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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

She looked at him with panicked eyes. "You don't understand! I'm this close to losing myself to Kaos. Let me go!"

Tears sprung to his eyes. After a moment, he let her go. "I love you. I think."

Just now, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Lark sighed. "Another new patient? Now? No matter, I can take any number of people."

"Okay. Why does Thaidakar need me?"

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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Tears sprung to his eyes. After a moment, he let her go. "I love you. I think."

"And I love you!" She kept running, but called behind her back. "And that's why I want you to be the one to kill me!"

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2 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

"And I love you!" She kept running, but called behind her back. "And that's why I want you to be the one to kill me!"

"What? Kill you? Why?"


"Okay, take me to him. Can you?"


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4 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Okay, take me to him. Can you?"

"Of course." Lark waved a hand, and the world fuzzed around him, TAAron, and Corey

Calano's office

Lark appeared with TAAron and Corey. "Thaidakar, here's TAAron. What'd you want with him again? Please tell me you're not going to use him for an extremely critical part of the clinic's defense.

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Szeth's Facepalm

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51 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar turned to the cat. "Hm? Oh, how about you help guide people to the lunchroom, see if they're okay."

The Clinic: Calano's Office

Telrao studied him with a piercing feline gaze for a few moments, then sighed quietly. "I want to help. We have plenty of guards for that, Human. Do we need to shore up our defences? Infusions of light? Emergency shielding?" She studied her claws, then scratched a couple runes onto her small metal bracelet. They sparked for a moment, then faded to a soft glow.

"There are creatures out there that need to be destroyed. If we don't get rid of them, it won't matter whether people are in the lunch room or not. I'm requesting permission to gather a strike team and flush them out."

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood

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6 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

She had the advantage, though. She knew where she was going.

@The Wandering Wizard

Lerac kept running after her, tears in his eyes, calling her name. Eventually, he got completely lost. He then crumpled to the floor, sobbing.

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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Lerac kept running after her, tears in his eyes, calling her name. Eventually, he got completely lost. He then crumpled to the floor, sobbing.


The trauma... :lol:

And this'll have to be my last post for tonight. I'l probably be less active this week, but I'll try to get on as much as I can.

Meanwhile, in the outermost reaches of space, a beacon activated. 

Dharc rolled out of bed groggily. It took him a second to register why he had woken. "Lyna! Wake up!"

His wife sat up. "Dharc? Hush, you'll wake the baby."

Dharc looked at his newborn son lovingly. "It's Wynn... Her beacon's lit."

Lyna sighed. "So we're going, then?"


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2 hours ago, Telrao said:

The Clinic: Calano's Office

Telrao studied him with a piercing feline gaze for a few moments, then sighed quietly. "I want to help. We have plenty of guards for that, Human. Do we need to shore up our defences? Infusions of light? Emergency shielding?" She studied her claws, then scratched a couple runes onto her small metal bracelet. They sparked for a moment, then faded to a soft glow.

"There are creatures out there that need to be destroyed. If we don't get rid of them, it won't matter whether people are in the lunch room or not. I'm requesting permission to gather a strike team and flush them out."

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood

X inhaled deeply, then exhaled.

"I want to help," he said, though his voice pitched slightly higher at the end. "But there's a lot going on- and I don't know anything-"

He took another deep breath, closing his eyes. Breathe.

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10 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

X inhaled deeply, then exhaled.

"I want to help," he said, though his voice pitched slightly higher at the end. "But there's a lot going on- and I don't know anything-"

He took another deep breath, closing his eyes. Breathe.

The Clinic: Calano's Office

Telrao turned and looked at X, purring gently. She reached out to him with her mind and gave the impression of comfort. "I understand you recently went through loss, Human," She said softly. "And I understand your pain - more than you think." She paused, then continued, "This will be extremely dangerous. It is safer down below. Are you sure you wish to help?"


