sort of thing - so she isn't completely useless hehe

Telrao froze when Malum disappeared, then glanced at her glowing lines on the floor. They flickered close by where Calano sat on his bed.

She strained, trying to sense Malum, but she could not feel him. She glanced at her lines, her furry forehead furrowing. She padded up to Calano and jumped onto his lap, getting in his face.

"Calano... Calano, look at me." She blepped his nose. "I'm here, Calano. Don't listen to the voices. Look at me."

@CalanoCorvus @The Aspiring Archivist

Edited by Telrao
Had to edit where Calano was lol
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5 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm's Mind

Bookwyrm shoved a burst of mental light and energy into the swirling darkness. It parted temporarily, only to re-form and keep flowing as the darkness continued to swirl.

Scud, Bookwyrm thought. I'm going to need a lot of-

A tendril of darkness lashed at Bookwyrm, striking his soul. He suddenly perceived the artificial emotions that had overwhelmed his mind, and gasped as intense guilt flooded through his very being.

You couldn't save her. She's gone because of you.

The false emotions faded in the light, but a sense of Bookwyrm's own guilt lingered. He shoved it down.

I'm here to save her.

He channeled that determination and flooded his mind with it.

The darkness retreated. Just slightly, but it moved.

Okay, he thought. Let's see if I can do it again.

Bookwyrm's Mind

A dim ray of light pierced through the darkness, reaching Bookwyrm to weakly wrap around his arm. Bookwyrm? Lark's voice sounded concerned, and a sense of strain echoed through the weak connection. How did this darkness get into you? I've never seen anything quite like it.

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3 minutes ago, Telrao said:

Telrao froze when Malum disappeared, then glanced at her glowing lines on the floor. They flickered close by where Calano kneeled on the floor. 

Her hackles rose, as she could make out a cloudy patch of darkness, hovering close by Calano. She growled, then added another line. The patterns of glowing white lines writhed, then formed into a shield around Calano, blocking him from the dark influence.

"Be GONE!" She howled to Malum. "You HAVE NO POWER HERE!" She slammed her paw on the ground, a wave of pure white light pushing back the darkness.

@CalanoCorvus @The Aspiring Archivist


There is no external force or presence in the room influencing Calano. Malum is no longer in the room, but he does have a line of connection that allows him to speak to Calano.


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