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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Is that apparent?



Not particularly. But if anyone knew her before, she'd act differently. But none would know that until it's too late. Her eyes might flash with a covering of blackness if she uses any Kaos powers, such as corruption.


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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

TAAron is a zinc compounder, could he react fast enough to evade her?



He wouldn't know until she touched him if she was using it.

The Kaos is also relentless so. You could, like a car in 200cc mariokart, avoid it for a time. But eventually it would catch up with you. Unless you left before she started going stuff. Well you could possibly out run it, but it would drain your zinc minds at a far greater rate, even though it isn't moving faster. Funky Kaos stuff.

1 minute ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

The Clinic: Infirmary

"Oh hey! You guys are back! Where's Haly?"

The Clinic: Infirmary

Emma's voice calls softly in Insa's mind.

"Can you here me? I can see a little through the necklace. It appears that the wind chime girl is no longer with them and they don't know you are corrupted."

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Just now, InfiniteInsanity said:

The Clinic: Infirmary

Insa responds. Oh. Okay. So pretend I'm not corrupted or...

"Do you know where she went?"

@The Aspiring Archivist @The Wandering Wizard

"I have no idea." He sighed. "So what's been happening over here? I heard that Emma got... taken, or something."

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The Clinic: Infirmary

Insa takes a deep breath in.

"Okay so Emma disappeared for a little while and when I found her she was asleep. She trapped me in this dome things and no one could get out or in. It was weird. And then she took me to Calano's sister and she like fully turned or something there. Calano's sister got me out. And then... I don't remember..."

@The Aspiring Archivist

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1 minute ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

The Clinic: Infirmary

Insa takes a deep breath in.

"Okay so Emma disappeared for a little while and when I found her she was asleep. She trapped me in this dome things and no one could get out or in. It was weird. And then she took me to Calano's sister and she like fully turned or something there. Calano's sister got me out. And then... I don't remember..."

@The Aspiring Archivist

"What do you mean, you don't remember? And Emma captured you?"

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Just now, InfiniteInsanity said:

The Clinic: Infirmary

"Wait! I remember she captured all of us with Calano's sister who she corrupted. And then it goes fuzzy. I think Emma used me to try and fight Bookwyrm. But then Bookwyrm fixed it. And then WIzard showed up and brought us all back here."

@The Aspiring Archivist

TAAron took a small step back. "So... you were corrupted?"

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Just now, InfiniteInsanity said:

The Clinic: Infirmary

Insa looked down. "Yeah. Temporarily. She tried to corrupt me multiple times. She caught me three times."

TAAron frowned. "I'm not sure... that I believe you." He backed away a bit more.

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Could TAAron notice the exits being cut off?



Probably not before it's too late. It would look like a blackish purple solid wall of fog covering all the doors, and the rest of the clinic. But currently only around the infirmary when it goes up.

Clinic: Lobby

The staff begins vibrating in her hand, glowing that lovely black. 

A thick fog began to stream forth from the staff, a solid wall of Kaos.

Emma grinned, it was going to be so nice to turn the advantage against them. Soon they wouldn't be the ones who could see and she would be able to see all!

Wait, that wasn't my thought.

No Child, that was my thought. I am the Kaos.

Bowing in her mind to the Kaos Emma smiled. It was wonderful to be in the prescence of the Kaos again.

A invisible hand rested on her shoulder, bringing her back to her feet.

No need for that Child. I know of your desire to serve me.

Emma's heart leaped in her chest, because the Kaos spoke the truth.

I have only ever wished to serve you, my Queen.

That I know Child. You become just like me, the more you free of me. The one in this place holds it together, destroy it and you will destroy their sanctuary!

I understand my Queen. You have my word that it will be done.

Immediately the contact ceased and the euphoria slowly left Emma. The fog began to seep into her necklace, the one that matched Insa's.

"It is ready sister, just tap on the necklace while revealing that you are my sister, it may stun them long enough."


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Island on a Distant World

They ate as night fell. The suns dipped below the horizon and the stars slowly faded into existence, splaying the sky with their unfamiliar constellations. Bookwyrm thought that this planet was slightly above the galactic plane of it's galaxy, because staring at the dusty pathway in the sky, he thought he could make out details like arms and the core bulge...

In staring at the sky, he missed a glint of light on the horizon. But he did notice it as the light drew closer.

Bookwyrm stood up in alarm.

"I think something's coming," he said.

@UnfortunatelyNamed @Being of Cacophony

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Clinic: Calano's Office

Calano felt the rumblings.

Felt the presence of his wife, corrupted and angry.

Watched as Telrao put up the bubble.

He hung up.

Then he cursed. He summoned his Lightsword.

Any emotion pertaining to trying to save his wife fled.

Your wife is gone. He told himself. Only Kaos remains.

And that was that. He banished any hope of kissing his wife's lips again, of holding her in his arms. He banished any thought of weakness in the face of whatever she'd become. The Kaos had made the mistake of corrupting the one being he truly loved. And now It had taken her away from him.

It would know true pain.

It would know true sorrow.

It would know true Grief.

"Telrao," He growled, "Where are they?"


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Just now, CalanoCorvus said:

"Telrao," He growled, "Where are they?"

The Clinic: Calano's Office

Telrao twitched her ear and tipped her head, closing her eyes and searching for Emma. There. She pulled on that thread. "Southern quarter. Level 3, Hallway 15 A."

She opened her eyes and studied Calano with a concerned expression. "Calano," She said softly, "You can't beat Kaos on your own. We need to find the others..."


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Just now, Telrao said:

The Clinic: Calano's Office

Telrao twitched her ear and tipped her head, closing her eyes and searching for Emma. There. She pulled on that thread. "Southern quarter. Level 3, Hallway 15 A."

She opened her eyes and studied Calano with a concerned expression. "Calano," She said softly, "You can't beat Kaos on your own. We need to find the others..."


Clinic: Calano's Office

"Don't care," He muttered, and blinked. His vision changed, seeing through the walls of the Clinic.

There you are. He thought, honing in on Emma's location.

"I'll make it suffer." He said, then spun on the spot.

He disappeared, then reappeared behind his once-wife.

"Emma!" He shouted.

@The Wandering Wizard

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2 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Clinic: Calano's Office

"Don't care," He muttered, and blinked. His vision changed, seeing through the walls of the Clinic.

There you are. He thought, honing in on Emma's location.

"I'll make it suffer." He said, then spun on the spot.

He disappeared, then reappeared behind his once-wife.

"Emma!" He shouted.

@The Wandering Wizard


Have you responded as the doctor yet?


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1 minute ago, CalanoCorvus said:



Well, it doesn't seem like Wizard is on anyway... and TAAron is talking to Insa, but I don't think Lerac has noticed that. They could probably finish their conversation so that group can get up and move into the plot a little.

I don't know, I guess you decide.


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4 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"I think we called him a 'Type 5' or something."

Clinic: Infirmary, Room 4E

Alicia tapped a few buttons on the screen.

"Oh, Class 5?" Alicia said, then tapped a few more buttons.

She nodded. "Yeah, the energy matches up. Class 5D."

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