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Just now, Telrao said:

The Clinic: Calano's Office

Telrao turned and looked at X, purring gently. She reached out to him with her mind and gave the impression of comfort. "I understand you recently went through loss, Human," She said softly. "And I understand your pain - more than you think." She paused, then continued, "This will be extremely dangerous. It is safer down below. Are you sure you wish to help?"


"Will it be safe anywhere?" X exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. 

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1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Will it be safe anywhere?" X exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. 

The Clinic: Calano's Office

Telrao pulled back her lips in a snarl. "No. Not completely." She glanced out of the doorway, sensing Kaos. Everywhere. Her soul was practically choking on it.

"Are you willing to risk your life for the Clinic?" She asked.

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Just now, Telrao said:

The Clinic: Calano's Office

Telrao pulled back her lips in a snarl. "No. Not completely." She glanced out of the doorway, sensing Kaos. Everywhere. Her soul was practically choking on it.

"Are you willing to risk your life for the Clinic?" She asked.

"I... don't know anything about this Clinic. I just want my family back," X said, unable to stop his voice from wavering. "I need to do something."

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Matra, who stood behind X, stepped forward. “Me too,” she said quietly. “I need to do something. This standing around, letting the important people do the work, is killing me. How can I help?”

She sighed. “I know I’m basically redundant in this mess of gods and magic, and I know there won’t be any translations or messages to decipher, but at least let me try.”


The reason she says about translations is because that’s her only magic - that, and summoning a sword. She basically has the powers of an envoyform singer.


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Clinic: Hallway

Lerac sat right where he was for a long while. It that time, he cried more than he had in his entire life. He didn't really know what happened, only that he had lost the only person who had ever truly cared about him. The tears were hot and angry, flowing from frustration at his inability to do anything.

Suddenly, the heat was replaced by cold. An all-encompassing, terrible cold. It wasn't his own. He had known that cold a few times before. Once, when his healing had touched a dead man. And then, each time... Death.

Lerac leapt to his feet, spinning around, wiping away tears. No cloaked figure was to be found, yet still the feeling persisted. Finally, his eyes locked on something on the ground. A simple dagger, much like the ones he had trained with for years back in his homeland, lay on the ground. Its handle had a strange appearance of burnt metal, and the blade was a dull, metallic black. It was undoubtedly the source of the cold. Carefully, Lerac reached to pick it up.

As soon as his fingers brushed the handle, he felt a painful sting that sent a shock through his whole nervous system, along with another wave of cold. His arm recoiled almost involuntarily, and he shivered. What is this thing? He went for it a second time, swiftly picking it up. The sting came again, stronger, agonizing. He wanted to let go, but found he couldn't. The cold encroached on his mind, and a sense of energy filled him. It wasn't dark or light, or even orderly or chaotic. It was merely forceful, compelling. He felt it running beneath his skin, and through his core. It made his eyes burn with a terrifying light. It touched his mind, and he knew it, though he could not explain what it was. It was Death, but it did not seek to kill. It was entropy with respect to order.

Then, Lerac screamed. He released his anger, his frustration, his regret. He released the energy, and the hallway around him caught fire with the same eerie light, though it did not burn, not if he didn't want it to. The scream echoed through the Clinic, agonized and unearthly. Only a few people would hear it, those who had a connection to enough power.

Then, he stopped, breathing heavily, still holding tightly to the dagger. He stood there in the blaze, waiting. Waiting...

@Ranryu @InfiniteInsanity @CalanoCorvus @The Wandering Wizard @Thaidakar the Ghostblood


Basically anyone who is corrupted or is high class 4 or above can hear it. I think all of those people are within that, let me know if I should add anyone to the list or remove them.


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Island on a Distant World

The Wyrmhole deposited them on the mountaintop, same as before. It was nighttime, with the angled view of the galaxy splayed above, and the two moons rising in the east. Or maybe west. He didn't know which way this planet spun.

Bookwyrm looked down at the lagoon, where he saw an encampment of Lightbringers; there were two more of the hovercraft-vehicles and some fortifications, along with a lot more soldiers.

Bookwyrm, rather than hiking all the way down, grabbed Calano and Platypus by their arms and Lashed them through the air towards the Lightbringer camp.

@CalanoCorvus @Being of Cacophony

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49 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Island on a Distant World

The Wyrmhole deposited them on the mountaintop, same as before. It was nighttime, with the angled view of the galaxy splayed above, and the two moons rising in the east. Or maybe west. He didn't know which way this planet spun.

Bookwyrm looked down at the lagoon, where he saw an encampment of Lightbringers; there were two more of the hovercraft-vehicles and some fortifications, along with a lot more soldiers.

Bookwyrm, rather than hiking all the way down, grabbed Calano and Platypus by their arms and Lashed them through the air towards the Lightbringer camp.

@CalanoCorvus @Being of Cacophony

Island on a Distant World

Calano cursed as his orientation changed, but looked forwards at the night sky.

"It's beautiful," He shouted over the wind.

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Island on a Distant World

Calano cursed as his orientation changed, but looked forwards at the night sky.

"It's beautiful," He shouted over the wind.

Island on a Distant World

Bookwyrm nodded. "It really is."

They landed at the perimeter of the camp, and the two soldiers standing guard let them in immediately. Not a second after they entered, and Revli ran up to them.

"Something's happening," she said. "The Prison dimension is weakening considerably by strides. Skeletal armies are assaulting some vital worlds, and the agents of Kaos we're used to fighting have gotten more powerful. What's happening?"

"Kaos is close to escaping, yes," Bookwyrm said. "A coordinated attack that was run by it's most powerful Corrupted. We need to get to the Origin."

Revil nodded, which surprised Bookwyrm. 

"Whatever you need," she said. She pulled out a small device, like a phone, and tapped it a few times. A mental coordinate appeared in Bookwyrm's mind.

"The Origin is in this universe, about 9.8 billion light years from where we are now. The coordinates you just received will lead you right to it."

Bookwyrm nodded his thanks. "Anything else we can help with?"

"Just do what needs to be done. We can defend our own."

Bookwyrm opened another Wyrmhole, one leading towards the Origin.

@Being of Cacophony

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Clinic: Hallway

Shark chased after Wynn. He didn't know where or why she was running, but he did not want to lose her. He'd already lost Haly. Shark had a bad feeling about this whole situation. It had taken him too long to get here. His fight with the skeleton hoard had taken too long because the dang things had kept putting themselves back together. It had ended with Shark eventually fleeing, knowing that, had he stayed, the fight with the skeletons would go on for a long time. Too long. Way longer than he had time for. Even so, he had arrived too late. Wynn was gone. He raced after where he had gone, reverting back to his usual, more lagamorphic form for additional speed. "Come back, come back!" He called.

@Ranryu, @The Aspiring Archivist


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16 minutes ago, That1Cellist said:

Clinic: Hallway

Shark chased after Wynn. He didn't know where or why she was running, but he did not want to lose her. He'd already lost Haly. Shark had a bad feeling about this whole situation. It had taken him too long to get here. His fight with the skeleton hoard had taken too long because the dang things had kept putting themselves back together. It had ended with Shark eventually fleeing, knowing that, had he stayed, the fight with the skeletons would go on for a long time. Too long. Way longer than he had time for. Even so, he had arrived too late. Wynn was gone. He raced after where he had gone, reverting back to his usual, more lagamorphic form for additional speed. "Come back, come back!" He called.

@Ranryu, @The Aspiring Archivist


Clinic: Hallway

Shark eventually came upon Lerac, standing in his blaze of strange, greyish fire, eyes glowing with the same light. The fire, oddly, seemed to give off waves of cold.


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19 hours ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

The Second Archive

"Blank?" Nameless opened to book, turning a blank page to face Rue. "What are you talking about? It's got words there." He flipped a page absently, then gasped. "Light! That's the best illustration of a weave that I've ever seen." He stared in awe at the page, which was also blank to Rue's eyes.

The Second Archive

“You really are insane, aren’t you?” Rue murmured in awe, prodding the book with a thread of Spirit. “This could be interesting to study. What does the weave look like?”

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